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Anonymous No. 16625940

should you take antibiotics for a toof extraction? i tend to avoid antibiotics cause i feel like they give me kike vibes.

Anonymous No. 16625950

Are you doing the yarn on a doorknob trick? Or are you paying a professional who can help you make this decision?

Anonymous No. 16625954

If you get infection after-yes.
As a preemptive measure- no. The chances of any infection are very low. Even if you get an infection, then you can fix it with taking antibiotics

Anonymous No. 16625959

Mouth infections can reach the brain. Take the pill, eat fermented foods after you've healed.

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Anonymous No. 16625989

the professional will extract it for free since im in europe. i have an abscess that has been troubling me. apparently if i dont remove this toof it may impact the toof nearby as well. this x ray is a few months old so it doesnt show as much. affected toof is number 16, so up right molar. the toof was devitalized after this x ray, also not shown therefore.
it's technically already infected. i have an abscess.

Anonymous No. 16626014

>Take the pill, eat fermented foods after you've healed.

but...the jews...

Anonymous No. 16626073

Ask your dentist not 4chan because it will depend on how deep the wound will be. You need antibiotics for deep wounds even if the surgery or whatever was performed in perfectly sterile environment.
You will most likely not need them but it ultimately depends on the specifics of your particular procedure. Just ask your dentist after the extraction.
If for some reason you can't ask and believe the wound is deep, take the antibiotics. The minor hit to the gut flora is vastly preferable to how nasty an infection can be.

Anonymous No. 16626145

when 16 is extracted, there will be a maxillary sinus perforation. The infection is already causing a right side chronic sinusitis. 2g of amoxicillin or 1.5g cephalexin 1h preop. p.o. is indicated imo. Also, you will most likely a required a Rehrmann plasty alongside the tooth extractio. Either way, 3-5 continued antibiotic is highly likely.

t. dentalhomo

Anonymous No. 16626162

>maxillary sinus perforation
how will they perforate my sinus? you mean when they will put in the fake replacement tooth eventually? that sounds like a mistake not something normal.
>The infection is already causing a right side chronic sinusitis
you can see this from the x ray? could you highlight? i dont have any symptoms. also the right side of the picture is actually my anatomical left side.
>Rehrmann plasty
what's that?

by the way is there also any way that sideways wisdom tooth could be straightened without being removed? i dont care if it's useless, i want to keep it ideally.

Anonymous No. 16626337

Antibiotics should never be taken. They're blatantly toxic

Anonymous No. 16626346

When I had my #15 removed because it decided to crack after a root canal they had to put in dead guy bone and magic bone growth powder into the hole because I could smell my brain.
Sometimes I can still hear it.
Is this what you mean?

Anonymous No. 16626348

>Antibiotics are toxic
Found the biot.