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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16625998

Who is your favorite historical engineer/chemist/mathematician/physicist and WHY?

Anonymous No. 16626089

None of them / all of them. Idgf other than admiring their work.

Anonymous No. 16626115

idk much about chemistry

Anonymous No. 16626235

nikola tesla

he died a virgin

Anonymous No. 16626263

Neumann, Neumann, Neumann, and Neumann.

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Anonymous No. 16626269

Bicycle Day

Anonymous No. 16626271

Don't think I know any of them enough to like them except Tesla which seemed to be one of the few good and selfless human beings

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Anonymous No. 16626380

WR Hamilton

Anonymous No. 16626397

As far as some more commonly documented mathematicians with references available, the following.

Paul Erdős

For his prolific contributions to a variety of publications and his relatively open use of amphetamines. A proper meth-matician.

John Von Neumann

For stories around his eccentricities and for projects such as his Von Neumann architecture, which was fairly innovative at the time.

Kurt Gödel

Largely due to his Incompleteness Theorem, which is one of my favorite results and approaches in a proof I've read.

Srinivasa Ramanujan

For his unconventional story and for some scans I found years ago of his personal notebooks that I haven't been able to locate the versions of since. This was years before a film was released about him, which I haven't bothered to watch.

Martin Gardner

For his work in recreational mathematics publications.

Grigori Perelman

For his work on solving one of the Millenium Prize Problems involving The Poincaré Conjecture and his somewhat reclusive nature. He sort of reminds me vaguely of a mathematics version of Aphex Twin or something, based on what little resources I've found.

There are many others that are less documented and that I've had first-hand experience with for various reasons including unconventional calculation methods they introduced to me, though unfortunately I've forgotten many of these.

Anonymous No. 16626400

I didn't realize Woody Allen was a historic academic, or possibly so ancient.

Anonymous No. 16626401

Scratch that, I meant Woody Harrelson.