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๐Ÿงต stimulants

Anonymous No. 16626000

how common is it to take stimulants/adderall among high performing professionals like physicians, STEM phds, etc.?

Im in med school and I started it recently and I can't imagine doing it without it. I finally feel like I can function like the other people in my school, and study for long periods of time, and do well on exams

is everyone on this shit, or am I naturally retarded and just needed the boost?

Anonymous No. 16626046

Why would anyone go to med school in 2025? WebMD has been doing your job for 15 years now and AI is only getting better.

Anonymous No. 16626144

I can't get Adderall but I can get amphetamine sulfate
Worth it?

Anonymous No. 16626226

I just matched into ENT so let me know when AI is going to be doing surgery lol loser

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Anonymous No. 16626231

Let's see here,

>permanently frying your brain's reward system and dopamine regulation
>mood swings
>heart disease, stroke, depression & anxiety
>did i forget to mention TWEAKING THE FUCK OUT

enjoy residency cunt.

Anonymous No. 16627832

Working data scientist. I have ADHD and take adderall most days (20 mg first thing in the morning, 10 mg right after lunch). been on it for years. I'm fine. Don't let the anti science dipshits derail you. You're in fucking med school, which makes you more accomplished than 95% of the neckbeard basement trolls on this site. You don't need to take advice from them, you're doing fine.

Anonymous No. 16627910

Half the people I work with are gassed up on ADHD meds, cocaine and various other drugs.
Just be aware of the side effects like it turning you into a pyschopath.
I've found it's good to take a break every now and then and "reset" your brain with LSD or shrooms.