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🧵 Most Distant Galaxy Ever Seen Is Filled With Oxygen and That Makes No Sense

Anonymous No. 16626188

Anonymous No. 16626198

fake and gay

Anonymous No. 16626207

>why would the furthest visible galaxy be full of oxygen and why would it stump scientists
The discovery of oxygen in the furthest visible galaxy — one that formed very early in the universe's history — is surprising because oxygen is a "heavy element" that didn't exist right after the Big Bang. Here’s a quick breakdown of why it’s puzzling:

Primordial Elements: After the Big Bang, the universe was mostly hydrogen and helium, with a tiny bit of lithium. Heavier elements like oxygen only formed later through nuclear fusion in stars.

Stellar Evolution Timeline: For oxygen to appear in large quantities, you need several generations of stars to form, live, die (in supernova explosions), and spread their oxygen into space. Seeing a distant (and therefore ancient) galaxy already rich in oxygen means this process must have happened extremely fast — faster than expected.

Early Star Formation: The presence of oxygen suggests that the first stars (called Population III stars) formed very quickly, burned through their fuel rapidly, and exploded as supernovae much sooner than scientists predicted. This challenges existing models of early star formation and galaxy evolution.

Implications for Cosmic Evolution: If galaxies enriched themselves with oxygen so early, it means the universe may have become complex more quickly than previously thought. This could reshape ideas about the conditions that led to galaxies, planets, and potentially life.

Anonymous No. 16626292

I believe this galaxy is still a few hundred million years after the big bang, so it's not exactly had no time to form oxygen. Even then it may just be an odd outlier in how much oxygen it's got rather than the norm.

Anonymous No. 16626297

Why does this not make sense? If you have a very massive 1st generation of stars they'd live on order of 1Myr, then you get another less massive generation that lives 10Myr, you're getting through lots of oxygen production. You might even have 3rd generation stars already going supernova, etc.

Anonymous No. 16628022

>not exactly had no time to form oxygen
how come all the elements were not formed during the big bang explosion before the density and temp were too low?

Anonymous No. 16628030

the standard answer would be temperature. even though heavier elements have more stable nuclear configurations, they can't be formed coming out of a quark-gluon plasma because of the insane energies.
but probably the easiest explanation for oxygen to keep big bangers happy is that there was a huge amount of deuterium and that will massively accelerate stellar fusion. the lack of deuterium today makes assumptions about stellar evolution come out too slow compared to the early universe.

Anonymous No. 16628044

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