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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16626363

>submit academic paper
>get rejected because i didn't disclose my allyship to lgbtqia++ causes in my positionality statement

Anonymous No. 16626365

Why do you retards identify this ugly drawing and would you please stop spamming it everywhere?

Anonymous No. 16626367

This happened

Anonymous No. 16626387

ok i will

Anonymous No. 16626450

i disliked having to write some text having to informally justify some piece of research. They do ths all the time with global warming. You see an article on solar cells, theres a paragraph about why theres interest in them because of global warming. It has nothing to do with the research, they should not ask you to justify anything because of some issue of economics or society.

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Anonymous No. 16626463

>Babby's first encounter with politics of funding
Cute little anon over here thinks research is for knowledge rather than for advancing agendas of higher powers.

Anonymous No. 16628135

Fuck you post it more donโ€™t listen to this redditor !