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๐Ÿงต Most astounding facts about our world

Anonymous No. 16626398

Every water molecule has touched literal shit.

Anonymous No. 16626405


Anonymous No. 16626418

Not even gravity is fast enough to escape a black hole

Anonymous No. 16626839

>OP doesn't realize that brand new water is being created literally every second

Anonymous No. 16626846

waves are 3d moving energy that is expressed in 2d

Anonymous No. 16627780

good insight.
maybe gravity doesn't work inside the black hole.

Anonymous No. 16627921

this...water is dissociated into ions in the atmosphere. They reform. Granted it's relatively small amounts but over geological time scales its substantial

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Anonymous No. 16627964

There are approximately 3 trillion trees on Earth.

Asia: 743 billion trees (24.7% of the world's total)

South America: 684 billion trees (22.8% of the world's total)

Africa: 476 billion trees (15.9% of the world's total)

North America: 393 billion trees (13.1% of the world's total)

Europe: 202 billion trees (6.7% of the world's total)

Australia: 143 billion trees (4.8% of the world's total)

Antarctica: 0 trees (0% of the world's total), due to its inhospitable climate

Anonymous No. 16628132

what's an ion, is it the same a molecule?