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🧵 global warming

Anonymous No. 16626410

If you can prove to me, clearly, without semantics, without documentaries from 2018 or photos of American beaches from different eras that global warming is false, I swear I will accept my concession and say I was wrong from the beginning.

Anonymous No. 16626420

“It doesn’t exist”
“It exists but we aren’t causing it”
“We are causing it but it’s not a problem” <- you are here

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Anonymous No. 16626436

You're probably trolling, but here's Jeff Bezos's Hawaii home he bought after saying he would raise 10 billion to fight climate change.

Anonymous No. 16626996

maybe he's confident his 10 billion will solve the problem


Anonymous No. 16628019

its a conspiracy theory any retard can easily see is fake and ghey, developed to convince retards to submit to endless controls. Go ahead and believe it because you already do.

Anonymous No. 16628035

>billionaires are terrible people regardless of what narrative they give you
What else is new

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Where is the pand....png

Anonymous No. 16628054

>“We are causing it but it’s not a problem” <- you are here
The massive decline in carbon emissions during the pandemic made no significant difference to the upwards trend.