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Anonymous No. 16626495

How do you cope with being a low iq retard? (125)

Anonymous No. 16626498

Kitties are smart. Every kitty is a genius.

Anonymous No. 16626521

Good Lord, people are still trying to use humble brags to get validation?

Anonymous No. 16626547

everything below mensa (aka normalfag level) is low. It's 1 in 17 people. I am a normie.

Anonymous No. 16626616

by shutting your bitch ass up and learning how to weld so you can be actually useful and not hide behind a desk clacking on a keyboard.

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Anonymous No. 16626655

clearly you haven't applied your iq in any meaningful way, that's why you feel retarded. watching chink loli and cat videos would make anyone from a retard to a genius feel dumb. also sitting down all day literally drains the blood from your brain.

get the fuck outside, learn something REAL and apply yourself to it. you won't feel so low iq anymore.

>or just return to monkeh nigger

Anonymous No. 16626668

Read Karl Marxs book about how workers are exploited, then apply those knowledge to exploit tham, and then wipe your tears with money.

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Anonymous No. 16626671

glad I don't have that problem, pleb

>t. high iq retard (150)

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Anonymous No. 16626674

Owning the means of production has nothing to do with iq. At most, having a higher iq means you can be a better slave.

Anonymous No. 16626677

I'm retarded as well and made myself feel better by spending 7 years getting s PhD in CS. Just defended a few days ago.
So now I guess you could say I'm retarded and I have a PhD
And I cope by never taking an IQ test because I couldn't deal with the numerical truth. But I know I'm a retard.

Anonymous No. 16626680

Dude, that graph is looking like stupidity and being poor corelates.

Anonymous No. 16626696

I'm a doctor

Anonymous No. 16626698

it also looks like the correlation stops at 100k net worth

Anonymous No. 16626699

What do you think the story is with the 72 IQ dot who makes $180k per year?

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Anonymous No. 16626737

I'm not talking about the correlation between poor and stupid, I'm talking about the correlation between rich and smart. The graph shows that being rich and being smart DON'T correlate.

Look at the top left and top right quadrants on the right graph. The data points are about evenly distributed. This means that people with 100k+ net worth are equally likely to be above/below average IQ.

Again, high iq = more productive slave. It has no bearing on whether or not you are part of the owner class.

pretty based guy if I do say so myself

Anonymous No. 16626745

Note to self:
When worker seize the means of production, they become aristocracy, now they exploit another worker.

Anonymous No. 16627100

>What do you think the story is with the 72 IQ dot who makes $180k per year?

Anonymous No. 16627104

The graph ACTUALLY looks like stupidity is the most likely proximate cause, but is drowned out by the fact that it is not the only cause.

Anonymous No. 16628020

just keep lowering your expectations until you are happy, like Joe Dirt.

Anonymous No. 16628033

I'd say he's a good liar... or just a pathological one?

But you need to be smart to model the thoughts of others. Maybe he has really low systemising but high empathising iq?

Anonymous No. 16628124

Suicide terror attack

Anonymous No. 16628141

I don't want to see a kitty cat crying.