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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต still undefeated

Anonymous No. 16626531


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Anonymous No. 16626535

>muh stellar parallax!
you must not be a shape rotator. remember that solar and sidereal days are different lengths. Tycho predicts the same stellar parallax as Copernicus

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Anonymous No. 16626538

>muh stellar abberration!
hush child, you're grasping at straws. we've known stellar abberration isn't on our end since Airy's failure in 1871

Anonymous No. 16626562

Indeed. Even theory of relativity says it matters not where you put the center of coordinate system. Put it in centre of earth

Anonymous No. 16626636

i don't see ur anus and that's a good thing

Anonymous No. 16626743

>Tycho predicts the same stellar parallax as Copernicus
So it's not worse than copernican model in this detail. Is it better somehow?

Anonymous No. 16626775

Tie. Both 100%

Anonymous No. 16626776

re:parallax anyway

Physics strongly favors Tycho but I'm driving

Anonymous No. 16626782

I believe it's neo-Tycho that centers the starfield on the sun. Tycho himself was a naked eye guy and probably didn't know about stellar parallax. It's an easy fix, thought.

Sun = geometric center
Earth = center of mass

Anonymous No. 16626813

Can you imagine the autistic fits as the teeth on his ubermegahyperspirograph would slip and his chart would be all fucked up?

Anonymous No. 16627086

Not an inertial frame. Also doesn't explain stellar parallax or the precession of Mercury.