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Anonymous No. 16626606

Could you hypothetically use math to win in roulette?

Anonymous No. 16626608

Only if you're the casino.

Anonymous No. 16626610

There must be a pattern, as occult as it may be. Everything follows a pattern.

Anonymous No. 16626619

In theory, yes. If you knew the weight of the ball, the rotation of the wheel, when and where the ball started, the velocity and distance the ball traveled as it entered, the gravity, the materials, and probably a lot of other variables you would be able to make a simulation that accurately predicts where it will end. You would need to know these things BEFORE you made the bet which you might be able to guess from the psychology of the person running the table, how fast their limbs are, and everything else.

With enough information you can predict literally anything. Nothing is random, everything follows the rules of the universe. If you know the variables and the rules they follow then you will know exactly what will happen.

Anonymous No. 16626634

there was a case of people doing exactly that, I think from MIT

Anonymous No. 16626640

that was black jack, which is considerably easier to count cards than it is to predict calculus and physics. They also changed how black jack is played after that incident by including multiple decks to make card counting nearly impossible.

Anonymous No. 16626648

I was completely wrong about the school, and it wasn't 100%, but it did work.

Anonymous No. 16626662

Bet on color, if you loose bet 3 times more...

Anonymous No. 16626689

I knew of the MIT students but not this one. They made a movie of the MIT people (or a show?).

Anonymous No. 16626818

>Bet on color, if you loose bet 3 times more...
Yellow never wins.

Anonymous No. 16626821

There was a Spanish family in the 1990s who secretly recorded the results of the local casino's roulette wheels, and were able to identify that some wheels had minor mechanical defects that lead them to being biased to land on certain parts of the wheels. They then used that to win a ton of money. The casino lagged figured out what happened, and sued the family, but the judge sided with the family stating it was the casinos fault for not maintaining their wheels. You could attempt the same method today, though these days casinos are on the watch for people recording wheel results, and do more regular maintenance on their wheels, so probably not doable today.

Anonymous No. 16626823


Link to news article about that family.

Anonymous No. 16626833

Learn math
don't play
You win!

Anonymous No. 16626861

There's also this:

People have done it more recently using lasers.

Anonymous No. 16626983

The way to win is to not play.

Anonymous No. 16626984

>advocating for a strategy which only works if you have infinite money

Anonymous No. 16626994

Yeah. The pattern is that the casino wins.

Anonymous No. 16627005

Unless the casino is the actual scam.

Anonymous No. 16627008

I have run a practical experiment on this:
>get friends to save up for entery to high rollers room
>pretend you don't know eachother
>split bets between red / black and even / odd
>drink for free at high rollers table
>get too pissed and start chatting with mates
>security realize what you are doing and kickes you out
>split money so everyone is even again
We ended up losing ~$100 total for 8 guys to drink top shelf for 2 hours, pretty good deal.

Anonymous No. 16627011

This is the only way to win

Stop guessing start learning No. 16627065

No because the variables of the ball direction are infinite. You cannot predict its path or where it will land.

With blackjack thr variables are finite. Because the card deck has only so many cards. But they increase the deck shoe size so it's much harder to predict but still possible.

Anonymous No. 16627082


you drink for free at every table in vegas faggot

Anonymous No. 16627090

Gratz, I'm not a clap.

Anonymous No. 16627353

Nobody has enough autism to run the calculations in their head in real time to give you enough of an advantage

Anonymous No. 16627549

Not anymore than you could use math to make getting fucked in the ass by a man not gay.

Anonymous No. 16627554

>classical mechanical problem has infinitely many degrees of freedom
Most retarded post itt

Anonymous No. 16627602

Is their method published anywhere?

Anonymous No. 16627638

>exact physics of the ball thrown and wheel position and speed
betting is stopped before the ball is thrown. also the dealer throws the ball, not the players.

Anonymous No. 16627653

> 0

Anonymous No. 16627731

That's why we lost anything.

Anonymous No. 16627922

Kinda true but your assuming a deterministic universe where everything follows the laws of causality. That might not be true all the time.

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Anonymous No. 16627972

>though these days casinos are on the watch for people recording wheel results
What if you discreetly installed a few pinhole cameras (with Bluetooth) to record wheel results?