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๐Ÿงต The Black Hole Universe theory

Anonymous No. 16626731

There is a new theory going around in science that we may possibly be in a black hole?

How do you feel about this?

Anonymous No. 16626735

fudge just saw that some other anons also made threads about this

mm No. 16626742


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TDG !!YByxW7AXs7/ No. 16626753


Woah! What a fancy pop sci theory!! Bet it also mentions a lot of quantum stuff. :O

Anonymous No. 16626783

Wiki definition: Inane: useless; baseless; retarded; deserving of the rope

Anonymous No. 16626785

you okay bro?

Anonymous No. 16626913

Any textbook on cosmology mentions this possibility right after the section on schwarzschild metric and its interior metric solution. So this idea isn't new at all.

Anonymous No. 16626971

It's irrelevant when they can't explain what a singularity is properly.
Black hole, black bucket or black void is pointless

Anonymous No. 16627055

This isn't new I read this since I was like 9 years in some children's encyclopedia book volume on black holes and wormholes and white holes 20 years ago

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16627063

I gave up on pop sci long ago at this point it is not even science. Just constant schizo rambling and schizo theories.

Anonymous No. 16627155

It's possible but there is no compelling evidence for it

Anonymous No. 16627162

turns out if you want to understand science, you actually have work at it. open a textbook, not a rag.

Anonymous No. 16627175

you ever notice how within the event horizon of a black hole everything is moving towards the singularity, but in the big bang everything is moving away from the singularity?

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Anonymous No. 16627336

Yea that's why I'm so dismissive of pop sci. Because I actually opened the text book and took the time to learn.

Honestly I feel like they get away with schizo theories. Because most normal people don't understand technical language and mathematics. Because they haven't studied it.

I see why quantum computers companies can raise so much money without a working machine.

The public is retarded. Maybe retarded is to provocative lets say, uninformed.

Anonymous No. 16627410

I don't think singularities exist. Black holes are interesting because they emit no light, but it seems they still have a typical sphere shape, which grows with the amount of matter they consume. Meaning they're closer to quark stars,