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Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 17:13:59 GMT No. 16626751
If you can't create or destroy energy, where did the energy we have now come from?
>le big bang
Then where did it get its energy to come into being?
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 17:15:14 GMT No. 16626752
conservation of energy is an atheist dogma
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 17:21:35 GMT No. 16626754
“God did it” is the biggest intellectual cop out. I’m not an atheist by any stretch but throwing your hands in the air isn’t doing anyone a favor. Yeah, models are flawed, that’s why they are models. But until you got a better one that’s actually useful, shut the fuck up.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 17:23:17 GMT No. 16626755
he moves in mysterious ways I ain't gotta explain shit
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:06:54 GMT No. 16626779
The correct answer is "I don't know"
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:13:20 GMT No. 16626784
energy can't be destroyed but it can be recycled or mutated. But for some reason both atheists and religious people are afraid of this theory.
religious ''god'' doesn't exist
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:28:27 GMT No. 16626794
Many people think that material energy is eternal, not in abundance but in time.
At the same time, time as we know it started at the big bang along with space, so what does it mean to have always existed before time could define the always?
Overall, inconclusive. Maybe we'll get more good data from some nice JWST discovories or something.
>recycled or mutated
Both meaningless terms here, everyone already knows that matter is energy. The physics meme of E=mcc literally means exactly that.
? at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:40:14 GMT No. 16626802
1The universe is an unstable perpetual motion machine, expand contract expand contract.2 the last bit of energy leakage from another almost dead cold universe caused the stable singularity to explode 3. This universe is a virtual reality, and narrations need a beginning and an end.4. the one mirror sees itself, the one mirror reflects itself.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:45:12 GMT No. 16626805
which theory do you feel is most ''true'' to you, anon?
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:52:55 GMT No. 16626811
>asking NPCs where did the matrix come from
You gonna have a bad time.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:56:38 GMT No. 16626814
unironically whenever i see ppl caling others NPC it's them who sound like the NPCs instead. Almost like you are close to being self-aware of being a shitbeast so you have to call others that.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 18:59:45 GMT No. 16626817
You mean repeating the same insult you didn't even personally create over and over ad infinitum ad nauseam seems robotic and uncreative?
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 19:56:30 GMT No. 16626866
Nice try NPC.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 20:26:09 GMT No. 16626891
The universe is a finite boundless 4th dimensional object.
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 20:36:05 GMT No. 16626901
How can I use this knowledge to obtain a non-materialistic non-dramatic latina gf
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 20:53:01 GMT No. 16626918
in English doc
Anonymous at Sun, 23 Mar 2025, 22:03:54 GMT No. 16626962
No one really understands what energy is, on the most fundamental level.
The law of conservation of energy helps us understand physics and chemistry in an isolated system, it doesn't necessarily universally apply outside of that.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Mar 2025, 01:18:55 GMT No. 16627052
But then it just cycles infinitely
>we got the energy from another cold dead universe
Then where did they get their energy?
>from another cold dead universe
What about them?
And so on
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Mar 2025, 03:04:41 GMT No. 16627095
There is no past
There is no future
Time is a lie
Thusly, per chance there is no creation or destruction of energy.
After countless sleepless nights I can finally say I have perfected an equation thath as the potential to significantly impact the future:
E = MC^2 - Time
This equation combines Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2, which relates energy (E) to mass (m) and the speed of light (c), with the subtraction of time. By excluding time in the equation, it symbolizes how time has no role in shaping or transforming our future as it does not exist.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Mar 2025, 04:45:54 GMT No. 16627125
>energy can't be destroyed but it can be recycled or mutated.
It can be created or destroyed, they just don't want you to know about the free infinite energy dupe, because if the devs were forced to patch it, then they couldn't use it either.
>but it can be recycled or mutated
Sure, but I don't see why that necessitates the fundamental impossibility to spawn additional energy with just a little creativity.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Mar 2025, 04:59:07 GMT No. 16627132
it's just the law of conservation of energy it means HUMANS cannot create matter/energy. But transfer it from one form to another.
For example taking a pile of wood and burning it. I never created energy I just transfered it from one form to another. To get more energy I need more wood.
The fire will go out if there is no fuel source. You can just burn magic flames that just sit and burn forever with Nothing there.
Also humans and biological creatures get there energy by transfer of the sun using photosynthesis of plants.
For example. Cow eats grass then I eat cow as a hamburger.
This is intuitive and simple don't get all schizo making these theories more mysterious and ambiguous then they are.
Anonymous at Mon, 24 Mar 2025, 06:12:05 GMT No. 16627157
>non-dramatic latina gf
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Mar 2025, 15:24:28 GMT No. 16628251
How do you expect to obtain knowledge about stuff lying beyond our reach, such as "what preceded the big bang"? All science can do is deal with things that can be observed and tested. People expecting immediate answers to their every imaginary question seriously have no idea about anything.
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Mar 2025, 21:26:34 GMT No. 16628499
>don't think don't ask just consume
Anonymous at Tue, 25 Mar 2025, 21:54:35 GMT No. 16628521
Conservation of energy is only 'true' when potential energy is assumed to exist and perfectly balance out any energy changes.
Also entropy can spontaneously and reversibly decrease in a stochastic system.