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Anonymous No. 16626780

how do i stop being schizo
self-diagnose btw

Anοnymοus No. 16626786

Confront the false beliefs.

Anonymous No. 16626806

Chemical lobotomy. Throw your brain in the trash can. Oh, it was trash anyway. Nothing changes. So DO IT!

Anonymous No. 16626808

wish I knew
t. medicated schizo that wants to stop taking meds
I'm afraid, because my schizophrenia is very fucking strong, I might though, everything is looking well in my life, which is pretty much essential for that

Anonymous No. 16626812

don't know if you are trolling but here is my advice:

1. Drugs. If your schizophrenia is caused by drugs then that can be a bit difficult to heal compared to what drug you have taken and how long you have taken it. The only advice is to try to live a very physically and mentally healthy life and try to get the brain damage caused by drugs fixed as much as possible.

2.Environmental. Your psychosis in environmental and psychological, try to change your environment and your thoughts. Also stop consuming material that could cause psychosis. Find out if you have a different mental illness. Did you have anything terrible or tragic happen in your life recently? Since that can onset schizophrenia.

3. Mold. In the area where you live check if there is any mold everywhere. Most people don't talk about this but mold can cause delusions. Mold is more common than you think.

4. Genetics. Well if it's genetics, there's not much you can do except for taking anti-psychotics. Although you said you are self-diagnosed so we don't even know if you actually even have schizophrenia. Go and get formally diagnosed.

Anonymous No. 16626842

How does it feel to be schizo? Do you constantly see or hear things? What does normal or abnormal day look like?
Also if you're on meds, don't stop it abruptly. I heard it's highly dangerous, people have died or committed suicide

Anοnymοus No. 16626843

Whatever you do, don't get formally diagnosed.

Anonymous No. 16626854

I've been on meds for several years and have been interned 4 times, you can't give me advice based on "I've heard" because I already know the whole story.
>How does it feel to be schizo?
like winning something good and something bad at the same time. In my case I've wasted several years of my life on nothing. Trying to recover from it as of now, and kind of doing well.
>Do you constantly see or hear things?
when you're on a schizo outbreak, yes, emphasis on constantly, apparently there are degrees of schizophrenia and after having experienced soft and mild ones (paranoia, delusion), I experienced constant voices, visions, and even got my dick fucked twice, just like 7 seconds and then it stopped. Something worse than that happened, which I'm not comfortable sharing, and it was so bad that I thought I my brain was going to get fried and I screamed in pain, etc.
>What does normal or abnormal day look like?
I was just tripping balls non stop for 2 or 3 days at the peak, without being able to sleep cause the thing wouldn't let me.
Now I'm on meds, and I'm just slightly anti-social without it affecting me too much, have a jove, make ok money, etc.

Anonymous No. 16626916

Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
When you're having these outbreaks, are you aware that you're on a schizo episode? What if someone tells you this, would you believe him or think that person is lying?

Anonymous No. 16626930

>are you aware that you're on a schizo episode?
I didn't know I was schizo, I only had paranoia and delusion previous to that. I was busy tripping balls and believing a million spiritual weird takes.
I someone told me? I don't know. But I remember being interned once and seeing how a fellow schizo was having a light episode. And I made him comprehend that that was happening to him. He realized that was the case. But I don't think it'd be easy to land some schizo in a full outbreak, at least not easily. And to be honest, part of the schizo trip is actually enjoyable, most hallucinations I could decide what I was doing, like lucid dreaming.

Anonymous No. 16626931

Ask me how I know you're jewish.

Anonymous No. 16626934

Embrace it and never touch the meds understand yourself and find someone you trust to talk to or not just keep a social mask of sanity even to yourself so you can function normally the demons don't have to be out of the closet all the time

Anonymous No. 16626936

Genuinely? The only way is therapy. I knew someone who had very debilitating hallucinations like hear someone scream or seeing bugs crawl that weren't there but they have been able to live a functional, normal life. It's possible, don't give up. One thing you should try is using your phone camera. If you point your phone camera at visual hallucinations, they won't appear on the phone camera app. That's how you can distinguish reality from hallucinations. It's a complete life changer. Your life can be better, never ever give up hope. I believe in you man.

Anonymous No. 16626940

I went to a coffee once with a retard near my house. he was telling me how he felt uncomfortable there because apparently everyone was watching him. The guy is a retard, no job, no money and with basic education, why tf would anyone watch him sipping his coffee. It's not like he's extremely handsome, rich, wealthy or highly educated enough to know the secret of universe. I thought he was so annoying and full of himself lmao. Later, I found out he was a schizo.

Anonymous No. 16626941

yes, same was happening to me at some stages

Anonymous No. 16626957

take your god damn meds

Anonymous No. 16627036

Hope you're doing good now.

Anonymous No. 16627508

I'm doing better than I ever did, how I joked to my friend the other day "my life changed for the better ever since I got severe schizophrenia", honestly there were specific state laws that promote hiring "disabled" people like me, so that really helped getting my feet in the door, that next to private companies that employ people like me, and the free opening for me in the best school in my city. Really can't complain.

Anonymous No. 16627614

>mold can cause delusions
Citation? Genuinely curious.

Anonymous No. 16627664

Schizo or schizoid?