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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 13:12:07 UTC No. 16562333
when will we start diagnosing autism by brainscans?
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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 12:44:35 UTC No. 16562320
Could one of this lil boys,
Break concrete with a charge/bend a steel bar?
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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 12:06:40 UTC No. 16562308
What equipment do you use to watch the stars and constellations?
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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 10:44:03 UTC No. 16562271
I guess beauty doesn't sell
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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 09:55:41 UTC No. 16562250
What's the common program code that makes all the species on earth do this for billions of years?
DIY SCI FAG at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 08:44:07 UTC No. 16562223
Yes, I know its Pop-sci..
What do we have (anything) that can act as a start of manipulating time on a DIY project level?
How To Time Dilation?
How To Time gradient?
🧵 Redpill me on sleep deprivation
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 08:31:42 UTC No. 16562217
Is 8 hours of sleep a meme? Everyone I know, myself included, seems to function well on a minimum of 4. Dedicating one third of your lifetime to a passive function with mostly subjective benefits is a lot.
Is there actual scientific evidence of non-severe sleep deprivation being at least as harmful as smoking cigars outside of sensational stories on Reddit and pop-science articles?
🧵 ITT: We Tune-Up the "Venmo Vampire"
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 07:58:06 UTC No. 16562204
/sci/ has enough anti-aging technology big brains besides DudeWearingShoes and his "we're pretty darn sure now this doesn't grow teratomas" recipe, I think we could probably improve Bryan Johnson's stack with one thread. I'll drop a few insights first...
>he's probably copper-deficient and should be supplementing that unless he has Wilson's disease.
>he should be on protease enzyme chemoprophylaxis.
>he should cycle off of his NAC part-time and probably lower the dosage, while adding other antioxidants instead.
What would /sci/ add or subtract to/from his crazy stack?
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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 07:51:40 UTC No. 16562200
Eulers identity is the most profound thing that I have ever seen and I have no idea what it means. I’m pretty sure no one else does, either.
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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 06:13:50 UTC No. 16562137
Why hasn't there been a massive push for brain transplants?
it would completely solve the transgender question.
instead of modifying bodies merely aesthetically with hormones and plastic surgery, they'd get fully functional organs instead of coping with nonfunctional decorations
and the ethical considerations would be extremely easy, it'd only take like 500 pairs of monkeys to get it to work.
while saving thousands of lives of which nearly 50% are likely to die
🧵 Measure Theory and (Lebesgue) Integration Books
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 05:39:21 UTC No. 16562111
How does the pictured book compare with "pure" measure theoretical and integration books (eg Heinz Bauer, Jürgen Elstrodt)? I read Schilling's Measure and Integral and he (like the other mentioned authors) has a more set-theoretic (so-to-speak) approach; for instance they use Dynkin systems throughout to prove many theorems. Axler's book looks more analytical; and I wondered if the measure and integration part was as rigorous. For example, the other authors all prove both existence and uniqueness of a class of measures (which of course includes the Lebesgue measure). Does Axler?
🧵 Neuroplasicity
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 04:50:46 UTC No. 16562083
Tell me about Neuroplasicity. I had my right hypocampus, right amygdala, and about 20% of my right temporal lobe removed because of a brain tumour and epilepsy.
Its weird, because I am hyper aware of my visual memory impairment and emotional regulation issues, and can address both through more declarative functions, but I do not feel the rest of my brain has compensated for these impairments.
Like, I have a very good sense of direction because I have a good and consistent declarative memory, however I dont believe my visual memory has been equally compensated. I am very bad with faces for example, but good with names.
With respect to emotional things, I am just very stoic, my fiancee hates it, but I do feel I have lost certain elements of human connection.
So is neurlplasicity what I am experiencing, eg being more cognisant with other brain functions, or should those functions I lost be equally replaced?
Pic is from 10 years ago, I've lived a third of my life like this.
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Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:35:10 UTC No. 16561905
Why do female humans make a high pitched alarm call when they're frightened, like a chimpanzee, but not males?
Vid related:
FROZEN at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:05:20 UTC No. 16561876
Hello everyone, I am a soldier of the Italian Army, I am writing to you for everything that is coming out about UFOs. I am confident in the dissemination of what I am about to tell you. Given my status as a soldier still in active service after almost 3 decades, given my former membership in a well-known elite corps, I feel, now that I am out of it, to tell you the following. A few years ago (I cannot say the exact year) I was selected after application in the staff of 26 Italian soldiers to operate in Antarctica for about 5/6 months. My assignment was mainly assistance, escort and guide of the Antarctic tactical vehicles for the transport of Technical Research personnel, operating in the 3 Italian stations. I was assigned together with 4 other colleagues, at the Italian-French base "CONCORDIA" about 1000 km from the Italian Zucchelli Base on the coast. We operated at 3200 MT above sea level in adverse weather conditions with temperatures ranging from -55 to -78° c. During the transfer with a special aircraft, I realized the isolation of the base itself and that the French personnel in charge of the transport did not use IFR but flew VFR (VISUAL). According to them, in that entire area it was useless to use them because they did not work. Landed and indoctrinated, I began my activities the next day by joining the Beyond EPIC-OLDEST ICE project.
🗑️ 🧵 harvard lost
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 22:05:28 UTC No. 16561791
why are harvard science professors so incompetent?
🧵 How expendable is a CS major?
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 22:01:36 UTC No. 16561788
This Youtube comment has been stuck in my mind ever since I read it. In my opinion this random Youtube commentator is wrong, because he equates knowing python3+numpy+matplotlib+scipy to actual CS topics like operating system structure and compiler theory, which is what sets a mathematicians, who just happens to know how to program, apart from a real CS major, who is competent in his topic and knows much more beyond the basic scope of what this guy considers "CS", which is supposedly expected as a trade skill. Enough bitching from my side, what does /sci/ think? Is a CS major really that expendable or is his specialized knowledge on his particular field still valuable?
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Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:45:18 UTC No. 16561679
Big changes coming to NASA, does this mean they'll eventually be able to compete with SpaceX in terms of launch capability? If so, how long will it take for NASA to get there?
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Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:10:05 UTC No. 16561629
>be me
>in the USA
>pro user of ChatGPT, I pay $200 per month
>hear that OpenAI has launched a new tool called Operator
>open up tool
>tell it that I want it to go to 4chan and write some silly greentext about what just happened
>it agrees and without human intervention it opens this webpage and posts this
guys is this the future of AI? I'm scared
🧵 Just solved Riemann Hypothesis
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 18:15:34 UTC No. 16561551
Thank me later, see ya :3
🧵 schizoscience
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 16:07:35 UTC No. 16561405
what's this guy talking about. i need some /sci/entists to explain
🧵 I fucking hate physics
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:58:30 UTC No. 16561395
Convince me that the recurrance of equivalent behaviors across quite literally every single scale we can access with or without tools is not fundamentally an artefact of how our consciousness interfaces with the "wave function".
Protip: you can't.
🧵 Untitled Thread
Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:40:51 UTC No. 16561378
HEP theory is a dead field. However, it is not dead for the usual reasons people put forward.
>no more low-hanging fruit
People in Newton’s times would have said the same. “It’s already been discovered by the Greeks 2000 years prior. Just read Aristotle’s Physics.”
>experimental evidence lagging
Plenty of experimental data available. Colliders are dead, long live colliders! There are plenty of alternative avenues from neutrino detectors to ingenious AMO setups.
>maybe a new theory is so complicated that we can never obtain it
“An idiot admires complexity. A genius admires simplicity.”
Terry A Davis
With these out of the way, let’s talk about the real reason. It’s very simple. Politics. HEP theory has an ongoing civil war where people have separated themselves into three distinct camps and try to fuck each other up for that morsel of grant money the DoE might throw their way. I’m talking about “phenomenology”, “formal theory” and string theory of course. Just think about the absurdity of the name “phenomenology”! Is there “noumenological” physics? Well, it’s not science then, by definition. This should tell you everything. The “formal theory” camp suddenly forgot that their job is to provide descriptions of natural phenomena. Instead they sit in their echo chamber and try to shit on pheno. Pheno, in response, completely disregards “formal theory” as something for dumb nerds or something, resulting in pure slop with zero finesse being published. And atop of that pile of shit sit string theorists, who disregard both groups and only communicate within their cult. Nobody wants to cooperate and tries to one up the other camp. The DoE says fuck it and just disregards the clown show in favor of condensed matter and plasma theory. And then the HEP theory guys themselves abandon all principles and start doing condensed matter pretending they still do HEP. What a shame.
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Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:36:04 UTC No. 16561375
can one destroy a black hole by throwing anti matter at it?
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Anonymous at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 15:23:13 UTC No. 16561363
I enjoy reading me some Descartes. Here is a picture of his Geometry, one of the most pivotal works in the history of mathematics.
Now please explain to me how any of his Optics, like his Geometry, was fallacious? It essentially mirrors what we know about Optics today and was utilized to create lenses.