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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 113686

When will retarded redditors admit that the only thing that really matters in a fight is physical size? Martial arts just let men win more quickly and efficiently against manlets who were going to lose anyway.

If you’re less than 6’ tall martial arts will only delay the inevitable and make you look like a tryhard who thinks that brain > brawn, and this line of thinking will get you killed IRL. Manlet self defense should emphasize kissing ass and accepting your role in the pecking order.

Anonymous No. 113734

So I must take HRT and wear a skirt?

Anonymous No. 113736

Dress sharp. Lots of pockets. Weapons everywhere. Situational awareness.
Fighting is just a thing guys do.

Anonymous No. 113744

Daily reminder

Anonymous No. 113747

OP is a sissy fetishist. This thread is nothing more than hornyposting.

Anonymous No. 113757

Based Freud poster

Anonymous No. 113800

That Pedro Sauer is very good? We knew.

Anonymous No. 113808

When will retarded redditors admit that the only thing that really matters in a fight is having a gun?

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Anonymous No. 113935

Anonymous No. 113939

You people are completely deluded retards
Literally touch grass cause anybody here can tell that you ain't big either fag

Anonymous No. 113992

Mainoumi Shūhei

Anonymous No. 114076

That or a fat tall guy who thinks he can win a fight.

Anonymous No. 114092


Anonymous No. 114154

First 5 UFCs prove you wrong, forever and always.

Anonymous No. 114155

Can confirm I tried out bjj today for the first time and the guy who was giving the class was a purple belt, so not a pro or anything, but he was absolutely unable to do shit against me. Strength trumps technique and I can easily dominate most guys.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 114262

Sure thing, did he let you fuck his sister too?

Anonymous No. 114313

>I'm a larping lying pos

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Anonymous No. 117566


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Anonymous No. 117572


>I have never trained pls raep my face

I'm regional IPF champ and train with European and World's powerlifters. Every single one thinks this. Then we go to my BJJ/MMA school and they just get their asses handed to them even by tiny karate bitches let alone anyone trained in grappling.

You're also such a total faggot you don't watch combat sports. This was proven false 30 years ago now.

Fight training > size & strength. Size and strength only make a difference when fight training is equal. Kill yourself OP as you've clearly never left your fucking basement.

Anonymous No. 117588

Reminder that it takes a bjj black belt 7 minutes to beat an untrained jacked guy, whereas vs an untrained twink it would be over in under 30 seconds?

Anonymous No. 117593

What point are you even trying to make?

Anonymous No. 117604

>the only thing that really matters in a fight is physical size
Either really good bait or your an idiot. We figured this shit out all the way back in UFC 1. You clearly haven't trained an actual effective art (Wrestling, BJJ, Muay-Thai, Boxing, Judo ect.) a day in your life. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.

Anonymous No. 117606

That size blatantly matters alot even if not as much as the op is saying. I would even say that that video shows it matters more than skill imagine the jacked guy was a purple belt fighting the same black belt or just had a few months of kickboxing and wrestling along with his trength training vs the literal decades of bjj that black belt has.

Anonymous No. 117609

Always carry a weapon to better the odds

Anonymous No. 117611

Ok? I don’t see anyone in this thread saying size doesn’t matter at all, only a retarded OP saying it’s all that matters and everyone else saying it’s not an insurmountable advantage. Stop tilting at windmills, retard.

Anonymous No. 117622

You haven't read the thread then

Anonymous No. 117645

Where does even a single poster say that size doesn’t matter at al?

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Anonymous No. 117659


Anonymous No. 117788

Hey retard, you know there's weight divisions right? Literally everyone knows size is everything. What are u bitching about?

Anonymous No. 117825

LMAO. You're a total retard who used the worst example to prove your point. That was one of the Gracie brothers who beat the ass of some meathead bodybuilder who kept talking shit on radio. Basically the entire 7 minutes you describe is the body builder getting man handled by a man 100+ lbs less heavy than him. Everything from grappling to ground control to even basic striking, that bodybuilder was completely out of his league. Also, your point about a a twink getting rekt faster makes no sense. Regardless, someone who has trained will have an inherent advantage in that respect.

Anonymous No. 117872

Size matters among people of equal skill. Your fat ass probably outweighs mayweather by like 150lbs but He would still knock your block off

Anonymous No. 117932

Tell that to this guy

Anonymous No. 117939

wonder how many solid legkicks this big nigga can take. you saw el cucuy kick the shit out of that metal pole with no reaction whatsoever, reckon its a lot tougher than this guys shins.

Anonymous No. 117981

How does it not make sense? If skill is way more important than size it should be easy for someone with that much bjj experience to beat a meathead body builder instead he took 7 minutes.

Anonymous No. 117996

sucker punch from connor will knock mountain out cold

Anonymous No. 118001

>b-but he took seven minutes
And he won without a scratch on him. He was literally covered in the other guys blood and in a position to snap crackle pop his elbow out of its socket. It was a complete domination from start to finish. Are you the kind of retard who thinks there’s some secret dim mak shit that instantly ends a fight? Go back to /fit/ you coping retard.

Anonymous No. 118007

No one is denying that size matters. You are arguing against a position no one in this thread is taking. The fight didn't actually last 7 minutes, that clip is heavily edited and replays and slows down several times. It looks like the fight only really lasted a minute or two. Pretty damn good for someone with a 100 lb weight advantage. Especially given that Lance did not pose a serious threat to Pedro the entire time. Obviously, being bigger is an advantage. That's why weight cutting exists. OP's ridiculous premise that it's the only thing that matters is fat powerlifter cope.

We can dispute whether or not Pedro performed well against his untrained opponent, but the bottom line is that Pedro would have gotten his ass completely kicked if he hadn't trained and that's the whole point. A smaller person can beat a bigger person if he's sufficiently skilled. If the bigger person is also skilled this changes things, equally obviously.

Anonymous No. 118140

Did you even watch the video? The 7 minutes is the ref analysis. The fight itself lasts about 2 minutes. The video is time stamped from the recorder. Fight starts at 8:56am and Lance taps at 8:58am.

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Anonymous No. 118151

Projecting much?

Anonymous No. 118193

i wonder if an oly lifter with decent cardio at the same weight class would've done better. would still lose in the end.

Anonymous No. 118195

I doubt it. Cardio wasn’t the issue it was having literally no idea how to defend against strikes in the first part and then in the second extending his arm out in front of him while in the other guys guard. These weren’t cardio issues just massive blunders that only the untrained would make.

Anonymous No. 118202

is size and strength seperable, a fatter, taller, but physically less strong opponent?

Anonymous No. 118204

A big dude who is out of shape and untrained is probably going to get smashed by a smaller, fit dude who trains. In that case it would be like wrestling someone wearing a fat suit

Anonymous No. 118208

They will forever cope that weight classes are there to protect the smaller people

Anonymous No. 118224

Nobody in this thread has argued your straw man

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Anonymous No. 118276

Obesebros... Wheres the part where he slams the MMAnlet onto concrete?

Anonymous No. 118293

Having watched the full video the mma guy does at one point get taken down iirc, but the power lifter doesn’t know how to get position for strikes and he just escapes and gets back up before kicking him in the head killing the /fit/bro

Anonymous No. 122071

This faggot posted the same question in /fit/ 2 months ago and still hasn't learned anything

Anonymous No. 122479

It was never about learning, it was about posting his gay lookism fetish.

Anonymous No. 122654


Anonymous No. 122734

>the only thing that really matters in a fight is physical size

What about guns and knives lol... who's the manlet if I stab your testies and rectum while you try to overwhelm me? lol.

Anonymous No. 122739

That was a test, you’ve outed yourself as a tranny supporter

Anonymous No. 122753

based lmfao

Anonymous No. 122788

Power fetish instead of believe to be a woman

Anonymous No. 123670
Big guy with fundamentals > small guy with years of experience

Anonymous No. 123688

Someone wants to get gorilla fucked

Anonymous No. 123692

it takes them like two classes to catch up with 4 years of progress for a little guy
them's the breaks

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Anonymous No. 123696

>struggling to grapple a man who outweighs you by about 250 pounds and also one of the strongest men on the planet
Wow, martial arts are worthless!

Anonymous No. 123761

Realistically on the low chance that you get assaulted and the person doing it also happens to be unarmed they will usually be larger than you. The real redpill on martial arts isn't realizing the fairly obvious fact that aikido et al are less combat effective its acknowledging that having a criteria based in combat effectiveness is larping to begin with. The most reasonable reasons to train are fitness and fun.

Anonymous No. 123795

Don't get how this is still something people argue about when fatties got blown the fuck out in the pre-weight class UFC.

Anonymous No. 123880

>that having a criteria based in combat effectiveness is larping to begin with
What the fuck does that even mean.

Anonymous No. 123890

This. Literally just go watch early UFC. Bunch of monsters getting btfo by a brazilian middleweight.

Anonymous No. 123897

Brian Shaw is not merely "larger than you" he is bigger and at least 10x stronger than all but a handful of men on the planet. If an average sized martial artist is not able to take on a silverback, I don't consider that a failing worth worrying about. Or anything that has much applicability to your average weight difference in a street fight.

Anonymous No. 123916

And there isn't even any room to cope about lucky strikes or whatever. The dude was a grappler.

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Anonymous No. 123921

This dude is just coping.
>if no martial arts actually work then aikido is just as effective as Muay Thai!!
Complete fucking nonsense, so is the idea that training for a martial art won’t help you at all in a real world self-defense scenario. If the dude attacking you really is too big for you to submit on your own, a knowledge of grappling can help you survive long enough for someone to help you or give you opportunity to escape.

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Anonymous No. 124046

Dempsey ragdolled Willard around the ring despite a massive height and weight disadvantage. Willard was a champ, too. Muay Thai guys are known for retiring from the Thai fight circuit to go make easy money by styling on foreigners that outweigh them by multiple weight classes in exhibition matches. Meatheads cope and seethe.

Anonymous No. 124063

based, shame he ducked Fury. His fat ass would probably not be different from Valuev

Anonymous No. 124693

yes. the entire idea of using BJJ "magic" to submit larger opponents is entirely predicated on the opponent simply not knowing about 2 or 3 different fundamental concepts which can all be taught to them in a span of a few classes
by which point any surmountable lead your "experience" will earn you is entirely negligible at that point

cope and seethe martial-arts cucks

Anonymous No. 126538

>learn judo instead of bjj
>use the niggre momentum to lend them on the ground
>instead of submitting them you start stomping on their troath

size matters jak shit when i play dirty

Anonymous No. 126569

If this was true the big white and blue belts in BJJ gyms would be at the top of the class but that's never the case.

Anonymous No. 126571

Size matters for sure but its also pretty easy to trip someone if you know what your doing and the other person doesn't. Even if the other person is larger than you.

Anonymous No. 126584

Does size really matter though? Pre-weight classes UFCs showed that it didn't.

Anonymous No. 126603

It does. Bob Sapp beat Ernesto Hoost because he was way bigger despite being an inferior striker. There are many such stories. Sufficient skill can overcome a size difference but it's an uphill battle, and size overcoming skill is just as possible. The david and goliath stories coming out of early UFC are more hollywood, but there were also plenty of guys like Gary Goodridge, who were not skilled fighters but just huge and strong and scary, who did very well. That was the big irony actually. The nerdy martial artists would usually get destroyed by big guys who used to play football or worked as bouncers. Royce had to be head and shoulders above these dudes to beat them. Look at his fight with Kimo Leopoldo. He won that fight, but it was one of the hardest fights of his entire career. He had to drop out of the tournament early due to exhaustion and Kimo was just some dipshit roidhead wannabe actor with a 50lb weight advantage.

OP is obviously a fag, but there's a reason we have weight classes. Size is the most confounding factor when we're trying to figure out which martial artist is better.

Anonymous No. 126631

I agree with you, however there is a big difference between a big guy that comes from a contact sport background like football, rugby, and hockey and just some guy who goes to the gym.

Anonymous No. 126632

hoost still won the grand prix lol

Anonymous No. 126633

>Gary Goodridge, who were not skilled fighters
gary is trained dipshit what do you mean he's "not skilled" lol you don't just randomly accidentally put people into a crucifix for example. he even told a story about that first ufc event where he saw his opponent doing fireman carry drills so they planned their fight around that.

Anonymous No. 126634

>Royce had to be head and shoulders above these dudes to beat them
wow so you mean if you're more trained than people you can beat them? you just proved your own point wrong. size is most important between two untrained people and two people of equal skill. most people are untrained, so if you're a little dude who has training you're going to do much better than if you didn't have training. acting like technique isn't important is the dumbest shit i've ever heard and of course it comes from armchair analyst neckbeards who are probably overweight and don't go to any gym of any kind

Anonymous No. 126639

I did not say technique isn't important lol. I said size matters as well.

Anonymous No. 126648

I do wonder what a UFC without weight classes would look like if it lasted to this day.

Anonymous No. 126649

>what a UFC without weight classes would look like if it lasted to this day.
A boring wrestling series. Stand up fighting would pretty much end, especially between the light and heavier fighters.

Anonymous No. 126652

every featherweight fighter would get thrown around by every heavyweight fighter

Anonymous No. 126654

On the contrary, current day heavyweights are fucking shitters. I think they would get blown the fuck out by the middle classes.

Anonymous No. 126701

>size matters jak shit when i play dirty
a bigger guy can use dirty tricks too

retards cant understand cetibus paribus

Anonymous No. 126705

I once read an interview by some German self-defense instructor, he mentioned something he called the "Conan limit". Meaning that there's a point where, if a size and strength difference is wide enough, some techniques simply will not work. This feels like an example of that.

Anonymous No. 127814


Anonymous No. 127830

Don't forget Max Baer smashing Primo Carnera.

Size and strength are indeed factors, but so does training, muscle memory, and reaction time.