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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 113693

Palm strikes or punches?

Anonymous No. 113715


Anonymous No. 113719


Anonymous No. 113870

>drills or screw guns?

Anonymous No. 114191

Palm strikes are safer. The positioning keeps your wrist and everything properly aligned, protects your fingers. That's the biggest reason the military teaches the use of palm strikes, to preserve your ability to operate your weapon and tools. The old MCMAP program still taught the use of fists but they just tell you to use it on soft targets.

Anonymous No. 114286

Since you mentioned the MCMAP program... They got pretty fucking gritty. They focused on palm strikes so you could string together some nasty shit. Military martial arts programs are very much based on the idea of "do what works," so they would string together shit like, palm uppercut to clinching on the ear combod with a knee strike so you could rip that shit right off. Fags like to rip on military self defense programs, and I get it, most of the time in the hands of basic ass dudes it won't do shit. But in the hands of a soldier that might fucking die that shit gets nasty. Everyone likes to shit on the "to deadly for you," stuff, which like I said, in the hands of a regular old weeb faggot, usually means fuck all. In the hands of a relatively ripped solider sporting a adrenaline fueled murder boner the size of a pringles can, well thats a different story. MCMAP program taught those palm strikes so you could snatch anything in a nanoseconds notice. Ears, nose, eyes, fucking anything that will save your ass in that split second between you and a dude getting back to his weapon before you. Or someone sounding the alarm, etc, etc. A lot of those old school military martial arts programs were written from the perspective of those most likely to actually use them, so POWs and shit like that. Again, for a basic ass faggot with no strength, no training, means almost nothing. But those brutal simple moves in the hands of someone with the capability of really doing somehting with it is fucking gore on auto mode.

Anonymous No. 114328

>Palm strikes are safer. The positioning keeps your wrist and everything properly aligned, protects your fingers.
I almost broke my wrist palm striking a heavy bag. Took weeks to get the kinks out again, it's still not completely healed. Never had that problem with using my fists.

So, from personal xp: It's the other way around, palm strikes are a meme.

Anonymous No. 114392

I can smell the POG on you.

Anonymous No. 114718

Already had this thread and every possible combination of answers to this question.

What else is there to say on the subject?

Both are effective so it's just a matter of context and training.

Anonymous No. 115402

serious question: Would palm-striking an iron dumbell 1000 times a day produce a lethal or very mighty palm strong after 300 days?

Anonymous No. 115403

(((soldiers))) are Statist faggots who die for anglo overlords to export fornication and contraceptives to traditionalist and tribal sociaties

Anonymous No. 115421

haha yeah bro but... i just wanted to talk about palm strikes but yeah

Anonymous No. 115454

MCMAP isn't all that but they do focus on basic and effective techniques. It won't make you a good fighter on it's own but I surely don't want an axe stomp to the face.

Anonymous No. 115476

For anyone who wants to do dumb shit like this, do it on a kettlebell. It'll form to the palm better, and you'll be less likely to have to drive to the ER one handed

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Anonymous No. 115508

Palm punches

Anonymous No. 115525

If any modern military is training for hand to hand they are by definition a terrible military.

Anonymous No. 115536

you're an idiot

Anonymous No. 115587

But what if I am an Anglo Norman and therefore am guaranteed an officer position and can lord over (((enlisted))) goys? What then?

Anonymous No. 115669

Well legions of experts disagree with you. Just cause it's a palm strike doesnt mean you can smash the shit out of a heavy bag, or maybe your form was off cause you're not used to it. There is still some technique involved, it's not as simple as just throwing your palm out there.
Haven't even served, yet. But I'm a military history buff.
The premise behind all that shit is stupid. Bone conditioning is stupid. That's how you get brittle bones and arthritis. That's why you see ethnic muy thai palm tree kicking retards hobbling around with a cane like yoda in their early 40s.
You know for most dudes it's just a fucking job that, provided you don't get fucked up, has really good long term benefits. You know most jobs in the military have nothing to do with the schizo shit you're worried about.
>won't make you a good fighter
According to whom? It's a pipeline program, it's not meant to make you an mma master. Dudes aren't going to be going for complex BJJ holds in the midst of a fucking fire fight. You know just by having a solid grasp on the fundamentals you're automatically a better fighter than the majority of the planet. Remove all forms of sporting rule restrictions and those fundamentals get a lot more dangerous.
Literally every modern military, especially special forces, has intense courses on hand to hand. Are they depending on it? No, of course not, that's what guns are fucking for. But the military that doesn't prepare for every eventuality is by definition, a terrible military.

Let me put a bow on this. Military training, especially basic, even the beginning steps of the specops pipeline, is not meant to make you a master of anything really. Any seal/ranger/angel/scout that isn't a poofty fag nasty sucking on his own farts will tell you the same. When you first earn your membership in any specops community you're still just a lowly puke of a FNG, in rank, experience, and skill.

Anonymous No. 116367

bro you wrote the same thing 3 times in a row

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Anonymous No. 116429

>legions of experts
The only people who actually advocate for palm strikes are rbsd shitters and fat karate retards.

Anonymous No. 116430

>haven’t served yet
LMFAO, get the fuck out of here you retarded teenager. You literally don’t know shit, even about the system you support.

Anonymous No. 116450

What about Bas Rutten?

Anonymous No. 116453

Bas rutten did palm strikes because he had to for the pancrase ruleset not because he wanted to. Nobody opts for palms when they have the option to punch.

Anonymous No. 116607

Mkay well pretty much every military & LEO h2h training program would disagree with you
It's the military, there isn't a lot to know. Pretty basic shit. Only sperging fags would pretend otherwise.

Anonymous No. 116608

Is he right?

Anonymous No. 116646

>Mkay well pretty much every military & LEO h2h training program would disagree with you
Cops and soldiers both usually suck ass at fighting “h2h” unless they’re training outside of their programs. Half the LEO training I’ve seen is still doing aikido wrist lock bullshit to take people down. It’s only in the last few years that we’ve even started to see them incorporate more bjj shit into their training. They’re like 30 years behind everyone else. Also
>guys MCMAP is le 2deadly4u best thing ever
>no sry I mean it’s only the basics
Most marines get like 2 weeks of MCMAP at boot. You could just take mma classes for a month and have double the training from higher quality instructors.

I’ll say this again. You’re a retarded teenager. You’ve probably never even been in a fight. Just shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 116647

Based video. Go home everyone threads over

Anonymous No. 116703

They don't even teach mcmap anymore dipshit. Was just using it as a reference for why palm strikes are taught/used in military and law enforcement. Why don't you stop sperging out while sucking mma dicks? Guess what the military/LEOs teach about that bjj shit, that you should never use it if you're alone. Lol. Dumbshit faggot talking about how they're just catching up when the truth is they've kept their distance from using bjj fag rolling because it's so situational and completely retarded to use if you're in the field by yourself. Aikido is 99% bullshit, and many departments bought into the meme way too much, this is true. But small effective joint locks/manipulation is still taught. Even Bjj has wrist locks you ignorant fag roller.

Anonymous No. 116705

To clarify, they do not teach the original mcmap program developed in the early 2000s and now the program is basically just an abridged mma course. Which makes your post even fucking dumber because mcmap as it is now, is mma you dumbass sperg.

Anonymous No. 116707

What are you striking?
If its anything on a human that isn't the knee or elbow, a punch is better. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know how to fight, or they have bitch hands

Anonymous No. 116719

>Guess what the military/LEOs teach about that bjj shit, that you should never use it if you're alone
No they don’t you fucking retard. You think cops don’t take people to the ground and arrest them when they’re by themselves? It literally happens all the time. I’m not even going to read the rest of your stupid fucking post because on this point alone I can tell all you know about fighting is shit you read on the internet. Go train, pussy.

Anonymous No. 116720

>mma is a two week crash course in mma taught by people who would get rocked by any low level pro.
Cool glad we’re in agreement. Can you stop deferring to them as an authority on fighting now? Your so full of cognitive dissonance you will in one breath say “these are THE people to listen to” then in the next say “it’s just basic mma.” Which is it? Because the guys actually good at mma are punching each other, even in bare knuckle fights.

Anonymous No. 116734

Punches and it's not close. Styles like Krav will swear by the palm strikes but in reality you're just going to fuck up your wrist.

Anonymous No. 116735

good points, annoying faggot and ugly gf

Anonymous No. 116736

Add headbutts to this.

Anonymous No. 116759

I can see open-hand strikes being useful for looping shots without wraps - slapping someone when you throw a bare-knuckle hook. I can't see it being a stronger than a closed fist for straight punches.

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Anonymous No. 116798

I'm more of a grappler myself but I'd imagine if you're trained you'd have the accuracy to just nail someone on the chin. Boxers in particular seem very impressive with the accuracy training.

Anonymous No. 116802


Anonymous No. 116843

Not what I said fuck tard. Said they don't use fag rolling submission shit. Yeah cops arrest people 1v1 but you won't see them use fag rolling for that.
Mma mma mma Jesus fucking Christ, take the dicks out your orifices. Competitive sports are not the end all be all use of martial arts. Excuse me for trusting the curriculum of people who use it to preserve their lives. Not queer modern day gladiators in spandex whoring themselves out worse than hookers.

Anonymous No. 116869

Could palm strike boxing work, Pancrase did it and it seemed effective. Just add palms, elbows, knees, front kicks, and headbutts. That would be devastating. What do you think guys? Would you do 'Palm Boxing?'

Anonymous No. 116880

Didn’t read, you don’t train and you don’t fight. You’re literally a wannabe loser who probably isn’t even in DEP lol.

Now seethe

Anonymous No. 116882

You could but why bother?

Anonymous No. 116883

what if he doesnt seethe? you would look kinda dumb anon

Anonymous No. 116884

its good? why bother with anything by that logic?

Anonymous No. 116885

I already know he’s seething because he’s not actually a marine but desparetely wants to identify himself as being one.

Anonymous No. 116886

who cares, you both are fags

Anonymous No. 116887

What I mean is why bother when you can do all that but also punch people. You’re not making palm striking look better by artificially banning punches, only proving that they’re an inferior strike in most situations

Anonymous No. 116889

what if you can slap the ear?

Anonymous No. 116890

Whatever you say, samefag. Don’t forget to study for those regents exams lol.

Anonymous No. 116892

What if you can punch the ear? Or the chin for that matter which puts people to sleep.

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Anonymous No. 116893

uh oh spaghettios

Anonymous No. 116894

you can blow out someone's ear drum better with a cupped handed slap and knock off their equilibrium

Anonymous No. 116895

K, fuck off then

Anonymous No. 116896

Yeah dude and you can push their nose into their brain too

Anonymous No. 116897

go lay down nigger

Anonymous No. 116898

Do you often think about laying down with niggers?

Anonymous No. 116899

are you trying to say that a tremendous amount of pressurized force being rapidly pushed through a tiny canal wouldn't damage the thin membrane?

Anonymous No. 116900

no it means go lay down and do nothing because you're low energy and a total LOSER, like just go to bed and do nothing. the nigger part came after because ive realized you are pure Alabama Blue Gums

Anonymous No. 116902

I’m saying that this is bullshido nonsense repeated by fat karate retards and never actually seen in real life.
lol calm down

Anonymous No. 116904

why dont you try slapping your own ear with a cupped hand and report to us what happens, cucumber

Anonymous No. 116905

Why don’t you show it happening in a real fight video and then I’ll show you two of a guy getting knocked unconscious by a single punch for everyone you find

This thread is like a blast from the /asp/ past, king fu nerds speculating on shit instead of observing reality

Anonymous No. 116907

why would i try slapping two guys over the ear?

Anonymous No. 116908

>I can’t find a single example of this technique working in real life

Anonymous No. 116911

my real life example is trying it on yourself, you're trying to make the argument that clouting someone's ear isn't going to blow it out or at the very least damage it. sorry i don't have a thousand hours of /gif/ fight thread webms to post for you

Anonymous No. 116912

I’m saying it’s retarded and you have better options. I’m sure headbutting your forehead into someone’s testicals would hurt them too but it’s still retarded. As far as the “disrupt their equilibrium and blow out their eardrums” shit is concerned unless you have an actual example of that ever happening even once, let alone consistently, relying on it in a fight on the street is completely fucking retarded.

Just sock them in the jaw. I can prove that that works without a doubt.

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Anonymous No. 116913

im doing whatever Bas told me to do

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Anonymous No. 116916

Bas punched people in the face too when he was allowed to.

Anonymous No. 116917

why are you trying to make it sound like im saying punches are bad?

Anonymous No. 116919

Because if you don’t think punches are better in every way in 90% of situations you’re dumb. There’s literally no reason to use a palm over a punch with very few exceptions. Shit like “cupping the ear to disrupt the equilibrium” is pure bullshido nonsense who are trying to sell you le sekrit ninja knowledge. Even in those situations where a palm would be better I’d argue that in most of THOSE situations a hammefist would be even better. The human hand evolved to strike with a closed fist.

Anonymous No. 116920


Anonymous No. 116949

Funny how you take me referencing just one of a multitude of military training programs that utilize palm strikes and infer that I must want to be a marine. Fuck that noise. It's equally ridiculous when you think I'm so hard up on the military when I have clearly stated it is just a job. At least I am being realistic about shit. I'm not sucking off the military like you blow mma bjj chuds. All I did was suggest there were some potentially brutal elements that get ignored in combat sports. Then you started sperging out about "muh mma."
LOL what a fucking faggot. Maybe if you stopped sucking off fag rollers for a millisecond you'd stop making an ass of yourself.
Says the faggot sperging the hardest in this whole fucking thread. No one else is even trying to argue that punching is ineffective. Even in my reference to MCMAP I was only pointing out the alternative uses for palm strikes.
>pure bullshido nonsense
>more faggy buzzwords no one brought up
Look queer, I know this is hard for you to comprehend but there is a time and place for everything. Including palm strikes. Your faggot ass probably doesn't even know what a boxers fracture is or how ridiculously common it is, especially when punching without gloves. You can rant and rave all you want but you are talking about fighting in an extremely controlled environment with protective gear.

I wouldn't think I would need to spell it out like this but... There are other uses for your fucking hands! Yeah, crazy right? Any idea how fucking hard it is to accurately fire a weapon or perform any dexterous task with your hands when even just one of your metacarpals are broken? Do you know how long it takes bones to heal? Do you think a military fighting force is going to train retards to go hard at an enemy clad in protective armor with barefists or at best thinly gloved with little to no padding? No. Which is why they utilize palm stirkes. Just like every martial art does.

Anonymous No. 116975


Anonymous No. 116980

you guys should meet up with each other and get into a fight and one of you uses palm strikes and the other guy uses punches, plz film it

Anonymous No. 117028

wait. I thought palm strike were like...slaps.

Anonymous No. 117038

No, you’re supposed to hit stiff with the heel of the palm

Anonymous No. 117051

what's the explanation from a martial arts view because it looks like a good way to get your hand snapped back and find the back of your hand touching your forearm.

Anonymous No. 117078

It is.

Anonymous No. 117082

It is a good way to injure your hand which is why retards saying it’s “safer” than punching are retarded. However, assuming you do hit on target you’re less likely to injure your palm on someone’s head than your knuckles. It’s also less powerful, and has less range.

Anonymous No. 117085

Are sumo strikes more of a palm strike or a proper slap?

Anonymous No. 117091


Anonymous No. 117108

Professional fighters punch because it works.

Anonymous No. 117233

And because they're wearing gloves + wrist wraps

Anonymous No. 117244

Or just because it works, retard. I don’t know why armchair fighters think everyone’s hands are made of glass.

Anonymous No. 117246

>nuh cin palm strike hurt sf
>fingers am strung do

Anonymous No. 117247

Are you having a stroke? Reminder that this is the kind of drooling retard who thinks punching in a fight is a bad idea

Anonymous No. 117264

>see: things I do with my fist

Anonymous No. 117266

I hate ESL speakers so much.

Anonymous No. 117275

At UFC 9 closed fist strikes were banned and palms de facto mandated like in pancrase. Every fighter just struck with fists anyway.

Anonymous No. 117279

Not really.

Anonymous No. 117280


Anonymous No. 117283

Most of it is bro science and speculation said with confidence.
The bio-mechanical arguments are off, and his conclusion in a secondary response video that people hit to hard when they don't wear raps and should just hit less hard is pretty retarded.

Anonymous No. 117285

What about the part at 6:00 where he brings up palm strikes being less forceful by however much % than punches?

Anonymous No. 117287

You really trying to get a point by point deep analysis of someone trolling for attention super hard?
Anyway, he compared a wrapped fist to a slap, not a palm strike.
Something I suspect that the video maker knows but being as inflammatory as humanly possible gets attention and views.
Then again I can post videos like this that have objective measurements and show otherwise.

Anonymous No. 117291

but do you have a 5/10 gf you can trot around as your 'buddy'?

Anonymous No. 117292

>non mma trained fighter
>slaps with 280+ average

i will never punch again

Anonymous No. 117347


Anonymous No. 118321

oh look, we got an rbsd/combatives nerd over here

Anonymous No. 118329

I like open hands because you can grab, gouge and throw better.

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Anonymous No. 118345

>I like open hands better because I can grab gouge and throw better in my imagination

Anonymous No. 118354

are you trying to say grabbing someone is a imaginary thing?

Anonymous No. 118363

I’m saying you’ve never used an open thanks strike to transition to even a grab, much less a gouge you LARPtard.

Anonymous No. 118383

I do Judo and constantly transition into different grips you fat nigger.

Anonymous No. 118386

Yes and you’ve palm strike transitioned to a grip on judo? Give me a break lol.

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Anonymous No. 118388

How am I supposed to grab someone? With my fucking toes?

Anyways, what do you do loser? BJJ?

Anonymous No. 118445

>taking kumi-kata is the same as palm striking someone’s head and gouging their eyes out
You’re retarded

Anonymous No. 118452

do you even practice any fighting?

Anonymous No. 118453

Lmao, I’ve been doing judo for almost ten years now. Gripping is not palm striking.

Anonymous No. 118456

if i slap you on the nape of the neck with the opening of my hand and grab your collar, did i or did i not use an open palm to strike you?

Anonymous No. 118457

I was going to wait for a response but fuck it I’ll explain it now before you go “hurr durr you don’t do judo”

If you try to press the flat of your palm against an experienced players chest before gripping them they can pull your arm closer and press their own torso against your hand until either your wrist breaks breaks or, more likely, you let go. Congrats you’ve just lost your power hand grip and they likely established theirs.

When you grip someone’s torso, you should be turning your wrist towards the inside of your body so that your knuckles are facing their torso (if I explained this poorly let me know and I will try again). This has a twofold effect. First, they won’t be able to lock your wrist in the way I described above. Second, when you turn to throw then your wrist won’t be misaligned. Try t-stepping into a turning throw with your wrist bent backwards and then do it bent forwards. You’ll notice an immediate difference.

If you are a particularly dirty player, once you’ve established grips you can strike your opponent by punch them in the chest since if your wrist is aligned correctly youll have your knuckles facing them. I hear the Albanians used to do this a lot but what do I know. So if anything, you should be using your judo skills to establish grips and then strike with a fist, not trying to do some retarded palm strike shot then somehow grip from there. Retard.

Anonymous No. 118460

You’re not going to generate enough power to do any kind of damage grabbing the back of the neck so no I would not call that a strike. Also you’ve never done it in a. Fight. If you’re trying to palm strike people in judo competition you’re a douche.

Anonymous No. 118461


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Anonymous No. 118463


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made in 2 minutes.png

Anonymous No. 118465


Anonymous No. 118466

I accept your concession since you have literally no argument

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Anonymous No. 118468


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Anonymous No. 118469

BYE! BYE BYE! Remember to practice your toe gripping!

Anonymous No. 118475

Ok have fun hyperextending your wrist because poor alignment and pissing off your training partners since you keep trying to smack them for some reason.

Anonymous No. 118765

It's more practical then expecting soldiers to roll on a battlefield in full kit but don't overhype it. It did have some solid principles behind it though

Anonymous No. 118766

You never hit anyone with the flat of your glove in sparring? Shit is absolutely effective

Anonymous No. 118769

You can barely palm strike with a boxing glove on, a slap would be way more effective (which I have done many times)
In the case you're talking about lmaokarate gloves, you ain't hitting hard enough to damage anyone older than a 14yo

Anonymous No. 118782

oh ok, so you never actually have done any training

Anonymous No. 118784

i like how whenever someone disagrees with on or another or just has a different opinion people just start claiming complete absence of experience

Anonymous No. 118823

>make statement that reveals lack of knowledge and experience
>does so with arrogance and absolute certainty
Try posting less

Anonymous No. 118828

your lack of knowledge of which anon you're talking to is egregious

Anonymous No. 118865

What’s egregious here is the terrible structure of this sentence. I pray to God your an ESL retard because if you speak English as your first language this is really embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 118933

>God your an ESL
anon... I...

Anonymous No. 118941

>can’t write a sentence
>but you used the wrong form of YOUR in an informal post. therefore I’m not an illiterate retard.
Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 118986

You write like a teenage white girl. Do you want a caramel macchiato?

Anonymous No. 119002

Further proof you are both illiterate and retarded.

Anonymous No. 119005

Uh huh, eat shit nigger.

Anonymous No. 119010

Yup, making this thread over again was a great idea.
This second time around is so much better then the first thread that made every possible point about such a limited topic.
It was so unexpected that once the rehash was done that the thread would then devolve into petty insult flinging.

But yeah. This topic is done.
Lets agree not to do it again in the near future.

Anonymous No. 119031

Describe to me a situation in which palm striking with a glove on would be better than just punching (or slapping)
Also describe your fighting experience, because its always guys with mediocre skills that claim weird shit works

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119032

im gonna make another one of these threads with your reply as the pic

Anonymous No. 119033


Anonymous No. 119035

fuck you


Anonymous No. 119037

I'm gonna make it a general called /psvpg/