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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 114068

A well-executed bumrush will win you 99% of the streetfights you will ever be in.
Signing up for martial arts classes in your adulthood so that you know how to fight in a streetfight is pretty fucking useless. You will always get fucked up by the more seasoned fighters, and a streetfight doesn't follow your little sport rules.

What will win you fights, is a flurry of uncoordinated punches, knees and kicks, which will make the vast majority of opponents either get knocked out by a lucky strike, or trip over while they're backing up, giving you the perfect opportunity for a ground and pound or repeated kicks and stomps to the head.
Sure, a very experienced fighter will probably fuck you up if you try something like that and don't hit a lucky strike. But let's get real, you following some BJJ classes once a week and dodging sparring is not going to make you beat those guys either, so why waste your time there? You most likely don't have the stamina to last in a long fight either. You're better off just practicing your strikes and kicks against a heavy bag, so that you can perform your flurry better.
And one big plus about this is; you're at 0 risk of CTE until you're in an actual fight. Meanwhile judo faggots and boxing chuds are getting their brain turned into strawberry slush with every strike they receive, or fall they have to "break".

I've only been in 2 streetfights in my adult life, and in both times I've executed the bumrush. In the first fight I knocked out a tooth, after which the fight ended and I eventually got into trouble with the police. The second time I was stopped mid-flurry by a security guard, which I count as a TKO.

Trust me guys. If you don't have over a decade of martial arts experience, in which you trained multiple times a week to perfect your technique, don't bother picking it up. It's a huge waste of time.

Anonymous No. 114072

For street fights you're mostly, correct as the most you will get from learning how to strike is how to distribute power better.
But it ain't a waste of time if you simply enjoy striking. Just be careful with regards to sparring and don't over do it if you are that terrified of getting punch drunk.

Anonymous No. 114075

Street fights are for monkeys, and doing martial arts to get into street fights is for double monkeys.

Anonymous No. 114128

I'll either heelhook you or knock your dum ass out

Anonymous No. 114132

>Tried this thread on /fit/
>Got ridiculed for being a fucking retard
>Comes to /xs/
>Still a fucking retard
Some training is always better than no training and it doesn't take that long to see some benefits. You sound like filtered butthurt pussy that got tapped hard once or twice in sparring then quit like a bitch. Fucking whining about CTE like you're going to get that just from training. Every word of this post speaks volumes about how little you know and reeks of insecure beta bitch. Bet you started a BJJ class got rolled hard and walked out the door sniveling & mumbling about how "i don't need this, this is useless, blah, blah, blah." Fucking pathetic.

Anonymous No. 114141

I competed in amature kickboxing as a teenager and I agree with the op post. I was never good enough to realistically go pro so all I got was minor braindamage for no reason lol. The fact is you are unlikely to get in a fight to begin with and then ontop of that any instance where someone sucker punches you or has a weapon any martial arts training becomes pretty useless. Its like making fun of aikido larpers but at the end of the day imagining you're doing bjj for self defence isn't that much better. If you like the competition or its your preferred exercise that's different but other than that you're a larper too.

Anonymous No. 114147

Looks like somebody got filtered, maybe a fat fuck or always-drunk fitness gym steroid abuser.

Just ask yourself (or ppl who work in that field): which type of unwanted visitor brings more problems for bouncers, security personnel and the likes? The untrained always try the same two, three chained strikes, are easy to read, and instead of having to hit their faces (which is risky for yourself bc cuts, infections and lawsuits), you can more easily subdue them by choking, tangling, takedowns and stuff. Untrained "fighters" often have no perception of distance, not a single sign of proper reflexes, aren't hardened for battle perception (read: they blink, they turn away, they flinch, they give up their stance if they even have one). Under good lighting, you see their haymaker half an hour before it becomes dangerous, and most of them put their glass chins right in front of your lead hand.

Seasoned brawlers are different, but to become seasoned, you need experience (which is some sort of training in itself). Upstart youngsters who think they can fight get their head injuries because they're unconscious before their heads even touch the concrete.

I have been on the mat for 25 years next year, I won and lost competitions, I brawled with strangers in back alleys, bars and crowds, did bouncer jobs and train with police/army units that are required to arrest unwilling police/army/criminal dudes.

Nobody should use 4chan for advice, but BOY WAS THAT A STUPID TAKE FROM OP'S SIDE. "I survive by not training to survive" is a completely bullshit paradox way to nail an IDIOT sign to one's forehead.

Anonymous No. 114258

If you can't tell by your webm, a well executed bumrush is only a high percentage move if you are big and strong

Anonymous No. 114292

>I am a sub amateur kick-boxer who, probably didn't even spar much, that copes by shitting on martial arts online.
You didn't even get the slightest hint of brain damage faggot. I guarantee you never had your bell rung not once, you were too big a pussy to get that far. It is painfully obvious by your faggy pussy post that you never even stepped into the amateur ring. You're a little bitch boy that got filtered within the first few months of signing up for lessons and you cope by coming here and pretending like training is useless anyone with half a severely CTE damaged brain can tell you're in full blown cope mode.

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Anonymous No. 114296

>A well-executed bumrush will win you 99% of the streetfights you will ever be in.
>Signing up for martial arts classes in your adulthood so that you know how to fight in a streetfight is pretty fucking useless. You will always get fucked up by the more seasoned fighters, and a streetfight doesn't follow your little sport rules.
>What will win you fights, is a flurry of uncoordinated punches, knees and kicks, which will make the vast majority of opponents either get knocked out by a lucky strike, or trip over while they're backing up, giving you the perfect opportunity for a ground and pound or repeated kicks and stomps to the head.
>Sure, a very experienced fighter will probably fuck you up if you try something like that and don't hit a lucky strike. But let's get real, you following some BJJ classes once a week and dodging sparring is not going to make you beat those guys either, so why waste your time there? You most likely don't have the stamina to last in a long fight either. You're better off just practicing your strikes and kicks against a heavy bag, so that you can perform your flurry better.
>And one big plus about this is; you're at 0 risk of CTE until you're in an actual fight. Meanwhile judo faggots and boxing chuds are getting their brain turned into strawberry slush with every strike they receive, or fall they have to "break".
>I've only been in 2 streetfights in my adult life, and in both times I've executed the bumrush. In the first fight I knocked out a tooth, after which the fight ended and I eventually got into trouble with the police. The second time I was stopped mid-flurry by a security guard, which I count as a TKO.
>Trust me guys. If you don't have over a decade of martial arts experience, in which you trained multiple times a week to perfect your technique, don't bother picking it up. It's a huge waste of time.

Anonymous No. 114315

How many tl;dr threads written by sub-85iq retards must this board suffer?

Anonymous No. 114775

Well as you said, you could beat the dude who does BJJ once a week yes, if you consider yourself a man you would go for a more evenly matched fight instead of searching the streets daily for a BJJ twink KEK
Also bad webm example, Ngannou got pieced up bad against Lewis and Stipe 1, only when he got technical and used that power properly he soared to the top

Anonymous No. 114838

>well executed
There's the rub.

Anonymous No. 115111

You seem upset

Anonymous No. 115140

This thread was on /fit/ a while ago and everyone made fun of the OP. If you're that same retard, thanks for the additional laughs

Anonymous No. 116109

>which I count as a TKO.

Anonymous No. 116111

>try that against a boxer
>They step back and pull counter you
>knock you out with ease

Ngannou's bumrush strat only worked because :

>hes a big roided up giga nig with good power and a long reach
>his opponent tried to low kick him and ended up square on to his punches, taking their full power
>half of the division is scared of going toe to toe with him because he is memed as some kind of mega-striker
>the striking level of UFC fighters in general isnt that high.

It was actually somewhat similar with mike tyson. Opponents who dared to stand in the pocket with tyson and trade like douglas and holyfield found their reach/height advantage helped them get the better of him. But because of his invincible aura in the division nobody dared to.

But trying to bum-rush like that opens you up to getting knocked out by someone who knows what they're doing because you're planting all of your weight on your front foot and then getting square on with your head fowards. Its risky. Rozenstruik also obviously panicked and couldnt handle the pressure. If he had stood his ground after the first 1-2 strikes he could have got a clinch or got some shots on the inside. Instead he just kept retreating.

Anonymous No. 116116

Literally what will make you win is a fucking gun or knife.

If both are out of the picture I'd say jiujitsu or some other martial art that consists in submission will win you most street fights

Anonymous No. 116158

Meds. Take.

Anonymous No. 116186

Why submission and not striking

Anonymous No. 116307

Jesus Christ, why did you even make this thread? Go outside. Fuck.

Anonymous No. 116457

I disagree knowing basic submissions and grappling can work. Pic related are two linebacker sized men. The average man is like 160-200 lbs. Even someone who can bum rush and box can get taken down by level change or choked. Ive done it

Anonymous No. 119081

What is the proper counter to a bum rush? I know some people say to circle out, but if you need to face them head on what do you do? All I can think of is a panicked jumping knee or jumping elbow partially just to block myself.

Anonymous No. 119083

The virgin fight stance vs the chad bumrush

Anonymous No. 119096

You’re retarded. If you get sucker punches by some guy you don’t just automatically drop. some of that is luck and other variables but if you recover now you’re in a fight. I’d rather be trained for that event than not. I’ve been sucker punched by a stranger before and won.

Anonymous No. 119098

Literally just a jab or other straight punch. They will stop dead in their tracks 9 times out of 10. Assuming you have good punching structure they’re not going to be able to run through your arm.

Anonymous No. 119137

> lucky strike
I don’t throw and hope I aim and fire.

95% of people don’t know how to fight so a bum rush will work but when you run into a trained fighter you’re getting kod

Anonymous No. 119203

I’ve been in a lot of messy street fights because of where I grew up but don’t have any formal boxing training. can’t throw a punch but can kick well and have grappling training.

if someone bum rushes you, how can you punch them if their middle line is already occupied by their own punches? seems risky and hard to do in the moment. which is why I was thinking either a strong kick with your wait behind it, or a level change with a knee or elbow, which may sound risky and aggressive but in my mind would be safer. Even if your strike didn’t connect it would hopefully absorb their blow and disrupt their momentum

Anonymous No. 119245

A front kick works well enough also. If they’re literally just running at you windmilling their arms then you control distance and angles with footwork. If they get close and also are at good enough angle that they can actually hit you then it’s time to clinch.

I remember my first couple times sparring I tried to aggressively approach my more experienced opponents and they would literally just step back and to the side while they peppered me with jabs. It’s a really demoralizing experience but it will teach you that “bum rushing” anyone who knows how to fight is pretty stupid

Anonymous No. 119247

Anything revolving around fighting or martial arts will attract them because every man wants to think they are tough but very few men want to put in the effort to be tough. This board is almost entirely nofights

Anonymous No. 119292

What did you practice?

Anonymous No. 119335

Foot work and timing. Chasing people is a bad idea you have to create good angle at the right times to make a hit without getting hit back.

Anonymous No. 119478

>If you don't have over a decade of martial arts experience, in which you trained multiple times a week to perfect your technique
You don't even have to train for half a decade
Just be smarter than the average autist and be athletic

Anonymous No. 119487

literally anybody with a boxing/muay thai background would just step around you flailing your fat limbs and rock your shit

Anonymous No. 119488

so just learn boxing then?

Anonymous No. 119542

Just be a faggot and run away. Staying in a fight against literal chimps is fucking stupid when you can most likely outrun them.

Anonymous No. 119552


Anonymous No. 119859

Kinda correct but you need a little bit of technique to maximize force production and speed.

Anonymous No. 119860

Don't jump, they will just run you over. Either outbox them with stiff lefts and rights or parry/pin their arms and wrestle.

Anonymous No. 119952

You're not Francis dumbass. If I was the heavyweight UFC champ then yeah it probably would work.

Anonymous No. 120316

Yeah one of the reasons Francis Ngannou was able to make it so far at the beginning of his UFC career is because he literally has the highest recorded punching strength in the UFC so far, and he had to eventually really train technique because his pure brute style only worked for so long before opponents found ways around it

Anonymous No. 120376


Anonymous No. 120429

Nice compilation vid m8