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Anonymous No. 114347

is it possible to hire private trainers/tours/services, for skydiving, parachute diving etc, to the point they let me jump in the dark of the night,and also carryin stuff such as weapons?
Im just a normal guy who's obsessed with liberatarianism(joining a private army ,ie; military contractors,eschewing State-national militaries)and also with the incoming apocalypse. (protip;its between 2030 and 2060)
Same question for diving-related operations,such as mastering diving to the point one could perform demolition operations underwater.

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Anonymous No. 114375

For the extreme athlete aspects sure. I don't see why not, they have instructors for everything, skydiving, scuba, etc, but you'd probably need to join the military/police for any weapons instructions. I've never heard of civilian demolition classes, even private military companies, mercs almost solely hire former police/servicemen from what I understand.

Also if you're worried about the apocalypse I'd also focus on learning how to live off the land, operate drones, and stacking some crypto bags like monero.

Anonymous No. 114384

You can learn all of that but it's all useless if you want to be a PMC. PMCs don't do underwater demolitions, HALO jumps and other forms of exotic operating that special forces are for. Also, PMCs generally won't take you unless you have been enlisted or have been an officer. You'll have to start at the bottom of the barrel with shitty PMCs that will take literally anyone but will also give you work that is against the interests of the west, which will land you on several wanted lists. You'll also have to pack your own gear etc because they will never equip you to survive. You're going to be fighting fights that 3rd world militaries aren't willing to send their own soldier to die in. You'll be cannon fodder so they won't have to pay you because you'll be dead. 3rd rate PMC work in 3rd world countries will land you in a coffin and those are your only options unless you get really lucky.
Your question doesn't deserve such a long answer anyway.

Anonymous No. 114400

in a apocalypse type situation, what would be the point of crypto? Is there a way to liquidate it?

Anonymous No. 114486

well OP never specified what sort of apocalypse he was talking about. Tyrannical gov take over then you'd probably want some crapto. But emp, environmental calamity, anything that knocks out the power grid then no.

Anonymous No. 114581

Dude just join the army and sign up for these extra schools they offer

Anonymous No. 114591

i will NOT join a (((statist))) organization.
how dare yo suggest I allow a Statist to order me around? or become ,myself,subject to taxation and regulations?

Anonymous No. 114592

>Your question doesn't deserve such a long answer anyway.
AH! you take issue with Me?

Anonymous No. 115244

>Im just a normal guy who's obsessed with liberatarianism(joining a private army ,ie; military contractors,eschewing State-national militaries)

kill yourself you fucking pathetic larping loser

Anonymous No. 118078

You can learn to skydive at any host of USPA dropzones in the US. When you get your B License (50 jumps) you can do night jumps.

For learning how to jump with this setup, you will need to learn to wingsuit, get good in the tunnel, or go through MFF - it's not easy

BTW this skill isn't used that often in the real world.

Source: MFF instructor

Anonymous No. 118081

Sure. Just gotta be Richard Branson tier crazy billionaire who wants to do fun shit.

>shaw !KCbVhNJFrQ No. 118735

Getting your A license and gear will run you about 10k or so

Anonymous No. 121271

Yeah, you can do that. Pro advice, get your standard skydiving certs from tandem jump on. Find a parachute rigging service and buy your own chute/equipment. Be aware that this shit ain't cheap and you absolutely don't want to buy military surplus. Next, make friends with a pilot and be honest about what you're doing. Do your first few jumps with airsoft guns and practice against preset targets in an open field. Costs can be lowered by getting like-minded friends doing the same shit. After you're confident with your training jumps, verify you have a safe field to do live-fire. Have a designated direction of fire with a solid backstop. Set up your targets and do a jump.

Now if you want to become a merc without enlisting or becoming a cop, go through the Paramedic pipeline and take the necessary training to become a SWAT medic. Get into top physical condition. Offset your costs by working for an EMS service and/or a firefighter. Become a firefighter - seriously. Firefighters learn building construction, forcible entry, HAZMAT, fire behavior, how to extricate a patient from a car (useful as fuck for combat rescue), you learn ropes and rappelling, how to set up an LZ, power tools, lock picking, heavy equipment, how to respond to plane crashes, etc. Plus this will give you marketable experience. Maybe talk to that pilot friend and learn how to fly, get certified doing that too. Learn a foreign language or two. Make yourself a Swiss Army Knife and be in excellent shape.

From there, make contacts. Go to trade shows, EMS conventions, get onto a job board and look up overseas contracts.

Hope this helps

Anonymous No. 121277

Me again

Figure I should add this little addendum: These guys are right.

Legit PMC work is mainly site security, personnel security, emergency response in dangerous areas, training paramilitaries, etc. - also your BEST and most lucrative option.

You could go volunteer yourself to fight in Ukraine for experience for either side, but be warned you have only seen the shit that makes it to the news and LiveLeak. There were over 300 Ukrainian Marines, many of them foreign volunteers including Americans, trapped in an underground network for over a month during an active siege with dwindling supplies and no means to sanitize water.

Let me put it this way; it's not Ghost Recon Wildlands. Going to a warzone is some dark depressing shit. You can't go home or up and quit in the middle of a contract. There are plenty of reasons why Green Berets, SEALs and Rangers come home with PTSD. Movies glorify the hell out of it and as much as I love Tom Clancy, his books are carebears compared to what it's actually like.

If you want to learn how to survive SHTF, learn how to farm and buy land somewhere remote. DDASR

Anonymous No. 123033

Is probably the best advice you'll get, PMC as you envision them stopped being a thing around 2009 ish. The closest thing nowadays is the type of work the guys in the movie "13 hours" did however those spots are usually taken by former Seals, Rangers, etc. If you're not any of the former they won't bother with you. Without mil. Experience the most you'll get is gate guard for Allied Universal and that sucks ass. So yeah try and go the EMS route.
Also nowadays the guys that get most of the top secret assignments are crypto/cyber guys that work intercepting signals and analyzing data, Spec Ops guys keep moving away from parachutes and mostly do vehicle insertions and long range recon.

Anonymous No. 124573

>halloween theme
dead board

Anonymous No. 125127

If you want to know what it's like being a pmc. Imagine those guards Solid Snake or Sam Fisher take out easily and drop in a dumpster. You're not going to be Jetstream Sam and badass, you're going to be some sweaty guy outside an African prime minister building in either mall cop uniforms or basic military get ups.

Anonymous No. 125737

Anyone telling OP to join the military, please don't. We don't fucking want him either.