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Anonymous No. 114595

How are effective are flying striking techniques (not kicks or knees) in a fight?

Anonymous No. 114613

Not that effective, for most fighters. Superman jabs/punches can be effective if you're extremely athletic and the opponent is worried about your kicks, since superman punches are simply kicks feinted into punches. Easy to use in sparring against unskilled opponents, very hard/risky to use in real fights against skilled opponents.

Flying knees are the only "flying" technique that is consistently useful.

Anonymous No. 114623

what i always wondered about flying punches is how exactly are you going to generate power if your ae connected to the ground. Flying elbows?

Anonymous No. 114634

Same principle as the drop-step jab. You're redirecting some of the force generated by your mass falling back down to earth into your punch.

Anonymous No. 114697

You're also knowingly sacrificing precision power delivery to try and catch someone unprepared to brace for it. Come from too far out, they'll see it coming. Come from too close, and you've just given up your center of gravity for free. But when it lands, it's fucking undeniable. Like spinning shit, it's entirely dependant on your read.

Anonymous No. 114717

>How are effective are flying striking techniques (not kicks or knees) in a fight?
Less effective then doing strikes while being able to push off the ground, but not totally and compleately ineffective.
Two ways, body-weight of hurling your whole body into the blow. Risky but if it connects it hits hard.
And body twist/counter rotation, like superman punch. Not a very strong punch but has just enough power to actually knock someone out when it hits flush.
>Flying knees are the only "flying" technique that is consistently useful.
You don't spar tall people enough.
Jumping roundhouse is my go to giant slaying head kick. It is super consistent and effective.
Also jumping front kick is good for bullying fat/heavy people out of the center and positioning them to set up other technieques when they try to rush forward.
Oh, and there is fadeaway jumping spining back kick for managing distance as a counter when someone is trying to pressure.

Actually, maybe you just suck at them if only the flying knee is consistent for you. There are a lot that can be consistent if you use them consistently enough that you are comfortable with them.

Anonymous No. 115746

I've recently started getting together with some martial arts friends that use different styles and sparring. I personally find the superman punch to be very effective, specifically because everyone is looking for my kicks. 'Feint kick into superman punch' has consistently been landing for me.

Anonymous No. 115842

I think my eyesight is too shit for superman punches to work as a faint on me. I usually am able to counter super man punch because the kick faint it too far away for me to react to so I just clearly read the jump due to level change and the punch since it's wind up and execution is close enough for me to see it.

That said I also walk into a lot of skipping and sliding front leg side kicks for the same reason of them being hard for me to read since they are out of my ideal eyesight range until it's too late.

Anonymous No. 115845

When you say jumping front kick, are you referring to a crane kick?

Anonymous No. 115848

Think more of a push kick to the body only you jump into it to give it some extra omp against someone bigger then you. Or if you want to knock someone similar size or smaller then you clear across the room and for whatever reason they are slow enough to not get out the way.

Anonymous No. 115904

Tracking is more of an /out/ activity

Anonymous No. 115907

Wrong thread dude.
Might want to delete your post.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 116123

might want to shut the fuck up kike nigger faggot