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๐Ÿงต How To Fight Without Gloves?

Anonymous No. 114702

Never been in a fight, but I'm curious. So I do boxing, and obviously everything is done with gloves and wraps.

How exactly can you translate this to a real fight. You hit someones jaw, cheekbone, skull hard? I feel it'd break your knuckles or fuck up your wrist. With the gloves and wraps it's a lot more forgiving.
You're even told not to hit the bag without gloves.

Can you train for such a thing (translate boxing skills to non-glove boxing) without actually fighting someone barehanded? B.O.B.?
I feel I'd be a lot less confident in a fight for this specific reason (being afraid of fucking my hands up). Obviously in a life or death situation it's different but still.
Should I do some kind of hand/wrist conditioning too?

Anonymous No. 115488

Look into oldschool bare-knuckle boxing. Fighters would have multiple matches a month for decades without ever breaking their hands. Part of it was due to hand conditioning, but mostly it was just knowing when/where to use power and when/where not to. Adding gloves changed the sport forever because it suddenly allowed people to punch each other in the head at full strength, when doing that before would shatter your hand and end your career. In bare-knuckle, the power shots were mainly to the body, while headshots were light and fast (unless they were aiming for the nose or chin). It's also why the oldschool boxing guard was lower and with the knuckles forward.

Anonymous No. 115501

I thought boxers usually say that if you fight bare-handed you just don't show your true power level and keep it at more like 70-80%.

Anonymous No. 116108

this, BKFC shares tons of their fights on youtube. you see a different form emerge, hitting with the second knuckle instead of the first, like how you knock on a door. mixed in with the archetypal first-knuckle punch.

Anonymous No. 116110


Anonymous No. 116118

If you're a boxer, as mentioned by >>115501, going into a fight barehanded means you're only going to be using a fraction of your power, both for the sake of the person getting punched and yourself.
Remember that boxing training, mostly thanks to gloves, means you can punch with a strength far above what's practical in a bare-knuckes situation, but just by punching with less strength you can make up for it.
Try doing heavy bag without gloves on (though I wouldn't recommend to overdo it) to find a level of power you're comfortable in.

Anonymous No. 116122

Look into any martial art with kicks. Kicks can hit harder without much injury. Muay Thai and kick boxing are good options.

Anonymous No. 119061

This is a good post. I do wonder why so few boxers even to this day dont invest in hand conditioning techniques. Its something I was also interested in when I was training and as someone who has gotten into a few scraps outside of the ring i never seriously hurt my hand.

Anonymous No. 119190

Spinny side kick w/shoes

You can get really good at it, it can be quite crippling. Just one kick is all you need.

Learn to elbow people's face relentlessly. Build up your bones and endurance because it fucking hurts. However, it won't break your hands. People win fights but break their hands and can't go to work? It's dumb imo.

Self restraint and try to talk sense into people to calm them down if their attacking you.

> Better check yourself before you rekt yourself

Give them a chance. My rule is: I will not hit back unless they hit me and it hurts.