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Anonymous No. 114725

Kinda wanna get into shooting as a sport and qualify for the Olympics. Where do I start?

Anonymous No. 115131

Go shoot.

Anonymous No. 115184

Hopefully you have that $10,000 saved up for one of those competition rifles

Anonymous No. 115563

Don't start here, you'll just fuck it up, or sink a lot of money into something you decide not to commit to. Start with either an air rifle or if you have the budget a ~$300 .22, and don't upgrade until you're a better shot than the gun is. Use the rest of the money on practice ammo -- don't fall for the 'match grade' meme until after you've upgraded the gun. .22 used to be cheap but between Obama and the china virus it's gone way up. Still cheap relative to other calibers, but expensive relative pellets in a pump gun. Better to get used to 10,000 shots with a pellet than only affording 100 rounds of. 22, once you learn the skill getting used to other equipment goes much faster.

Find a good place to practice, range fees suck. I built one in my backyard, but live out in the sticks. Don't shoot in the 'burbs where Karen will hear and go all mama bear about her kids safety, nothing good comes of it no matter how good your backstop actually is. Lots of places have outdoor ranges that are public/free or private clubs with like $10/month dues.

Best of luck, anon

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Anonymous No. 115570

I shoot HFT and just plink typically (so not olympic but fuck it close enough) pic rel.
Find a local club for 10m,25m etc (whatever type you want to do). Message them via whatever email, social media page or similar they have saying you'd like to get into the sport . Go along to one of their meetings and ykno actually talk to people, they will probably have club guns (check beforehand if they do) you can borrow these to try out the sport.
Once you've done that you can then decide if its actually the sport for you and from there you can speak to people in said clubs to get help finding gear, getting practice, improving etc. This should have all been fairly obvious but alas.
Also before buying a gun ask the people at the club for advice, don't spend a shitload of money on the wrong gun for the job (for example you don't want a rifle like the FX in pic rel to shoot 10m)
A LG400 (as far as i can tell thats the gun in the pic OP posted) will run you about $3000 but thats on the high end of rifles.
If someones just getting into it you can pick up Air Arms T200s second-hand for like £300-500 which are perfectly usable, my first PCP was a S200 (not gun in picrel)
You also have options like the BSA silverstar etc if you specifically want to shoot diopters, older guns like FWB 300s are also great.

I'm assuming you're on about rimfires but to clarify for OP, no karen is ever going to notice a 6-12ftlb air rifle going off unless they're intentionally looking for it.

Anonymous No. 115571

Oh yeah also, look at more than just diopter shooting.
There's a shitload of shooting sports for airguns alone that aren't in the olympics (field target for example) and you may prefer these to olympic type competition.

Ulysses !!bB6XZY8JmyO No. 115580

/k/ USPSA/IPSC crossposter here. Depending on local laws, if you like to go fast and you want to shoot service calibers, check out practical shooting competition. There's no Olympic medal at the end of it, but it's a lot of fun.