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🧵 Which option would you choose?

Anonymous No. 115108

Training the heavybag, double end bag, doing deadlifts and squats; or just buying some expensive protection gear and fighting everyday?

Anonymous No. 115112

Tbh i dont even know if i should bother with this, i carry a knife everywhere i go but i like the thought of becoming a physical beast

Anonymous No. 115132

Do both. Why do you need expensive gear for sparring?

Cringe as hell dawg

Anonymous No. 115139

Fighting everyday is more fun but would be worse for my health in the long run.

Not sure why the protective gear has to be expensive or why it's a ether or thing, but if for some reason I HAD to pick one or the other I would pick the fighting because that is way more fun.
I can keep in shape with calisthenics and drill techniques with sparing pardners or on something improvised.

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Anonymous No. 115145

Try this

Anonymous No. 115200

This. You need gloves and a partner you trust not to try and take your head off. That’s it. That’s all the gear.

Anonymous No. 115201

I like cloth shin pads because kicking elbows and shins hurts.
But they cost like $15 USD so it doesn't exactly break the bank to add them to your sparing gear.

Anonymous No. 115246

I was talking about bare minimum but yeah, even still it’s not like you’re going to break the bank on kickboxing/mma gear. Faggot OP reminds me of a guy I argued with in a bjj thread awhile back who, despite never having been to a bjj gym, decided to drop 800 dollars on the most expensive Gis and rashguards he could buy.

Then he decided not to bother training anyways lol.

Anonymous No. 115251

My teeth are all fragile and fucked up, i simply cannot afford take a hard punch on the mouth/jaw

Anonymous No. 115252

What exactly do you want?

The only way to learn to fight is with sparring. Any hit to the head causes permanent brain damage, which is impossible to prevent against no matter what head gear you have on

Anonymous No. 115253

Then why are you even considering striking? Get a mouth guard and do judo or something.

Anonymous No. 115256

Becoming proficient at fighting without becoming a gappy.
Thats why i made the thread, maybe training deadlifts and squats might make me great at wrestling, but every fight involves some form of striking

Anonymous No. 115280

Doing mitts, seems the most fun and realistic with variety bribe a friend with free beers to hold the gloves or something, they'll benefit in learning to defend against strikes and you'll benefit in learning to strike.

Anonymous No. 115315

You need to see a dentist and spend the money there instead of on training gear.

Anonymous No. 115353

>every fight
Do you think a judo match involves punching or are you specifically talking about street fighting? If the latter just don’t get involved in street fights retard.

Anonymous No. 120202

obviously fighting anon, experience in combat sports is the best training by far

Anonymous No. 120491

>The only way to learn to fight is with sparring. Any hit to the head causes permanent brain damage, which is impossible to prevent against no matter what head gear you have on
Zoomer take lmao.

Anonymous No. 120492

>If the latter just don’t get involved in street fights retard.
You don't have a choice in street fights, retard.

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Anonymous No. 120503


GO TO A GYM. Fucking autistic retards on this board. You need to physically interact with other people. Go to a gym almost all have these things and coaching plus at minimal cardio boxing/kickboxing classes if not actual powerlifting coaching and fight training in a safe way. What the fuck is with white American dudes and being scared of social interaction to the point of arguing against it?

Anonymous No. 120517

Retard, 99.99% of street fights are entirely optional.

Anonymous No. 120571

which option would I choose for what? out of all those, deadlifts and squads would certainly improve your life a lot, but the cardio from bagwork would too.
do you mean for self defence? why would you deathlift, in almost every single athletic application, you will be better off with olympic lifts. also you would never do just one of these if you cared about self defence or combat proficiency