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šŸ§µ Olympic Fencing?

Anonymous No. 115460

Not sure if this is supposed to go on /xs/ or /sp/, but what do you think of the sport? All I see on here is HEMA.

I'm trying to get into it and I'm looking to pick up some gear. I probably want to fence Epee. Any recommendations? The club has gear, but a lot of it is gross and sometimes not working, especially for left handed stuff.

Anonymous No. 115461

There used to be a sport fencing general on /asp/ so I donā€™t see why not. I just donā€™t think thereā€™s a lot of antenna tagfags here

Anonymous No. 115909

fun sport! :D

Anonymous No. 117095

gay manlets
For the tall Chads. Do Epee OP

Anonymous No. 117730

Do foil (personal preference)! Epee is also fun. Sabre too. People that get angry about one vs the other are dumb.
I've been fencing 15 years, ask me any questions OP.
What is your budget? Where are you located? I coach a local club and help people pick it out all the time.

Sorry only just found this thread, I see it is 15 days old.

FIE wants to bring back capteurs to sabre at least

Anonymous No. 117744

What is the learning curve? Do you have to take many lessons and learn theory to be good at it? How much of fencing is genetic?

Anonymous No. 117747

Not the guy you replied to but also a foil guy, also fenced a long time, grew up with it. In my opinion fencing has some of the easiest fundamentals to pick up of any martial art, which to me are: advance, retreat, lunge, recover, jump back, parry, riposte, disengage. You can learn all that in a week or two at a basic level and then spend the entire rest of your life getting "good" at fencing, depending on what you mean by "good." I don't think your genetics matter at all except maybe at the absolute highest levels but your general athleticism will make a huge difference. Personally I'm very footwork focused - I think having a good lunge is probably the single most important thing that improves your fencing - imagine suddenly driving off your rear leg and taking one giant leap/step forward - faster you can do that and the more ground you cover the better your lunge is and it's going to be tough if you're super unathletic or out of shape.
It's fun though! A great martial art to get into. You can do a lot of sparring at high intensity and it won't wreck your joints and fuck up your ears like BJJ or fuck up your brain like striking sports.

Anonymous No. 117784

Learning curve is not an issue. It takes maybe 3, 4 2hr lessons to learn the basics. Theory is a bunch of hogwash, be suspicious of any coach who tries and drill to death the 'proper' parries (as in parry 4, 6, 9...) into you. The best way to improve is the same as with something like Counter-Strike; just fence a LOT and fence people wildly better than you.

The real curve part of the learning curve is simple experience which can't be easily sped up even with the world's best coach. You need to learn a whole new way of moving your body in a coordinated manner and lightning fast decision making.
Being in shape helps, but any good fencer can tell you a chubby, slow 60 year old Romanian dude can easily wipe the floor with jacked up 21 year olds.
Genetics doens't matter, really. Height might seem like it is useful, but that is only true for noob vs noob. Hell I fenced a great foilist who used a #4 blade rather than #5 because he liked how it flicked.

Anonymous No. 117786

yep one of the hardest things I found with my students is getting them to commit to a big lunge in a bout. So often they fall just a mm short on a feeble lunge, or they take an unnecessary half-step and then hit with still plenty of arm-bend in reserve. New fencers infighting is hilarious regardless.

Anonymous No. 117798

>What is your budget? Where are you located? I coach a local club and help people pick it out all the time.
OP here, I'm at a college in the midwest and there's a fencing club. There are a few fencers that seem very good, but it's hard for me to judge given that I don't really know I'm doing.
The club members obviously showed me the basics, but they sort of have their own thing going on. Are there any good online resources? Books or videos? I assume that, at some point, it would be worthwhile to get private lessons? Do you have any general tips for someone just starting out? Bad habits that I should avoid forming early?

As far as budget for gear, anything goes as long as it's not outrageously expensive. I'd rather spend the money upfront to get something of decent quality. For now though, at least until I have a better sense of what I want, I'll just plan on using the club's gear.

Anonymous No. 117802

Online resources are limited to the r/fencing subreddit (the wiki isn't too bad for basic info and links) and yt channels.

Some yt channels:

Private lessons, try and get a club membership that includes unlimited open fencing alongside the lessons. You NEED to constantly be fencing new people to improve, drills are just a small part.
Bad habits to avoid;
-Using too-large grips. I'm a size 9ish glove and use a small Leon Paul grip (which is slightly smaller than regular Visconti smalls!)
-Not drinking enough! I drink 2+ liters at a tournament, and you should too. So many physical and mental focus issues in fencing are alleviated by being hydrated.
-Not asking for clarification for ref calls you don't understand or disagree with. You should never be confused by a ref's call; if they're getting it 'wrong' then figure out how THEY see the action's priority and change your fencing accordingly for that particular refereeā€”don't 'fight' it.
There are a bunch of others but these came to mind.

Anonymous No. 117804

Fencing gear is not too bad to navigate purchasing.

For epee, the cheapest full set to get is the AF one:
Good quality, stretchy, NO cotton, glove has proper sizing (7.5, 8, etc), up-to-date mask strap system, easy returns, sizing is spot-on if you follow the guides properly. With some socks and maybe a 6mm wrench thrown in that's about $400 for a complete set. Using proper care, the uniform will last forever. I would strongly recommend getting a pistol grip. French grip epeeists are weirdos. Downsides for this set are;
-It's all Chinese made, if you care about that sort of stuff.
-The blade is absolutely garbage and will break within a month, probably.
-Non-FIE rated equipment. You shouldn't care about this point though, it is irrelevant for a new fencer.

The next step up is PBT, Hungarian.
An equivalent kit from them is about $620 after shipping. That gets you a FIE blade, FIE whites, FIE mask. A super good deal for entry level FIE, non-Chinese equipment. If you want your name print on the mask/whites, it's cheaper than most other stores too. Just avoid their Balaton line, go for the superlight or stretchfit series of whites.

After that, you're looking at the Leon Paul Team Kit. ~$900 to the states. The GBP is terrible right now against the dollar so I would recommend this outright if you have the dosh.
-LP x-change mask is THE most comfortable mask you can get. This is a fact.
-LP sockets are 1000% better than other sockets.
-LP whites have varying levels of durability, but will be super comfy and light. They do get soaked with sweat easily.
-LP socks are superior to all other fencing socks I have tried.
-Build quality, QC goes from good to ehhh with LP. Some people have terrible luck, I haven't yet.

Don't order LP/PBT from US stores. Always order direct from their respective countries ( not

Anonymous No. 117840

Thanks anons

Anonymous No. 117846

oh and make sure to get USA Fencing membership; most clubs require it.

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Anonymous No. 118054

I started fencing this year, I noticed what I consider a setback which is that I have trouble visualising what my teacher tells me to do. I get more confident if I know beforehand what techniques Iā€™ll be learning that just going in blind. I want to do some prep work, learning the fundamentals but also getting to know the more advanced stuff so I can be confident. Iā€™ve been thinking about reading some classic books, is this a good approach? If so, give me some recommendations, Iā€™ll start with pic related

Anonymous No. 118058

I would say no. watch YouTube videos of fencing tournaments, see what they do, try and match the footwork and blade movement of the victor in each engagement. Books just can't get across the visual information. Plus a lot of it is junk old advice.

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Anonymous No. 118063

This is the best book on foil there is and maybe the best on fencing in general. anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.

Anonymous No. 118066

Im talking about techniques that can be referred to with names and such. I can watch all the fencing videos in the world but I wonā€™t be able to ask about a certain technique if Iā€™m not familiar with the name, and copying someone movements looks good on paper but if you ever really tried to learn about technique, not just in sports, you canā€™t get the gist of it just by looking. Even if I want to ask about a technique I saw in a video, what am I supposed to say ā€œteach me the 10 point of the 2012 semifinals championship of hungaryā€ or just say the name of the actual technique?
Thanks! Iā€™ll check it out

Anonymous No. 118090

Don't overcomplicate yourself. You have attacks, parries, footworkā€”all can be done an infinite number of ways. Stressing over a perfect 'circle-six' is NOT the way to improve. Don't lock yourself into a finite number of actions. In an actual bout, you never do perfect examples of anything anyways. It's always adjusted for the situation on the fly.

that's not to say Nadi's book will harm your fencing ability, it will be a good read; but I would just try and focus on measurable improvements first and foremost: are you winning bouts against fencers you previously could not?

Anonymous No. 118102

Anon >>118090 is trying to hold you back. Remember that the guys who get famous arenā€™t just good they follow the rule of cool. Focus on only learning the most complex, flashiest and difficult movements and youā€™ll be immortalized in history

Anonymous No. 118103

why yes I do flunge at 14-14 why do you ask

Anonymous No. 118139

Fencing > HEMA.

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Anonymous No. 120532


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Anonymous No. 120539

You rang?

Anonymous No. 120541

>remove fencing arm as target
there I fixed sabre, at least until capteurs come back

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Anonymous No. 120542


I feel like that would just turn it into foil. Not a saber fencer, but it seems like the majority of cuts are to the arms, and occasionally to the head. Plus, then you could block the side of the body with your arm, further reducing viable target area.

Anonymous No. 120545

shoot yeah didn't think about blocking.
Ah well I can't wait for capteurs anyways

Anonymous No. 121610

>visit fencing club
>it's in a dirty run-down building and they have ancient machines/reels from the 90s
why are lots like this?

Anonymous No. 122130

How hard physically is this sport?

Anonymous No. 122141

not too bad. You need good legs, good stretching. Some arm strength. It's not like you're lunging up and down the strip for 9 minutes flat per bout, so you don't need serious endurance

Anonymous No. 123386

Id say a better way would be to increase minimum blade weight and maybe balance so you can ACTUALLY PARRY.

Anonymous No. 123416

>last summer I wanted to get into this sport
>mainly to make frens, I don't care about sports
>go to local club
>everyone pro level or something
>lots of women too
>"sorry dude, you either start young or you never do. We don't accept novices either"

Fuck this sport

Anonymous No. 123417

some clubs are like that, a lot aren't. I ran a collage club and 1/2 had never fenced before

Anonymous No. 123435

based, keeping out used up newfags. get gatekeeped. no one wants you bringing down the club old man.

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Anonymous No. 123437

I had a feeling height would be the biggest factor in a sport like this (or sports in general). Is there a point to fencing if youā€™re 5ā€™9?

Anonymous No. 123438

I canā€™t think of a more gay and worthless pursuit than car antenna tag

Anonymous No. 123445

>t. doesnt have monkey arms that go past knees to compensate for manletism.

Anonymous No. 123466

I can, shitposting about sports you donā€™t participate in

Anonymous No. 123480

If you try epee (or sports in general) as someone under 6ā€™ youā€™ll just get frustrated and quit. Itā€™s a decent way of weeding out fags

Anonymous No. 123499

Why do you want to discourage people who want to keep our niche hobbies alive? Is it fun for you to be fucking faggot?

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Anonymous No. 123501

Just saying physical limitations exist and will stop your progress sooner than later. A 5ā€™9 manlet will get smashed by a 6ā€™ eppeist every single time. If you want to waste time and energy learning this lesson on your own, go for it but you cant overcome nature.

Anonymous No. 123502

>this same retard is still going
Lol, lmao even

How tall are you even? Are you a coping lanklet trying to make excuses as to why you donā€™t need to train or a coping manlet making excuses about why you shouldnā€™t bother training? Either way youā€™re pathetic and your ancestors are ashamed

Anonymous No. 123537

nta, but why do you hate honesty?
if someone cant take a little bants, they probably dont want to do the thing anyways to any degree.
Ive see way to many communities fall to tempid platitudes that ruin them instead of an actual sense of earned respect or frankness.

id rather have a small group who can take and give punches than have a long line of screeching faggots.

Anonymous No. 123540

For me i donā€™t care about them being able to take bants, I genuinely believe that manlets are low test fags and sports like fencing are a waste of their time. Call me a troll but itā€™s true. No decent fencers (epee being the only weapon that matters) exist under 6ā€™.

Anonymous No. 123541

Pick one, and also Kys yourself.
>call me a troll
Iā€™ll call you a stupid faggot instead.
>epee being the only weapon that matters
Lmao, so do none of the Olympic gold medal foilists count as decent fencers to you? How tall are you even?

Anonymous No. 123546

>Pick one
usually dont have too since honest people tend to be able to see the spirit of the law.

yes being short IS a disadvantage flat out unless you got some weird arms. If anon wants to go through with it fine, but its true.

Anonymous No. 123547

This. If weā€™re being honest here, Fencing is, like any other pursuit in life, dependent on height and reach. A 5ā€™9 dude will at the very most be average at the sport and thatā€™s only if heā€™s young and athletic. Technique only gets you so far when your hardware (your body) is fundamentally disadvantaged compared to the average 6ā€™ male. I wouldnā€™t bother with it at all and stick to sucking cock or whatever short men are good at.

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Anonymous No. 123548

>being short is a disadvantage
>Therefore donā€™t try to do anything. Your life is over.
How tall are you? Why are you even on this board? I guarantee your the same faggot who was posting about how HEMA was pointless if your short in the hema general along with making that gay thread about how only size matters abs only ā€œredditorsā€ think otherwise. Either start training or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 123555

>thing is true
>therefor exaggeration for effect
you seem socially inept.
yes anon you physically cannot use swords if you are an inch bellow 6 feet. such on a lemon you aspie.
I dont think 4chan is for you if you take things so seriously.

Anonymous No. 123556

Itā€™s not exaggeration you fucking retard did you even read the post I originally responded to?

Anonymous No. 123557

>manlet is a manlet
>guy says no one under 6 should play sports in general manifestly.
>you freak out.

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Anonymous No. 123558

>Telling people not to try is retarded
>ā€your exaggerating what was saidā€
>then what was said?
>ā€donā€™t bother tryingā€

Anonymous No. 123562

>your exaggerating
I said he gave an exaggeration, not that You exagerated.
you can also say its fine to do it too. Just found it weird you got annoyed on absolutely common hyperbole, which anon applied to all sportz.

Anonymous No. 123565

Heā€™s in every thread. Itā€™s obnoxious. I want to see people succeed and thereā€™s a specific demographic of retard that spends too much time on /fit/ that will legitimately become discouraged if they believe thereā€™s a consensus that short people canā€™t fence.

Anonymous No. 123574

No one who actually fences unironically believes that short people canā€™t fence. Iā€™ve been fencing for years and I get my ass handed to me by people much shorter fairly often simply because theyā€™re better or have trained longer. Shockingly, 4chan is full of trolls and people who donā€™t train, therefore nothing posted in /xs/ should be taken seriously.

Anonymous No. 123576

Fair enough

Anonymous No. 123706

Aren't you that cry baby faggot from the other thread? Do you even do fencing? You should unironically kill your "self" that is the faggy person that you are, but you're too miserable to let it go unfortunately

Anonymous No. 124284

Op here. Iā€™m quitting fencing as I am only 5ft 11.75in. As an inferior manlet, I will never be good and itā€™s not worth trying.

More seriously, Iā€™ve got picrel. Itā€™s helpful, but I still feel like I canā€™t understand whatā€™s going on past 1 or 2 actions, and I have no sense of what my opponent is about to do, when they are feinting, etc.
I also havenā€™t won olympic gold yet, despite the clear promise in the title.

Does anyone have any good learning materials for beginner fencers? Stuff that also covers how you should modify your technique when going against someone of opposite handedness would also be nice.
Or should I just keep grinding, and improve through experience?

Anonymous No. 124285

I'm 5'6" and I came top 10 at states once, shut the fuck up and get good. Seriously just fence people way better than you.
If you're near NH/ME I'd be happy to give you lessons btw

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Anonymous No. 124288

Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 124289

Thanks for the offer, but unfortunately Iā€™m not near there. Iā€™ll just keep showing up to practice and fencing I suppose. A lot of the club members will give me pointers when I fence them, so itā€™s been good. Plus theyā€™re all a lot better than me lol

Anonymous No. 127424

en bumpe

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 130006

Dead sport lmao

Anonymous No. 130028


Anonymous No. 130029

Itā€™s in the olympics

Anonymous No. 130030

so is 'swimming'
like lol that's like making 'running' a sport.

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Anonymous No. 130034

To true, but wait until you see this rediculous shit.

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Anonymous No. 131180

Thats one of the most stupid suggestions I ever heard. Hands and arms are the most important target if it should have at least a semblance to real fencing. How about improving saber by punishing double hits instead of just going with the flow of two suicidal idiots jumping at each other.

And before someone comes with the excuse "its not about real fighting anymore"... FINE, if its not about real fighting anymore than we should give the name fencing to the HEMA guys and call us "antenna tag". I am really sick about the fact everyone seems go be oblivious to the simple fact that fencing is about simulating swordfighting.

Anonymous No. 131200

I think less bs priority from foot movement (give more simuls) and a time on target element for blade-lame contact to pop a light (20ms?) would be interesting in sabre. Those suuuuupppeerrrrr light 2ms 'hits' just feel wrong.

Anonymous No. 131272

I don't think I have personally seen fencing offered outside of academic schools. Usually universities and posh private schools.

Even then I haven't seen it outside of large major cities.

I don't think it's a easy sport to get into outside of such places.

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Anonymous No. 132776

HEMA cope will never be in the Olympics

Epee Chads how we feeling today

Anonymous No. 132785

Sabre is realistic and you're a cunt.
t. manlet

Anonymous No. 132786

Find a school that has a basic familiarity. At least to understand parries for lunges.

Anonymous No. 132806

Classical saber is cool ;)

Anonymous No. 132813

>high cost for equipment
>nearest club next state over
>no way of meeting people who fence
If the sport is so popular, why is barrier of entry so high?

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Anonymous No. 132814

equipment cost isn't that bad.
$160 gets you a dry starter set, but most clubs have newbie gear to loan out

Finding people to fence is a challenge, but I live in the midwest and we have plenty of clubs here so idk.

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Anonymous No. 132823

As much as it pains me to say, but in 20 years HEMA will replace fencing in the olympics. Way more people like to train it and way more like to watch it. sure, at first it will be innocent, longsword as the first one to be allowed, then more and more while the pressure on fencing increases to give up space for HEMA. And then, one day, they drop the last fencing competition because the ratings are just to low.

You may onot like it, but fencing killed itself when they allowed it to stray from its path of simulating real combat.

T. A guy who fences but still never watches olymic fencing.

Anonymous No. 132824

>You may onot like it, but fencing killed itself when they allowed it to stray from its path of simulating real combat.
Well modern fencing is a sport, not combat.

While HEMA is closer to combat, there are moves and things you cannot do because they're too dangerous. This is why we have sports.

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Anonymous No. 132837

Well, the major difference between the two really is one of mentality more than anything else.

The core of HEMA, by definition, is its intention towards historical recreation. Of course, from this spawns satellite intentions, like people really like using the longswrod, so they sportify it more as the intention drifts from recreation to compition, getting closer to Olympic in nature. IMO the difference between hema and modern fencing is more of a spectrum more than anything.

Like, the difference between foil and smallsword, or olympic and military saber is more one of degrees. what is the weight range allowed, How do you disincentivize doubles (like Olympics right of way), etc. If you strip them both down to mere mechanics, they really aren't separate spheres. Its more separation in intent.

Literally with just a few tweaks to Olympic, it would be Early Modern Hema sparring (saber, smallsword, maybe rapier, but more epee du combat, which was somewhat between rapier and smallsword). Im personally for Olympic stripping and enforcing some more Hema like rulesets that I think would make the sport both more entertaining, as well as technical. Most of the specificness of Olympic really only developed as a process of rules lawyering anyways, like flicks or minimizing weight to the extreme. Things that are, again, more artifacts of exploiting technicalities over dozens of years in the 1900's. Id prefer something of a middleground between ultra sportification and historical authenticity.

I think its disingenuous to say that a draw of olympic fencing ISNT the idea of swordfighting, its in the name, fencing. And rules should be there to encourage this as a premise. rather than a weird nebulousness between sword and sticktag that uses calcified rules to justify its own existence. But at the same time, there should be firm perimeters that allow for excellence of play in a quantifiable way.

thank you for listening to my ted talk.

Anonymous No. 132838

My idealized distinction would be:
That a Hema competition would judge things based on their simulated effectuality given historical context. Something that relies more on judges for resolution, something more qualitative.

Whilst Sports Fencing still give due diligence to the nature of swordsmanship in general, but rely on more hard and fast rules that have referees and more or less cut and dry resolutions, something more quantitative.

Anonymous No. 132849

>2016 Olympic gold medalist for epee is a 5'10 Korean

Anonymous No. 132853

5'10 in korean feet is 6'3 in imperial.

Anonymous No. 132856


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Anonymous No. 132859

Anon, everyone knows about the Napoleonic foot.
Stop being blinded by Perfidious albion.

Anonymous No. 132869

>high cost
a top-grade Leon Paul set is like $1100, that's like a shitty AR15 with a shitty optic. Compared to shooting this sport is cheap af.

Anonymous No. 132978

To be fair, guns have more practical uses
>Self/home defense
While fencing gear can only really be used FOR fencing

Anonymous No. 132979

true; I did just spend $1200 on a shotty for trap shooting though.
Hey it's still cheaper than having a horse

Anonymous No. 133015

Only in murrica you have that kind of freedom. In germany the government currently wants to ban owning semi automatic guns.

Anonymous No. 134209

not a good sport for meeting new people. mostly kids using it as a backdoor to elite universities

Anonymous No. 134212

>try fencing in college
>get heemed stiff by the one guy in the club that's been doing it since he was 5
>everyone else is shit like me so we all just take turns getting poked by the captain and then flailing at each other like retards
seems like I was born into the wrong wealth bracket to enjoy this semen slurping sport bros.

Anonymous No. 134213

are you improving? is it not fun to at least fence your co-noobs?
I find fencing a really good fencer fun even if I lose 15-1, because I learn so much from that one touch I get

Anonymous No. 134215

>be bad
>be mad that someone who has trained more is better
>instead of training harder decide to give it up because somehow being a poorfag is an answer
You have a losers attitude. I bet your a loser in a lot of areas in your life.

Anonymous No. 134216

video game ELO-type matchmaking has ruined a generation
people expect to win ~50% of everything as default since in the vidya they get matched against similar rank people

Anonymous No. 134239

This is a hard blackpill to swallow. If you didn't start something young you probably won't ever be great at it. Not just fencing although the money can make this particular sport even harder to improve in

Anonymous No. 134246

>donā€™t do things you like because you didnā€™t start as a child. Resign yourself to misery or only doing things youā€™re already good at
Why are there so many bitter losers on this board?

Anonymous No. 134252

Wrong, retard.
It's just that your ways of learning become more set in their ways and less people care to give you advice the older you get.

You can learn anything, anytime. It will always take time, but anything you can improve at gradually you can master.

Anonymous No. 134255

This, it takes 10,000 hours to become a master of a given skill. Whether or not you can reach that number at a given age is entirely dependent on how much time you want to put into it.
If youā€™re 20 and out 10 hours a week into fencing you can be a master by 40.

Anonymous No. 134268

For most people it's true because they aren't interested in the journey but rather the destination

I think this is a bad way of thinking because even though you put time into something doesn't mean you will automatically be good at it. a lot of people have a bad mindset of feeling like they deserve to improve just because they put in the hours

Anonymous No. 134270

Those people arenā€™t actually putting in the hours then, theyā€™re just phoning it in. Youā€™re probably right though. To git gud you have to go through the process of gitting rather than just being gud. I suspect this why most people drop a martial art within 2 months to 2 years.

Anonymous No. 135428

You can start something young and not be good at it, and you can start something late and go on to master it.
I'd argue that fencing is one of the better sports to choose if you start late. You don't need to be in your physical prime to be a good fencer.

Anonymous No. 135807

Are you joking? This sounds like a great environment to learn in
-Readily-available reference for what a "good" fencer is who you can fight too (important)
-Many other fencers who are at your skill level
-They will likely develop different fencing styles you can learn from
-Gameplay loop is get crushed by captain, think about how you could've played differently, test out new ideas on newbies

idk man I'd say stick with it and try to kindle some sort of rivalry with the new people at the club and you'll start to really chase after those wins

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Get a grip.png

Anonymous No. 135959

French or Pistol grip /xs/? I like french because muh trad foil.

Anonymous No. 135960

Pistol of course, even for epee. I use a small LP Zer0

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Anonymous No. 136181


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Anonymous No. 137683

Is Mensur (German academic fencing) /xs/?

Anonymous No. 137737

Yes but probably doesnā€™t belong in this thread

Anonymous No. 137740

I need a new gym type duffle bag for everything but my weapons, what get? (so whites, lame, mask, water, cords, etc)

Anonymous No. 137744

Just get a regular duffel bag anything else is a waste of money

Anonymous No. 137747

that's what I was thinking, but everything seems to be made in china crap with suspicious reviews, down to the $50 level. Maybe I'll spring for an LL Bean or something. I'm just sick of zippers and seams falling apart on my soft goods I buy

Anonymous No. 137754

Iā€™ve bought expensive bangs and the same shit still happens. At least I donā€™t have to care about replacing some shit I bought at Walmart for 20 dollars

Anonymous No. 137908

>check out new club
>they have THREE Hungarian coaches
wtf Hungary chill out

Anonymous No. 137955

>$1100, that's like a shitty AR15 with a shitty optic
You can do a poverty pony build for like $460. Anderson lower and parts kit, cheap PSA upper. Slap an $80 Bushnell TRS-25 on it, get a bunch of $8 polymer mags, and spend the rest on ammo (or better yet, a progressive press and components).

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the lunge.jpg

Anonymous No. 138963

I want to be able to fence people with an electronic scoring system in my driveway. When I dabbled in fencing it was with the club at college so I never had my own equipment. What kind of money am I going to have to set aside to have an adequate setup for myself and loaner equipment for 2-3 guests?

Anonymous No. 138991

EnPointe wireless reels ($800) + VSM [virtual scoring machine] & remote ($275) + old laptop ($0) = strip setup.
$150 tools; wrenches, tape, soldering iron, wire strippers, multimeter, test weights, lighter, shims, all of the bits you need to armorerer.
$20 15-meter tape measure and chalk for marking the piste. Also, please don't fence on a hard surface like a driveway if you can. Your body will be destroyed over time.

10-piece foil kits (because you ARE doing foil, right?) are $450 from Absolute Fencing. Durable stuff, besides the blade. This is honestly a good deal, it saves you like $180 over buying parts separately.
If you wwaaaaaaantttt to you can do epee I guess, which lowers the cost a bit. No lame, no mask with bib, no mask cord. And, you can get away with using the shitty favero wireless system. It's not terrible with epee.
Keep in mind, those 10-piece kits all have bags and knickers, neither of which are critical for noobs you're lending stuff to. But if you try and be sneaky and buy piecemeal, you end up losing money sort of over not having bought the kits.
Sizing isn't that big a deal for loaner stuff. Large masks work with 95% of people even if they are wobbly on the small-heads out there. Size ~9.5 gloves cover most people too. Just try and go a tad over the average, if you know the size category of the people you'll be introducing to the sport

thanks for trying to get people to try fencing out though!

Anonymous No. 140226

>because you ARE doing foil, right?
Leaning towards epee since the foil and saber portions of this old project are incomplete. What do you think of this /diy/ scoring box?
>if you know the size category of the people you'll be introducing to the sport
I have friends who are freakishly tall and some who are rather short. I'll let the more financially stable ones buy their own kit and try to accommodate the poorfags as well as my semi-poorfag self can.

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Anonymous No. 140254

Why not just fence without the electric system? Its such a hastle.

Anonymous No. 140319

I figure the beeps and the boops and the flashy lights and scoreboard will help keep the attention of people who are used to being glued to their skinner box nightmare bricks. It also seemed reasonable that if I were buying loaner equipment it would be better to get the electrical stuff and fence dry with the intent of upgrading later than to get non-electrical and have to pay to replace it with electrical on top of getting the reels and scoring apparatus.

Anonymous No. 140332

I bet the olympic fencer of japan gets lots of pussy but the one in the U.S. gets no pussy you know what I mean

Anonymous No. 142550

I hate back flicks

Anonymous No. 142551

Git gud
No. I do not.

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Anonymous No. 142604

>MOF sabre

Just do classical, MOF sabre fucking sucks,

Anonymous No. 144074

Bump, I like fencing.

Anonymous No. 144079

me too! Wish a NAC would come my way

Anonymous No. 144081

We should go fencing anon

Anonymous No. 144087

where you at, I'm in Denver

Anonymous No. 144106

Can anyone suggest a youtibe channel where it's just 20+mins of matches or bouts?

Anonymous No. 144136

just sub to all of these

couple of em are what you seek, no I won't say which

Anonymous No. 147151

yellow card for almost going off the end of the --strip-- board!

Anonymous No. 148061

epee is great for beginners, bout it

Anonymous No. 148160

>tip bends into opponent's forearm
nigger please

Anonymous No. 149723

we need capteurs back

Anonymous No. 151196

fencing vision

Anonymous No. 151696

I'm 5'6" and compete in sabre, and regularly trash people who are 6'+. It's a skill issue if you lose, at least in sabre

Anonymous No. 151725

Why is that? Because itā€™s cut focused?

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 154347


Anonymous No. 155569


Anonymous No. 157469

red card for getting to page 9

Anonymous No. 160335


Anonymous No. 160338

I need new shoes
what get

Anonymous No. 160341

I don't understand the relationship with HEMA though. Could you do epee with a HEMA opponent? If so, is fencing a subset of HEMA?

Anonymous No. 160563

Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) is a very broad umbrella term for various interrelated academic and athletic pursuits. Olympic fencing is a specific standardized system of modern sport fencing. Olympic fencing probably technically falls under the umbrella of HEMA but I would guess it's more common to see it as HEMA-adjacent rather than a subset of HEMA.

Anonymous No. 160577

I love watching it but unless you started as a kid and have god tier genetics you will be the slowest person training

Anonymous No. 160615

I go to a college fencing club nearby and like half of the people training are fat/unathletic. Reminds me of the shitty HEMA club I used to go to.

Anonymous No. 160634

Iā€™ve done both and I donā€™t know why some people assume the same sword nerds that get into HEMA arenā€™t also filling up sport fencing and kendo classes
The thing about HEMA is that itā€™s a revival of dead systems through historical research and experimental archaeology. Sport fencing has a living lineage which by definition makes it not HEMA

Anonymous No. 160659

>I go to a college fencing club nearby and like half of the people training are fat/unathletic. Reminds me of the shitty HEMA club I used to go to.
>Iā€™ve done both and I donā€™t know why some people assume the same sword nerds that get into HEMA arenā€™t also filling up sport fencing and kendo classes
This has been my observation, as well.

>Sport fencing has a living lineage which by definition makes it not HEMA
Olympic-style fencing is a European martial art and its lineage is historical. Whether or not it's HEMA depends on how exactly you're splitting hairs and about which points you most wish to be a purist--one could argue (and I've seen it argued) that HEMA sport fencers whose interests are purely athletic and non-academic aren't really doing HEMA either.

Anonymous No. 161214

Starting out foil would be beneficial to learn good basics because epee makes you sloppy and lazy. I used to be decent at foil and then switched to epee because "it's cooler" and nowadays all I do is hand sniping jittery morons and losing to more technical fencers.

Anonymous No. 161488

It's not that ƩpƩe makes you lazy it's that you're lazy at baseline without outside rules forcing you to be more disciplined, which is why you lose to self-motivated ƩpƩe fencers who supply their own standards of discipline.

Anonymous No. 161759

I've been reading around both in this thread and wider on the internet. My impression is that HEMA offers the better community while Olympic/modern is a lot more elitist but weirdly also cheaper?

Not OP but interested in choosing between the two to make some friends while simultaneously not getting a ton of shit for starting at zero at 34. I live in a major city so I can choose really but both of them have intro lessons next month and I know that I'd pick whatever I start with. Of course the moment a fencer goes into HEMA he quickly pastes everyone because he's got shit like timing down but I guess I'll be an autistic loser getting poked to death by children no matter what I pick.

This also seems like something where it needs to adapt or die which it seems to be trying to do.

Anonymous No. 161761

what city? I strongly suggest fencing over HEMA

Anonymous No. 161764

London so there's plenty of choice but I'm worried about getting the right community as there's a lot of people in the city who are just outright hostile.

Anonymous No. 161765

it's hard to find hostile fencers, I've been fencing for 15 years. You can find hostile older coaches, but that's easy to avoid. Just don't be a 14 year old with obsessive parents.
Just go to the Leon Paul club lol

Anonymous No. 161783

>I've been reading around both in this thread and wider on the internet. My impression is that HEMA offers the better community while Olympic/modern is a lot more elitist but weirdly also cheaper?
I did sport fencing before HEMA and while I enjoy the latter more the community is literally the worst thing about it. For every serious historical fencer thereā€™s three retarded dysgenics trying to make everything about transgender politics and accusing people who make accurate historical statements nazis. While thereā€™s plenty of fat nerds in fencing Iā€™ve never felt like I had to walk on egg shells around trannies in order to avoid having a twitter mob sent after my workplace.

Anonymous No. 161830

(you) are the problem

Anonymous No. 161835

>suck tranny cock or youā€™re the problem

Anonymous No. 161839

Do you fence with huge tranny dildos at your club or something? Fucking autist.

Anonymous No. 161841

>accurate historical statements
Why are you getting on your soap box about historical shit at an olympic fencing club? What is there to be gained besides turning people against you? Just shut up and fence.

Anonymous No. 161842

>click on any fencing YouTube video
>comments are full of anonymous posters saying how shit fencing is compared to HEMA
Itā€™s all so tiresome

Anonymous No. 161843

>reading comprehension
Iā€™m talking about HEMA you dunce. I do shut up and fence. Itā€™s the faggots that wonā€™t that I have a problem with.
No but there are a very loud select few that would if offered

Anonymous No. 161844

Those people arenā€™t good at HEMA either, I gurantee you. Iā€™m telling you this as a HEMA fencer with an absurd amount of wins and medals, most hemafags are good at reading not fencing.

Anonymous No. 161846

I looked at a few of their channels, the handful that had HEMA videos were kinda flailing in their backyards with solo montante or Viking shields with rattan sticks, not very historical.

Anonymous No. 161848

>solo montante
That actually is typically how montante was trained historically
> Viking shields with rattan sticks
Probably SCAtards, not HEMA. In fact even worse. They no joke actually LARP as knights and the organization heads are called lords of various kingdoms who everyone has to respect and do as they say, lol.

Anonymous No. 162163

Sports fencers = ranges from normie to elitist
HEMA = weirdos AT BEST

Anonymous No. 162165

>Normie to elitist
I said it earlier in the thread but thereā€™s plenty of autistic d&d nerds sport fencing as well

Anonymous No. 162170

those guys piss me off
They tried to invite me to a D&D thing after fencing practice one day

Anonymous No. 162172

Back when I did sport fencing there was this weirdo Asian guy who would act like he was drawing his foil from a scabbard before every bout. I never said anything but it made me laugh every time.

Anonymous No. 162194

based samurai

Anonymous No. 162209

>semester starts next week
>another crop of freshmen to attempt to teach fencing to
>only 5% of them will stick around after two weeks of practice, as is tradition
kill me

Anonymous No. 162231

I tried fencing when I was a kid and immediately found the utter elitism, the snobbish atmosphere you'd breathe in at every step, repulsive. I'd hoped it was restricted to just that specific local club, but frankly every time I see something out of this sport, it gives me that same feeling. That accident during the olympics with the judges being utterly retarded with the timers convinced me that the entire thing is populated with boorish assholes who are more interested in delusions of elegance and romanticism than having an actually fun sport. You seem pretty enthusiastic about it, though, so I hope you have a much better experience than I did.
They're in this thread, too.

Anonymous No. 162287


Anonymous No. 162306

OP here, returning after a year. I was unable to attend college last spring. Should I go back to the fencing club? I did it for the entire fall semester last year but Iā€™ve gotten lazy and out of shape again.

Anonymous No. 162307

do it
fencing is what is getting me back into shape

Anonymous No. 162359

>They no joke actually LARP as knights and the organization heads are called lords of various kingdoms who everyone has to respect and do as they say, lol.
In my experience the titles are just giving flair to administrative roles within the organization and the squires who listen to knights are no different than the fencers who listen to their coaches and team captains. Some people do get more LARPy with it than others but it's not a proper LARP like Darkon, Amtgard, or NERO.

Anonymous No. 162361

>Should I go back to the fencing club?
Why wouldn't you? You'll get fatter and worse at fencing if you just sit at home with your thumb up your ass.

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Anonymous No. 162363

but what if they don't remember me and I look retarded and I spill my spaghetti

Anonymous No. 162366

>what if they don't remember me
You would have the information advantage when re-making friends.
>what if I look retarded and I spill my spaghetti
That's the point of practice. If anyone were perfect and poised they wouldn't need to be there. Don't worry about looking retarded in front of the autistic beekeepers playing tag, you're all in good company.

Anonymous No. 162558

anyone in Denver want to fence

Anonymous No. 162907

I need a new fie sabre glove what get

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Anonymous No. 163069

Iā€™ve seen some of the sabreurs in my club using this one

Anonymous No. 163070

I ended up getting an Uhlmann

Anonymous No. 163436

this is the only correct answer

Anonymous No. 164093

What weapon in HEMA do you fight with?

Anonymous No. 164096

Competitively? Saber and longsword. I dabble in lots of other things as well but those are the two Iā€™ve actually competed in.

Anonymous No. 164166

How's olympic saber fencing transfers for HEMA saber? I guess it transfers bad to HEMA long sword

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Anonymous No. 165580

I had to trash 3 fatsos who didn't have the stamina to go more than 5 bouts, they will probably never come back to the fencing club either. I tried to get my friend who expressed vague interest in fencing to join (not obese but still kind of fat) and he twisted his ankle in the first bout against me and will probably never try again because of that, why does it have to be so hard to recrooot people? Why are 90% of the people that want to try fencing fat? Why doesn't swordsmanship have more appeal? I bet it's mostly just because the fencing suit and the swords look lame

Anonymous No. 165702

You have to consider that the skills that make a good fencer are a lot more than just the movements of the hand and wrist. Distance management, footwork, reaction time, the ability to recognize a feint, predicting an opponents movements before they do them, etc. all this shit is helpful regardless of what weapon youā€™re using.

All that said, my coach nearly went to the Olympics for saber, and now is an excellent HEMA saber fencer despite being over 40 with zero cartiledge left in his knees. Heā€™s pretty good at longsword too, though obviously that takes some time to transition to.

Anonymous No. 165703

Because most people in the modern day who have athletic talent are going to do sports that win them social status and money. Do you think the knight of yesteryear was a fat anime nerd? No he was chad thundercock jousting because thatā€™s what was popular. Modern chads are playing football and basketball.

Anonymous No. 165761

>because most people in the modern day who have athletic talent are going to do sports that win them social status and money
>modern chads are playing football and basketball
But making decisions based on what you think will win you the most approval from normalfags is probably the least "chad" mindset you can cop. Chads aren't chads because they chase normie clout by conforming as hard as possible, they are chads because they're chads. I've duelled many guys I would definitely classify as "chad" as well (one was even a national champion who got me 15 - 1)

Anonymous No. 165762

>But making decisions based on what you think will win you the most approval from normalfags is probably the least "chad" mindset you can cop
>I've duelled many guys I would definitely classify as "chad" as well
Lmao even.

Anonymous No. 165797

What are you trying to say faggot?

Anonymous No. 165800


Anonymous No. 165802

You think chads donā€™t have high social intelligence. That is retarded in the first place. The fact that you called a bout a duel is just cringe icing on your retard cake.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 165823

Anonymous No. 165824

dare I even click on this

Anonymous No. 165825

Howā€™s transition going?

Anonymous No. 166206

why don't you join their club?

Anonymous No. 166214

The majority of these people can't last more than five minutes of physical exercise. HEMA is unironically the containment zone for those who want to act like an swordsman go without doing any training. I view it as a sort of blessing to pull away the undesirables from joining our club.

These people are no different than the weebs of yesteryear who watched anime and trained in their backyard; except they're worse: because now they argue from on top of Dunning-Kruger's Mt. Stupid and cite manuscripts.

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Anonymous No. 166635

I think Iā€™m going to just own my insecurities and join the local fencing club. Iā€™ve thought of every possible excuse not to start fencing (reading all the negative comments on YouTube and Reddit calling it gay, believing Iā€™m too short to fence well at 5ā€™9.5ā€, convincing myself I donā€™t have free time even though I spend hours scrolling, etc.). These are all just excuses to be lazy and not do things I would enjoy.

Anonymous No. 166664

good! make sure to do foil

Anonymous No. 166665

Why foil specifically?

Anonymous No. 166666

sabre is just too gamified in its current form (1ms contact for hit, no feet crossing, slowing down replay videos to .0001% to see who's hand went forward first...).
epee doesn't have enough athleticism /movement in the current meta; you do the hop game with your opponent, find an opening, and lunge to the arm somewhere. Repeat until you have a lead then just go for doubles and wait to get the V. eh.

Anonymous No. 166668


Anonymous No. 166669


Anonymous No. 166708

Just do Kendo or BJJ if you are a short guy.

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 166722

I donā€™t think short dudes are any less disadvantaged in kendo or BJJ than fencing. You just gotta accept it and do your best to overcome your disadvantage.

Anonymous No. 166739

Called out.

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Anonymous No. 166794

lol, ok buddy. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s no fat cringey retards in your salle. I certainly have never fenced before and seen what the average fencer is like.

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Anonymous No. 166849

Total meme. Tall people are still advantaged in BJJ and Kendo. You might as well just suck it up and do what you enjoy instead of looking for the ā€œidealā€ sport/martial art for short dudes. Gotta try to overcome your physical limitations.

Anonymous No. 167075

the get for the foil...

Anonymous No. 167077

You're both right. You're correct that there are heaps of fat cringey retards fencing oly, Anon is correct that at the moment HEMA is a stronger attractor for blubbermonsters. Doesn't mean that *none* of them end up on oly now but it's true that we're avoiding some of the worst trannies and fatbeards thanks to the HEMA filter.

Anonymous No. 167463

I had my first session today. It was fun, but they only run once a week. Is that enough to get good? I intend to practice footwork on my own but I can't really do much else.
I'm thinking of going with foil or maybe sabre for my weapon.

Anonymous No. 167482

1x a week is eh. Do 2/3x minimum when starting out if you can.

Anonymous No. 168090

>I intend to practice footwork on my own but I can't really do much else.
Hang a tennis ball on a bit of fishing line and stab it as it swings about.

Anonymous No. 173413

Every day is leg day now. Get that explosive strength to leap fast and far.

Anonymous No. 173414

Heavy strong people* are the ones with an advantage in BJJ.
If you put a 6'4" skeleton man against a juiced up 5'8" manlet of the same weight, the manlet is going to outwrestle the lanklet due to less vulnerability for getting his limbs leveraged into fucked positions; on top of the manlet being pound-by-pound stronger than the lanklet (like I said, that means he would be stronger if both are the same weight).
You have never ever in your life wrestled and it shows.

Anonymous No. 173461

>umm but weight matters too!!
That still means being tall is an advantage, retard.

Anonymous No. 173526

>le jack dempsey face
>le mike tyson face
They were boxers and not wrestlers but you get what I mean.
ngmi lanklet boy

Anonymous No. 173547

Former D1 Sabre fencer from OSU (travel team before covid), and international fencer. If anyone has questions I'd be happy to answer since fencing was my entire point of living before covid happened and I started focusing on money instead.

>by the way, I'm only 5'7" and I did fine. Height is a bigger problem in epee maybe, but it's not the end of the world in Sabre if your footwork is right. Skill is skill at the end of the day

Anonymous No. 173577

Do you still fence? If not why did you stop after college?
Why the fuck are people talking about bjj in a fencing thread?

Anonymous No. 174269

I want to get back into fencing, but there aren't any clubs near me currently. Also I'm incredibly competitive so if I started fencing I would want to compete, which would just piss me off because of how bad the cheating is in American fencing.

I stopped fencing after college because I refuse to wear a mask, so nowhere would let me train (this is a covid mask obviously). Then I saw they were still wearing them in like 2022 when people were NPC'ing about monkeypox or whatever scam psyop bullshit it was, so I refused. My original club kicked me out because I wouldn't play that stupid game, and then I moved and yadda yadda

Anonymous No. 174394

You sound like an unbearable little shit desu

Anonymous No. 174498

Where I live it's the same with most olympic sports, so if I want to learn say judo or classic wrestling my only option is to pay through my teeth for personal coaching. It's fucking insane.

Anonymous No. 174830

Why sabre? Is sabre better than other disciplines? Do you want to try HEMA?

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Anonymous No. 175015

Today, I shall remind them.

Anonymous No. 175776

It isnā€™t necessarily the end of the world for average sized Epee fencers either. The following fencers won Olympic medals in Epee in recent years:
Ruben Limardo 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in) in London, 2012; Park Sang-young 1.77 m (5 ft 9.5 in) in Rio, 2016 and Romain Cannone 1.77 m (5 ft 9.5 in) in Tokyo, 2020.
Being tall is definitely an advantage but thatā€™s the case in every sport on the planet, so I think itā€™s silly if youā€™re around average height and not fencing just because youā€™re not 6 foot plus.

Anonymous No. 175788

Sabre is superior because it counts cuts, not only thrusts as in foil and ƩpƩe. This relates more to HEMA (arming/broad/side-sword, and earlier rapier) instead of small sword.

Anonymous No. 176113

0 proof therefore all lies

Anonymous No. 176114

Olympic elitism like this is fucking retarded. Boxing is full of succesful boxers that started the sport in their early 20s, why not with fencing? I can bet my ass that many of the people that do fencing since they are kids also have this obsessing over having been doing it for long, and the idea of someone in 3 years could defeat them scares them to an existential level. It's faggot gatekeeping and one of the many reasons people hate olympic sports.

Anonymous No. 176115

>Being tall is definitely an advantage but thatā€™s the case in every sport on the planet
Factually wrong. All formula 1 drivers are underweight manlets, for example.

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Anonymous No. 177439

>started fencing for the first time in my uni club
>10 weeks of practice, fencing in the stinky, heavy blue uniforms
>start getting bored, don't really get to actually fence
>go on electric last week with a proper referee
>get a pistol grip and proper uniforms
>I... get it now...

Anonymous No. 179749


If youre learning Capo Ferro you should be doing HEMA not MOF.

If you want to learn MOF either join a club or read up on modern sources like Barbasetti.

Anonymous No. 179766

F1 is nothing compared to Manlet GP. Although, to be fair, Rossi (pbuh) is 181 cm.

Anonymous No. 179920

>fencing in the stinky, heavy blue uniforms
After Christmas break one year three different girls came back with freshly dyed blue hair and spent the next several weeks staining the collars of most of the white loaner lamƩs.

Anonymous No. 179921

>I'm 5'6" and I didn't win states

Anonymous No. 180115

>studying rapier sources for oly fencing
The three weapons of oly fencing are meant to be analogues to the smallsword, dueling saber and epƩe de combat. You shouldn't read an Italian rapier book.
t. HEMAfag

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Anonymous No. 180435

Has anyone else read this? All I got out of it was "just bounce bro"

>Sabre is superior
Saber is pool noodle tier bashing. Yes it relates more to HEMA because their footwork is also nonexistent LMAO

You're better off starting later because fencing fucks your knees and back. By the time they're 30 you have a huge advantage simply because you don't have decades of wear and tear.

Anonymous No. 180618

*sidesteps u*

Anonymous No. 181820

I'm in the midwest and have experience in combat sports. I always wondered and thought fighting medieval combat would be fun. I saw a buhurt clip and this thread, so I looked for clubs around me. fencing turned out to only be available in the super rich areas and high monthly prices, (everyone in pictures looked unathletic and snobbish cunts). also, is the average skill, will, athleticism of a fencer bad? despite all this should i just try and bruteforce my way in to getting get, so i can get reactions from aformentioned people? It doesn't seem very hard to do so. It's sounds very cocky, but this would be my only reason for pursuing the sport.

Anonymous No. 181869

>is the average skill, will, athleticism of a fencer bad?
It varies wildly between clubs and within clubs.
>I always wondered and thought fighting medieval combat would be fun.
Besides buhurt and Olympic fencing you might be interested in SCA rattan armored combat, SCA fencing, HEMA, and boffer combat sports like Belegarth and Dagorhir (or possibly boffer combat LARPs like Amtgard).

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understanding fen....jpg

Anonymous No. 183261

I'm looking for a scan of this book. Does anyone have it or know where I can find it?

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Anonymous No. 183980

erm... you can't do that.

Anonymous No. 184616

>ev&o this thread doesn't belong on /xs/ cause fencing is a sport safer and less extreme than fucking tennis
Go to /sp/ olyfencingGOD

Anonymous No. 186394

if you're in NM I'm DTF

Anonymous No. 187361

i was banned from epee by my coach.
he said
"you're too good you must do sabre"

and tbf sabre is way more fun and exciting that epee.

epee is for wome.

Anonymous No. 187366

sabre would be more fun if two lights with no blade contact would just be simul by default.

Anonymous No. 187373

I'm considering checking out a pile of kit, presumably from a defunct club, sold as a lot with uniforms and electronic scoring equipment. What do I need to do to assess the serviceability of the electronic gear? I haven't fenced in almost ten years but it might be fun to get a setup for local friends and family.

Anonymous No. 187376

Post pics and I can tell you. I'm quite familiar with fencing electronics.
Be careful with old fencing clothing (masks, gloves, jackets...). It is almost always not worth it to re-use, and can be a severe safety hazard. The newest Absolute Fencing line of basic non-cotton gear is phenomenally better than old crap. But electronics (cords, reels, machines), 100% try and re-use.

Anonymous No. 187417

I don't have pictures yet, just a phone number and email. They're asking a negotiable $1200 for:
>a lot more
>very large amount and different sizes
>electric equipment
What questions should I ask, and what are your thought's on plausible fair offers?

Anonymous No. 187419


Anonymous No. 187423

sabres, foils, are valuable, especially if you have some FIE blades in the mix. I would say $50 each if working, $100 if it is a FIE blade. Expect crappy degraded felt pads, I would invest in replacing with new translucent ones if possible. For non-wired weapons, like $25 each.

Gloves are always nice to have a variety of, and outside of sabre it's not too big a deal to have an old one (modern sabre requires FIE gloves) - just watch out for big holes and destroyed velcro. Maybe $7 each.

Masks, I would be quite careful. Look out for bad rivets, weakened mesh, outdated/loose straps, illegal clear visors, and interior stains. Consider that with club discount, a modern AF mask adhering to current strap regulations is only $70. Given that, for used masks, I would hesitate to spend more than $30 each for a good condition one. Make sure they have 350N/800N labels.

Chest protectors don't really go bad. Pick up whatever ones work. Maybe $15 each is a good offer.

For jackets/pants/plastrons, avoid back zips, cotton, and broken zippers. If those attributes are present, don't even bother. Again, make sure it has a 350N/800N label. Stretchy material good condition jackets, maybe $35, and plastrons, perhaps $10.

Random box of grips, guards, socket parts? I would say $12 per 'set' in it (socket, grip, guard, nut).

Body cords... avoid bayonet type. But if they work and don't have bad insulation or missing socket clip (for foil/sabre cords) I'd say $8/each is about right.

Floor cords, $25.
Working reels, $250/each. For a pristine favero pizza box reel, maybe $300. consider that an Enpointe wireless reel set is just $900.

Machines, remember you can get a new FA15 from favero direct for $770.
So FA05, I'd offer $450. $200 for a SG11. $250 for SG12. $300 for FA01. Watch out for old timing chips too.

get some pics plz

Anonymous No. 187433

sport fencing is now so far an away from sword fighting which was the only reason to get into it.

Anonymous No. 187435

sport fencing has never been about real sword fighting. in fact the Italian guy who invented it in the 1600s had never been in a real sword fight himself and admitted it.

It's just fun, dude.

Anonymous No. 187576

I have the new 3d printed Leon Paul titanium grip
it's nice.

Anonymous No. 187602

> Average French Elitist Mind set.
Yeah, at least there's Kendo that doesn't have this sort of elitism.

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Anonymous No. 187609

where are the pics

Anonymous No. 187624

Take the Classical Fencing pill. It mogs the fuck out of sport fencing.
>takes skill
>teaches you actual combat
>isnt about just being le fast and wagging the wire
>doesn't need to leech off of the olympics to exist (literally nobody gives a rat's ass about oly fencing and it's only kept alive because of the olympics as it neither has entertaining or martial value)
>you will not only mog olyfags "martially", but also aesthetically (olympic fencing looks fucking stupid)

Anonymous No. 187647

Awful take imo
Fencing is not a martial sport and isnā€™t pretending to be.

Anonymous No. 187648

Absolutely based.

Anonymous No. 187650

Iā€™d be willing to bet thereā€™s less than 50 people in the entire world who actually properly train classical fencing. Youā€™re probably the same kind of retard who tells people to train kosen judo instead of kodokan judo despite the fact that thereā€™s only an extremely small number of people who only live in Japan that do that.

Anonymous No. 187656

some 'classical fencing' people rent out a local fencing club space a couple times a week. They're all fat weirdos.

Anonymous No. 188366

why don't we use dual-wire normally-open setups for foils, I'm tired of white light flickers and taping my blade.

Anonymous No. 188698

Planning to get my daughter into fencing when she turns 6. She is a fiesty little brat and I think this sport will suit her.
I am located in Mumbai, India btw, pls don't make fun.

Anonymous No. 188930

is epee / foil / Sabre all popular there?

Anonymous No. 189086

>be me, E rated foil fencer
>entered a local tournament, did poorly in pool
>i'm up against an A rated fencer in the first round
>guess i'm going home early
>match starts, my opponent is a 5'4" middle aged woman
>she gets 14 points pretty quickly
>i realize i'm a foot taller than her
>change strategy and win 15-14
>she storms off after the match and doesn't shake hands
>black card
and that's how i got my C rating

Anonymous No. 189091


Anonymous No. 189324

In Tokyo we had our first ever fencer in the olympics who was in women's Sabre.
Our fencing federation is quite old and fencing overall does have seem to have a niche following here. I'll have to visit some clubs to get more exposure.

Anonymous No. 190608

I'm mostly an FMA guy, but I did learn fencing before I really dove into FMA. Another reason I took fencing is Bruce Lee also learned some fencing , and his younger brother is a fencer. Foil igave me all the fundamentals. My biggest critique of Olympic style fencing is how linear the playing field is.

Anonymous No. 190609

you mean the 14-meter piste?

Anonymous No. 190797

>just spent $2600 on fencing gear

Anonymous No. 190801

What'd you get?

Anonymous No. 190804

A whole load of PBT gear, and a brand new scoring machine set. Trying out their SUPERLIGHT line of FIE gear

Image not available



šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 191106

ą¶øą·š ą·ƒą·Šą¶®ą·ą¶±ą¶ŗ ą¶Æą·ą¶±ą·Š ą¶øą¶œą·š ą·€ą·ą·ƒą·’ą¶šą·’ą·…ą·’ą¶ŗą¶ŗą·’.

Anonymous No. 191396

Shoe recommendations? I have flat feet and am hard on all shoes so would like something with a wider footbed.

Anonymous No. 191397

I'm a flattie as well. I like my ASICS
I've tried the Leon Paul shoes in the past, they fell apart quick. I do want to try the new shoes listed on PBT though.

Anonymous No. 191550

I'll take shit that didn't happen for $400, Alex.

My favorites are the Adidas D'Artagnans.

Anonymous No. 191783


Anonymous No. 192299

I just looked up Epee videos and it's maybe the most autistic twitch reflex thing I've ever seen, with surprisingly little contact. There's no way to get into it unless I got genes right? Should I stick to foil as a beginner?

Anonymous No. 192300

Foil is often used to teach beginners but do whatever you'll enjoy. Performing at the top level of anything depends somewhat on genes so I wouldn't worry about that aspect.

Anonymous No. 192302

How bad is the elitism? I'm 29, and some of the stuff people were saying earlier in the thread sounds like a horror show.

I really, really, really want to fence. To the point that it's been my motivation for months now and driving me to get into better shape. I have the sword autism bug.

Anonymous No. 192315

no worse than any other sport.

Anonymous No. 192320

good, good. thanks for the reply.

Anonymous No. 192321

where are you at. I might be able to recommend a club

Anonymous No. 192328


Anonymous No. 192333

Everyone in my large college club was a fucking nerd, zero elitism.

Anonymous No. 192336

>live in college town
>massive state uni doesn't have a fencing club
>local community college is nominally trying to put one together but nothing
how the actual fuck is it possible for a flagship state uni to not have less of one than the local CC? cursed

Anonymous No. 192436

no clue

Anonymous No. 192533

in the US is it dorky to ref in French

Anonymous No. 192850

he's from oklahoma I'm pretty sure. no person would willingly admit to living in ohio

Anonymous No. 195098

>HEMA guys call oly fencing antenna tag
>HEMA gets an inkling of a competition scene
>lol how do we score
>HEMA becomes sword tag, now with less athleticism and technical competency because of poor pedagogy
We've come full circle.

Anonymous No. 195100

there isn't really anything wrong with antenna tag as a concept. no less of a weird sport than like curling.

Anonymous No. 195101

>there isn't really anything wrong with antenna tag as a concept
there isn't, swordsmanship derived sports do a better job at replicating the dynamism behind an exchange than the more "technically accurate" studies.

Anonymous No. 195613

my sabre ref upped his bribe to $5/bout to call double lights in my favor, baka

Anonymous No. 195651

Clueless idiot award

Anonymous No. 195652

Couldn't modern oly fencing go back to it's classical fencing rules thoe?

Anonymous No. 195655

yes, we should have women's fencing require dresses again. also instant red card if your hand comes off your hip

Image not available


Heinzer olympic f....webm

Anonymous No. 195990

Anonymous No. 195995

damn bro, got him *tips fedora*

Anonymous No. 196322

Got StM 800N whites from their site, shipping was a bitch given current circumstances and since I bougbt a rollerbag to boot. The feel is comfortable enough that it doesn't trigger my skin rashes, though feels a bit heavy.

Will get back to you after I break them in after a couple bouts.

Anonymous No. 196347

how tf is StM still around, wasn't their factory in eastern ukraine

Anonymous No. 197444

About 15 years ago I won an epee bout with a spinning jump attack. I am still proud of that to this day.

Anonymous No. 197447

Next thing you're gonna say chess grandmasters should become military general or some shit.

Anonymous No. 197580

Kharkiv. They've still got their salesmen going around at the European competitions, and there's also a newer Ukrainian fencing manufacturer that's popped up around 2021 called Folo, they just so weapon components and wires right now.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 198638

Why does Olympic fencing take place on a linear strip instead of a circular arena? Is this a compromise for electric scoring or an older convention?

Anonymous No. 198641

Older convention, evolved from Italian rapier fencing that theorized that controlling the center line was the safest and most efficient way to attack the opponent, continued on with smallsword fencing which became foil and subsequently epee. Saber too since foil fencing was often taught as a training exercise for saber since it taught really good point control.

Anonymous No. 201592

Neat, thanks. Can you recommend any good books or other relevant sources?

Anonymous No. 203890

Toughts on Classical Fencing?
It's essentially like Olympic, and where it came from. Except the scoring rules give defense more priority over "reckless" offense and there is no right of way.

Anonymous No. 205601


Anonymous No. 205630

I studied classical fencing in high school, I moved on to HEMA later on. At the time I just wanted to do sport fencing and had no idea this was a thing that exists. Iā€™m glad I did it because A, fencing is always fun and B, it did give me a really good base for HEMA later on.

All that said, Iā€™ve seen some videos of truly skilled and exceptional classical fencers online. My coach was not that guy. He certainly had some good skills to impart but in reality he was like a D rated sport fencer. a lot of guys teaching classical fencing arenā€™t really that good. I think if I went back to his salle with the skills I have now I could probably beat him.

Anonymous No. 205888

If you have a decent rating some local club coaches will let you come for free and give good practice for the kids. And usually the kids at local clubs are stronger than fencers at university that doesn't have official teams.

Anonymous No. 206312

It's the equivalent of Point Karate for sword fighting, thus, pussy sport

Anonymous No. 210120

Saber would be great if it wasn't for the utterly retarded priority shit.
A point just being a point is the big reason why epee is the best fencing variant

Anonymous No. 210191

>I made this thread 2 years ago
>it's still up
I went to my college fencing club for a couple semesters. I got too busy with schoolwork so I had to stop going. It was fun but I didn't really get too deep into it.
Maybe I'll try it again some day, but I dunno. Seems hard to find a club

Anonymous No. 210215

where you at