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🧵 How far can I go with MT

Anonymous No. 115545

Started mauy thai at 18-19, have taken month breaks from the gym for work a good amount of times. I'm 120 pounds and 5'9, 20 years old. People say I'm naturally good at fighting, and I enjoy fighting a lot. But I still have to work most of the week to pay the bills. How far could I go by 25 if I came back and went hard at it? Maybe 2 or even 3 classes when I can, but work still taking up a majority of my time.

Pic not me, but my gym.

Anonymous No. 115564

I'm assuming "2 or 3 when I can" means per week, and not every week. I'm not trying to crush your dreams, but that's "enthusiastic hobby" numbers. But ask your coach about it. Maybe there's a smoker or something coming up, you can go find out for yourself if you're a natural.

Anonymous No. 115785

I meant 2 to 3 days a week when I'm off, multiple classes a day. And maybe everyday after work at 6. That's like 12 or 14 hours a week, how good can I get within 5 years of that routine?

Anonymous No. 115822

>how far can I go
As far as your feet will carry you. Let me ask you a question, is fighting professionally an idle fantasy or a true dream? If it’s the former there’s nothing wrong with being a hobbyists. Most of us who actually train here are hobbyists. The rest who’s at they’re working out 6 days a week and fighting professionally are more than likely LARPer. If you really think fighting is what you were made for though you ought to chase that dream as far as you can take it, even if it ends up not being very far. Life’s too short, and far too final to leave yourself wondering what you could have been if you hadn’t given in to fear. You can always get a gay office job later in life. That kind of path is much more forgiving than professional atheletics

Anonymous No. 117880

I trained MT seriously for 5 years while working full a job full time. You can definitely get good and compete in that amount of time if you’re serious enough. If there is one thing I regret or would have done differently is taking care of my body. Mostly in recovery like eating healthy even when not cutting weight and getting enough hours of sleep. Just enjoy the journey and wherever it takes you. Most never become pro and few make a living doing it but doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying. Buy the ticket,enjoy the ride