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🧵 /ltg/ Laser Tag General

Anonymous No. 115901

We discuss laser tag and laser tag related activities.

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Anonymous No. 116065


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Anonymous No. 116067


Anonymous No. 116074

Bro just play airsoft or paintball

Lasertag sucks

Anonymous No. 116080

I always wanted to do this. Can I just go to my local or do I need to find people?

Anonymous No. 116085

Lmao, get some friends

Anonymous No. 116086


Anonymous No. 119080

Different guy, I’ve played paintball and it’s okay and I had fun but unless I’m on the mood for it, it’s a pain in the ass. That paint is greasy as fuck and feels gross once you get enough on you after a few games. laser tag is probably more similar to air soft but laser tag is still fun as it’s own thing. Been a long time since I’ve played laser tag sounds kind of fun.

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Anonymous No. 120093

Pussy! Painty is life!
Esp since classic play is making a huge
Comeback. Mech/pump/stock class, 10man layout, hyperball, machinists doing new custom autococker bodies

Anonymous No. 122288

Doenst japan has laser rifles or something?

Anonymous No. 122311

>calling other people pussies and bragging about how tough you are because you got a couple of small bruises playing paintball.
Man it’s like I’m back in 2009. Pro tip, fag. People who think paintball is tough couldn’t make it in any real contact sport so why don’t you tone down your autism.

Anonymous No. 122314

>hit your xbox heug hopper
>whoops you're dead haha
paintball is fucking Gay

Anonymous No. 127036

ive only played laser tag once but desu i didnt like it
impossible to tell when your hitting anyone or being hit
apparently i was running around dead and just shooting nothing at people the whole time and didnt know till afterwards
also couldnt hear or see shit in all the random lights and noises and music unrelated to the combat
i guess its fine if ur too young for paintball but painball is much more fun
the fear of being shot changes everything
the adreniline and the instict to be careful and tactical out of pure fear and your opponents doing the same is unlike any other sport or videogame ive played
laser tag just didnt have that everyone just ran around spamming the triggers
also was very disapointed the lasers were infrared so not visible at all
wouldve been alot more fun if the beams were visible baffles me they werent
maybe i just went to a shit venue or maybe im just spoiled by paintball or maybe im just too autistic but i just dont rly get it
id rather have a nerf fight i always loved doing that as a kid, it had the same thrill and tacticalness of paintball but without the actual danger of injury
is there such a thing as nerf (or nerf like) venues?

Anonymous No. 130249

Have so many lasertag memories growing up. I'll start with one of my all time favorites.
>be me
>going to the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk with my childhood friend
>find a lazertag section of the boardwalk that has very few people playing it
>decide to explore more of the boardwalk and come back when there were more people to play with
>come back and the place is empty except for us
>the guy running the lasertag gave us a proposition to make it interesting
>"both of you vs me, if you beat me I'll let you play again for free"
>my friends and I agreed and the game began
>this lasertag employee was the best lasertag player we have ever went up against. doing crazy maneuvers and constantly avoided hits.
>he did a backflip at one point over a piece of half cover
>we only managed to hit him twice, the score was 20-2
>he was impressed we even hit him at all, let us play for free against each other anyways. the definition of chill.
Wherever you are lasertag employee, I hope you are in good spirits and doing well.

Anonymous No. 132610

RIP Mandarr

Anonymous No. 132639

I used to grapple my friends in laser tag, one of the advantages to a wrestler of playing inside with lots of corners to surprise people.

Anonymous No. 136246


Anonymous No. 136303


Anonymous No. 136305

You vill NOT run climb jump or shout

🗑️ Anonymous No. 136625

jannies better clean this mess up the last thing we needed on a karate/bullshido forum is some pseudo /k/ shit kys fgt

Anonymous No. 140416

the darkness grows
RIP David Stay

Anonymous No. 140481

You guys do go to the pro meets, right?