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🧵 Ski Thread

Anonymous No. 115936

>Be me
>Midwest skiier, even the casual skis here are cut like ice skates for good reason
>go to keystone for the weekend, go off a few "cliffs" with someone I knew from csgo who lives there
(also the secret is that all the good tree skiing is actually hidden on the frontside)
>Get used to western natural mountain snow
>Go home
>go down my local cliff-like slope like I usually do for s&g
>can't catch an edge
keep in mind that while it's still a "slope" and has some "hill" sections, it's icy and mogulled and really more of a 300ft tall snow-based cliff... Apparently the snow comp had changed while I was gone and I had forgotten to consider that when making the decision to simply fly off the edge at high speed.
>tumble down the whole hill
>of my very high din skis only one pops off
>I can't walk, have to get carted away by Ski Patrol

At least I didn't hit the snowmaker or break my spine?
I had to get my ACL reconstructed, very fucked!
How hard do you think it'll be to get back into the swing of things this season? Does acl surgery really make skiing that much harder?

Anonymous No. 116058

Tanner Hall has fucked his ankles beyond belief and still sends it big. Candide collapsed his spine and is still bashing pillow fields. Sammy Carlson tumbled down a couloir a mach speed and is pushing freeride more than anyone else.

Get yourself a physio therapist, and start exercising and doing yoga every day. More specifically yoga than exercise. Focus on your ankles (both). It will be hard but you will get through it. Check the link I attached, this guy has got all the poses and yoga routines you could possible need. Youl get through it anon, maybe wait for there to some powder before you hit that cliff again.


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Anonymous No. 116059


Anonymous No. 116061


Anonymous No. 116068

Alright, well do yoga anyways and rehabilitate them.

Anonymous No. 117445

i cannot give a fuck as i am a snowboarder and can simply ride park for hours and hours of endlesss smiles, fuck skis, fuck skiers, fuck untamed backcountry, fuck nigger helicopter rides, ima just tailslide the jib and 360 off the man made safe ass jump peace nigger

Anonymous No. 117988

I fucked up my ankle roller blading and am not going to go back to skiing, is snowboarding unironically worse for your ankles than skiing?

Anonymous No. 118055

Save a churro!

Anonymous No. 118393

Nice job but you failed to realize snowboarding is and has always been for joggers. Now go suck off zeb (((Powell))) you pathetic jerry kike

Anonymous No. 119253

his ankles are broken!

Anonymous No. 119383

I heard they made a great product for someone like you. it's called tampax.

Anonymous No. 119429

>be me, skier from the midwest
>know OP is full of shit because usually midwest groomers are better condition than out west groomers and are almost never icy
>knows OP is a gaper because he doesn't know the difference between the terms 'catch an edge' and 'hold an edge'
But anyway OP I wish you luck on your recovery. I haven't had an ACL injury so I have no idea. I did break a leg skiing, was out the rest of the season but was fine the next season. My friend has had some injuries I think including an ACL injury, and I think one of his injuries (maybe the ACL) affected him still to some extent a few years later but didn't stop him from skiing. Not sure on the details though, haven't talked to him in a few years after we both moved.
Whatever the case, maybe you'll have lasting effects this winter, maybe not, but no point in worrying about that now, just go ski and see how you feel.

Anonymous No. 121772

skiing?... CRIBGE like fr imagine waking up and feeling gay enough to pop on your apandex and go hit gates like a fucking loser. keep coping and keep crying plank copers fat ass mfers cant do shit all you do is suck PENIS!!!!! like cmon dude get a real hobby and do something real. get skills and get real like fr yall only have 4 rail tricls and all yall do is copy snowboarding TRY AND DISMANTLE MY ARGUMENT

🗑️ Anonymous No. 121777

See a physical therapist.

Anonymous No. 122432

Snowboarding has 3 rail tricks you 80 iq baboon

Anonymous No. 123184

I snowboard cause it's STEEZY

Anonymous No. 123185


Anonymous No. 123356

Not really. There’s far more style and variation to freestyle skiing. Only so much you can do with both feet locked to one plank

Anonymous No. 123569

So true, fuck boardfags
>t. deer valley skier

Anonymous No. 123601

>deer valley

Anonymous No. 125765

>tfw had to put the MTB away as I don't have fat enough tires to do groomed trails
>now completely bored on my days off and going stir crazy
Where's a good place to start with cross country skiing?

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Anonymous No. 125973

As a snowboarder idk why this dude and most freestyle snowboarders are such insecure cucks when it comes to skiiers.

Who gives a fuck what u strap to ur feet as long as you can rip. Anybody who seriously cares about this “rivalry” is usually some pathetic insecure child.

Anybody get first turns this week? Im stuck in the ice coast for this season so I just hit up killington

Anonymous No. 128969

you walk onto rails. kill yourself