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Anonymous No. 116179

how can I get Real hands using dumbells and barbells? both judo/BJJ fingers(using grips with the fingers? kettlbell-style while holding a couple of dumbells with the handles in an X shape?), and karate/kung-fu knuckles.
Besides being useful for my future labor job, a a fundamentalist catholic man, the hands are one of the few parts of the body I can show in public. So, yes, Id like to make the most of that.
>can I manipulate a heavy barbell in a way thats the same as Rowing?
>can I punch dumbells for lack of a makiwara? plus knuckles pushups

And,basically, what other extreme sports cause a steady, trough time, "body modifications"? bouldering/climbing for the palms,also?

Anonymous No. 116180


Anonymous No. 116181

who the fuck punches dumbbells?

Anonymous No. 116268


Anonymous No. 116295

Fuck you, you retard. Either commit to it or don't. Go be a mountain-dwelling wolf-man or an east asian 14 hours a day rice farmer or keep being a normie with soft hands. You need to live a certain kind of lifestyle to get hands like that. Punching fucking dumbbells for 15 minutes a day is going to get you nothing but bruises. Go do your "future" labor job, your hands will transform to accommodate.

Anonymous No. 116584

Bruh fuck you. I got man hands from field surveying, mechanics, and bouldering. You get them by being a man you idiot. Commit or have soft hands.

Anonymous No. 116606

>meme macho bullshit
Enjoy arthritis in your mid thirties. Bone conditioning is fucking retarded and ultimately results in more easily dislocated joints and broken bones. They are meant to be flexible to some extent. Skin is actually more durable and heals quicker without calluses. The niggers hand looks like cystic fibrosis, the one in chink fu clothes clearly shows signs of shitty punching form, and the bottom right is dumbass that should have been wearing gloves. There is nothing manly about being a retard that intentionally damages themselves in the name of macho posturing. It would be unironically more "manly" to not give a shit about what people think. Additionally, no girl likes being felt up or fingered by rough hobo hands.

Anonymous No. 116644

>no girl likes
haha! a consensual sex haver.

Anonymous No. 116712

Paradox question: is it more manly to not give a shit what people think and do manly things because you specifically want to be manly, or to not want to appear manly because people think specifically wanting to be manly is unmanly?

Anonymous No. 116726

This is retarded. Your body will adapt to your needs. If you need rough, calloused hands, you will have them. You don't. Don't fuck up your hands because you want to seem cool somehow.

Anonymous No. 119108

these are both faggotshit, just be you you fucking queer

Anonymous No. 119110

We are creatures of imitation, we develop personalities and ourselves through the figures and experiences in our lives. To say 'be yourself' is faulty by natural because yourself is a collected series of traits that you have adopted from others.

Anonymous No. 119125

as a woman if i saw the second or the third id unironically think u had some viral infection

listen to this anon >>116584

Anonymous No. 123904

Armwrestlers have ridiculous hands. Farmer carry with rolling thunder handles, wrist curling stacks with a wrist max or board handle. Doing rice bucket excersises. Or hauling anchor and crabpot lines will get your hands beastly.

Anonymous No. 123960

the people in those pictures have something wrong with them medically

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Anonymous No. 124125


This. fucking retard OP again. Do whatever sport you want to do long term and your body will adapt to it. It's not fucking rocket science.
Have calloused hands from 6 years of powerlifting and better-conditioned fists and shins from Muay Thai for 2 years.

Anonymous No. 124150

thats some jre type shit.

Anonymous No. 125059

>as a woman