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Anonymous No. 116194

Okay guys lets get a little mystic.
Its obvious that you can concentrate your energy to get more faster or strong, but you also can predict enemy movements or hide yourself.
If you had practice team sports at a Elite level you can feel that something is wrong with some individuals; they can hide in obvious ways and not be detected or do crazy stuff.
How can I achive this level? I want to train my energy to be the very best in my field.

Anonymous No. 117341

Go to >>>/x/ you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 117383

u need to get so good at ur skill that u operate on a purely subconscious level. no thinking, just movement. look into "wu wei" and psychology of the flow/zone.

Anonymous No. 117387

in combat it's known as sensen no sen and the best way to do it is to train your body coordination and 3d spacing in your head, you have to build knowledge on what the other guy will do and how you will respond to it but not waste time by thinking of making choices, in chess a lot of players can see what the best move is just by instinct in the same way because of their memorization and repetition

Anonymous No. 117390

>Its obvious that you can concentrate your energy to get more faster or strong, but you also can predict enemy movements or hide yourself.
Okay sO I don't know if this is obvious to me. Unless if by "concentrate your energy" you mean training consistently. But if you mean just like, concentrating on some dragon ball z stuff then nah I don't agree.
>If you had practice team sports at a Elite level you can feel that something is wrong with some individuals; they can hide in obvious ways and not be detected or do crazy stuff.
Again I'm not sure what you mean by this. Some combat sports practitioners can sneakily pull off techniques without the other person noticing but if you mean like, disappearing on some Kuroko No Basket "Phantom drive" shit? Then no that is not possible.

Anonymous No. 117399

> you have to build knowledge on what the other guy will do and how you will respond to it but not waste time by thinking of making choices
Lol why am I not shocked that aikido retards think talk like this. Maybe it’s because your entire martial art involves choreography.

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Anonymous No. 117413

>in combat it's known as sensen no sen and the best way to do it is to train your body coordination and 3d spacing in your head, you have to build knowledge on what the other guy will do and how you will respond to it but not waste time by thinking of making choices, in chess a lot of players can see what the best move is just by instinct in the same way because of their memorization and repetition

This is not how it sensen no sen works, retard.
Maybe if your opponent is a total noob with few recurses you can predict, anticipate to him.
Sensen is beyond that.
Sensen is "situation", you are guiding your opponent, with an pro active "defense", which depending on your school can be more or less subtle,with an active "defense", which depending on your school can be more or less subtle, you get your opponent to attack WHEN AND HOW YOU WANT so you have already anticipated his attack and acted accordingly.
Very basic example: in kendo you provoke an attack (giving you a chance to hit) and when your opponent attacks you have already struck first.
As you can see: it is not a "sensation", neither reflexes nor speed are used and it is certainly not a reaction of a passive subject waiting to be attacked.

Anonymous No. 117429

The way you describe it sensen no sen just practicing good ringcraft

Anonymous No. 118215

>aikido fag
im mma mostly kyokushin judo and boxing
if you think and hesitate for a second you risk for the other guy to get you in with a jab or give away stuff with feints and you're just asking for a counter at that point
yes but if you guys cannot fathom reacting that fast then fighting simply isn't for you, it needs both experience to see what will happen and reflex to move as soon as he moves on you

Anonymous No. 118222

What you describe isn’t training your reactions it’s “knowing how the opponent will attack before they do it.” Training your reactions is knowing how YOU will react without having to think about it.

The only thing similar to what you’ve described is letting the first round of a boxing or mma match be a feeler round for testing their reactions and timing. That or studying their fights beforehand. That’s not what you’re talking about though so stop pretending you know anything about combat sports.

Anonymous No. 118243

if you don't get it, you won't get it

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Anonymous No. 118267

>it’s all too mysterious for you
>heh, looks like you’re not smart enough to get true martial arts

Anonymous No. 118270

>Its obvious that you can concentrate your energy to get more faster or strong
In the actual meaning of the word, yeah. It is called a strike. You concentrate your "energy" by using a small strong striking surface like your fist or the ball of the foot.
You then use your muscles in a kinetic chain to quickly and efficiently generate, direct, and release that kinetic force/energy into the opponent by accelerating your mass and making contact with a quick impulse.
Not magic, just physics.
But it is talking about energy though. Personally I like to think about kinetic vectors myself. Helps me visualize so I can improve my techniques.

>but you also can predict enemy movements
Not really energy related in the traditional sense.
But with a lot of sparing practice you get the hang of looking out for tells, setups, and patterns that give away what people are going to do before they do it. You can read these to improve your reaction window.
Those who are super good at it can even read micro-muscular movements, which is something I can't do but like to work towards.
Also if you spar with the same people a lot you really get used to their favored way of attacking, making them easier to read. It is why I make a effort to spar people I haven't spared a lot with. Keeps me on my toes.

>or hide yourself.
Lost me on that one.
I can't rationalize away this statement into something sensible that would actually be helpful for actual martial artist.

>How can I achieve this level? I want to train my energy to be the very best in my field.
Eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep between training sessions, and drill your basics/fundamentals every single day.

Anonymous No. 121059

a book on high level sports talks about the flow/zone concept, like how athletes basically don't think in a match and purely act based on game sense/muscle memory, after years of practice. when asked, in a post-match interview, what went thru a particular athlete's mind, he said 'nothing, i just did it'. this may be a case where mysticism and science agree, even if only by pure coincidence.

Anonymous No. 121260

Your energy field extends beyond you and in meditation our ideas of time and space get pretty wonky. I'd imagine to reach a level of truly exploring your power levels you'd need to become extremely spiritual. Feats of some monks are quite amazing.

Anonymous No. 121261

Predicting enemy movements is intuition which comes from the subconscious which in many beliefs is what manifests the reality we interpret as 'our reality'

Anonymous No. 121275

It's simple pattern recognition.
Humans are good at it to a fault. Like we will see patterns even when they aren't even there.

Anonymous No. 121276

Even that in itself is some mystical shit that happens on a layer of our mind that we don't really understand.

Anonymous No. 121278

It is no more mystical then any common mental process.

Anonymous No. 121283

You're not conciously going around recognising patterns in a similar way your not conciously pumping blood through your body.