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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 116524

What is the most barbaric fighting stance, art, or sport you can possibly think of? Something with barley any style whatsoever and if used in a real fight would just look insane and disgusting. Just bear-mauling levels of damage, shit that would make corners puke when they found the body of whoever tried to snatch your wallet. Just name whatever combination comes off your head.

I'm thinking Kudo but with a focus on eye gouges and biting, where specifically training for a greater biteforce will help more. Or capoeira but the object is to stick your hand down their throat like a feral dog. How about Karate but with an emphasis on grabbing the genitals and literally using all of your primate force to rip them apart.

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Anonymous No. 116525

Knife fighting.

Anonymous No. 116527

We can do better, club fighting. Or at least use screwdrivers instead of knives.

Anonymous No. 116596

Anon those are swords

Anonymous No. 116609

>What is the most barbaric fighting stance
Full sprint
American Rough and Tumble
Doesn't really exist anymore but if any of the writings on it are half correct then it is the most barbaric unarmed fighting contest in history. Even more brutal than the unarmed roman stuff.
>Something with barley any style whatsoever and if used in a real fight would just look insane and disgusting. Just bear-mauling levels of damage, shit that would make corners puke when they found the body of whoever tried to snatch your wallet
Yup, that sounds like the aftermath of a Rough and Tumble match.
Though it's less of a stye and more of a (lack of) ruleset mixed with a cultural quark of the time and area.

>I'm thinking...
Don't, you're bad at it.

Anonymous No. 116643

rough and tumble,AKA gouging and biting

Anonymous No. 116670

aka big knives

Anonymous No. 116692

Rough and tumble for sure. Although even that ruleset had a kind of "mercy" in that a match was over once you had successfully removed an eye. In theory you could make it more brutal by say, requiring both eyes to be removed for a match to end. If you want truly barbarous and disgusting. In some accounts of gouging noses would get bitten off and genitals would be torn as well. Total facial disfigurement and bare handed castration as a victory condition? Hideous. That is essentially chimp fighting and is the grossest thing I can think of.

Anonymous No. 116737

purposefully grow out your nails 3 to 4 inches and sharpen them to a fine point, use grabs, rakes, and bites.

Anonymous No. 116746

ur retarded

Anonymous No. 118818

Nah cause then you dont have slashes

Anonymous No. 118866

Why would anyone even agree to do this? Why not just knock them out if they try and be done with it.

Anonymous No. 124025

Wrestling, boxing and a chimp mode mind set

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Anonymous No. 124124


There isn't one. This is basically a lie people who don't actually understand combat sports believe. Removing literally just a handful of techniques like biting, eye gourging, dick kicks, doesn't make MMA or even boxing less brutal or effective in anyway. At best there would be more blood due to it being bare knuckle so go watch BKFC or King of the Streets.

tl,dr; OP is a retard nerd onions cuck who never actually did or understood combat sports or even fighting at a basic level.

Anonymous No. 124139

We get it, you want to be violent and hurt people unnecessarily. You have no hope unless you're hurting someone smaller, weaker and more scared than you, though.