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🧵 old time strong men

Anonymous No. 116653

Why was their physique different, often a boxy look? Was it because they lacked the equipment we have now, or because their training methods were primitive? Or something else completely, like lack of exposure to hormone-mimicking substances in the environment and food supply which affect us?

Anonymous No. 116660

go to /fit/ you fucking midwit

Anonymous No. 116821

Different training. They aimed for performance, not mass. Less steroids (not "none") and different oens, of. Different athletic and beauty ideals than today.

Anonymous No. 117192

Why is his chest the width of a doorframe but his arms just look like normal strong guy arms

Anonymous No. 117211

Honestly I think it’s just genetics. I can literally see his ribs he’s a naturally big guy

Anonymous No. 117231

Old time guys typically also did a bunch of wrestling, and the concept of isolation didn't really exist, at least in so far as training the physique itself. And what did, still involved picking up the lead filled globe barbell to do it with. So core engagement was happening near constantly.

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Anonymous No. 117435


/fit/ is basically /gaypolincel/. Nothing useful has been posted there this decade. Anyway OP is relevant to /xs/ since *all* the old time strongmen were catch or greco roman wrestlers.