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๐Ÿงต The Insanity of Gordan Ryan

Anonymous No. 116740

If you're a non BJJ cuck then you probably hear about Gordan Ryan and that he's fairly good, but do you realize the magnitude of how much better he is than everyone else? it's absurd.

The 2022 ADCC just happened. It's very common for professional BJJ matches to go the full time and just be decided by advantages or 1 or 2 points. If someone does get submitted it's usually 10 or 15 minuets in and rather rare amongst the best. Gordan just submitted the semi-finalist of the tournament in 11 seconds. He the proceed to submit the person he faced in the finals (the second best on the planet) in a little over two minutes. As much as we all hate him Gordan Ryan's BJJ operates on a a different plane of existence.

Anonymous No. 116767

based op. i also thought that kade ruotolos run was as (if not more) impressive. kade got all submissions against the top guys in the most stacked division 77kg

Anonymous No. 116776

The skill gap between Gordon and the next best guys is insane. He's inhuman.

Anonymous No. 116811

is he p4p as well?

Anonymous No. 116818

just goes to show the difference it makes when someone trains like a real athlete. most bjj guys don't train like professional athletes; gordon does. and his team is also more cerebral than most combat sport teams. danaher coached gsp too. they're very critical people and that lends itself to a cerebral sport like submission grappling which is kind of like body chess.

Anonymous No. 116819

Sp, what is he doing differently? More roids? Differents roids? More drills? less drills, more rolling? I hear he's big on positional training, whatever that means.

Anonymous No. 116822

training and training philosophy from what i understand based on interviews with danaher, gordon and the two of them. they train like full-time professional athletes and think about the sport like real competitors. they're not just open mat rolling and showing up to tournaments like a lot of bjj competitors, gordon has a regiment. danaher's entire life is bjj; he has no family, no other hobbies. it's all he does and gordon is his extension. gordon would've been great with or without danaher but i think the two of them together make for the perfect amount of autism to conquer an autistic sport like submission grappling

Anonymous No. 116823

have to remember that submission grappling and bjj are not very popular sports. there's not a lot of money in it. not very many people can dedicate all their time to bjj, not even at the highest levels. that's why you see a lot of them veer off into mma where there's more opportunities and more money. so for people to be able to train full time is rare enough as it is. it's a massive advantage for people like danaher and his students to be able to train full time and dedicate real full time brain power to the sport

Anonymous No. 116830

I'm not sure if there is a p4p ranking but he is beyond any doubt #1 if it exist.
The fucking shocking thing is he's the only normal looking guy. He doesn't ever seem to really using much strength either. It seem like dude is really just that much better. Like look of the difference between his build and the guy he's facing in the tournament superfight (2 different champions from two different brackets fight each other)

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Anonymous No. 116833

>normal looking guy

Anonymous No. 116835

trained with him at an open mat one time. Guy is fucking insanely talented

Anonymous No. 116836

now show his opponents. I will admit that I should've said normal looking only when compared to the people he's facing.

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Anonymous No. 116837

Forgot the pic

Anonymous No. 116839

you don't know how steroids work. gordon is blasting hard and all but admits it himself. he's better than everyone else but he's also on steroids, that's why he's destroying people. because he's good AND on steroids, not one or the other like everyone else. implying gordon is somehow "doing fewer" steroids than other people is just pointless conjecture

Anonymous No. 116856

you don't seem to know how they work either
gordon is no doubt juicing like crazy, but so are all of his opponents. and more steroids != more gooder outside of the IFBB, if you want proof go inject a bunch of deca and count how many hill sprints you can do before your lungs or calves explode, so i dont think gordon is just pinning harder than everyone else. there's almost certainly some "meta" stack that everybody at that level takes yet gordon still crushes.

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Anonymous No. 116881

I'm supposed to be straight but holy shit I wanna get fucked by this guy.
I would both get submitted and make it last full time.

Anonymous No. 116906

Do steroids make you age faster? He looks like he's morphing into a neanderthal.

Anonymous No. 116937

Not 'steroids' per se but the PED cocktail these guys take makes your organs age real fast, especially your heart, liver, and kidneys. They also change your facial bone structure considerably. Your skull gets larger and thicker. Your hairline recedes(look at Gordon's widow's peak and gigantic noggin). Your skin looks mottled and red like a proper pub lad. All of this makes you 'age fast'. However, the main reason Gordon looks old is because he's a massive douchefaggot whose dyed his hair and beard white like he's in an anime.

Anonymous No. 116964

This is the real heart of it. For the sport, he's fairly young still, and does nothing but train, teach, and talk shit online. Every single video of him when he's not at a competition is either on the mats, the gym, or his house. He's functionally an autistic shut in. He's just doing something productive with it instead of beating off to cartoons.

Anonymous No. 116967

>He's functionally an autistic shut in.

So am I. How long until I get good at BJJ?

Anonymous No. 116973

If that's your attitude towards training you'll honestly be a killer in like 10 months.

Anonymous No. 117019

Why is competitive BJJ so boring to watch? Would it just turn into wrestling or judo if they implemented similar anti-stalling penalties?

Anonymous No. 117020

Not necessarily. The legality of throws and the like also play a large part in how much it looks like either of those.

Anonymous No. 117022

Not really. BJJ just really isn't a spectator friendly course.

Anonymous No. 117054

Both Judo and wrestling are infamously spectator unfriendly sports as well. They have similar problems to jiu jitsu. Scoring criteria can be opaque and despite anti-stalling measures, matches can still be boring and draw out way too long. The only grappling sport I can think of that's fun to watch is sumo, which does not have those problems.

Anonymous No. 117077

I actually find Judo to by far be the most entertaining out of the three despite having done the other 2 for years. I actually could see myself paying to go see a Judo tournament. Probably because they changed the ruleset with the intention of making it more viewer friendly. Wrestling isn't really that bad because of the quick matches but BJJ ca be unbearable with its 20min long matches where literally no one scores. It's just dudes rolling around on the ground.

Judo>Wrestling>>>>>>>BJJ in terms of spectator entertainment

Anonymous No. 117145

The worst matches I've seen by far have always just been shoving matches between two ultra heavies, maybe award an advantage for grabbing an opponent's leg or introduce a ring out penalty after a certain amount of time or something

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 117164

Thats awesome, I mean really great. But no matter how good grapplers are, I can never get past the part where they're all a bunch of bacteria-laden creeps sharing conspiracy theories with their cult leader.

Anonymous No. 117168

Grappling is so cool, but it's so gross and weird at the same time.

Anonymous No. 117176

It's really fun, rewarding, and is one of the best forms of physical conditioning there is. It will also murder your joints, give you staph and ring worm, fuck up your ears, and everyone else in society will view you as a weird and gay grab-asser who likes to be in the breath-space of other men for fun. It's a blighted existence. Maybe I'll switch to archery or something instead. Something that involves fresh air and lots of distance.

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Anonymous No. 117180

Heavyweight in general are the most boring to watch for combat sports I feel. In MMA for example sure you might get a knockout but the rest of the time it's going to be two big dudes who are slow af and in general just on average sloppier technique in comparison to the smaller guys. They're also operating with a limited move pool in terms of what they can do with their body. You'll never see a heavyweight pulling off some of the shit Demetrious would do.

Anonymous No. 117190

Is there any way to do this long term without getting nasty cauli ear?

Anonymous No. 117193

Yes. Be on top of draining them when you get cauliflower and be willing to sit out of hard sparring while you heal. Either that or wear headgear.

Anonymous No. 117207

headgear will do it. I never liked the traditional headgear becuase It would just move over my head so I wear a rugby headgear. I look real stupid in practice by my ears are safe af.

Anonymous No. 117222

Pretty sure it's just genetic, but you can wear headgear if you are prone to it. I've been training for 15 years and competing for 10 in MMA and my ears are fine, but I see white belts at comps that have it.

Anonymous No. 117223

I don't wear headgear either btw

Anonymous No. 117268

Gordon Ryan is overrated. If you look at the calibre of his opponents compared to the guys at -66kg to -88kg there's just no comparison. It's like comparing the men's divisions with the women's divisions in terms of standards. Literally just rewatch any of his matches from ADCC this year and that's what you'll see. I mean, seriously, an outside heel hook from a random guard pull in 15 seconds. That's not even skill. His opponent literally has to be a fucking retard for that to be possible. His competition is dogshit at that weight.

Not even saying Gordon couldn't dominate those divisions, but no way it would be nearly as dominant as it is at ultra heavyweight or whatever. Maybe I'm wrong and or a hater, but I'm kinda tired of everyone just ignoring the fact that he's literally turned himself into a human gorilla through PED use. If he went back down to his natural weight and won -88kg again then I would kneel. Idk why he acts like everyone is on as much juice as him. Yeah probably at ultra heavyweight, but clearly he's on way more advanced shit than almost everyone at the lower weight classes who could challenge him if they were the same size.

Anonymous No. 117270

I'm glad BJJ isn't a great spectator sport. Imagine having your sport cucked to death by a panel of dipshits for the sake of some braindead mouthbreathing diabetics who only bother gaping at it momentarily on network TV between car insurance commercials because football isn't in season

Anonymous No. 117290

Plenty of room in absolute for those guys to come prove it.

Anonymous No. 117307

We talking about judo?

Anonymous No. 117358

>Gordon Ryan is overrated
Retard alert

Anonymous No. 117360

ADCC is worthless outside the open bracket
no one cares gordo

Anonymous No. 117394

>I mean, seriously, an outside heel hook from a random guard pull in 15 seconds.That's not even skill. His opponent literally has to be a fucking retard for that to be possible.
You're making it sound like that wouldn't have worked on you or some of the higher belts at your gym, which could be true. What I remind you of is that he did this to one of the semifinalist for the world championship.The alternative point of view is that perhaps it only looked simple because Gordan Ryan made it look easy.

Anonymous No. 117456

The size thing is too much of an issue. Anyone who could be competitive is just too small to pose any threat. To get on that much juice you have to either be *super* fucking dumb (Brazilians) or have a monster ego and just not give a shit because all you care about is winning. The former will never really be a success because too dumb, and the latter just barely exists, let alone with the skill and training that Gordon has.
I'm a big fan of his style and technically he probably is still the best. I'm not even saying he's not the best, just that he isn't proving it by being so juiced that no one can even get close.
Unironically I train with some guys who were at ADCC, so yeah probably not. Would it work on me? Well buddy I am about 160 pounds and have glass feet so it may well have. But anyway, if you look at the position, the guy's knee is still free to move so there's no pressure being applied, which you'd expect when the guy is still on his feet. The guy just tapped because he was scared or wanted to give up early. That's an early stage submission right there, and anyone in a lower weight class would know that and probably have the means to escape. That skill simply isn't developed at their weight class because no one ever poses a threat with it, because the game at their size is literally retarded. This is why Gordon is dominant, because he's naturally a lanky guy and got good before he became a gorilla. Anyone who's naturally big (even before being enhanced), unless extremely disciplined, will never have this skill (even then that's debatable).