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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 116778

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Support woman grapplers edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question
>What is a technique you have learnt from a woman grappler?
For me, it was an X-Guard sweep from Michelle Nicholini

Anonymous No. 116788

>What is a technique you have learnt from a woman grappler?
Some arm triangle details from Ffion.
Do you guys keep stats of subs you hit or subs you get caught in etc? A 4 stripe black belt came to my gym and he was talking about keeping track of all that stuff, he adviced us to keep track of those things so that we know on what to work on. Also is rutracker down cos I'm trying to access it to download some Danaher stuff but it keeps timing me out? And is anyone going to IBJJF in Paris in January?

Anonymous No. 116832

This on chick online taught me really cool X and spider guard techniques. Thanks woman. I appreciate it.

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Anonymous No. 116838

Friendly reminder:

Anonymous No. 116840

there's no point making a new thread yet this board is fucking dead and the other thread will remain alive past bump limit for at least another month

Anonymous No. 116918

Guys, I need guidance and honesty.
I'm a sedentary 30 yo guy trying to get his life around. I started exercising some weeks ago, and now I'm thinking of doing some sport or physical activity, mainly because it's more motivating doing something fun as cardio than just using my elliptical bike.
I have a few options, and bjj is one of them.
I would like to do bjj not just because it's a physical activity, but also because I would feel so much self fulfillment if I can get better at it and submit someone after getting my ass handed for months, my low self esteem and confidence need something like that.
The thing is, I've been questioning whether to do it or not so much that I think I'm scared, probably because I'm not used to use my body that much, I'm weak (I'm improving that though), and I'm scared of getting cauliflower ear. I'm also wondering if I would like the people at a bjj gym, I don't usually like the "tough guy" kind of people, but that doesn't worry me that much, maybe it's an opportunity to socialize with a different kind of people. Also I think people touch each others junks all the time, but I guess I'll get used to it lol.
In the end it's a change and something new to me, and also I'm a pussy, so obviously this fills me with doubts.
Honestly I think I should just attend a class and see how I feel.
What do you guys think? Any video or something that could guide me and lower my anxiety? I could also decide that this isn't for me and do something else, that's ok.

Anonymous No. 116922


Anonymous No. 116926

Why would you recommend Judo? I like it and it's one of my options already, I just want opinions.
Judo still have some risks though, I could be training with a maniac, fall in a wrong way and die, idk.

Anonymous No. 116927

Trying to catch ADCC reminded me of how fucking boring BJJ is to watch. It's a great combat sport, but god is it boring to watch.

Anonymous No. 116928

dont be such a pussy and do judo

Anonymous No. 116930

Ntayrt, but I think judo teaches fearlessness more than other martial arts. It's hard to do a noncommittal throw - and the rules of the sport encourage a "go in a blast them with your best shot" mentality.

However, realistically, the most important questions for you are going to be "Can I afford it?" "Is it too far from my house?" and "Do I have fun?"

>cauliflower ear
Just wear an earguard with some padding on the outside for your partners' sake. It's what they're for.

Anonymous No. 116932

Being a pussy is a part of me, I'm working on it I guess.

I haven't look up prices but I can probably afford it with no issues, and I live in a well connected part of my city so I won't have problems finding some place I can go to. I already know there's a boxing gym near me (that's an option too). The problem is everything else, and with that I mean the problem is just me.
Do people at gyms actually use it? I don't wanna be "that guy".

I don't know dude, just recommend me the pussiest martial art that's not trash like Aikido. I'll probably end up doing swimming anyways.

Anonymous No. 116938

Just do it. You're probably going to suck at it, but it'll be fun. If you don't like it, there are other clubs and other sports. The trial class is usually free, so all you're losing is a few hours of your time.

>Do people at gyms actually use it? I don't wanna be "that guy".
Yes. Especially with adults, there are a couple people wearing them. Some people don't want cauliflower ear when they go to work, and an earguard is cheaper than surgery.

Anonymous No. 116939

I teach BJJ, but also train at a separate judo gym and a separate Muay Thai gym, so I'll try and answer a few of your questions based on experience. Firstly I don't do any sport or physical activity outside of martial arts, because it's fun. When I'm injured I don't do anything because I don't find working out fun, but I find martial arts fun, so it may help you with that.

In terms of fulfilment though, I think people go in with the wrong idea that they can "submit someone after getting my ass handed for months". If you show up and train once or twice a week, after 6 months, you'll probably only be submitting people that are newer than you yourself, so you're gonna feel really bad if your idea of "progress" is beating people who have been training longer than you. You'll likely have to wait a year or two before you get close that level, even if you're training 4 times a week compared to someone else's 2-3 times a week. Personally I got lucky when I started, because I had 3 other guys the same age and weight as me, but all different body types start within a month of me. They were also all pretty competitive so I had multiple people training every day with different styles and body shapes that I could compare myself with, but that is a very unlikely situation.

Also I'm pretty sure cauliflower ears are genetic as I've never gotten them. You can do thing like not be a retard and rip your head out of chokes to prevent it, but it'll likely happen eventually. If you wear your tard helmet to protect your ears though nobody will really look down on it, it's just not common for some reason. I had a guy come in and wear one from another gym so I assumed he's a wrestler, I just asked him and he said he wears it to protect his ears, and that was it.

Anonymous No. 116941

Following on because comment is too long (the character count is really low) BJJ will appeal to you if you're into the more slow and methodical pace. It's very unlikely you'll get a "lucky sub" in the same way someone might get a lucky punch in boxing or a lucky trip in judo (at low levels). You'll usually have time to stop and think about the position you're in, take not of your opponent's position and grips and plan your attack and next 5 steps based on their reaction before making your move, whereas you don't really have the time to do that in a more "sprinting" art like judo. I do enjoy judo as well though, it's definitely more athletic and has shorter rounds so if the slower pace is what pushes you away from BJJ, I'd definitely recommend that. I just couldn't do only judo because I love my wrestling takedowns and neck/wrist submissions too much.

Anonymous No. 116944

Ok anon, you motivated me enough... I think. I'll go at least once, and then see what happens, maybe I'll roll with a smelly dude and get grossed out and don't go back, who knows.

Thanks, that was very insightful, I'll just go with the mindset that I will suck for a very long time, but that I'm slowly progressing, and take a victory for every small achievement I get, like doing some techniques better or whatnot. I hope my mentality is strong enough.
As for the cauliflower ears, the more I read about it the less I think I should worry. There are people that use gear only if they get tenderness or injuries on their ears, and also I think you can drain them to avoid getting it worse. Also this happens after a while I think, and who knows, maybe I'll quit once I get blue belt or even while on white. I think I'll just use gear all the time just to be sure though, I would rather be "that guy" like I said than worrying about it.

Yeah I definitely have to discover what I truly like, I just need to get out there, maybe I transition into other stuff like judo, it's part of the journey I guess.

Anonymous No. 116947

I tried to word it differently but it was too long, but it's not so much that you'll suck forever, but more that as you progress, others are going to be progressing at a similar rate so you really have to try and put in hours if you want to catch them and submit them, if submitting others is how you judge your progress. I think a problem is people will always say stuff like "judge yourself against where you were a month ago", but you have to be good to be able to judge yourself in the first place. Like I can drill hip movement and then notice it after a month when doing certain moves, but someone newer would need to know what to look for as signs of where they are, what they need to do to improve, and how to notice the improvement, which I wouldn't expect until about coloured belts anyway.

Anonymous No. 117088

Anyone know where I can pirate Gordon Ryan instructionals?

Anonymous No. 117117

rutracker has all of them pretty much, you just need to register on there and then you can search the site

Anonymous No. 117125

Based. Couldn't find it on my usual sites.

Anonymous No. 117137

>submitting people will boost my self esteem
what are you Brazilian? if your motivation isn't to get fulfilment from improvement but rather from being better than people your enjoyment will be tainted/limited to the people in your gym

Anonymous No. 117178

cauliflower ear you shouldn't be scared of bc not everyone get it and it looks cool 400 hrs and I don't have it.

don't do it unless you can go 3x a week, don't sign up if you can only do less than that.

Anonymous No. 117321

>tard helmet

Anonymous No. 117432

im kinda like the other lazy anon above but im a little younger and i've been getting in shape this past year doing cardio and lifting, now im looking to expand into martial arts (partially to train differently and to find a slightly more social hobby). I see people recommending judo instead of bjj but there's a bjj place next door to my gym, is it really important which i do? also how do i make sure a place actually caters to adults because the bjj place lists 14 and up as their 'adult' class. I dont need to be the youngest there ofc but i would not feel comfortable in a class of mostly teenagers.

Anonymous No. 117442

I haven't done Judo, but BJJ has been great. The adult class will likely be mostly 20-40yo. My class tonight had one kid who was around 16.

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Anonymous No. 117447

I'm at the cusp of getting my blue belt and i'm getting kinda sick of the whole thing honestly. Especially since i realised i don't even enjoy gi that much.

Anonymous No. 117448

not to mention i've started getting skin issues because of it

Anonymous No. 117473

I am in my early 30s and like you wanted to try martial arts. In this case judo cause it fitted the best with my schedule and is really quite cheap. I am enjoying judo but if there was a bjj place next door to my gym id do that. The majority of my class is 16-18, its fine just get over it. Age isnt the issue height and weight is. But i lift 3-4x a week - focus on judo is relaxing and not using my strength.

Anonymous No. 117490

>I see people recommending judo instead of bjj but there's a bjj place next door to my gym, is it really important which i do?
/xs/ has a more active judo fanbase so they'll probably lurk the BJJ threads and tell you to do it instead. I do both and they both have their advantages and disadvantages, but trying one of them is better than not trying any. Give the BJJ a try since it's the most convenient, and if after a month you don't like it, then give judo or any other martial art (or sport) a try if you want something more social than just gym. I used to compliment my Judo, BJJ and Muay Thai with Badminton on the weekends pre-covid just for something a bit lighter and more social.

The 14 and up thing is likely just because most places don't have enough students at that age to run a dedicated teens class. I have a few 14 year olds in my adult class, but they'll generally train with the other kids or manlets. The difference is though that if the 14 year olds are in the "kids" class, they're probably gonna be learning in a class that's catered to like 9-10year olds and probably get bored, whereas at least the adult class might get them thinking a bit more since the techniques are generally more advanced.

Anonymous No. 117568

how to stop acne from bjj? ive been training for 4 years and i noticed whenever i take breaks, even if its like a week my acne on my back almost dissapears. Any way to prevent this altogether?

Anonymous No. 117621

I am going to assume its from the combination of sweating and chafing in your top weather it is a gi or whatever. One thing would be to shower immediately after training and not let the swet stand at all or sipe it off as you go even.

Anonymous No. 117633

Anybody know a resource that goes over technique from standing to submission as a series of moves? I learn way better with coherent patterns rather than independent techniques. My coach doesn't give out game plans for body types like I've heard is common in US academies, but I've noticed that sessions where he goes over a series of moves makes the learning feel way more coherent and useful to me than when he goes over a single move without context.

I've been training for a year, compete. Comp purple belt told me he'd map out his techniques starting with the submission he wants to go for and then branching out from there with the moves that will get him there and possible reactions, but trying to map things out that way leads me to clutter up a whole page with way too much shit, I think.

Anonymous No. 117729

I don't know of a resource but that's how I teach my classes. Starting with a takedown, a pass, then side control submissions or going to mount/back then submit from there. Not giving out game plans for someone that's only been training a year sounds normal to me. I'd want them to learn and discover what they're good at first themselves (the art of martial arts) rather than tell them what they're good at.

Some of my higher coloreds do make a list or flowchart on the white board when practicing for comps at open mats, but I think the idea is more to limit what you want to do and what to specifically drill rather than capture every situation. It usually looks something like this for somebody who's good at back.

>takedowns: arm drag to back take, arm drag to ankle pick
>guard pass: body lock pass, knee slice
>side control: arm trap back take, americana (let them roll to back)
>mount: americana (let them roll to back), arm trap (force back take)
>back mount: whatever submission they're gojng

and then have stuff for like turtle, maybe half guard as well, but more limiting themselves so when they get to guard they know they're only doing 1 of 2 guard passes, so they know what to do instantly instead of having to sit and pick what guard pass to use, which is something you should be able to do.

Anonymous No. 117746

You guys might be getting prickly heat, if you are, try:
1. Drink shitloads of water
2. Try to be on your shoulderblades less (more half guard, less closed guard)
3. Take your gi and shirt off immediately after you roll
4. Try a different rashguards, no rashguard, or just a polypro shirt
5. If you're fat, stop being fat
There's a lot of recommended treatments online but they don't apply well to bjj, unfortunately.

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Anonymous No. 117793

I shower immediately after practice and use this all over my body including my hair. I am prone to acne anyway so I have to do this even if I didn't practice.

Wash your gi and rashguard immediately after you practice as well. Maybe once in a while do it on warm/hot idk

stay covered, cover every wound, don't pick at anything

Anonymous No. 117810

Do you use this in the shower or like before or after? I might give it a go since I always get tiny pimples isolated only behind my triceps

Anonymous No. 117879

I know there's a lot of belt autism surrounding BJJ but was wondering if people would care if I kept using my white belt even after a promotion? Not for competitions of course but just at the gym. I'm sure it'll probably depend on the club but getting some general opinions on this topic would be great!
I just see belts as a retention tool (along with stripes) and are just vainglory. I find gradings and gauntlets strange too, as if it's the only time my BJJ skills can be tested and considered. Having said all that, it looks like I'm guilty of belt autism too...

Anonymous No. 117904

I think if you "forget" your belt every now and then nobody will care, but I don't know why you'd want to not wear it. I don't really care myself about stripes but the belt colours are a good indicator for me of someone's skill, especially to outside people, so they know how hard to go or not to feel bad if they get bodied by someone. Like if a newer guy came in and had a question, they know to go to one of the color belts for an answer. That and I think with some coaches they see it as a "return" on their investment of the hours put into you. Like I said, I don't really care about stripes, but I knew to act happy/grateful at gradings because my coach did and it made him proud to be able to say "yeah, this is one of my black belts", although that is a bit of ego on their part as well.

That being said, I know Gustavo Falciroli (4th degree black belt) opened a gym during COVID and doesn't use belts at all, I think it's just white belts for everyone including him. He is also a proud autist and has that autism puzzle logo tattooed on him so again, could just be actual belt autism.

Anonymous No. 117909

I use it every time I shower and I always shower immediately when I come home from practice.

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Anonymous No. 117910

I took this test so yeah I'm gonna wear that belt because I know I earned it.

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Anonymous No. 117911

Here's a better explanation.

Anonymous No. 117912

Let's be real, y'all just want an excuse to cuddle with hot sweaty men. A male strip clubs would be a cheaper alternative. I bet if you walked into my aikido gym, you wouldn't walk out of it...

Anonymous No. 117944

That's the thing about belts, there's no universal metric of what qualifies for a specific belt, meaning that if a newly promoted belt went to another gym they wouldn't necessarily be to the standard of that gym.
>I don't know why you'd want to not wear it
Staying with the white belt means I don't have to worry or consider the ridiculousness of belts (in BJJ at least, Judo is another matter) and can solely focus on my game. The only validation I need is from myself, belts are as I said--vainglory.

I find these gauntlets/tests entirely nonsensical. First of all you'll only be participating in them if the coach already deems you ready for the next belt, and second, am I only eligible if I can survive a 2 hour gauntlet where I have to smash lower belts and survive against higher belts? Surely I'd have the knowledge needed without the theatrics. To highlight the outlandish nature of such a system I can point to myself--I was a white belt at my old gym even though those at my skill level are blue belts. I wasn't promoted because I'd refuse to participate in gradings, I've even had my coach ask me "how are you getting along?" BJJ is a strange world.

Anonymous No. 118025

I had my first bjj class (free) today and I don't know what to think, I thought it was really fun, but the place had an awful smell, because it wasn't ventilated at all apparently.
Also there was this guy I trained with that was particularly smelly, I even thought I felt that smell after showering and getting home, it's like it got impregnated in me, but maybe I'm just imagining things.
Also it was really intense for someone sedentary like me (already got some weeks doing cardio though), and I'm questioning if I really want to do this or if I'd rather do something else, like another sport or just running or biking. I really wanted to challenge myself and do something out of my comfort zone, but maybe it's fine to drop it, as long as I keep working out.
The thing is that I actually liked it, I rolled with someone without knowing what to do, and at the beginning I kinda just moved my body awkwardly, but then I actually got this urge to fight back, it was like something awoke in me, and I thought it was really cool.
Any thoughts or guidance? Do I find a better ventilated gym?

Anonymous No. 118032

You could try another gym if you really can't handle the smell. As for smelly partners, just avoid those that smell if possible. Honestly, try finding another gym that has better conditions and see how you feel after that class.

Anonymous No. 118037

Yeah, there's another gym I can go to, a little further away, but nothing crazy, and apparently is more renowned than this one.
I'll go to the free class on that gym and see how I feel.

Anonymous No. 118052

whats the name of this forum?

Anonymous No. 118059

What's 3x? 3 1hr sessions? What about 2 2.5hr sessions a week?

Anonymous No. 118104

I remembered the smell of that one guy again for some reason, fuck me.

Anonymous No. 118124

Honestly just get used to it. I understand there can be worse smelling gyms and all, but everyone is going to get sweaty, it's the nature of what you're doing. But depending on where you are theres should be plently around.
But don't give up on it dude, martial arts are seriously the best thing a person can do for themselves.

Anonymous No. 118161

re: the blue belt test

If you think the 3 hours of hazing is ridiculous, wait till you hear about the best part. Got a purple belt from another gym? You're gonna have to take it. People have been "lost" over this.

There's a guy who only did private 1:1 lessons with a black belt instructor and that instructor just fucking gave it to him. He never had to take the test. Just gets a "congratulations on your blue belt!" post on the faceberg group. Meanwhile, we have people who legitimately tried to take the test but couldn't because of a medical issue.

I think it is Sherdog, used to be really popular in the mid 00s-10s, found this post from google.

go as much as you feel like it but you should be going to 3 sessions a week, whatever that means to you and your school's schedule so 2 one hour classes and an open mat would be good

you will get this a lot, only thing you can do is clip your nails, brush your teeth, use mouth wash, oxyclean ur gi

Anonymous No. 118172

Brazilian JuJitsu legit looks like gay rape. It was created by a jap named Mitsuyo Maeda, who learned early-phase Judo from its founder (Jigoro Kano). However, Maeda was expelled from Japan for 2,400 acts of forced public homosexuality. So, he took his manraping skills to the jungles of Brazil, hoping to rape many exotic species in the rainforest. One day, while chasing monkeys, he found the Gracie brothers. I dont have to tell you what happened next. Rather than run away, the gracies decided to become his students, becoming proficient in the arts of homosexual rape. When their training was complete, Maeda excreted a 4-foot long turd on each of their tests, telling them it was their "brown belt." All the elder gracies still have those giant Rio steamers, in glass cases on their walls, as heirlooms to be passed on to their descendants. Truly, brazilian ju jitsu has a glorious history.

Anonymous No. 118188

How would you feel about this? - Because I'm embarrassed.

Backstory - (short) Our gym was open for a number of years with a loyal group of people training together. recently the gym moved and changed its location and name.

the old team is still here among the new students with the gis representing the previous gym.

so in an open mat we came up the idea to get an old gi, have everyone sign it and present it to the instructors on the grand opening.

so we pass this around, then get a shadow box for display and had pictures of the team when the gym originally opened.

no one wanted to give it to him, so I said I would take care of it, so i drove down and came in with it presented it to our instructor ; the class / gym was excited and gave him an applause - it was from all of us to him and his wife

he looked at it, took it and put it in a corner said 'thanks' then went back to teaching someone in the side of the room.

I'm kinda embarrassed we put in the effort to seemingly get dismissed; but that could just be my imagination

Anonymous No. 118221

I hate all that shit. I'm here to learn BJJ not to be part of your cult, though it can be hard as cult of personality can become quite a big deal in a couple of clubs. At what point can it be said it's bullying? The fucking cunts know they deserve the higher belt but they want to treat them like that? ...only in the world of BJJ.

>Brazilian JuJitsu legit looks like gay rape
It does look like that, can't really be argued. I seen that something BJJ related got to the front page of Reddit recently and top comments were "gay" so it's a pretty typical view of BJJ.

I don't think we have enough information to adequately comment on the matter. I will say that something is strange; perhaps he wants to distance himself from any association to the old club and name thus the pictures and gi brings back painful memories? I can tell you that embarrassment probably wouldn't be the emotion I'd be feeling.

Anonymous No. 118248

what emotion do you think you would feel?

I dont have much other information than that. I put this together with all the black belts including his spouse , kids class etc. but it is possible he might not want to be associated with the old gym, i never thought about that. They changed the name so its easier to find on google searches - it was a business thing for sure.

Anonymous No. 118254

I would be extremely vexed; your group spent time to put together something extremely thoughtful and he just hand waves it away, as if you're an inconvenience and disruptive to his class? Fuck him. Even if the gift didn't hit the mark, at least acknowledge the effort put into the gift.
Again, that's based off what you've told us. We don't know his side of the story nor if he acts like this normally so it's a little hard to judge. His conduct isn't exactly normal so there definitely seems to be something off; likely related to the name and location change.

Anonymous No. 118259

>only in the world of BJJ

I know from experience that for my kyokushin and judo black belts they did the same "hazing" thing to get graded. That being said, BJJ not having a consistent syllabus means every gym does it differently. I do know of gyms that do the 3 hours test for the black belt, but I've also seen people 60+ pass it because the coaches will hover like a hawk and make sure nobody works them hard until near the end. I've also trained at gyms where you just roll with everyone in the entire class at the end, where it's not like an actual test, but more of a "wear in your new belt, give everyone a chance to say congratulations" type of thing. My current gym doesn't even do formal "gradings". Just when you're ready, they give you the belt at the end of the class. As someone who got my black belt that way, it did feel like a bit of a let down to get my black belt at the end with no pomp and circumstance, but to be honest I don't even remember my colour gradings much anyway.

Anonymous No. 118296

I'm feeling exactly that and I'm trying to not dwell on it to make me feel salty - but I am. it was alot of effort and we were really excited about it and it just ...fell flat.

so I'll just keep that in the back of my mind, train and stay on course according to the contract I signed. But, I will be visiting other gyms to check the environment specifically.

Anonymous No. 118302

is he normally shy or reserved when it comes to personal stuff? I think he should have at least voice more appreciation but it's possible he felt embarrassed being the center of personal attention rather than professional. I think the fact that his wife was involved and thought it was a good idea probably means he does appreciate everyone, just maybe doesn't know how to handle the situation well

Anonymous No. 118330

he's just socially incompetent

Anonymous No. 118339


I never really considered that fact and I appreciate that prospective. It very well could be he doesnt know how to be Himself outside of the professional aspect he carries.

This could very well be the case because thats all he does is train. every evening hes teaching, then took over the morning class that someone else taught, he took that over, visits our open mats to pop up and or at a tournament.

So having a moment to give props to the man, not the 'professor' might have caught him off guard and doesnt know how to speak to that. like bjj instructor is an identity

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Anonymous No. 118444

Does anybody what this sort of attack is called? Where they put the arm in reverse behind the neck for a neck crank.
Some of the people who cross train mma do this, and I would rather know how to defend it than cry reeee this is not legal in bjj, but I don't even know the terminology to google for what it is.
They can do it even from top half guard, just angle diagonally over the body, do that reverse reach around over the neck thing, and then move the shoulder upward for a nasty crank.

Anonymous No. 118485

>> >>118444
I can’t tell you the name of it but I do something similar where instead of where his hips are that side of the body, I’ll jump over mount into the same position on the other side or half guard so I can get more weight into their hips and across their body.

I try it a bit and MMA it’s really unlikely because the guy on the bottom will likely have his right hand right above his head in that side control position to protect from punches, I’d say this is more common in pure grappling since they don’t have to worry about protecting the head (but I teach my students neck cranks anyway).

As a defence I’d say from what’s in the picture you’re pretty fucked if it gets that far, but if their upper and lower body is only on your shoulders then your hips should be free to turn into them and get belly down. You do give them the back but it’s better than typing. That’s why when I do this I usually jump to the other side and do a side control or half guard, because it lets me get my hips right next to their hips and stop them from turning, whereas in your picture the hips are up on the shoulders and there no control on the hips. You can still get it if they lie flat while you get that grip, but usually you have to control both the hips and shoulders to get a neck crank like that, as if you just control the shoulders/neck they can just turn their hips and go belly down or follow you.

Anonymous No. 118521

white belts look like THIS?!

Anonymous No. 118530

Funny, I'm the complete opposite. I got into bjj and mountain biking at the same time and recently sold the mountain bike cuz I was never taking it out and going to bjj class 2-3 hours a day nearly every day. Sure I can do both but I wasn't getting enough use of the bike to justify the $ I spent on it.

Anonymous No. 118542

I don’t remember asking?

Anonymous No. 118543

Shut the fuck up I will choke you out anon.

Anonymous No. 118643

I'm the guy you're responding to, I went to another gym and I liked it much more, this time I've decided that I'll do it, will try to buy the Gi today.
But I still want a bike and go to hills, parks, or whatnot every now and then, I'll think about that too.

Anonymous No. 118711

Thanks man, I will try to pay attention next time wether my hips are even pinned when he does this, and then try to wiggle out with a hip movement before he gets the crank.
I think there is a really simple counter I am overlooking but can't google for as I don't know the terminology, it feels really unstable as if I should be able to sweep or backtake easily when he does it while our heads are facing the same direction, but I havn't found the right move yet.

Anonymous No. 118733

I've spared with two hockey players and they were both so fucking sweaty. Why do they sweat so much? Besides being sweaty they both had tree trunks for thighs and were so fast.

Anonymous No. 118853

Does anyone know of any good ways to learn ways to get initial grips vs kneeling/one-knee opponents?
In my experience I'll know a move I want to do and go for a grip but my opponent will retract his arms or grab my legs when I'm trying to get my legs in for a butterfly sweep or similar. Just generally it's not as easy as in drilling (obviously) yet I've never drilled anything about getting initial grips on resisting opponents.
One good concept I learned that might be useful for other people with this problem is grip climbing. If you want a deep/strong grip like a grip on the belt then you will usually use your other hand to help you get it. For that example you might want a cross-collar grip. For a cross-collar grip the same concept applies: for that you might use a straight grip lower on the opponent's lapel. So the full sequence for a belt grip with your left hand: left hand grips mirror-side on his lower unprotected lapel, pulls, feeds the cross-collar to the right hand, then the right hand pulls and the left hand goes to the belt. From there you can transition into strong sweeps.
That concept has helped me, does anyone know of other videos/concepts that would help?

Anonymous No. 118886

why would you worry about a kneeling/one knee opponent
that's like 0% of cases because it's neither got the advantages of standing nor sitting

Anonymous No. 118899

Had my 2nd tournament last saturday and lost badly. Ive been training for a year now but my opponents speed and pressure made me revert to day one stuff (shitty cross collar chokes not sunk in) rather than stuff ive been specificall training. Oh well, hopefully next time goes better

🗑️ Anonymous No. 118949

Is this sport really for me? I used to do for a few years thaiboxing but I quit because I feared brain damage. I really enjoyed sparring and hitting the pads though. I switched to BJJ (mainly nogi) which I've been at for over 2 years now, training more intensely for the last 6 months. I had my first competition 2 months ago and I really loved it and it gave me motivation to train more. However, I've had a row of really bad training days for the last 2 weeks almost where I've been getting submitted by people I used to dominate. I've been training more than I used to but I still am not getting better. I dunno if I'm fatigued, but I took a few days off and an easier week but I still lose my energy fast during sparring. I see openings but I'm too slow to react to them. During the drilling portion I feel like I hate this fucking sport and just want to quit it. All the ground techniques like working the back feel so fucking boring to me and I just want to wrestle standing up, which I really love. Everytime we spar and someone sits to guard I just REEEEE internally. I really dislike the ground portion of this sport, not exactly sparring but drilling it. It feels kinda gay and boring to me. I've mainly been doing nogi but there are not so many nogi glasses in my gym so I have to do gi too, and I hate that shit. Tell me if I'm being a pussy or what, or should I hang up the gloves, idk man.

Anonymous No. 118950

Is this sport really for me? I used to do thaiboxing but I quit because I feared the possible brain damage. I really enjoyed sparring and hitting the pads though. I switched to BJJ (mainly nogi) which I've been at for over 2 years now, training more intensely for the last 6 months. I had my first competition a few months ago and I really loved it and it gave me motivation to train more. However, I've had a row of really bad training days for the last 2 weeks almost where I've been getting submitted by people I used to dominate. I've been training more than I used to but I still am not getting better. I dunno if I'm fatigued, but I took a few days off and an easier week but I still lose my energy fast during sparring. I see openings but I'm too slow to react to them. During the drilling portion I feel like I hate this fucking sport and just want to quit it. All the ground techniques like working the back feel so fucking boring to me and I just want to wrestle standing up, which I really love. Everytime we spar and someone sits to guard I just REEEEE internally. I really dislike the ground portion of this sport, not exactly sparring but drilling it. It feels kinda stupid and boring to me. I've mainly been doing nogi but there are not so many nogi glasses in my gym so I have to do gi too, and I hate that shit. Tell me if I'm being a pussy or what, or should I hang up the gloves, idk man.

Anonymous No. 118952

>Everytime we spar and someone sits to guard I just REEEEE internally
>I really dislike the ground portion of this sport
have you heard of judo my man?

Anonymous No. 118953

Judo is nice I guess but I really like nogi. My ideal sport would be no-gi bjj with restricted guard pulling and an emphasis on stand-up

Anonymous No. 118954

sorry, i can't read. sounds like wrestling would be up your alley, then.

Anonymous No. 118980

does someone have the pirated copy of Arm Bars by Ivan Vasylchuk?

Anonymous No. 119011

I do both BJJ and Judo. If you want to avoid the "tough guy" personality I'd say your best bet is a judo club, they're usually cheaper too. With that said I've noticed plenty of autists in both, though I would say the BJJ crowd can be rougher if you don't vet your school.

Anonymous No. 119255

Get really good at guard passing. It's easier in a way in nogi because they can't do reverse de la worm and other guards that are only done in the gi.

Find something you enjoy doing. For me it's sweeping people to mount then waiting till they're tired/sick of being in mount then going for a submission.

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Anonymous No. 119312

What's the most humiliating sub and why is it the mounted triangle?

Anonymous No. 119359

Someone’s never tasted Mother’s Milk

Anonymous No. 119375

I think it's when bottom side control submits you when you're on top and think you're safe.

Anonymous No. 119378

What submissions can you get from bottom sc?

t. 5 month white belt

Anonymous No. 119380

it's all meme shit; it works and is worth knowing eventually but focus on more important stuff at the point you're at

Anonymous No. 119386

This. Don't worry about it yet but there's some hilarious chokes and wrist locks are funny from everywhere, you can do those at blue belt. Focus on not getting put in side control and getting out right now rather than subs my dude >>119378

Anonymous No. 119387


Fair enough. I'm getting out of sc easier but I keep getting my back taken which is a pain, rarely get choked anymore but my back escapes are the worst right now.

Anonymous No. 119388

Get their choking arm (overhook) across to the other side and turn into them or early prevention is get your shoulders to the mat, you might give up mount but at least you aren't getting your back taken lulz

oh i also like putting all my weight into the person who is on my back, I push with my feet to center up with them so they aren't on either side. Then bridge with my legs to press them into the mat and use gravity.

Anonymous No. 119390


>Get their choking arm (overhook) across to the other side

I normally do this immediately but then I cant get their hooks out so I spend the 5 minute roll keeping my hands close to my face then I just sit there. When I try to go for the hooks they just tighten up the grip. It's like an annoying stalemate every time. If I get can one leg out I've learned one escape where you turn into them and escape in side control but if they have both hooks in I'm screwed.

Anonymous No. 119391

Don't worry about getting their hooks out, get that arm and go into their closed guard
you can escape over a hook but stick with one escape right now and drill that one a ton then you'll figure out more situation and timing based things to do

protect your neck :)

Anonymous No. 119393

>get that arm and go into their closed guard

This seems so simple but I've literally never thought about doing this. idk if this is standard for white belts or if I'm just retarded at this sport.

Anonymous No. 119394

yeah dude just clear that arm and then go into their closed guard, you'll get it this shit takes years to get decent at especially if you never did anything like it before
it took me 300 ish hours before I felt like it was a martial art I could use on untrained people for self defense.

Anonymous No. 119396

Retarded question, after clearing the arm I guess I would be rolling into the underhook side?

Anonymous No. 119402

NTA but yes, you basically just end up in their closed guard
grab Lachlan's escapes instructional, he's got 1-2 primary escapes for each pin then a few troubleshooting details for little hiccups you'll no doubt run into at some point
his instructionals are honestly the only thing i feel bad about pirating kek

Anonymous No. 119503

>Does anybody what this sort of attack is called?
i think it's called the "i have no friends at the gym"

Anonymous No. 119543

Are open guards categorised only by leg positioning?
I've been trying to memorise leg and arm positioning to understand each open guard, but it seems like the more I learn the less the arm positioning really matters, or at least it's all optional. The only exception I can think of is spider guard where you specifically need an arm position to go with the leg position against the bicep. Other than that it seems like people will say that you can get any combination of cuff/lapel grips and the type of guard won't change.

Anonymous No. 119555

from my white belt's point of view open guard puts all 4 limbs in play
we're beating the bush threatening grips and in general when the guarder is on the attack i dont feel threatened until at least 2 connections are made
>Are open guards categorised only by leg positioning?
sometimes its two legs around one (X/scissors)
sometimes its a leg and an arm ("shin to shin)
sometimes its 2 arms on one arm/neck (drags)
>I've been trying to memorise leg and arm positioning to understand each open guard
worry about your fundamentals, the more you can feel it out the more you can instinctively recognize it in a live roll and learn to address it subconsciously
>but it seems like the more I learn the less the arm positioning really matters
imo probably true with posture

Anonymous No. 119636

Do you guys recommend any material I can read/watch to learn basic stuff about bjj?
It's only my first week, I know I can learn that stuff just going to classes, but I feel like nerding out.
I'll also watch videos about specific techniques so I can remember what we did in classes.

Anonymous No. 119648

Get Jiu Jitsu University, it's a book

Anonymous No. 119718

Learn this and practice it. You'll start tapping people in a month lol

Anonymous No. 119725

hey i used this too kek (+ still using that americana)
does this count as meme shit?

Anonymous No. 119726

if memeshit means a brutal pin where you can stay so heavy on their chest that they tap from that alone while you look for arm subs then yea

Anonymous No. 119727

>Does anyone know of any good ways to learn ways to get initial grips vs kneeling/one-knee opponents?
learn judo or sambo

People generally don't kneel in BJJ due to perceived risk of back exposure. Meanwhile attacks against turtle/someone kneeling is extremely common in those other sports

Anonymous No. 119728

fair play, i just feel like a lot of upper belts or people who've done it longer than me give me dirty looks when i do it
on the other hand, they seem genuinely happy for me when i catch a super flukey triangle or whatever
doesn't really bother me or get in my head, i was just reminded of it now + people talking about meme shit earlier in the thread

Anonymous No. 119729

>i just feel like a lot of upper belts or people who've done it longer than me give me dirty looks when i do it
I have experienced this too, and it's literally just because it's an effective move. It's a fucking judo pin. They're unironically butthurt and somewhat unorthodox, but it works. Keep doing it and become a killer at it. There's nothing illegal about it in IBJJF or any other federation.

Anonymous No. 119730

They're unironically butthurt because it is somewhat unorthodox so they don't know any counters*

Anonymous No. 119733

yeah you're right, i guess unorthodox is the perfect way to put it
also the fact that the system has counters (the head and arm + kimura options besides americana with the legs) that shut-down the most logical/intuitive counters/defences too makes it so damn good
i should also clarify that i'm not the anon you originally shared that link with, i hope he gets some good mileage out of it

Anonymous No. 119821

I'm 205 and tap people to pressure, if it isn't a girl or a kid they're gonna get kesa or smother

Anonymous No. 119837

Let me guess... You "NEED" to do fancy flying triangle chokes?

Anonymous No. 119923

>somewhat unorthodox
It's a staple of folkstyle wrestling, olympic wrestling and judo.

If anything, BJJ is the weird one for not considering it a point-scoring position - which is a significant reason for why it is ignored in BJJ.

Anonymous No. 119939

>do judo bro
>The only judo school in my town is filled with literal preteen children and no adults

Anonymous No. 119951

Eh? Kesa/Scarf isn't unorthodox in BJJ at all, it's just preferred to have the underhook because if you're just on the head you can get your back taken or body locked and rolled over

Anonymous No. 119980

It absolutely is. The focus is almost always on taking a conventional side control, because scarf holds are not a scoring pin.

The people I've met who regularly employ it in BJJ, to a man, are ex-wrestlers and judoka. Native jiujiteiros, who started with BJJ, and have not done other grappling sports very rarely employ it. It's not a bad position, it's just not a position you see native BJJ players using.

Anonymous No. 120033

yeah that's a weird thing to include in your argument

Anonymous No. 120084

passing to kesa/north side is the same as any other guard pass to side control in ibjjf ruleset so you don't get points just spamming kesa to side control that would be dumb, different sports incentivize different things and that's why you see the things you do.

Anonymous No. 120098

im demoing a mma gym to learn mma wrestling. turns out they only have two classes, muay thai and no gi bjj. Already go to a muay thai gym so i guess nogi is better than nothing. Like to learn wrestling more :p

Anonymous No. 120104

Huh, I never knew. It's pretty common at both of the gyms I've done most of my training in. I remember in my first gym doing a ton of top control drills that consisted of switching between mount, side control, scarf, knee ride, and north-south as my coach yelled the positions out, but he was an MMA fighter so that makes sense. The gym I'm out rn is pretty much pure BJJ though and we still do a lot of stuff from scarf. It's weird to imagine not using it, in addition to there being a lot of subs I think of it as a pretty fundamental position to finish a lot of guard passes with

Anonymous No. 120119

My background is pure BJJ and I have pretty good success with submissions from kesa. I don't take side control with the intention of switching to kesa, but sometimes my opponents are really insistent on getting a far-side underhook, so when that happens I switch to kesa.

It's less stable than side control, but as long as you keep your hips off the ground and actively squeeze you can generally maintain it without getting swept. It's definitely not my preferred position though, because if you get swept then YOU'RE going to be the one getting crushed in kesa.

Anonymous No. 120215

Bros I was doing gym with bjj cos I was bulking up and wanted to get stronger but now since university has started I don't have time to go to the gym but I still do bjj as much as I can and I'm thinking about working out at home, doing pull ups, push ups etc. But however my arms and shoulders get insanely fatigued. Specially when I'm framing they hurt so insanely bad. It feels like both my muscles and bones hurt. I've been doing bjj for 5 years now and I have never experienced this. Any advice? Did I get too cocky with bulking up?

Anonymous No. 120221

what's the weight change? are you injured? i'm not sure i fully understand, are you not recovering properly from your workouts and leading to your BJJ performance, in particular framing, to suffer?
i work out at home, went from 65 to 70kg lean while doing BJJ 2-3x a week and feel completely fine and i'm really physically ungifted lol

Anonymous No. 120238

God I suck

Anonymous No. 120308

I did a weight cut where I went from 66 to 60 and now I bulked up to 68/69. Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep and no I'm not injured it just feels like my arms and shoulders are sore all the time.

Anonymous No. 120321

amount of sleep, quality of sleep, diet, supplements... a lot of factors. or did you drastically switch up your workout routine recently? your body could be readjusting to new stimulus if you've moved from gym to home workouts where you might be going too intense because you think you're not moving heavy plates like you would at the gym

i just train with kettlebells (swings, clean and press, TGU, RDL, upright row, squats), pushups, chinups
i don't workout super hard, just enough to maintain or very slowly gain strength, prevent injury, that sorta thing

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Anonymous No. 120331

My uni started so I'm not sleeping as much as I used to, I went from sleeping like 9 to 10 hours a night to sleeping 6 hours a night. Also I stopped doing weight workouts entirely because I thought it would help my body recover cos I felt my muscles getting exhausted faster when rolling. When I did lift weights I was going hard tho, trying to max out on my strength and push myself to my limits. Only suplements I take are magnesium and some vitamin/mineral pills. I hope it will pass soon cos it sucks really bad when I roll or I might start playing top position more rather than playing half guard all the time where I'm framing and posting most of the time. Also doesn't help that I'm the lightest person in my class but it is what it is.

Anonymous No. 120333

Dr Mike Israetel has some resources on optimizing/balancing training/lifting alongside BJJ but what this anon does >>120321 is probably already enough while uni kicks the shit out of you
Also look into creatine, fish oil, and generally just optimizing your sleep

Anonymous No. 120433

Do any of you practice stuff at home?
I'm thinking of practicing solo drills at home, because we do them at my gym and I suck at them. It's only my second week and I know it's normal, but I want to put on the work at home, since I don't go so often.
What kind of mats would you recommend me to buy? I guess just a regular one where girls do pilates or whatever, and avoiding doing stuff that require more space?

Anonymous No. 120437

First bloody nose. Tried escaping arm bar ad he threw me down ad his foot landed on my face full swing.

Anonymous No. 120454

I'm in side control and dude takes my arm framing his neck and pushes it down and gets an americana. How am I supposed to avoid that?

Anonymous No. 120466

What drills are you thinking of practicing? I don't because I'm at the gym every day anyway, but there are ones you can practices. A yoga mat is fine if you're just doing solo stuff, but really just carpet is enough since it's not like you're slamming yourself on the ground.

I'm assuming you're bottom side control? Try framing with your elbow close to your body for strength and only have the wrist just under their chin. That should be enough to just hold them and they shouldn't be able to really grab your arm to push it down without lifting their head up to make space, and making space gives you the chance to start working defence. I wouldn't try to push someone up with that frame on the neck as it exposes you too much, just hold it enough so the crossface isn't a pain.

Anonymous No. 120486

Are you a girl? Americana is one of the easiest submissions to defend against. Just straighten your arm bro.

Also, when someone starts getting a grip on your wrist to go for some kind of bullshit, just rip your arm away and put it somewhere else (eg, go for an underhook).

Fucking whitebelts man.

Anonymous No. 120543

No the dude is just a strong aggro roller. He went for it pretty fast so it was impossible to rip it away when he bent it. If I went for an underhook he would have just used his head to shove my arm up around my neck and choke me.

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Anonymous No. 120594

Had a demoralising night.
Had some good rolls with other white belts and stayed on for a second session.
Rolled with one lad, slightly younger looked slightly stronger/more muscle. Didn't tap him out on the first session, but dominated the spar. Seccond session (same night) he tapped me twice. He has only been going a week, I've been going for nearly five months. Felt like pure shit.
Then I sparred with two others a female who I just kept her at bay with my guard and had her in closed guard. Didn't even try against her, just defended.
Then some blue belt. You seen that scene in the matrix where neo is blocking all those attacks with such little effort? It was like that.
Instructor says some things about progressing, earning stripes and what its all about and how we're all on our own path ect at the end.

Anonymous No. 120596

>5 months
what sorta stuff have you been working on and studying/prioritising?

Anonymous No. 120597

We do all kinds of things guard passing, submissions, bridging ect I think it took me a long time to realise how to escape side control and that's been a real game changer/improvement.
I struggle getting out of closed guard, feel I used to be so much better. I get fucked up often in that situation.
I feel like I should maybe just work on escapes.

Anonymous No. 120600

>If I went for an underhook he would have just used his head to shove my arm up around my neck and choke me.
What are you even talking about bro? Did he americana your near side arm or far side? Your far side arm is safe from arm triangles.

Learn how to frame, learn some side control escapes and sweeps, start working out, etc. Contrary to your belief it takes time to set up an americana. It didn't happen instantly. So recognize when it's happening and defend.

Anonymous No. 120601

>getting out of closed guard
What do you mean by this? You're top or bottom?

Anonymous No. 120602

He got the arm that was around his neck, the other one being on his hip.

Learn how to frame, learn some side control escapes and sweeps, start working out, etc. Contrary to your belief it takes time to set up an americana. It didn't happen instantly. So recognize when it's happening and defend.

I guess I could explain better if I knew what was going on, I just seemed to have defense to what he was doing.

Anonymous No. 120603

>I guess I could explain better if I knew what was going on, I just seemed to have defense to what he was doing.
I know what happened, he went for the far side americana.

Straighten your arm out like I said, then yank it away:

Anonymous No. 120604

>Your far side arm is safe from arm triangles
au contraire, t. arm triangle guy. In fact I think the far arm is better to triangle, it's safer

Anonymous No. 120605

Yeah I guess you could call it that. The opponent is on their back and has their legs wrapped around your waist/ribs.
Sometimes it's hard to stand up and often when I do and don't get out, I'll just get swept.

Anonymous No. 120607

Oh yeah to clarify I should say that you do of course have to switch sides to actually finish the sub so that the far arm becomes the near arm. What I mean is that from side control you can lock up the far arm in an arm triangle and then switch sides when you choose, either by using your knee to cut into mount then into the opposite side or by just jumping over

Anonymous No. 120608

Also, when your opponent starts putting their arms across your body, look to lock them up like this:

You'd be surprised how many people (even up to black belts) I've caught with this sweep.

Anonymous No. 120623

Thank you

Anonymous No. 120626

No problem. There are a lot of variations to that roll, you can even do it without getting the leg hook at all once you're practiced with it.

When I am in side control, I am *always* looking to attack my opponent's near side arm--either for a kimura, or a sweep, or just to create space. There are lots of attacks and sweeps you can employ against your opponent's near side arm if you know what you're looking for.

For example, this sweep is frequently available:

I've even hit that sweep from the bottom of knee-on-belly.

There's also the elbow roll:

That roll works even before your opponent can get side control, if you get a grip on their wrist. Sometimes I get my grips first and wait for my opponent to pass, thinking they've passed my guard, then flip them into side control.

Lastly, once you start to get practiced you can start to *chain* escape attempts together. For example, you combine this bridge and reversal:

with Matt Serra's escape:

Practice this stuff and master it, and it's going to be very difficult for people to hold you in side control.

Anonymous No. 120645

Wow gabi looks like a normal human being in the OP pic

Anonymous No. 120655

No offence, but you sound like a neurotic queer. Just get up and do it. Call your local gym NOW, book a taster session NOW, and just show up. I frequently see 60 year olds, obese people, retards and the disabled (we have a guy with one leg who trains regularly) walk into the gym and give it a go. Do you think they need a pep talk to get their butts to the gym? I doubt it. Just man up and go, it'll be awkward for 5 minutes, you'll have people laying ontop of you and a bunch of close touching. But that'll go very quickly because you'll be too busy thinking about the techniques they're teaching you.

Anonymous No. 120658

That was almost a month ago, I stopped overthinking it so much and just went to the free class, and now I'm two weeks in.
I like it a lot, I find it very interesting, people at my gym are nice, etc, but since I'm not in shape at all I get really tired, the solo drills we do at the beginning are difficult for me, and also it's a little demoralizing to not be able to do the techniques very well and shit.
But obviously I understand it's normal that it's difficult at first, and also I'm fat and I was really sedentary 2 months ago, barely even walked during the week. Now I'm exercising (I'm also lifting and doing additional cardio during the week), and I'm on a diet.
So I just have to be strong mentally and keep going, I was too used to conformity and scared of getting out of my comfort zone. I feel much better with myself now that I'm starting to get my life together.

Anonymous No. 120661

will a woman get sexually harassed if she starts bjj? what are the odds of cauliflower ear?

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Anonymous No. 120665

>will a woman get sexually harassed if she starts bjj?
No. I haven't done bjj for that much time, but imo bjj gyms in general have positive cultures and wouldn't allow something like that. I'm sure that if something like that ever happens, the woman can just talk to the teacher and they'll do something about it.
Also there are woman only classes in some places.
>what are the odds of cauliflower ear?
Low, I think you get it after training for years, I don't think I've ever seen a white belt with cauliflower ear. It depends on the way you roll and stuff. A lot of people just never get it.
But if you're worried about getting it, you can use these things to protect your ears, you can put them on only when you roll, not the whole class, as well as a mouthpiece (I've seen people use those, even though it's not strictly necessary for bjj). What a lot of people do is use them when they feel their ears feel sore to avoid further damage, if that happens you can also ask to not roll and only do drills or something.
But even if you do get it, you can drain it, just stick a syringe in the affected area and take the blood out, then you can use some magnets or something to keep applying pressure, and it should be fine after that.
I was also worried about that at the beginning, but honestly we shouldn't worry that much about it.

Anonymous No. 120675

Every training you go to you should focus on improving one thing or working on one thing that sessions. I.e. you said opening closed guard isn't your strong suit so you should place yourself in that position all the time until you are comfortable and knowledgeable enough to escape it and not get swept while you are attempting it. Everyone has periods where they suck so that should not discourage you, often progress is made very slowly and it's hard to notice it, you should look at the bigger picture.

Anonymous No. 120687

Did this general have a google drive/mega with instructionals on it or am I schizophrenic and inventing memories?

Anonymous No. 120715

i remember it being terabox with only john danaher's instructionals but it's gone now
just look for what you need on knaben or something

Anonymous No. 120716

Some gyms if big enough might have womens classes. If not try to see if there's other women to train with

Anonymous No. 120817

I get too tired during classes, do you guys recommend using caffeine suplements or something?
I'm already working on getting in shape, also I know it's rough at first, I'm a beginner, but it sucks in the meantime.

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Anonymous No. 120833

i muscled out of a headlock and now my ear is bruised

Anonymous No. 120839

>I'm a beginner, but it sucks in the meantime.
Caffeine isn't going to do much except just make you more aware of how wiped out you are. Just focus on getting into better shape and not using so much energy when you're rolling. A lot of beginners gas themselves out by flailing around and spazzing instead of trying to apply the techniques they're supposed to use.

Anonymous No. 120927

women typically make BJJ an insufferable snorefest, they are much weaker, they are very awkward about the whole thing (so one wonders.. why even sign up?), if you overpower them or something it might butthurt them, making them cry and making you look like the bad guy, even if that was not their intention

i hate women so fucking much

Anonymous No. 120929

should i study bodylock passing first or another style first? i'll get onto a wider range eventually, i just want to focus on one for now

Anonymous No. 120933

Honestly I think for most of the women that sign up, they're just attracted to the dudes there and looking to hook up with someone. The BJJ is just an excuse to meet fit guys they're attracted to. The vast majority of them don't train consistently or seriously, and most quit at white or blue.

Anonymous No. 120937

for me, it's the girls who overreact when a move being shown confuses them and demand so much extra direct attention
i get that different people learn at different rates but you can just see what's going on kek

Anonymous No. 120958

Opinions on Kingz ultralight gi? Is it really worth the money?
I can pay it, but I don't want to spend that much if it's not worth it.

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Anonymous No. 120998

God I hate women..

Anonymous No. 121004

probably both at the same time, possibly alternating your focus
I don't know shit about your body type but you should give multiple strats a fair shake to see what works better for you, and what works better for you after getting the gist of the other/having insight about both

Anonymous No. 121005

do some yoga or breathing exercises or meditation or cardio
I claim a moral victory if I can keep my opponent breathing harder than me

Anonymous No. 121006

you competing? get a normal gi for normal use/training, those lightweight weaves aren't meant to handle long-term abuse

Anonymous No. 121012

hmm i'm 5ft 9, relatively short limbed and especially short legs relative to my height/torso
about 65kg
that's good advice though, thanks. i think i'll go into Danaher's new wave no gi passing since i learn better when presented with a load of conceptual preamble first kek
i think that gives me a good overview of a few different styles and i can go on a deep dive of stuff i'm enjoying success with on an alternating basis

Anonymous No. 121026

Thoughts on Tate's take on BJJ vs boxing?

Anonymous No. 121027

Fogot the link;

Anonymous No. 121030

>thoughts on what a literal retard has to day?

Anonymous No. 121043

Good to know I could drag him to the ground and buttrape him if I ever needed to. BJJ isn't gay at all btw, it's very manly.

Anonymous No. 121082

Should just do a beefy grappling general and keep it alive. There are like three dead BJJ threads up now.

Anonymous No. 121095

Yeah whatever dude, it was too expensive anyways, I can pay it but I'm cheap, it is how it is.
I think I'll just buy the same one I have (decathlon one), but in black, hope I can find it though, I can try to find another one, as long as it's not that expensive, but the problem is that I can't find shit in my country, I can try Amazon though.
Got any recommendations of sites where I can buy gis with international shipping?

Anonymous No. 121098

Opinions on competing as a 30 year old white belt?
I'm only a couple of weeks in, and I know it's early to be thinking about this, but I want to compete at some point (for example next year), and I want to know how unrealistic is it to do good at my age with no experience and being currently out of shape and fat.
I think having that as a goal would motivate me not only to get better at jiu jitsu, but also with exercising in general and with the diet I'm doing.

Anonymous No. 121131

It seems that most people who take up Jiu-jitsu are around mid 20s to mid 30s.
So you wouldn't be the first. I'm mid 20s and yet to compete.

Anonymous No. 121155

Go for it. Clean up your diet a bit, keep training, try not to skip rounds. Many tournaments will put 30+ year olds in different divisions, but you'd be fine against the younger guys in most cases. 6 months in is a great time to compete, some people compete even sooner.

Anonymous No. 121156

If you're concerned about fighting, just do MMA. It's so fucking stupid to compare two very different but complimentary things (grappling and striking). He's right about retarded, gun-grabbing nonsense. But there are plenty of examples in the octagon and in the street of strikers getting taken down and looking like children because they neglected to learn BJJ/wrestling.

Anonymous No. 121169

I'm 5 months in and still feel like I don't know enough to compete properly. Am I going up against other retards like myself? How do competition ranks work?

Anonymous No. 121208

>I don't know enough to compete properly
Can you submit/sweep other white belts at your gym? Do you know a few submissions, guard passes, and escapes? That's usually enough to at least get exposed to competing. Competing gives you a good honest view on your jiu jitsu and helps you figure out what to work on.
>Am I going up against other retards like myself?
Likely, yes. There are often 4 stripe white belts that are about to get their blue belts, but I've seen those guys get scored on by newbies before.
>How do competition ranks work?
In the gi: belt and age
In no-gi: skill level (you would be in the beginner/novice division) and age.
For no-gi there are usually banned submissions in the lower ranks (ie leg locks). All of these things vary depending on what tournament you sign up for. I suggest just doing something that others at your gym will be doing, and/or something cheap (IBJJF is the most expensive)

Anonymous No. 121323

>I'm only a couple of weeks in
I'd say hold off on competing until you get a few stripes. There's no need to rush in before you're ready.

Anonymous No. 121324

>Am I going up against other retards like myself? How do competition ranks work?
Generally speaking, people who compete are in good shape and more serious about training, so the caliber of competition you will face will be higher at your belt level than in your regular gym. Also, competition is a lot faster paced and more intense than training. It will gas you out quickly if you're not physically and mentally prepared. That said, there will be plenty of retards like yourself too.

Anonymous No. 121349

5-6 months could be on the verge of being okay to compete, but I'd say only do a competition that's round-robin rather than elimination. We have a few in Australia and they're usually $20-$50AUD and match you with the 4 people closest to your weight on the day, so you don't pay $150 and get eliminated in your first match. If you're going to compete, you're probably going to lose, but it's not a bad idea to get used to the pressure of someone going 100% as well as the pressure of competing, because you'll usually get an adrenalin rush and probably dump, which is something you'll have to learn to get used to.

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Anonymous No. 121393

>pull pass
>escape into guard

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Anonymous No. 121405

>try to do an over-under pass
>get triangled

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Anonymous No. 121570

Same anon here
Bros I'm going through a rough phase where I suck ass. Recently I got my purple belt and idk everything just feels "off" to me now. I've been performing a lot worse than I was at blue belt for like 2 weeks in a row now if not even longer. I'm trying to improve my technique a lot by practicing my escapes so I'm usually in a disadvantageous position but I'm trying to work half guard mostly and passing. Anyways tonight I was sparring with a white belt who has been training for a year and outweights me by 25-30 kilos. He got to my side and I couldn't escape at all and he managed to get me in a kimura which I didn't want to tap to and almost broke my arm and in the end I had to tap anyways and I felt like a retard. Am I overthinking stuff. Even before this I would have periods where I'm bad for like 1 week and then I'm back to my normal but this one has been lasting for way too long and it's starting to fuck with my mind. Even worse is that I'm insanely competetive so now I wont be at ease until I finish this guy just to prove myself a point even though I know that's retarded. What do?

Anonymous No. 121582

gordon ryan gets tapped out in practice too when he deliberately puts himself into bad spots to specifically work from them. oftentimes he'll get out because he's trained them a lot before but sometimes he's stuck and taps.
if he isn't immune to what you're describing, what makes you think you will be?

>almost broke my arm
absolutely retarded, imagine getting injured, being off for x months, and seeing your skills drop even further when you could have just made steady progress by staying healthy. tap on time

>am i overthinking stuff
you don't need us to clarify this for you by now

this whole "bad day/week/month" thing is silly too. it's all in your head but again, you don't need us to tell you that anyway

>what do
just work on those escapes. even better if you got a gym buddy who's specifically working on maintaining pins and pressure etc, you guys can start with minimal resistance in a drilling format before building it up to positional sparring work

Anonymous No. 121586

Just started going to my local gym this week. Any tips for a new white belt?

Anonymous No. 121613

I'm a beginner and I don't roll yet, so after the class I just look at people rolling while waiting for the bathroom to change clothes (yeah, small place).
And today there were these two really cute girls rolling, I really wanted to look because I think it's kinda hot, but I felt I could be considered a perv or something, and I wouldn't risk it, so I looked at some other guys rolling instead.
I'm probably a perv, but I did the right thing I guess.

Anonymous No. 121623

It's practice. Relax. If you're putting yourself in bad positions, expect to get tapped. I will have the "worst" guy on my back with a sunk in choke and use this to find a way out. I want people better than me but smaller starting on top so I need to get out. You got people coming for you now that you're purple.

Anonymous No. 121624

Cut your fingernails, shower and wear clean shit with tight fitting underwear. Tell people it is your first class. Have an open mind and don't talk about watching UFC.

Anonymous No. 121654

Just how much influence did Gracies have on BJJ?

The narrative they push is that Helio was a cripple who got tossed around all day in judo but one day he invented leverage and ground fighting and killed everyone but I don't really buy that like anyone thats not a Gracie lover would. When you take a look at it, most grappling styles end up focusing on the ground aspect unless there is a specific rule limiting them like how many indigenous wrestling styles you lose when your dick touches the ground or something.

Luta livre, catch wrestling, kosen judo etc. Submission grappling with no restriction on ground time all lead to ground fighting and end up kinda looking like BJJ. But these styles didn't have Helio. Not to mention tons of Brazilians that weren't the Gracies were learning judo at the time. Robert Drysdale says there were no technical development for jiu jitsu until the 90s

Anonymous No. 121656

don't be a spaz, take it easy

Anonymous No. 121662

>. even better if you got a gym buddy
yeah me and my gym buddy have been drilling passing and half guard for like 2-3 months now and escapes for a few weeks. I was really angry at myself on the way home when I realised how stupid it was to risk my arm getting broken over such a retarded thing, especially since I got competitions coming up. On the other hand I feel like going ham next time when someone starts using so much force while rolling with me. I always try to use as much technique as possible and not force things and flow but it just isnt possible vs some people ig.
>I want people better than me but smaller starting on top so I need to get out
me too but im the smallest guy in my gym. In advanced class there are tops 2 guys who weigh close to me and both of them outweigh me but not by too much and everyone else is a heavy weight but I get your point. I mean I realise that I will get tapped while trying to get better at escapes but I hate when someone is just using their brute force but it is what it is.

Anonymous No. 121671

They just made it famous. Half of the oldschool gracie jiu-jitsu system was self-defense bullshido. They should be given props just for making it famous though. The people who altered and mastered it after picking it up from seeing them do it are the real innovators, but they wouldn't have ever started without them.

Anonymous No. 121692

Nice bait.

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Anonymous No. 121917

I'm a brown belt & there's a blue belt borderline hot tranny at my BJJ school now that just moved here from training with all the top pros in austin & she can ass fuck literally everyone in the school up with heel hooks including the instructors. Me & a few other of the upper belts have spent time working on our heel hooks but anytime we enter an entanglement with her we're heel hooked before we even realize what the fuck is going on. One of the instructors is even asking her for advice now & it's making me want to quit.

the fuck do i do?

Anonymous No. 121920

So, someone better than you is at your gym and instead of taking it as an opportunity to learn you just behave like a bitch and want to quit? No longer a big fish in a small pond?
Just try to ask her for advice and learn from her in general, maybe you'll get to ass fuck her eventually, both literally and figuratively.

Anonymous No. 121943

this. she can be his qt troon gf who can protect him and kick anyone's ass if they lay their hands on him.

Anonymous No. 121963

When is a good time to start learning leg locks (discounting the straight footlock) as a white belt?

Anonymous No. 121986

I'm a white belt and I train like 3 times a week, should I worry about fucking my fingers up?

Anonymous No. 122040

Start now if you haven't. It's retarded not to
>hurr durr heel hooks are too dangerous
All submissions can cripple you heel hooks are no different. You don't wanna be a half assed purple belt with zero leglock knowledge because of superstition

Anonymous No. 122064

go post about it on rddit with all the other faggots

Anonymous No. 122116

Any other anons have long hair? I didn't get my hair cut in about 8 months I'd say and now it looks like I have a mullet in the back but generally speaking it's longish everywhere but not long enough to make a pony tail that doesn't break apart easily. Sometimes I get my hair braided but it takes like 2 hours and I don't have time for it sometimes. I hate when my hair is not tied and someone accidentally pulls out some of my hair. Any advice?

Anonymous No. 122134

Negativity ahead, just had to write this blogpost to get it out of my head.
Im starting to not see any point in training anymore. I recently developed heart issues (that I’m getting treated), if I roll with the spazzy white and blue belts I risk literally dying. I kid you not there’s not a single one that know hows to relax and flow roll at this piece of shit MMA gym. Small brains, big egos.
i spent basically the entire last two months in and out of the hospital and don’t plan on dying over some retard spazzing and having to be held down as they try to get a tap by some weird ass dumb shit that’s a yard away from being a choke or even legit crank, and that shit causing my heart to malfunction. Last rolling session had some third ever class white belt literally try to just squeeze my temple with his legs and when I immediately explained to him that it’s just a hella gay position that does nothing he defended it saying he just saw four guys tap to it beforehand lmao. Couldn’t see that it’s impossible to stop blood flow that way unless you’re fucking Eddie Hall. Beside the spastic white and blues there’s no higher belts left at the club except the owner. Regular class feels like a waste of time because I either get paired with a retard white belt, or worse we have to go in groups of threes and I end up spending an hour trying to explain to Mr Trial Class fucktard shitbrains who’s never coming back anyways how to do the most basic shit with their body while a blue belt just poses statically for them.

The only good time I have anymore is when I spend +5 hours visiting another club where I can roll with sensible brown and purple belts, even the comp blue belts having brains and nice personalities, but I’ve got the same adult responsibilities as everybody else and no dreams of being a world champion. I feel like I have to move if I want to even continue this as a hobby, and I already literally moved to this town for this club back when it was good.

Anonymous No. 122138

>brown belt getting heel hooked by t-blue belt
Belts are hilarious. Get good retard, watch some instructionals
>When is a good time to start learning leg locks (discounting the straight footlock) as a white belt?
Now. Not hard to be safe when training leg locks. If your gym is full of crybabies, you can always just work on entries with those people and not submissions.
>The only good time I have anymore is when I spend +5 hours visiting another club
The nearest club is 5hrs away or you spend 5hrs training there? Can you switch gyms? MMA gyms are almost always high-intensity. Sucks that you can't train without worrying.

Anonymous No. 122139

Dude fuck heel hooks, also this killed my desire to compete eventually.

Anonymous No. 122142

MMA gyms are retarded, I would tell you to switch gyms but as you said the nearest gym is like 5 hours away so Idk what you should do anon. I actually contemplated switching clubs myself, the one I train at now is like 15 minutes away from my home but the one I wanted to move to due to more training partners there and more people competing in that club is like an hour away on the other end of the city. You could try asking your partners to roll lightly cos of your health condition I guess or find someone who isn't a complete retard and roll with them most of the time?

Anonymous No. 122145

I feel like it shouldn't take a literal nobody on a Mongolian grasshopper forum to tell you that your hobby isn't worth dying over. Find something else to do.

Anonymous No. 122150

>fuck heel hooks
This could have happened with basically any joint lock. Some people just rip shit.

Anonymous No. 122153

Other forms of exercise just aren't the same. The competitive nature of choking another person out is addicting.

Anonymous No. 122154

True. However, not being dead also has its advantages.

Anonymous No. 122155

agree w/ >>122154 . no shame in taking a break. i did at the kb gym i go to for much less.

Anonymous No. 122159

Yeah, I don't know about this whole jiu jitsu thing to be honest, how likely is it to get permanently injured during jiu jitsu?
Assuming you don't do stupid shit like not tapping.

Anonymous No. 122160

I meant during training, because I wouldn't compete.

Anonymous No. 122164

I've been kicked in the face and kneed in the nose several times now just training. Some people don't know how to dial it down.

Anonymous No. 122165

not that high
you're far far more likely to be hurt from uncontrolled falling body weight (yours or training partner's) landing on an arm, shoulder, a sensitive part of the ribs, a leg/knee getting stuck and/or bent during that falling process, etc.
i.e. takedowns or when you're rolling around and limbs get stuck. most people i know have never really been seriously hurt by a sub but most have funky knees from crash landings and legs getting snagged etc

Anonymous No. 122172

>most have funky knees
You mean like, permanently? Damn, does that impact your ability to perform in something like a marathon or whatever in the long run?
But either way, for a moment I thought about quitting, but I think I'm overreacting, I'm gonna train for at least several months from now, and then see what happens, at the end of the day it's something I really like, and helps me get in shape.
Also, I'm not training super hard or anything, I don't think you get that fucked up just from training as a hobbyist (3 times a week).

Anonymous No. 122199

Define "permanent". In two years of training I saw one person break their ankle in competition, one ankle broken in training, one guy's toe broke while he was rolling with me (he literally just slipped on the mat and broke his toe), one guy tore something in his leg and was out for a year, and for myself personally, as a white belt I lost my voice for two days after being guillotined, a brown belt popped something in my foot once during training that had me limping for a while, and I had something in my ribs displaced when a black belt stuck his knee into my rib and yanked my gi. Also I have mild cauliflower on both ears.

None of these injuries (except the cauliflower) were permanent, although it really took about two years before my rib felt completely healed. My first BJJ instructor had some gnarly cauliflower ears, a couple of crooked fingers that were broken and didn't heal in the same direction, and walked a little weirdly from an injury caused by being slammed on his back in a BJJ competition, which apparently required surgery. He could still kick everyone's ass though.

There's also a video of a guy breaking his neck in a competition (which is hard to watch). Anyway, not to discourage you from training, because it's a lot of fun, but getting injured is almost inevitable. It's a sport that involves putting yourself and other people in positions very close to serious injury; shit happens.

Anonymous No. 122214

Thanks for the insight. Yeah, I don't know, I think I'll continue training for now.
I don't mind minor injuries like some of the stuff you said, maybe when I inevitable get injured I'll think different and I'll quit, who knows.
I think I'll just avoid competitions and try to train safely. I'm also afraid of arthritis so I'll try to avoid gripping so hard, certain techniques like spider guard, and use tape every once in a while.
Honestly the video I linked kinda fucked me up, the other dude had no chance of tapping before getting his knee destroyed, after that I just said "man fuck heel hooks and competitions", but then I started googling stuff about injuries which freaked me out further, but I've thought about it more calmly now, and I think it's ok, I really don't wanna give up on bjj.

Anonymous No. 122216

It helps to train with people who you know who are chill about training, aren't spazzy, and give you time to tap. Different gyms have different cultures. The first gym I trained at, people were very competitive and went hard. This culture was definitely set from the top down because the instructor was pretty hard core (he still competed and would usually win his division) and really valued toughness.

The second gym I trained at was more white-collar, people were older and were generally hobbyists rather than competitors. Some of them had been training for decades and were very technical, but weren't necessarily in great shape or looking for hard rolls.

Both gyms had their advantages and disadvantages. The first gym made me tougher, the second made me more technical.

In any given roll the chances of injury are pretty low, just remember you're there to learn. Keep your ego out of it, tap early, be polite with your training partners, respectfully turn down rolls with people you're not comfortable rolling with, and your odds of injury will be significantly lower.

Anonymous No. 122231

Yea do bjj, you will be smashed the first 2 months but ppl are cool and want to help you, just explain your situation to the professor. And remember that the training that works is the training that you can do regularly without quiting

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arnie wakes up.gif

Anonymous No. 122245

>the first 2 months
haha y-yeah

Anonymous No. 122292

just ask to start rolls on your knees/put more emphasis on positional sparring if the knees thing scares you. it's smart to be aware of the risks but probably no need to overreact about it
ehh hard to say, big variation tbqhwy

Anonymous No. 122447

some weird shit came up with me and my coach.

He is the main instructor; there are others that cover the morning classes and his soon to be wife teaches Monday and Wednesdays.

Due to work, I can only train a few days a week lately, so I've been going in on Monday nights - where his finance teaches (black belt, super cool etc).

Ive been at my gym for years so, when my schedule changed I decided to try her class out until I can do more with his regular days.

I say that because my main coach flat out stopped talking to me when I did run into him. Cold shoulder, turned his back to me while I said hello, all that. I thought he might be going through something so I left it alone. I seen him this morning and while training I looked him directly in the face and asked him a question about the position. He turned his back and walked away.
I finished up what I was doing, got my shit to leave and he stops me asking if I'm ok. I said "I'm fine but whats going on with you? "

Dude tells me he noticed it stopped going to his classes - which I guess he took personally. I told him I have work and he changed his tune that he's happy to see me coming in so often and doing what I can etc.

What the fuck is up with some of these Brazilians ? is that something any of you have experienced or is it my coach is just that sensitive??

Anonymous No. 122454

that's cute as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 122460

>Getting smashed in mount by MILFY purple belt chicks' sweaty boobs on my face

Anonymous No. 122472

brapzillians are emotional retards

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Anonymous No. 122480


Anonymous No. 122489

rolling with people who have long hair is the most annoying shit on the planet and i can guarantee you the people you roll with dislike you for it

cut that shit off faggot, what are you some metrosexual pretty boy?

Anonymous No. 122493

My hair looks like the hair in the post you replied to. I'm not going to cut it off. I need to know if there is something like a swim cap or how to tie it besides braiding it.

Anonymous No. 122495

who's really winning?

Anonymous No. 122508

Not a fan of sparing with women.

Anonymous No. 122528

I've been training with the same guy 3x a week since 2019 so if I miss more than a day or two here and there he notices and the classes are small. So I get where he's coming from.

Anonymous No. 122592

bros, I have my first trial class today.
I did TKD as a kid, got to 2nd degree blackbelt, and loved it. I had to quit at 14 because headshots became mandatory in competition, and I was becoming a depressed loser anyways. I think I really enjoy the mutual struggle, the pursuit of something difficult.
Anything I should be looking out for at this gym?

Anonymous No. 122594

which is what exactly? its ok to understand that HIS passion is teaching and is able to measure his success by classes growing i guess; but your prospective is you want to train and learn, which is subjective to how your week is going. basically shit happens , its not personal so why would an instructor take it so hard?

Anonymous No. 122686

You hold a job for more than a year and you start to care about your coworkers a bit?

Now imagine they're training you to be a good at something then they are at the sidelines coaching you. They're putting time into you.

And then you don't show up for long enough they get concerned without notice. Do I suck as a coach? Is it my fault? Did someone do something to them and I didn't catch it? Did they get in a car accident?

My team is pretty small and it's an even smaller number of us that compete. People notice you. For good or bad. Maybe you're at a big school and get to do whatever you want and not be noticed. idk man think about it

Anonymous No. 122930

tried this sweep today not expecting too much but it actually worked, even no-gi
felt kinda memey, will need to pressure test it further to get a better feel for it
anyone else ever tried something similar? i'd never heard or seen it before seeing this pop up in my recommended

Anonymous No. 123211

Anyone here take pre workout before a session? Do you feel like you accomplish more due to it?

Anonymous No. 123253

>anyone else ever tried something similar? i'd never heard or seen it before seeing this pop up in my recommended
It's legit. I use a similar move to defend against the Sao Paulo pass as well. Grab your opponent's knee and pull it toward you while clamping down on their underhook. Works like a charm at all levels.

Anonymous No. 123264

Seems pointless and uncomfortable. You're just drilling for the first half (at least) of the class anyways. I don't need to be itchy and shaky to drill, and I don't need to be pumped up to roll effectively

Anonymous No. 123323

How should I train BJJ if my goal is MMA? I'm not going directly into MMA class because I want to work on BJJ by itself atleast until blue belt, but I guess I should be putting an emphasis on top game and working takedowns and not giving up position to go on bottom?

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Anonymous No. 123334

What keeps you guys motivated to train? For me it's competing but now I have no competition in local comps in my weight class since I got promoted. Also hanging out with the bros is a nice feeling

Anonymous No. 123450

It's fun

Anonymous No. 123454

never had any hobbies that involved doing things with other people before, so it's my only way of socially interacting with people three times a week
it's also fun and keeps me active

Anonymous No. 123469

Train no-gi as much as possible (exclusively if you can)
>should be putting an emphasis on top game and working takedowns and not giving up position to go on bottom
Absolutely. Add escapes into this as well. If your gym has wrestlers, work with them as often as you can. Training BJJ with people who are always trying to get up (and doing the same yourself) is an entirely different game than typical BJJ rounds, where someone is willing to play/accept bottom position.

Anonymous No. 123492

very nice, you got any more resources or suggestions on it? searching "hip sweep" just comes up with hip bump sweep (which i already use a lot)
this rotation thingy is pretty weird, i wanna look into it a bit more. thanks in advance!

Anonymous No. 123650

There's a clip of myself doing the move, but it's not on youtube or anywhere else because I "invented" it.

But try it just like I said, clamp down on your opponent's arm with an overhook while you pull their knee toward you. They'll basically seesaw backward and you'll go right to mount. Once you're in mount, keep that overhook and go into a kneel to trap their arm. Then you can push their wrist away from you for a nice shoulder lock.

Anonymous No. 123712

>Kyle Boehm Stripped Of Polaris Title After Alleged Holocaust Denial Comments
Is he /ourguy/?

Anonymous No. 123784

no-gi, never start seated and don’t get overly fond of bottom position

Anonymous No. 123803

rolled with a femoid again
what a waste of my goddamn time

Anonymous No. 123887
Fuck this kid, he did the same shit at ebi, can't wait until someone does the same to him.

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Anonymous No. 123888

Do you guys use mouth guards? Should I buy a good or just one of these generic ones that come ready to use?
I know a place where they sell 30 of this for $20.

Anonymous No. 123915

Just buy 1 or 2, i keep mine around 1-2 years until it wears out, and i really bite into it. I use a generic venom one. Definitely use it, you can always take a surprise knee in your mouth. I wouldn't roll without it.

Anonymous No. 123918

i like the boil-andbite types ones, feels like a better fit

Anonymous No. 123919

You can also get your teeth damaged by neck and jaw cranks.

Anonymous No. 123929

Yeah I'll buy like 5 since they're cheap. Do you think those are enough?
I was thinking of buying those boil and bite like >>123918 said, but maybe it's overkill and not really necessary.

Anonymous No. 123938

Fucking white belts kek
Sounds like you're describing a weird version of a pendulum or flower sweep. If your grips are right it's really not necessary to keep your guard closed, it only limits your movement.

Anonymous No. 123946

fat spic is going to put somebody out of a job and end up shot

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Anonymous No. 123956

Cant wait until someone seriously injures this fat piece of shit
Buy a shock doctor one, I use the double one. Best bjj related purchase I ever made, a guy once got thrown and axe kicked me in my teeth and my teeth were perfectly fine. Only down side about it is that you might need to get used to breathing through it cos it restricts air flow kind of. I never roll without it

Anonymous No. 124023

Spic? The name sounds middle eastern-ish.

Yeah I'm not sure about these double ones, I've heard it's harder to breathe like you said, I think I should be fine with the regular ones.

Anonymous No. 124066

first month of training, hit the double leg on a guy who’s been there for a few months got the full mount then the armbar. First ever submission baby

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team mates being ....png

Anonymous No. 124076

I always use a mouth guard, drilling rolling any time i'm on the mat and not talking with the dudes after class it's in

sisu brand

nice team mates motivate me to keep training pic related.

Anonymous No. 124082

This is unironic gay shit. Only thing I hate more in the bjj scene than the dumb stoners are the gay guys. Fucking faggots should stick to the bath houses.

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Anonymous No. 124126

Let me see your achievements.
Also, let's add some more to this chart

Anonymous No. 124132

I wish everyone was as nice as this guy
He doesn't go all the way, immediately lets go, and checks up on him.

Anonymous No. 124185

Are you jealous you don't have friends?

Anonymous No. 124287

Small folk are disadvantaged and to quote the premier black belt at our gym "I got my ass kicked for about 5 years before anything made sense"

Anonymous No. 124577

I wanna drill shit from the instructionals I pirated but every cunt at my gym just goes ”grug want spar” or ”I watch shit on youtube/instagram all the time dawg”

Anonymous No. 124603

They do no gi friday at my gym, do I really need "grappling shorts"?
Because I just bought some regular shorts.

Anonymous No. 124606

I've been rolling for 6 months, two stripes on my white belt, and I still feel like I am complete ass. I fall for the dumbest shit, can't get out of a side control/mount very well, constantly go to turtle and get my back taken, etc. Should I give up? Am I retarded? I understand things when we practice them but I can't seem to piece it all together rolling. There are two-three stripe white belts that utterly smoke me at times.

Anonymous No. 124621

i struggle with this
nowadays i just insist on positional sparring but ask for incremental amounts of resistance especially at the start ("hey man, do you mind just giving me 40% for now"). that way, they just think you're unimaginatively spamming the same shit in a light rolling situation when in reality, you're treating it like a drilling opportunity with variable resistance

should be fine, you can give them a heads up to watch out for the pockets

Anonymous No. 124640

If you lift weights it has a preventative effect against injuries. Prevention is better than cure

Anonymous No. 124656

It's part of the process and you've only been training for 6 months. Over time you will become better but you have to have a goal when training, ie. trying out mount escapes one session and so on.

Anonymous No. 124703

Buggy choke, ghost escape to darce and probs bunch more

Anonymous No. 124709

Expect belt progression to be much much slower than tkd

Anonymous No. 124852

I'm >>124603, now I'm hesitant about going.
I don't care about grappling with sweaty dudes in general, but I think doing that only with shorts and a rashguard would be a little uncomfortable.
I think I'll try it at least once though, maybe later.

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Anonymous No. 124868

man i love the clock choke so much, if only there was a GOOD way to translate it to nogi

Anonymous No. 124883

Americana works like crazy if you can get it but you gotta be sneaky. If you don't get the sub you can reverse the guy atleast.

Anonymous No. 124902

wear spats under your shorts if you want to minimise skin-on-skin contact (which is a legit concern for people with skin conditions on either side)
some people even wear gi pants
strange thing to put you off no-gi since it sounds like you already train

Anonymous No. 124914

You can get away with gi pants and a rashguard for a while, not a big deal. Especially if you're a white belt. Just get some cheap grappling shorts (Sanabul?)

Anonymous No. 124981

got a HPV wart on my wrist from this shit smdh

Anonymous No. 125109

bros tell me how to takedown a fat 200 pound fuck on the feet without lying on my ass and pulling guard, what almost worked was an arm drag to back take. Should I just work the single leg more

Anonymous No. 125121

For me? It's duck unders but I think arm drags are underated as hell, definetly need to look into armdrags. Best option is if you can armdrag him and get to his back while standing, larger people tend to move forward due to their size advantage

Anonymous No. 125187

I guess how big are you compared to him? I’m assuming you’re tiny considering 200lb is like only the 3rd highest weight category usually.

When I was a child I’d have success with ankle picks against people bigger than me, especially the diving ankle picks where you drop down and push into their lower shin. You have to set this up with something up high though, like a snap down or arm drag, and you also need them to have no grips on you since you need to drop your whole body to the floor basically, so easier in nogi.

The other thing I used to have success with against bigger people, though you have to drill sit outs religiously, is to do a really lazy double leg onto your knees and then immediately sit out as they go to sprawl and come out behind them. You can usually get out before they grip you for a sit out, though once somebody has seen it once it won’t usually work again. Use only if you’ve got a really hard match once per tournament.

Also never pull guard unless you’re at a high-level competition. You should be using your stand-up time to get better at takedowns instead of just giving up.

Anonymous No. 125193

Anyone know where I can bootleg some bjjfanatics lasso guard series?

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Anonymous No. 125250

6 month white belt

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Anonymous No. 125264

I counted my shoulder throws from Judo competition since I don't use them in BJJ and using someone else's advice I counted as they yelled out to my opponent so I could just counter them since I knew what they were going to do. Never paid over $200 for a gi but have one that was $320 as a birthday present.

Anonymous No. 125325

I think a common issue with people is that they don’t analyze their mistakes enough. What’s hindering you from escaping half guard? What are your arms doing? What are your legs, shoulders, hips, feet, etc. doing? First step to improving is knowing what you’re doing.
Second step is to attack those problems. Ask your coach. There are also thousands of instructional video out there. Work a problem at a time. Are you framing correctly? Setting up sweeps? Do you turn your body the right way? Maybe even ask your training partner if you can work on the specific position. Bjj punishes intellectual laziness, more so than most other combat sports
t. no competition amongst other white belts after 6 months because of being giga autistic with bjj

Anonymous No. 125337

I see people like Jordan Teaches Jiu Jitsu do an ankle pick

Anonymous No. 125453

most people at mine just do shorts and tshirt and it's fine. A few have rashguard but it just makes you slippy which I guess it a bonus. It's fine

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Anonymous No. 125768

I finally managed to legitimately submit somebody for the first time tonight after a month of training, I got him with an americana from side control, it was cool and makes me want to keep going. He spent most of the rest of the roll smashing the hell out of me though because he was like 50 lbs heavier and came from a wrestling background heh heh

Anonymous No. 125808

I'm also like a month in and I feel I'm so far from submitting someone, I guess the difference is that I've been very inconsistent, I didn't go for a whole week because of a contracture, and last week I only went once.
I have to improve that and try to go 3 times a week consistently, at least 2.

Anonymous No. 125960

Get my black belt next month, finally time boys

Anonymous No. 125961

>Jordan Teaches Jiu Jitsu

You literally have access to thousands of videos from world champions/world class athletes but you chose to watch some random dipshit on social media

Anonymous No. 126007

how the fuck do I get somebody to drill with me
even the motherfuckers who agree to it are too uninvested to do meet up for it

I feel like I’m the only person with triple digit iq surrounded by retards who think pedagogy got something to do with fiddling kids

Anonymous No. 126023

Yeah and they mumble in broken english and want $250 for some long winded bullshit behind a paywall.

"you see you grab da leg and poosh then like this you see"

Anonymous No. 126068

Hitting that first sub is an amazing high

Anonymous No. 126113

Do what marcelo does back take and kick their knees out

Anonymous No. 126116

When I throw my legs up for triangle I keep kicking them in the head what do

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Anonymous No. 126126

>he doesnt watch danaher or cary kolat

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Anonymous No. 126366

any good no-gi takedowns for extremely passive stand-up players?

i can't wrestle for shit, so my main takedowns have been:
>arm drag to inside trip
>outside trip from the over-under clinch
>tani otoshi from the clinch

i end up in the clinch often and it feels completely random whether or not i can manage to do anything from there.
i think a big problem is when my training partners create distance and i can't seem to close in for the outside trip or the tani otoshi, resulting in me getting stalled and wearing myself out.

Anonymous No. 126388

what If I dont want to be a soft belt? what options do I have? I want to go to to like nick diazs school now I have to be a weak belt my entire life cuz thats not an option?

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Anonymous No. 126412

How do you guys go on about defeating someone who does nothing the entire match? Lost in comp today to a guy who used to train at my gym but he switched gyms. I used to smash him before but today he did fuck all and won on points. Match was 7 minutes long, hes a faggot so he has no stand up and he pulled guard instantly. I engage and he sweeps me and mounts me. Again hes a massive faggot so he doesnt attempt any submissions at all and I manage to do an elbow escape into single x and we both stand up. As soon as we stood up I go into a double leg but he runs out of the fighting area. Referee resets us in the middle and he pulls guard again instantly. I go into passing and almost take his side but he goes into turtle. I go to take his back and get one hook in and one of my hands lands under his throat and I dont manage to choke him and I also dont manage to put the second hook in cos he turned into me while I was setting up the choke. Then somehow idk how he triangles my leg and does fuck all and just stall for the remainder of the match. He did 0 attacking and 0 submission attemps. Just good old anti jiu jitsu and stalling. What should I do? Should I just be a really agressive guy and always go 100%. I always do good in competitions when I'm depressed but now going into this one I was in a good place mentally so I didn't really care about shit desu. I got another competition in 7 days and if this guy signs up I want to seriously injure him, like suplex him onto his head.

Anonymous No. 126450

There's a new gym that opened up down the road, supposedly $100/mo, classes 5-6 days a week. Is this a reasonable price? I've been to schools that charged $150-200 or more

Anonymous No. 126496


I don't have 45 minutes to learn to do one move

Anonymous No. 126503


Git gud

Anonymous No. 126504


Depends where you live. I'm paying 200/month to attend 3 classes a week at my current gym in LA and it's cheaper than some of the other places. 100/month for 5-6 classes a week is very cheap in my opinion (thats like $5/class) , assuming the instruction is good and its quality gym.

Anonymous No. 126506


I'm a white belt and relatively small (5'6 130lb) and a 5'0 female purple belt at my gym spent a few minutes teaching me about the basics of framing during an open mat and it was super helpful.

Anonymous No. 126523


Anonymous No. 126545

Anyone know a good place to look for pirated instructionals?
Bilibili works for some things but not everything is on there.

Anonymous No. 126567

Cost of living in the states is mental
I pay €40 per month for over a dozen classes a week at an MMA gym and I feel like it’s overpriced

Anonymous No. 126607

>got swept
>no guard
>gave up mount
>cant pin
>cant break turtle

Have you considered he was just better than you?

Anonymous No. 126688

He pulled guard instantly and he got lucky with the sweep because I was conserving my energy at the start. When I escaped mount and try to take him down he ran out of the mat and then pulled guard instantly again like a faggot and managed to do fuck all then from delariva as I went into passing. He's a retard and I'll have my revenge soon enough.

Anonymous No. 126755

>who does nothing the entire match?
>I engage and he sweeps me and mounts me
>I dont manage to choke him and I also dont manage to put the second hook in
You need to work on these things. Stop being a sore loser and claiming they weren't playing the game your way. Sounds like you can't pass guard, you can't maintain back control, you can't attack turtle... Just work on these things and work on your crybaby attitude. Not giving you a hard time, I'm being sincere. This bitch attitude will only hold you back.
Playing under points rulesets is its own game. You need to think about it when you train.

Anonymous No. 126767

There's nothing wrong with pulling guard in bjj. Travis Stevens pulled guard in his bjj matches.

Anonymous No. 126773

Thanks for the advice, I'm just pissed off because I used to train with this guy and used to smash him just a few months ago but he's a pussy who point fights. I'll keep working my passing and turtle entries in practice and make sure to finish him next time. I'm praying for an armbar which I'll crank or a rnc over his jaw. Trust me this guy is unfathomably insufferable. He'll smile in your face and then go talk shit behind your back and spread rumors or talk shit but act all buddy buddy when face to face. That's why I'm angry.

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Anonymous No. 126783

isn’t this the B-team tranny spreadsheet from past thread

Anonymous No. 126948



10 bucks is worth it.

Anonymous No. 126991

what If I never want to be promoted out of fear of being a soft belt. Do I have to change gyms every time someone gives me a belt?

Anonymous No. 127075

Anyone got the get off my legs gringo and reach around instructionals

Anonymous No. 127210

You can pull him aside after a few days and politely ask basically:
“Hey when we got you the shadow box you didn’t seem too pleased with it, I hope we didn’t upset you”
So it seems you’re in the defensive (asking if you offended him) rather than the offensive (accusing him of being offended)

Or you/someone else can ask his wife if he liked it or not. Doesn’t hurt to clarify awkward situations.

Anonymous No. 127211

>”I want to seriously injure him”
Take your schizo meds and stop being a fucking pussy

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Anonymous No. 127212

We have a tax on everything except breathing, Uncle Sam is jacking up prices and fucking everyone over for it.
Between building lease, power, water, licensing, insurance, etc I’m shocked my place is only $115/mo (AZ)

Anonymous No. 127213

As a newbie does the gi I buy matter or can I just get the $60 one on Amazon? My place only has nogi twice a week and I want to go to more classes

Anonymous No. 127228

>Lose due to one sweep and stalling
>want to get revenge
>get called a schizo because of my competetive spirit
Lol, lmao even

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Anonymous No. 127231

keep crying over your dosghit sportsmanship and literal toddler-tier mental stability

Anonymous No. 127300

>competetive spirit
you wish nigga

Anonymous No. 127493

Point fighting is valid. Just better than him. If you can't do that, quit complaining and train more.

Anonymous No. 127494

I wear gi pants and a cheap rashguard and so does my fob Brazilian professor.

Anonymous No. 127630

Yeah it matters a lot. How comfortable do you want to be and do you ever want to compete? I have tried several brands and my favorite is the fuji ultra light in blue

just buy that and wash it after every class asap in oxyclean

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Anonymous No. 128067

I did fucking SHIT tonight
Nights like this make me feel like quitting. I'm a light weight so basically a lot of people smash me.
Some nights are good and I might take someones back or just not be submitted, on a newer person I might get a submission and even some guys I feel I'm catching up to, but even new guys who are bigger have smashed me, no previous experience, just strong and athletic.
Really makes me think what's the point of training, just try focus on the gym and getting stronger.
I know the only way to get better is to keep at it and I want to be better. Just demoralising.

Anonymous No. 128374

>but even new guys who are bigger have smashed me, no previous experience, just strong and athletic
Always gonna happen if you're significantly smaller and less athletic. I wouldn't feel bad about it; it's only training, you don't have to prove anything.
>Really makes me think what's the point of training, just try focus on the gym and getting stronger.
Supplementing your training with weightlifting is universally agreed to be a good idea, so I would encourage you to go for it.
I should be taking my own advice, because I often get manhandled by bigger and stronger dudes at our gym, even though I'm not a lightweight. I like to run, so I cope by telling myself that at least my cardio and endurance are above average, which I've come to appreciate during rolls where I am able to calmly breathe through my nose, while my training partners huff and puff like a steam train.

Anonymous No. 128490

Seems like part of the process lmao

Anonymous No. 128517


How long have you been training for? At a certain point you should no longer be getting smashed/submitted by no stripe white belts, unless they are previous wrestlers or like 50%+ heavier than you. You need to figure out what you're doing wrong as at the very least you should be able to defend yourself well i.e. get decent positions and escapes and not tap. Ask your coach or whoever is observing your rolls for feedback.

Also as >>128374 said, the most practical thing you can do is weightlift. I would add on that you should probably think about gaining weight in general depending on how light you are, don't be afraid to gain a little fat.

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Anonymous No. 128619

How do you defend heal hooks that shit looks cheap.

Anonymous No. 128754

welcome to the club
being small is an incredibly demoralizing experience, being demoralized is very bad for your BJJ training progression, and you should disregard what people who aren’t in your shoes have to say about it. Bulk up, get jacked, then resume training when you won’t get your confidence destroyed by assholes who are beating you through physical advantages.

sage No. 128777

This. I'm a blue belt with 450 hrs trained and I compete sometimes. College level wrestlers are the only white belts that can consistently fuck me up lmao

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Anonymous No. 129067

>Sign up for BJJ tourney
>Know i will lose but view it as a good learning experience
>Get to the mat
>Brain Fart
>Forget every single thing I've ever learned
>Lose worse than i had anticipated
Has this ever happened to anyone else or am i just the lone autist?

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Anonymous No. 129081

Rolling with chicks blue belt & above scratches my femdom itch and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

Anonymous No. 129085

It's the only way i can get a woman to touch me.

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Anonymous No. 129087

had my first tournament last month, went about the same as yours; got grips, instantly forgot every technique i've ever learned.
after the first match my nerves calmed down a bit and i was able to win one match, then lost the one after that. i was happy that i got at least one win.

Anonymous No. 129294

Okay fellas, i have a conundrum. I think i need to switch gyms. I had a really bad tournament last weekend, round robin style, i went 1-5. Im not going to blame my gym, im not going to blame my coaches.

Heres the thing though. I feel like im practically on my own at my gym. Theres been a lot of petty shit thats gone on at the gym, from the head instructor putting me in the kids section when im a 24yr old man, making backhanded compliments “oh you are the strongest little guy in the world!” And having obvious facial expression changes to what look like total anger the minute he saw me walk into the gym. Another one of the coaches, within my first like couple weeks of being there, invited me to roll and started playing defense. I wasnt quite sure what to do at that time so i just kinda hung back and watched what he was doing, and he immediately laid into me “why arent you passing my guard? Dont you know what youre doing? You should be passing my guard.” Etc and not in an instructional manner but just a mean way. I could honestly go on and on about the petty shit and things ive picked up on and noticed, but the biggest thing is i dont think any more than maybe a couple of people there give a shit about my success or my growth at all. I had a bad competition and i think the only reason the coaches say “oh you did good dont worry about it” is because they dont want to acknowledge how poor i did because they dont want to address any of my shortcomings and help me overcome them. There was one, a single one, black belt who actually gave enough of a fuck to say “hey, what happened? Where did you get beat? What can i help you work on?”

TLDR i dont feel like any of the coaches at my gym give a shit about my success and dont want to help me. Should i switch gyms?

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Anonymous No. 129311

does anyone have links to watch the UFC bjj card from thursday?

Anonymous No. 129368

Anyone got a working Danaher Terabox link? Old one stopped working a few months ago.

Anonymous No. 129444


Yea I'd switch, at the very least take a trial class somewhere else.

I'm fortunate in that the gym I go to is run by a super nice guy who's also a great instructor so there's generally a zero tolerance policy for being an asshole. I can't imagine having a coach say something like "don't you know what you're doing" etc. It's especially insulting when you consider that you're paying them and they aren't helpful and just take the piss out of you. Spend your money elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 129587

Hello I'm looking to start bjj. What should I look for in a gym? Any red flags I need to be aware of? I know the obvious and can usually tell who's full of shit and who's reasonable but anything subtle? Are the "Gracie BJJ" chain gyms worth going to? thanks in advance.

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Anonymous No. 129699

lads, do I just have the ultimate worst body type for BJJ?
>massive head - difficult to pop out of cross-faces, headlocks, etc
>really long neck
>really short limbs
>big feet that are a easy to catch
>small hands
>long torso that offers basically no benefit
>rib flare on one side that makes side control from even fairly light opponents somewhat painful

at least i'm still having fun haha

Anonymous No. 129825


Do a trial class at each available gym and compare.

Check the lineage of the instructor i.e. who did they learn from and then who did their teacher learn from. If they have good instructor lineage that's generally a good sign.

Not a requirement but if the instructor has competition history and/or success that can be a good sign.

Some gyms can also have sort of a douchebag/hardcore vibe which attracts people with fragile egos which can attract training partners who are more likely to injure you during a roll, so take the gym environment into account.

Personally I prefer gyms that don't do much warmups and get straight to instruction, so you can ask about that. At the gym I go to the drills warm you up anyway.

The trial class is the most important. In my opinion the most important thing to look for is an environment where you are both working with skilled people (i.e. lots of upper belts and a highly skilled instructor) but at the same time where there is a clear expectation of respect and courtesy towards others, primarily because that helps avoid injury i.e. ripping subs not tolerated, people are encouraged to flow roll, sanitary practices are strictly enforced etc.

Anonymous No. 129851

New white belt with only a couple months in. Should I stop going to the gi only white belt classes or scale it down? Going to these classes take time away from nogi/all level gi classes but does focus on "fundamentals"

Anonymous No. 129887

At the casual level, min/maxing genetics doesn't matter bro

Anonymous No. 129999

all the red flags are things I’ve been troubling to cope with at my gym lmao
I ain’t a knuckledragging NEET teenager with no life outside combat sports, can’t justify constantly getting ringworms because cunts don’t shower/stay home

Anonymous No. 130291
