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Anonymous No. 116888

Which way? AND WHY?

Anonymous No. 116925

Vertical fist is more structurally sound and allows you to hit harder without hurting your hand. Horizontal fist allows you to fully extend your arm t full speed with less risk of hyper extending your elbow. Verticals fist can also be useful when trying to slip a punch between someone’s guard. Horizontal punches can be risky when throwing hooks because if you whiff it you could hit with your ring and pinky knuckles and end up with a boxers fracture. Vice versa for uppercuts.

Long story short use the right tool for the job.

Anonymous No. 116952

This picture is fucking retard and made by an ignorant piece of shit. In either fucking position you are always supposed to use your first two knuckles. Why? Because the first two metacarpals line up with the radius which is the thicker, denser bone compared to the ulna, which translates to a more efficient kinetic chain. Neither of these hand positions magical protect you from hyper extension. Neither of these hand positions provides you with any greater length. You should always use the first two knuckles as contact points in a punch and the position of your fist should be determined by your target.

Anonymous No. 116953

For example, a horizontal fist is more appropriate when striking straight on any midline and a vertical fist should be used when striking indirectly, like a hook in boxing. This shit is so retarded. Your whole arms rotates, what about body blows eh? Well now you're going to use an inverted horizontal fist, but if its a liver shot you'll be using a slightly angled out vertical. For fuck sake just take an intro anatomy or kinesiology class.

Anonymous No. 116954

t. has never read Jack Dempsey's "Championship Fighting"

Anonymous No. 116955

I don't need to read his fucking book to know he was using his first two knuckles as primary contact points like every god damn boxer in the history of boxing has been trained to do. Don't need to read his fucking book to watch a match and see him use a horizontal straight in crosses but switch to vertical during Dempsey rolls. Fuck off queer.

Anonymous No. 116972

> ignorant piece of shit.
You think jack dempsey is an ignorant piece of shit when it comes to boxing? When he talks about fist alignment he advocates you aim to hit with the pinky knuckle which will naturally cause your middle two to land. He calls this the “three knuckle punch.” This is how the old school pugilists did it.

You don’t know as much as you think you do.

Anonymous No. 116974

>like every god damn boxer in the history of boxing has been trained to do
Except that’s not true you spaz, the two knuckle punch is a much more modern thing. If you think it’s better that’s one thing but it was absolutely not the way every boxer was trained to punch.

Anonymous No. 116981

Bas used a vertical hand for straights.

Anonymous No. 116982

Well then I challenge you to find some proof of that cause I looked and found nothing. Not in western boxing anyways. If you're talking about Chinese boxing, I could see it because of the influences of chink fu. But I have never seen or heard of using the latter three knuckles taught for striking, nor have I read anything like that anywhere. It's just common sense to use a form that utilizes the denser, more stable configuration, with the smaller surface area.
It can be done, was just giving an example of when it's more typical to see.

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Anonymous No. 116990

Jack Dempsey

Anonymous No. 116993

>muh proofs
You didn’t look very hard then since it’s literally already in the thread

Anonymous No. 117000

Whichever way the cervix allows, but it will probably be a bit of a spiral drive. Remember, water based > silicone

Anonymous No. 117004

water based fags are still seething, you lost

Anonymous No. 117053

Dominate Hand in front, or in back?

Anonymous No. 117099

Back, I can’t imagine why you would want your weak hand as your cross hand.

Anonymous No. 117166

Top for jabs, crosses and overhands; bottom for hooks.

Anonymous No. 117171

>Pinky hurts when punching sand bag
Must be hitting with the whole fist instead of the first 2 knuckles. My first 2 knuckles have a massive gap between them. Will that increase my injury risk?

Anonymous No. 117191

Lomachenko is right-handed but fights Southpaw. He's one of the most technical boxers ever.

Anonymous No. 117227

I imagine he chose to fight that way
because being southpaw in general gives you an advantage, not because jabbing with your dominant hand is a better strategy.

Anonymous No. 117284

Different angles and techs use different orientation of the fist.

Stop being retarded, it isn't a ether or thing.

Anonymous No. 117333

>the two knuckle punch is a
Karate thing

Anonymous No. 117338

Right answer.

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barekuckle jab.png

Anonymous No. 117705

Vertical fist is how bareknuckle boxers threw their straights for centuries. If you watch modern bareknuckle boxing you'll see vertical fists often, especially as they jab. In the old days the goal was maximizing surface area to reduce stress on the hand, not maximizing power, and I expect the reasoning is the same with modern bareknuckle leagues.The OG era especially was a world without microsurgeries, if your hand break couldn't be fixed with a splint, you could be crippled for life.

Anonymous No. 120448

bottom picture

Anonymous No. 121112



Anonymous No. 121113


Adapt your stance to your strategy. Figure out what your most important punch is and then take whatever stance puts that on your dominant side.

Anonymous No. 121184

Just see how people punch at the ufc to see what's the best way.

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Anonymous No. 122386

Go ahead and hit with the last two knuckles. See how well that works out for you.

Anonymous No. 122390

The three knuckle punch isn’t actually supposed to land on the pinky. According to Dempsey book you should aim with the pinky which will cause you fist to land on the middle two knuckles

Anonymous No. 122392

Top, just cause it works like that. Bottom is retarded

Anonymous No. 122393

switch to whatever you need to during the fight.

Anonymous No. 122407

> fist can also be useful when trying to slip a punch between someone’s guard.
I've found that unexpectedly switching up strikes between horizontal and vertical is a great way to keep your opponent off balance, especially with the jab. The downside is you have to put in more time to practice both

Anonymous No. 122423

Or you could just aim with your two knuckles

Anonymous No. 122470

Ok? That’s not what I talking about. See the pic in >>116990, this is straight out of the book. Theoretically, by aiming with the pinky you will most easily find your strongest punching structure and thereby be able to deliver stronger punches. If you disagree with Dempsey that’s fine, all I’m saying is that the three knuckle punch wasn’t actually done with the bottom knuckle. Modern boxing is certainly lore evolved, but it’s still retarded to suggest that every fighter of yesteryear simply had no idea what they were doing.

Anonymous No. 122668

vertical fist with the top two knuckles