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🧵 Whats a good sport for a guy in his 20’s

Anonymous No. 117049

Didn’t play sports as a kid, what sport can you take up later in life and still be decent

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Anonymous No. 117050

How much expendable income do you have, what's your risk tolerance, how much time do you have, are you afraid of heights, how athletic are you.

Answer these and you'll narrow it down.

Anonymous No. 117060

Just turned 21, played soccer in High school, just started juijtsu best decision in my life, beginners in all ages. this one higher belt i train with regularly is 65 and could kill me in a split second he started when he was 55 ish, big city = more options of gyms try some out

Anonymous No. 117111

I second BJJ if you are into competitive shit. I started about 6 months ago and I'm addicted to the mats. If you want something more calm or non-competitive hiking, mountain biking, trail running, etc. is also stuff I considered.

Anonymous No. 117376

I've been enjoying volleyball

Anonymous No. 119494

Not OP
But high expendable income, high risk tolerance, inconsistent free time (usually low, occasionally high), afraid of heights but very athletic. Bonus points if the sport gives me an excuse to travel

Anonymous No. 119498


Anonymous No. 119507

Holy fuck this makes a lot of sense

Anonymous No. 119523

disc golf

Anonymous No. 119530

I'd suggest bouldering. I got into in my early 30s and I love it. I wish I'd started sooner.

Here's some reasons;

1. Low barrier for entry: bouldering gyms start at a low level accessible to everyone

2. It's pretty ubiquitous these days: I've yet to go to a city that doesn't have some kind of bouldering gym

3. Very little specialised equipment required. (Just some shoes and a chalk bag, both of which can be rented from a gym)

5. It's super fun: Combines video game like problem solving with a nice physical challenge

6. Lots of sitting: Bouldering is a pretty lazy sport. A minute or so of explosive power followed by lots of sitting and thinking

7. The community is great: everyone I've met doing this has been helpful, non toxic and non-judgemental.

Anonymous No. 119583

shutup gumby

Anonymous No. 119601

dirtbike enduro racing

Anonymous No. 120511

Mountainbike or gravel racing. Or just road racing

Anonymous No. 120537

Skiing. It'll help you get over your fear of heights.

Anonymous No. 120648

>high expendable income
>high risk tolerance
>afraid of heights

DEFINITELY spearfishing/freediving.
Unless you live far from the ocean or landlocked country

Scuba is cool, but hear me out, freediving is actually a sport scuba is more of an activity

Anonymous No. 121319

College student, broke, but fearless. Did MMA and triathlon. I constantly feel anger. Need outlet.

Anonymous No. 121632

Downhill/Enduro Mountainbiking - your face will hurt from all the grinning

Anonymous No. 121738

Freestyle meat-stroking

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Anonymous No. 121770


The big 3 I see people in there 20s and 30s doing who weren't scholastic athletes are powerlifting, BJJ, and triathlons.

All 3 are great and will by sheer fact of how hard they go rebuild your body if you weren't previously an athlete in any area.

I know so many people who were skinny-fat dorks at high school and college not on any of the sports teams, who are competition winners in one of those 3 disciplines in their 30s and beasts compared to average dudes their age.

Anonymous No. 121931


Anonymous No. 121954

Bouldering is good. Inexpensive, great strength and flexibility training, possibility to try lead with rope and harness if you really like it.

Anonymous No. 122204

Good amount of expendable income, high risk tolerance, a lot of free time, not afraid of heights, not exactly athletic but I’m in good shape, not fat and not skinny

Anonymous No. 122699

i feel you bro. Wanna fight?

Anonymous No. 122716

Consider powersports. Motorcycling/dirtbiking will let you explore, provide that adrenaline and it can be a social hobby or a mentally stimulating one.

It can also function as low-impact exercise. Throwing around a couple 100lbs machine will give you a bit of muscle tone depending on how often you ride.