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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 117089

/HEMA/ General - 16th Century Waifu Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting -
Back to the source -
Martin Fabian Sparring -

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Last thread: >>104955

Anonymous No. 117096

Oh no this thread again

Anonymous No. 117097

gay little LARP sport

Anonymous No. 117098

What is the worst weapon category and why is it longsword?

Anonymous No. 117109

Longsword became mainstream because it's what we have more sources about, and becoming mainstream made it the worst. It's simply what most people do and usually most people are horrible.

Anonymous No. 117131

How do I become not horrible?

Anonymous No. 117134

What are you doing right now that’s horrible?

Anonymous No. 117140

I'm enjoying a bit of sideswording. Recommendations for getting more deeply into it? Mostly asking about books/masters. I've just done a bit of Meyer.

Anonymous No. 117149

Anyone from the bolognese school

Anonymous No. 117200

>it's what we have more sources about
Sidesword, rapier, smallsword and sabre all have similar or larger amounts of material, and all of them have better material on average

Anonymous No. 117217

Dall'Agocchie for sword alone and sword with dagger, Manciolino for sword and buckler.
If you've trained Meyer before (for longsword or anything else), it makes sense to continue on Meyer.

Anonymous No. 117330

I think there are three factors:
1. Knights used longswords (yes, yes, 9th cent to 14th cent in sword and shield, then one hand riding swords anyway, but I'm talking about popular perception). Witness even Victorians and middle Moderns like Hutton and the nazi guy in Hitler Youth used it as LARPing as knights. Hell, even Meyer does.

2. Olympic fencing takes those who are more interested in single swords.

3. Katana autism and kendo success too

The fact that middle and late medieval sources we know use longswords as their main sytematic weapons is just a bonus and post-hoc explanation.

Anonymous No. 117384

Help John Clements is unironically trying to infiltrate my club how do I get him away

Anonymous No. 117401

Parry his sword with the edge, he’ll flee in terror

Anonymous No. 117428

take up a real sport like judo since all you have to do in faggothema is trip the other fatty anyway

Anonymous No. 117430

As it happens, I happen to be both a judofag and HEMAfag. Judo has helped me dominate the lower levels, but by the time you’re feeling fighting the upper end of intermediates you need some actual skill with a sword.

Anonymous No. 117451

When did the hema alliance get so gay and misled? Was it marsden? That abhorrent dude from Denver? The last two literally who’s in charge?

Anonymous No. 117453

much appreciated

Anonymous No. 117468

I left their Facebook group awhile ago. I don’t remember when but a few years back a bunch of literal troons started going on crusades about how we needed to root out all the secret nazis who were using HEMA to train for their imminent racial insurrection which for some reason will be fought with swords. A number of people, myself included, pointed out that this was fucking retarded but the admins kept letting it happen. Then instead of just banning the people constantly provoking shit and stirring the pot some female mod chastised the entire group for arguing about it. So I left.

This is also why I don’t feel bad seeing transvestites with gold medals in womens competitions. They asked for it.

Anonymous No. 117470

You unlocked memories I wish i didn't remember. It was a dumb crusade and I still can't understand why it became such a big fuss.

Anonymous No. 117721

>root out all the secret nazis who were using HEMA to train for their imminent racial insurrection which for some reason will be fought with swords

But the Armageddon WILL be fought with swords, both the Bible and the Qur'an agrees. Swords, cavalrymen, and bows.

Anonymous No. 117750

Looking to pick up hema in the next month or so. I've fiddled with sparring with polypropylene swords with shitty balance, but am looking to upgrade to synthetic sparring swords. With the polypropylene, I've used a saber, katana, and a bastard sword. The saber was the most fun between those. So now I am trying to pick between a saber or longsword. I will just be sparring with my fiancee who has done some rapier in the past, and also has a 40" blade steel rapier, and will probably be getting either a synthetic bastard sword or a synthetic rapier. Is there any strong reason to pick one or the other, or should I just flip a coin / personal preference?

Anonymous No. 117812

Saber is for savages. Choose the longsword

Anonymous No. 117814

If you're joining a club, it'll first depend on what's available really.
If it's just you messing up in your backyard, well sabre is supposedly easier to understand than longsword, but longsword is easier to use. Then again, if it's just backyard foolishness, just pick what seems fun, you'll have both soon enough, stop being in denial.

>saber is for savages.
Like who? the english...? Oh wait.

Anonymous No. 117865

Savagery = fun though

Anonymous No. 118698

Longsword has a lot of resources and practitioners. Sabers has a lot more recent sources.
I'd recommend checking out sideswords if you like to cut and your partner has a rapier though, you could probably fence with one another

Anonymous No. 118703

>I'd recommend checking out sideswords if you like to cut and your partner has a rapier though, you could probably fence with one another
The sidesword vs. rapier matchup is in my experience surprisingly equal, provided the sidesworder has the athleticism to advance quickly. At least, that's how I experience it. It could be that people here just suck at rapier.
The big problem with it is safety. Rapierists hate wearing the same level of protection as sidesworders do, so either you're hurting them, or you're fencing against them with kid gloves, which is not as fun and not really fair for the sidesworder, because if you can't beat and cut properly, you've just got a heavier, shorter rapier.

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Anonymous No. 118720

Is HEMA only a Duelling sport or is it a "realistic" represantation of medival combat?Losing a round because the Opponent slightly hit your chest which in a reall fight would be heavily protected with a Chainmail and Breastplatte is absurd to me.

Also does HEMA only use the Longsword which is a late Medival weapon or are there other Weapon stils?

I´m interested in 10-12 Century combat.
Knight with Norman shield and Sword/Spear

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Anonymous No. 118746

It's impossible to have a "realistic" representation of medieval combat without killing and maiming each-other, so anyone who makes that claim is either a literal killer or full of shit.
Generally in HEMA it's usually assumed that no armour is being worn, as the source material we work with mostly focuses on unarmoured self-defence or duelling. On the flipside there also is armoured combat (Harnischfechten), which assumes you're wearing a full set of plate armour or at least fighting against someone who is.
Very few sources directly deal with limited armour other than token lines saying "just don't hit the armour you idiot", one of the few exceptions I can think of is Monte, who briefly talks about fighting with body armour.

There are many different weapons in HEMA, longsword is (lamentably) the most popular one. The earliest source is from the late 13th or early 14th century, so there's nothing for Norman shields. The closest would be pic related (Achille Marozzo), who was however writing in the early 1500s. Still, he really knew his shit.

Anonymous No. 118813

>albion ringeck
>among the narrowest straight blades
>cuts right through tatami from normal guards (no wind up)

Curvoids in shambles.

Anonymous No. 118814

>guy weighs less than the sword
>still cuts right through multiple times

Anonymous No. 118922


Who would win?

Anonymous No. 118925

the only gigachad weapons melee sport

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Anonymous No. 119147

Well is there a Sport similar to Hema/Harnischfechten that focuses on the Early Medieval period i.e 8-12th Century (the Classic Knight with Sword and Shield)?

Anonymous No. 119158

Not if your actually interested in historical martial arts. You can go to the SCA if you want to LARP.

Anonymous No. 119321

how does being interested in sword and shield mean you're not actually interested in historic martial arts and that its larp?

Anonymous No. 119323

0 fucking iq denominator in the thread just close this already

Anonymous No. 119325

The earliest sword and shield manual we know of is Bolognese in the 16th c, "medieval knight sword and shield fighting" can only ever be experimental archaeology at best as a result

Anonymous No. 119336

If you’re just making shit up instead of working from sources you’re not doing historical martial arts you’re larping.

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Anonymous No. 119344

I'm increasingly thinking that the Bolognese are a sort of shit-test for historical martial arts.
They have just about everything that people ask for: Sword and shield, polearms, spear and shield, single combat with two-handed swords (not just Iberian solo drills). It's effective, the sources are decently legible and have great translations, and it's well-proven both today and historically. It's also a style with very deep historical roots that go back long before the first books were published.
And yet, Bolognese isn't widely practised, because of the time and place, 16th century Italy. People don't actually want to learn an effective and historical method of fighting with spear and shield, they want to larp as Vikings.

Anonymous No. 119345

Judo is gay compared to BJJ or other real martial arts

Anonymous No. 119347

>judo is gay
>compared to bjj
Lmao the absolute cope

Anonymous No. 119349


It was probably fake shit WWE style with rigged fights, fake punches and hits etc.... they even used weapons that pierced skin but did no harm to the insides, for them to bleed a bit for show. Even action figures and pics of the period have been found depicting various gladiators. Sportshit has always been shit.

Anonymous No. 119352

I know, Judo fags are pathetic

Anonymous No. 119353

Go shit up the judo general if you’ve got beef, retard

Anonymous No. 119354

God I hate pop history revisionists so much

Anonymous No. 119382

Truer words were seldom spoken, Marozzo was published for two centuries, discussed very early in the late 19th century revival, but without being a side source, it's much more sidelined than fairly obscure sources desu.
The Bolognese corpus is just great. But yeah it's the flowery italian words, it's "italian" whatever that means considering how there was non-stop wars in there at that time and those people were really hardcore, but yeah, it's vikings, germans, etc. The idea of people like French, Italian or somehow Spanish being leading figures of martial arts seems completely alien even though historically this is absolutely the case at some point in history.

Anonymous No. 119384

Based take

Anonymous No. 119508

I started doing HEMA with a very small club led by an englishman, he just happened to be doing Meyer because that's what he knew. I never knew Marozzo was so widely sources in martial arts, and now you got me interested.
I just figured being in the netherlands, a german or dutch source would be culturally appropriate, but you got me curious now. Thank you. Any recommendations for any particular books to study or am I good picking up just about anything on the subject?
I think a lot of people are in a similar boat as I though, just not aware of whats out there and just following what the instructors teach. Who may not have made an informed choice regarding their choice of school either.

Anonymous No. 119538

I’m just getting into bolognese stuff myself because I wanted to get into their style of sword and buckler. What I was recommended was Marrazzo for a general introduction to bolognese shit and manciolino for s&b specific stuff

Anonymous No. 119574

Generally, Marozzo is considered best after having read either Manciolino if you want to start through sword and buckler or dall'Agocchie if you want to start through sword alone. The reason is that those two sources are easier to understand, easier to approach by themselves. Marozzo is big, as basically everything, but it's not the easiest source to navigate and understand. It's not cryptic or anything, it's just... not very well written.

Frankly, you can pick Jherek Swanger's translation of dall'agocchie, it's pretty good and the source is very easy to use, very didactic. That's what I started with and it's just a real top source, clear, dialogue format is easy to understand and visualize, there's a good progression of the various techniques, there's no images though. You can look at Ilkka Hartikainen videos too. If you can read french, there's some very good french translation by Nimico too.

In the end, if you want to do it for your own goals, that's great, then again, if you have a competent instructor who does Meyer and knows it well, that's hardly a bad thing to focus on either. Meyer is very comprehensive, there's a lot of stuff and you might end up mixing your sources. There's nothing wrong in looking at the stuff that exists and see how they do their stuff, you have to be curious about the sources, that's the core of HEMA. You don't need to practice them, but I think it's important to know what exists.

Anonymous No. 119671

that's a lot of good info, thank you Anon.
My issue isn't so much that my instructors are incompetent, it's that we're a small club with limited hours of practice. With new people coming in a bunch, we keep doing the fundies for longsword and I'm just looking to expand my horizons a bit so I'm not just doing the same master cuts over and over forever. I like sidesword and I think it'd be good to explore the different masters and their approach before dedicating my time toward any one of them.

Anonymous No. 119818

So of course Meyer also has a passage on the sidesword (but he calls it rappier/rapier), so you might want to start with this since the language, terms and general feel should be closer to what you're already doing, and it'll be less "heretical".

Generally in terms of sidesword, the Italian are the most accessible as of now and in those, the Bolognese corpus (the usual names are Anonimo, Marozzo, Manciolino, d'all'Agocchie) is the most comprehensive. Then again there are outliers, Di Grassi (who was translated in England), Altoni and Docciolini of Florence, Sainct-Didier in France and then there's the whole esgrima vulgar in Spain, but it'll probably be harder to get if you don't know spanish... In the end it really depends on what you want out of your practice really.
In his book, dall'Agocchie has a little bit of solo practice, moving into the guards, giving the various blows and some flows which is also why it's a good starting point.

You might as well talk about this with your instructor, don't take strangers on the net at face-value. Maybe he himself has recommandations or know people to talk too. If you want to explore sources, really start with what you're already doing, Meyer's Longsword and if you are doing that already, looking at his own sidesword would be my advice. After which you can look at other stuff. But it'll give you a base to another base.

Anonymous No. 119967

Is there any innovation in HEMA or is it purely reconstructionist?

Anonymous No. 119972

There are modern techniques that have evolved out of HEMA, especially in the tournament sphere. There is nothing new under the sun so there’s a likelihood that people in the 1300s used the “modern” techniques and strategies but never wrote them down. This is still controversial depending on who you talk to.

Anonymous No. 120157

>There is nothing new under the sun so there’s a likelihood that people in the 1300s used the “modern” techniques and strategies but never wrote them down.
This is a completely anti-historical point if you use it as a justification though. In the end it doesn't matter because there's no historical police but saying "they probably did it but didn't write it" is like the opposite of doing history, thus it's easy to say it's not HEMA.

That's why some people make a difference between Western Martial Arts and HEMA, with the former being more "free", but at that point it might be more like kendo than anything, in its goals anyway.

The thing is, how do you innovate? To do what? How do you better the swordplay of people who actually fought, trained fighters and with a martial culture that was much more practical than what we have today (in regards to most bladed weapons anyway). How exactly do you make a modern sensible martial arts out of weapons that are never used practically outside of sporting purposes? As I said, you're doing western kendo.
What's innovation? Why do you want to innovate? These should be the first question. The idea that you have better martial ideas than in the past is... frankly highly dubious. That ideas of modern people are more suited to a modern context though is perfectly sensible, evne though that context is just funny sports.

Anonymous No. 120158

What the fuck are you babbling about? Why are you presuming we are interested in creating “modern sensible martial arts” or “innovating” swordplay? Go sperg somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 120192

>is there any innovation in HEMA?
So what the fuck are YOU babbling about?

Anonymous No. 120384

people that do hema without also doing wrestling are silly

Anonymous No. 120386

Maybe if they’re doing longsword. Wrestling isn’t a necessity for a lot of systems though. Saber for example rarely leads to wrestling actions.

Anonymous No. 120391

people that do sabre without also studying at a military academy where they can challenge their rivals to a duel and/or use it in conjunction with their cavalry training are silly.

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Anonymous No. 120485


Anonymous No. 120884

how do you cope with being afraid of/intimidated by sparring or drilling with guys who are significantly bigger and stronger and faster than you are?

Anonymous No. 120913

You do it until you become more comfortable. Overcoming fear is a useful tool in martial arts and also real life.

Anonymous No. 120994

that makes sense on paper but i feel like i can't do anything when going against them. my guards feel like tissue paper and winding against them feels like pushing a car, plus they can move faster than i can react. I feel like a kid fighting against them because of just the different level we're on even though we all started at roughly the same time

Anonymous No. 121008

Cultivate your manlet rage

Anonymous No. 121019


Imagine seeing the change to become better made flesh and thinking that you dont want anything to do with it. Fucking failure of an athlete and failure of a person. Giants have shit distance control btw. Go practice your parries if you can parry / block giant swings you can parry / block anyone else.

Anonymous No. 121031

Then your form is poor, I suggest you start picking those big motherfuckers to be your drilling partners as much as you can do you can figure out where to place your body to create good protective structure against strong blows.

Also word of advice as a fellow manlet. If your short, get shorter. Sit deep in your guard and take high hanging guards. Force them to fight from below and you do the same.

Anonymous No. 121036

I'm not a manlet, i'm 5'9"

how do you practice parries without a partner? should I just ask them to not hit as hard or as fast?

Anonymous No. 121051

>i'm 5'9"
Yeah actual manlet is sub 5'7". But since you're average height, you're going to face off a lot of people (50%) taller than you, so you can still learn from manlet techniques.

Anonymous No. 121065

>shorter than 6’
>not a manlet
LMAO, cope

Anonymous No. 121083

manlet or not, even fighting men my height i feel overpowered. I only feel on even footing against women. are there techniques women use when going against men that would help?

Anonymous No. 121090

All of them? Are you retarded? Do you think women were even allowed near the fechtschules of history? These are arts by and for men.

Anonymous No. 121091

My mistake I thought you meant to use against men in general not specifically for women against. I misread.

Anyways the answer is then non since again, these are techniques by and for men. Get better at your positioning and your structure will make you stronger. Also exercise you stupid skellington.

Anonymous No. 121129

How much do you weigh?
Either way, as a PROPER manlet (5'7), the answer is basically just git gud. The fact is that reach advantages are totally illusory in 99% of the cases because even at high levels, including in other sports and martial arts (MMA, boxing, MOF), most people suck at actually using their reach properly when they have an advantage. Hell, I beat most rapierists in my club in an internal competition while being a head shorter and using a sidesword.
Once you get better you actually even lose the feeling that you have any sort of reach disadvantage.

Anonymous No. 121138

This. Forget your fear and rise up, manlet. We shall inherit the earth.

Anonymous No. 121141

>Forget your fear and rise up
i'm already standing :/

Anonymous No. 121149

Have you tried getting on your tippy toes?

Anonymous No. 121170


Learn manlet technices, which basically are:

- Learning to cover yourself fully with parries and blocks

- Taking the initiative

There's a lot of work 99% of fencing schools dont teach you (yeah, not a meme) which involves not following the manuals to the letter and instead do some wonky shit that nowadays is perceived as larp-y, like covering yourself with the sword and / or under it.

If a six foot chad attacks you you're fucked. You're the one that has to move and attack him first and set the rythm. Giants literally can't control distance, they're either too far (for (You)) or they try to grapple. Bonus tip: move sideways all the time

Anonymous No. 121174

>which involves not following the manuals to the letter and instead do some wonky shit
Hanging swords, moving sideways and controlling the time and measure is wonky shit that is not in the manuals...

Anonymous No. 121176

>moving sideways is not in the manuals
lol ok

Anonymous No. 121318

No but that's me, you're me, look at the three points, perceive the irony of the post, embrace Poe.

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Anonymous No. 121337

The club i was in a couple years ago had bolonese sidesword, rondel shield and spear, plus [spoiler]germ*nic[/spoiler] hallberd courses across the week for a while. It was also one of the rare clubs i went that had quarterstaff and mixed weapons sparrings (one lad had a montante, it was so much fun). Marrozo and the anonymous bolonese's manuscripts tend to be more of a system rather than specific techniques for each weapons, and this shines when swapping every so often.
>inb4 every manuscript does you dumb cunt, plus you still have very specific techniques described there
It does, its a fucking 16th fencing mixed weapons manuscript after all, like Meyer or Paulus Hector Mair i did practice with, but Bolonese tradition has its litte quirks here and there sets it appart.

I highly recomand looking up for sources and drills with the quarterstaff if anyone is to practice polearms, be it bolonese or german tradition (with meyer . It set the basics of the whole grappeling, accurate stabs and inertia recovery potential. These staff/polearm techniques along with the exigency of sidesword footwork helped for longsword when i got back to Fiore (which has some interesting stuff with the civilian spear too)

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Anonymous No. 121343

The best manlet technique of all is realizing that competition just makes you feel more insecure because your smaller body is continually tested against better men. After a certain point you realize that in an actual fight you’d be toast 9/10 times against a guy who’s even just 2 inches taller.

Anonymous No. 121344

Written by a true coward.

There’s is no greater feeling than taking a down a man who stands more than a head taller and significantly heavier. Their shame in being defeated by someone my size bring me great joy.

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Anonymous No. 121517

>your smaller body is continually tested against better men

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Anonymous No. 122477

>go to hema group
>2-3 trannies show up every time
what's the historical way trannies would've been treated? should they be barred from practicing?

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Anonymous No. 122490

>what's the historical way trannies would've been treated?

Anonymous No. 122616

I had a real short guy in my club before he moved, but he had years of experience doing other martial arts, he was in a great shape, too.
He always tried to work to his advantages being lower to the ground he knew to protect more against high attacks and attack low, take the innitiative, etc. He also loved to grapple.

Anonymous No. 122678

Let me guess... you're in the USA? Also, trannies would have been (correctly) persecuted and ostracized by their community

Anonymous No. 122732


Must be USA or Bongland. Anglos do have a penchant for degeneracy.

Homosex was done in secret. Until some decades ago (maybe one decade?) troonism was considered a mental illness and was treated by psychologists / psychiatrists.

Anonymous No. 122842

>comes to thread
>"MUH JUDO!!!"
>gets shit on
>"t-t-take it to the judo general!!!"
autism speaks

Anonymous No. 122843

I literally just study historic techniques to try to look cool, but I just resort back to doing the shield reach over back spank with my rattan sword. It helps me in 1v1 duels, but when I get told my glove barely getting touched is a point against me, I lose all interest. None of the groups I go to tolerate me tanking shots because "it's dangerous", and it's a bit scummy on my part. I prefer sca and winning 1v1 tourneys here and there.

Anonymous No. 122845

bro if you're sub 6', I have bad news for you...

Anonymous No. 122846

quit a group because their troons ruined the immersion

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Anonymous No. 122848

>every anon is the same
>also HEMA general is the place to talk shit about judo

Anonymous No. 122849

>I lose interest when people tell me getting cut in the hand would disable my hand
>boy I sure do love the sca where I can just say other peoples hits don’t count
>I should be allowed to just say I have a force field and hits only count when I hit you
Lmao, you can’t fence. Cope.

Anonymous No. 122927

Are there any weapons like the japanese naginata, which are considered feminine or for women? Or was euro society just less sexist in regards to who could use which weapons?

Anonymous No. 122937

Women generally didn't fight. In rare cases that they did, they used whatever they had.
There are some very cases of women duelling each-other, in which case they used whatever was considered normal for their social standing in that time and place.

Let's not get into that rock-in-a-sock, man-in-a-pit shit

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Anonymous No. 123034

the rock-in-a-sock man-in-a-pit shit depicitons are really funny thouh. i wonder how retarded a duel like this would look

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Anonymous No. 123035

also not as old as sources usually are in HEMA but i wanted to include this on the subject. first-blood saber and sadroon duelling in 18th to 19th century france was so popular you had litteraly everyone going at it. Men, women, military, civilian...
Military command had to do something because a lot of officers were injured over silly shit. Last official duel happening on the territory was in 1967 btw (between a mayor and his assistant).

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Anonymous No. 123036

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 123041

I’m about 5’9” or 5’10” and so just fine. You’re probably just new/bad and need to improve your technique.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 123042

I’m about 5’9” or 5’10” and do just fine. You’re probably just new/bad and need to improve your technique.

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Anonymous No. 123043

I’m about 5’9” or 5’10” and do just fine. You’re probably just new/bad and need to improve your technique.

Anonymous No. 123054

Only the type of naginata used by females was considered feminine, the one for men was used by samurais and monks.

Anonymous No. 123145

>Last official duel happening on the territory was in 1967 btw (between a mayor and his assistant).
It was filmed.

Anonymous No. 123169

>Being sub 7'
I don't know how to break this to you...

Anonymous No. 123180

>Are there any weapons like the japanese naginata, which are considered feminine or for women?
It's the opposite, it's not that naginata are considered feminine or for women, it's that women, if they are interested in martial arts, should study naginata rather than the sword. But it's a weird and long social construction considering the naginata was also a very common weapon of the bushi for half a millenia or so. It's mostly an Edo-era thing, thus, disconnected of actual practical consideration. It's a tendency that is still very much alive nowadays though.

>Or was euro society just less sexist
I know that japan is pretty much up there but yeah, no.

Anonymous No. 123277

while training with my sephiroth sword in my living room when my parents were out i accidentally lopped a bit of the end of my dogs tail off. i managed to convince them there was a coyote attack. i am now oiling the blade and setting up more bottles filled with flour in my bedroom. new coldsteel order is coming in a few days, over 400 bucks of good stuff.

Anonymous No. 123385

>first-blood saber and sadroon
odd that you mentioned this but not smallsword, the premier dueling weapon of that time period broadly in euro circles.

I think its a massive shame that smallsword is so under represented even though it was historically one of the most popular, and longest in use swords. I guess its too close to modern fencing for some.

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Anonymous No. 123388


Anonymous No. 123389

Anon, you must know that if you draw a blade, it demands blood before it can be resheathed. Your dogs tail was a requisite recompense.

Anonymous No. 123394

Smallsword is really fun too, especially mixed against other swords of its time.

Anonymous No. 123395

>in direct line with modern fencing
Yeah no surprise it's under represented even though there's many many good sources about it and also a clear historical progression (in the French ones) which makes it even clearer.

Anonymous No. 123406

Did you make sure to tell doggo that it was nothin' personal?

Anonymous No. 123444

its also a shame since its one of the swords that actually has somewhat of a living tradition still, along to a lesser degree with sabre. still being used in dress unifirms and as badges of office, a form of psuedo continuity with active use in epee and foil fencing, and being a part of more recent, relevant cultures to ours today.

nothing wrong with recreation, but i think there is something to continuation. and the context of 1790 dueling culture in new york or London or 1830 dueling in bourdoux seems a bit closer to home then 1500s german burgers in terms of relating and understanding.

Not that I dont get the appeal of a longsword and how it generally has more of an aesthetic pull today as opposed to the idea of smallswords.

Anonymous No. 123451

Anyone know of a good short longsword that isnt the Albion Squire line?

Or should I just order a custom?

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Anonymous No. 123468

Being part of a living tradition and trying to uphold it unfortunately isn't as popular as you're expected to somehow tie yourself to its practice, whereas recreation, by its very nature is freer, but also you have a lot more work to do to make it sensible and workable. Both have their points, I think it's easy to get the reconstructing more appealing but what do I know...

And it's stupid of course but considering how it's still largely axe/longsword/viking sword = manly and rapier/smallsword = unmanly, faggy, well... Of course it has nothing to do with how history went but it's easy to see why a quick, nimble and light sword isn't seen as very "serious" in our renewed era of buff masculinity, whether it's actually true or not. The fact that the smallsword training and the weapon itself lend to more lethal confrontation, that they knew it back then, we know it now (see Croiser le Fer), it doesn't matter, it's all about perception and it's not hard to see why people prefer longswords. People would rather portray themselves as knights that powdered courtly gentlemen, it doesn't matter that the later could well be as if not more hardcore than the former, again, it's largely about appearances. Now I'll just post an image of Montmorency-Bouteville again.

Anonymous No. 123497

I hate Viking LARP so much, it’s unreal. The people into it aren’t even good fighters. They’re the kind of retard who think being good at fighting means just sperging out.

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Anonymous No. 123626

i'm mixing up with the anglo saxon terms, i did said spadroon instead of smallsword that's my bad. its the ancestry of foil (if i'm not mistaken) which is indeed what was super popular in french and italian fencing in from the mid 17th till the transition to the foil. it still is part of the École Polytechnique dress unifrom and some of the navy's regiments aswell. And i'm going to post more women with swords to picture that because we all simp for that lets be honest.
Also, as you mentioned, isn't modern fencing the closest thing you can get if you want to learn smallsword?

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Anonymous No. 123628

>Ecole Polytechnique uniform, and yes they are wearing bicorne hat.

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Anonymous No. 123651


You are partially correct. The foil was, historically, the training weapon for the smallsword. It was common that it was practiced without fencing masks to protect your head which is why the rules of foil only allow touches to the body, though fencing masters like L’abbot noted, to no one’s surprise, that in a real duel you should just stab whatever is available. Moreover, while they were used in both France and Italy, smallsword took a significant precedence in France compared to Italy. Italy still often used sabers to settle their duels, seeing significant resurgence during the fascist era. France on the other hand loved their small swords so much that their saber mabuals were often “smallsword technique applied to saber”. The spadroon, on the other hand, was a compromise weapon. It usually had a guard similar to a
Smallsword but also and edged blade. Whether this was good or bad depends on who you ask. During the same time period though there was also a trend of smallsword blades being attached to saber grips though since foil was such a popular military exercise many officers felt more comfortable fighting with a smallsword blade than a saber blade. Personally I think this configuration is dumb though since the saber grip is designed to facilitate cutting which the smallsword cannot do, but many people fought with these anyways.

I have no real point to end this post on. I hope you enjoyed my autistic history lesson.

Anonymous No. 123667

>Also, as you mentioned, isn't modern fencing the closest thing you can get if you want to learn smallsword?
It really depends on what you want out of it. Modern fencing is a sport through and through now. If you want to study smallsword as more of a martial pursuit, maybe some classical schools still exist, I know Nadi and other proeminent fencers still tried to kept some lineages of old form of fencing, but the old sources of the 18th and 19th centuries still have lots to say. Then you also have access to stuff that doesn't exist anymore like McBane's or Hope's methods.

It really depends on what you want, the advantage of oly fencing is that it's better supported and it has decades of training experience and methodology. But still, fencing épée isn't fencing Angelo or Labat's smallsword so...

Foil was developped a very long time ago in the late 17th century, at about the same time as the smallsword really. It was part of a new training methodology that focused on thrusting the chest and the upper chest, using... foils and a fencing jacket. That's one of the reason why smallsword fencing was so lethal. In "Croiser le Fer" (really great book if you read french), they noticed that about 75% of given blows were thrusts to the upper chest, you can imagine how bad they were to treat in 18th century France...

You freakin' roastbeefs are driving me crazy, it's Labat...

Anonymous No. 124191

People who like smallswords just do Olympic fencing. People in HEMA go for the rapier instead. Also longsword is what people first hear about in HEMA and it's what draws them in, everything else comes after.

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Anonymous No. 124192

They hear about longsword first, then they get their hands on a saber or broadsword and you see the lights turn on in their peanut brains.

Anonymous No. 124362

there were a few troon swordfighters in France

Anonymous No. 124364

Frenchmen are troons by default

Anonymous No. 124368

Je suis Français?? Sacré bleu!

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Anonymous No. 124792

Well, I think its totally understandable, but I dont think its necessarily due to a preference for recreation over continuation. The Poles have their saber autism. And Japs have their two handed saber autism. I think its more due to general aesthetic optics atm. The waxing and waning of the public eye. I mean, the idea of a Zorro or swashbuckling isnt far outside the sphere of popular imagination, its just in the waning phase atm. Things like that use to be very popular in the 50s. However, without the stimulus package of a pirates of the caribbean or a Solomon Kane to bolster interest atm. While atm, we have things like game of thrones and general interest in medievalism on the rise (things that likewise have been in and out of vogue periodically).

Im a history major so I am kinda interested in changes of zeitgeist like this. If I was going to point to a greater trend, I might actually focus on what seems to be a larger post French revolutionary trend (though influenced by others such as industrialist protestantism popping) of a distaste of the early modern aristocratic trappings. Especially in aesthetics and clothing in particular. This can be seen in the dislike of breaches + long stockings, the use of long pants, and the movement away from bright clothing to more somber colors and suits. A general trend that to me seems to have stayed relatively strong up to this current day in the west. To an interestingly long extent (though even in retrospect I can appreciate it to an extent).

Anonymous No. 124804

Its also a shame since we have such a dirth of dueling etiquette and the culture behind it. the idea of putting your life on the line to defend your word. both so that you don't use your word lightly and to show that you were willing to put yourself on the line for your word. Really seems like something that could have developed a sort of Kendo-like self cultivation/gentlemen aspect to it once the life and death aspect of it fell to the wayside in modern society. to still continue to embody some of those virtues within a more civil discipline, without it loosing a lot of its martial spirit to simply "becoming another sport" without the ethos behind it.

I think thats a broad strokes thing I really apreciate about japan, they really try not to throw the baby out with the bathwater so to say. They generally accept new things in some degree, but also continue to cultivate older things without throwing them out as "old hat".

Anonymous No. 124877

Hey, it's not a sport!

Anonymous No. 124916

I know there's big German and Italian traditions, but is there anything particularly French out there?

Anonymous No. 124934

of course.

Are you referring to a specific weapon though?

Do you mean longsword maybe? IDK about that in specific.

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Anonymous No. 124974

Thibault has the most comprehensive French language treatise
He is Dutch teaching Spanish rapier fencing though.

Foil, epee, and saber classical fencing (direct precursor to Olympic sport fencing) are of French origin and have a massive pedigree.

Peloquin has a rapier and dagger book. Henry de Sainct Didier has a sidesword(rapier?) book.

Everything will pale in comparison to the depth of Academie de l'Espée (Thibault)

Nothing "medieval" though if that was your longing.

Anonymous No. 124976

I suppose I meant a more complete work covering various weapons like Meyer does.

very neat either way, thank you very much

Anonymous No. 125000

>Nothing "medieval" though if that was your longing.
by that do you mean you arent aware of much, or there isnt much in general to public knowledge. I would assume france being a pretty populous area would have some. thiugh maybe the economies werebt quite in the same gear as 1400-1500 germany and italy.

Anonymous No. 125431

And also there's Dancie (rapier and dagger) and Desbordes but this one is a copy of another work. Dancie is good though.

French sources are mostly found in the second half of the 17th century and 18th century. Contrasted with german sources which are "abundant" in the 15th and 16th century but fade away or mostly are based on Fabris really later.

There's fashion to fencing just like in most things.

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Cutting clay Рубк....webm

Anonymous No. 125543

Anonymous No. 125546

I've done clay cutting once, it's piss-easy. Probably doable with a feder.

Anonymous No. 125776

Any one know any thing about
single stick from the British Navy?
i was recommend it from WMA
if not could point you pint me the right way
for a WMA for Knife Fighting?

Anonymous No. 125881

For single stick you have the french stick fighting (canne de combat) which is very nice to watch. In the sport version the rules states that you need to arm every strike which makes them very predictable, this in turns forces the fighters to resort to a lot of strategy. There's also a french staff but it has basically disappeared.

Anonymous No. 125910


Nice. What does arm every strike mean?

Anonymous No. 125927

Pulling back your arm before striking. I think here you have to pull back the stick behind your back. So you can't do a little caress and count that as a hit.

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Anonymous No. 125980

>Dürer created many sketches and woodcuts of soldiers and knights over the course of his life. His most significant martial works, however, were made in 1512 as part of his efforts to secure the patronage of Maximilian I. Using existing manuscripts from the Nuremberg Group as his reference, his workshop produced the extensive Οπλοδιδασκαλια sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri ("Weapon Training, or Albrecht Dürer's Meditation on the Handling of Weapons", MS 26-232). Another manuscript based on the Nuremberg texts as well as one of Hans Talhoffer's works, the untitled Berlin Picture Book (Libr.Pict.A.83), is also thought to have originated in his workshop around this time. These sketches and watercolors show the same careful attention to detail and human proportion as Dürer's other work, and his illustrations of grappling, long sword, dagger, and messer are among the highest-quality in any fencing manual.

Fuuuck I want this so bad.

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Anonymous No. 125981


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Anonymous No. 127292

What is the best weapon category, abs why is it saber?

Anonymous No. 127584

>Local HEMA group is pretty cool
>They are also good at the sport
>Fully cucked
They're still cool, and plenty of fun to hang out with, but man I just wished they didn't drink the cool-aid, luckily there's only one or two troons, but I don't often seen them.

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Anonymous No. 127849

What do you guys know about Fabris' style of rapier (and other arms)? I studied it for a few years in a school that taught it where I used to live, and I was looking to get back into it.

Anonymous No. 127867

>try sparring
>get nauseous and shakey afterwards
>almost cry
>this happens no matter how the sparring plays out
is this normal when you're just starting sparring and or does it ever go away?

Anonymous No. 127885

Probably can't handle the adrenaline.
Should go away after some time

Anonymous No. 127923


anon, he very specifically said british navy. which tended to have a lot of sources given the 1800s.

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Anonymous No. 128134


Anonymous No. 129043

Anyone have a good idea of what to make a singlestick guard out of? got a good piece of would, but im not paying chump money for a guard.

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Anonymous No. 129062

No bullshit my coach made a good hand guard out of a rubber dog ball he bought at petsmart.

Anonymous No. 129117

doesnt it have to be a specific consistency? some of those I think can deflate. is it more of a stiff rubber tire-like material?

Anonymous No. 129118

It’s not an inflatable toy, it’s basically just a thick rubber ball he cut half off of and then cut a hole in the top and bottom to fit a rattan stick through. We have two of them at the club as loaner weapons and they have held up

Anonymous No. 129156

Probably overexerted yourself and not used to sparring. I personally don’t really get anxious sparring anymore because I know my equipment will protect me and I’m too focused on hitting my partner

Anonymous No. 129174

probably you being fat and unathletic.

Anonymous No. 129182

>trannies show up
>ask them to spar and proceed to wreck their shit in a match
>realize you have a golden opportunity here

Unless you're a fatass supreme, I'm not seeing the problem.

Anonymous No. 129263

Sadly one of our trannies is like 6'2 and build like a linebacker.

Anonymous No. 129484

What the fuck is up with people who use synthetic longswords? I learned with and spar exclusively with steels. Sometimes, we interact with other clubs and a non-insignificant portion of their membership will refuse (fearfully) to do anything that isn't plastic.

They don't bite at all, the flex is terrible, the weight is wrong and they slide off of each other. They are an affront to God and his noble artes.

Anonymous No. 129528

synthetics are cheaper and not everyone can afford steel right off the bat

Anonymous No. 129530

Clearly the solution is to Mordhau them

Anonymous No. 129568

That’s weird. My club only ever uses synthetics because we have a bunch on hand for newbies without all the necessary gear to protect themselves against steel.

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Anonymous No. 129572

You DO train wrestling in your club, right anon ?

Anonymous No. 129698

I don't consider synths (Rawlings or BF) safer than any halfway decent steel weapons, especially because people underestimate how hard the synths can hit

Anonymous No. 129704

nice tits

Anonymous No. 129728

someone at our club got a basker weaver to make cups for our sticks. I forget what material she used but theyre pretty sturdy

Anonymous No. 129729

having used plastic, nylon and steel its my opinion that anything but steel teaches bad habits and gives a bad impression of what its like to really fence. I would strongly encourage all people to purchase a steel feder instead of a synthetic one. Better to wait longer to get it than to use those pieces of shit.

Anonymous No. 129732

Concur with >>129729, if the price point is a concern unfortunately HEMA is expensive and this isn't liable to change. No matter what, you're going to end up buying a mask, jacket and gloves, and gloves are comparably priced to a lot of feders.

Speaking of gloves: anyone else have an order in for Purpleheart's ProGauntlet/have used someone's/already own a pair? I ordered mine last may and should be receiving them in this year's production run. They look overengineered but I'm excited for more finger mobility. I already broke my finger wearing infinity gauntlets, so I've already accepted the possibility for hand injuries in the future that clamshells might've prevented. Currently own recent revision of SPES clamshells with fully covered thumb, very nice upgrade over older model.

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Anonymous No. 130031

Well this is interesting.

Does anyone have any experience with Mac's stuff? I've just been eyeing the breastplate but I haven't actually bought anything from them yet, and neither have a lot of people it seems. I couldn't find a whole lot of people talking about their work.

Anonymous No. 130216

Whatever happened to break your finger in SG infinities would have had the same result in Progauntlets.

What you're getting with them is perfection, with the cost aside from the price point being that they will very quickly break. They come with spare parts that you will get through after a month or two of sparring, the only way they make sense over SG specials/infinities or the Thokk glove is if money is no object and you intend to use them for tournaments for max performance then fix them after. If they're going to be your main training glove get the Thokks or stick with your SGs

Anonymous No. 130217

Blunt - VB hand and a half

Sharp - windlass agincourt

Anonymous No. 130218

>not following the manuals to the letter and instead do some wonky shit that nowadays is perceived as larp-y, like covering yourself with the sword and / or under it.

Have you heard of our lord and savior Fiore?

Anonymous No. 130919

just got a brand new ronin euro model 5
tip is just a tiny bit rolled and the work isnt that amazing like they advertised it, pretty sure i saw one or two rust "tea" stains on it when i just got it.

not the best euro sword but much better then getting a windlass or bothering with cold steel if you ask me

Anonymous No. 130954

I want to get into British Military Saber but I only have olympic fencing and German Longsword clubs near me(Knoxville). Is it worth it to get a Black Fencer Synthetic and work on footwork and cutting drills until I can get a real club or would I be wasting my time? Second question, would the fencing club or the German Longsword be better to go to in addition to the at home study.?

Anonymous No. 130969

Go to an actual HEMA club and get some fencing experience. I started at a longsword club wanting to do saber exclusively. I learned longsword first but drummed up enough interest in saber to start a saber class at the longsword club; now we're about 50/50 Longsword/Saber. Longsword has more in common with saber than you would expect.

Anonymous No. 130988

Well shit I just looked up the longsword club, and it closed down. I'm not missing much I guess, the website explicitly mentions it being open and welcoming to transsexuals. Not LGBT in general, specifically transsexuals.

Anonymous No. 130993

>website explicitly mentions it being open and welcoming to transsexuals. Not LGBT in general, specifically transsexuals
Different anon, but that definitely sounds like the average North American HEMA club

Anonymous No. 130994

God that's true. Good thing I can interact with people in public without revealing my powerlevel. Somewhere along the way the people on this site forgot how to do that.

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Anonymous No. 131069

where my flail chads at?

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Anonymous No. 131137

how well does epee/saber experience translate into other styles like longsword? I'm divided between continuing my fencing styles or branching off towards two-handed type weapons.

Anonymous No. 131139

It translates well for the things you would expect it to, distance control, reaction to your opponents movements and point/blade control. It is very different in its footwork and attacks though as you might imagine.

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Anonymous No. 131149

What do?

Anonymous No. 131155

Beat her easily. I swear fighting with women in HEMA is like fighting in slow motion.

Anonymous No. 131162


Anonymous No. 131163

There are women in HEMA the troons just win the women only tournaments

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Anonymous No. 131179

I accept

Anonymous No. 131411

How do you clean your gloves and equipment in general ? Letting them dry next to the heater isn't enough and washing them every time is expensive.

Anonymous No. 131412

Mold is the sign of great warrior

Anonymous No. 131413

Well, I'm not a fan of Nurgle.

Anonymous No. 131416

Fuck. It is like this on all fronts now, there is no hobby safe from those people.

Anonymous No. 131417

My club uses shinais (2 handed) and canes from french cane fighting (1 handed) for new peoples who don't have the gear as synthetics can hit really hard. I don't see any use for them.

Anonymous No. 131423

Mold is the sign of a warrior who neglects his equipment you dirty boy.
I wash my jacket and overlay etc. wash on cold then hang dry. For things like gloves or the inside of your mask with disinfectant wipes.

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Anonymous No. 132115

I'm interested in learning more about the axe, can you guys recommend some good vids? All I found were a few live sparring matches from the same guy. It's very handy at showing off practical applications, but I was hoping for something along the lines of therealgladiatores with demonstrations and forms made from historical manuscripts.
Pic related is a two hander that's allegedly of slavic make, Its cool but I also wouldn't mind seeing applications of german axes that I've seen on wikipedia.
Oh, on a related note. Were two headed axes actually a thing used in combat? I keep seeing it in fiction but never on spars and historical collections.

Anonymous No. 132123


Is this what your looking for? I know it’s halberd which is more than just an axe but you’re going to have a lot easier of a time finding sources for it.

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Anonymous No. 132124

There are no (surviving) texts about plain axes such as that, but of course there are fuckloads about halberds and pollaxes and stuff.
Double-headed axes did exist in places like Persia, but these were quite tiny and for cavalry use. If you stretch the definition, then practically all pollaxes count, they just have two different heads.

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Anonymous No. 132126

If you put it that way, I guess its true, Dane axe can use all non-poking techniques that a halberd/pollaxe can do. Fair enough I guess. I was going to ask about one handers and short hafted axes, but I guess >>132124 had it covered for me.
What about maces? Did they have manuals and academies for this or was it just "bash people anywhere in their body".

Anonymous No. 132129

I haven’t gone looking for videos of it but there’s a book on sale on purple heart armory that primarily covers Hungarian saber fencing but also has a section on fokos axe fighting.

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Anonymous No. 132136

Thanks Anon, I'll uh, definitely buy it.

Anonymous No. 132140

>does HEMA
>won’t pay for books
Don’t be a poorfag.

Anonymous No. 132141

I'll be honest. Hema is also too rich for my blood. I'm just here to learn about historical martial arts so I could write about more authentic stories with my pirated version of ms word.

Anonymous No. 132144

Fair enough. here’s some video.

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Anonymous No. 132200


Anonymous No. 132203

Who are you talking to?

Anonymous No. 132205

Not him, but probably /k/

Anonymous No. 132209

Thanks anon, this channel is really good. They discussed frog splicing in one of the vids and it really expanded my perspective on HEMA.

Anonymous No. 132314


Was going to buy the breastplate and some more stuff, but fuck it's expensive. I could buy a new sword for that money and keep my old broken shit...

Anonymous No. 132315


Synthetic stabs are much worse than steel stabs


Sure, better spend 30% of the cost of a steel simulator, train like shit and be 30% short in savings to eventually get the steel simulator anyways. I just dont understand that mentality. If you dont have money don't buy anything and save until you can.

Anonymous No. 132316


I like the BlackFencer oddities like scythes, the smol longsword, the chink weapons... but yeah they're just toys. In fact they themselves use them as such, for fun mixed weapon meme tournaments.

Anonymous No. 132317


Anon that must be uploaded in full to Wiktenauer. You could even suck Michael Cidester's cawk a bit to see if he releases the facsimile.

Anonymous No. 132318


Some retards (who are also 99% of the time very gay and very bad at fencing) like to create artificial levels of skill by forbidding the use of steel simulators to newbies, under the pretense that synthetics are safer (which, as you say, are not, and in fact many times are more dangerous).

If anyone comes upon a club like this you should just leave and let them rot. Any serious place will use steel stuff from the start, and have steel trainers to lend if you don't have anything.

Anonymous No. 132319

My club gives synthetics to newbies not for skill reasons but because we have a shitload of them. So when we’re running a beginners class we can hand out 20 synthetics to newbies instead of making them swing sticks.

Anonymous No. 132328

yeah I've been tempted but they're too expensive to take an uninformed risk on for my income

Anonymous No. 132385

Steels are actually illegal in some countries. Which sucks but you can't do much about it.

Anonymous No. 132426

are longswords the best swords?

Anonymous No. 132439

I'd say no

Anonymous No. 132449

what do you mean by "the best"?

Anonymous No. 132468

Rapier is the queen of weapons.

Anonymous No. 132469


By number and people using it, the one handed sword has always been the "best" sword. Two handed weapons have always been situational and much less common (not counting spears)

Anonymous No. 132512

They are certainly a lot cooler than other swords.

Anonymous No. 132686

What are good places to grab an infantry saber and a longsword feder.

I mean I might grab a Regenyei Feder from purple heart, but dunno about waiting 16 weeks for a steel infantry saber via Black Fencer. Maybe an artillery saber?

Anything on other decent USA retailers beyond purpleheart and Socal?

Anonymous No. 132687

Depends on what you mean. If you're gonna walk around with a giant ass relatively heavy thing that's not easy to scabbard/carry around, why not just carry a spear. Carrying a Saber or something might be easier to unsheathe.

Technically a rapier is still easier to carry around even if you gotta become a member of the ministry of silly walks to unsheathe it.

But yeah, if you're carrying a longsword, sure it's a pretty great sword to have against other swords before a rapier pokes you with its comparable blade length + single hand extension

Anonymous No. 132696

best in sword sword duel and better in facing polearms than other swords, still terrible at it

Anonymous No. 132697

Is it even better? Having a hand free for a shield/buckler/dagger/other or even just empty to grab the polearm seems like it'd be comparably effective.

Anonymous No. 132719

quarterstaff is the superior weapon in almost every situation, longswords aren't even the longest swords lmao

Anonymous No. 132730

unironically, big heavy stick > swords almost everytime. Especially if you put things on the end ,but even before then

Anonymous No. 132794

>best in sword sword duel
If it's a proper duel they'd have the same sword so the point is moot. 1v1 really isn't a situation outside of regulated occasion. "Best in duel" doesn't matter.

Except when walking around town and doing anything but fighting, and then if you can pick something like a halberd, why bother with a quarterstaff?
Isn't it silly to believe in any sort of "superiority" when we know that the immense majority of people, back then when it really mattered (not in internet debates), when given the means of choice, picked swords instead of a quarterstaff? Thinking that quarterstaff is the superior weapon "in almost every situation" (it reaaally isn't) is just vidya logic, the majority of people used swords and bladed polearms, not staves, regardless of how effective in combat it is, because having a weapon and using it are two vastly different things. What good is your weapon if you can't have it easily... The majority of time isn't spent fighting, even in war. If you have a page or baggage train...
Quarterstaff is still a fantastic foundational weapon.

Anonymous No. 132805

I really want to try military sabre but there's nowhere in the country to learn. Is it worth doing olympic sabre as an alternative or am I better off just doing drills at home?

Anonymous No. 132829

I'd say joining an olympic sabre group and reading the text together helps.

There really is nothing quite like an opponent for practicing many things. It's very possible there's another at an olympic sabre place that wouldn't mind learning HEMA associated texts

Anonymous No. 132839

>but even before then
not really.
>Is it worth doing olympic sabre as an alternative
out of all the Olympic fencing disciplines, I think its generally considered that saber is the furthest one by far from historical swordsmanship. with how frequently they double, how little they bother defend, and the general tempo of it, it barely seems like conventional swordfighting. Epee and foil are much more illustrative of their ancestral sword types in play.

however, its still always a good idea to get a feel of fencing in general, so go for it, it wont hurt to get a feel for the broad strokes of the sort of dynamic. Id still say try to go for the other two if you want a better feel for general swordfighting habbits, even though they are thrust centric, since both of them give at least half diligence to the concept of hitting the other person while not getting hit.

Anonymous No. 132892

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm actually already attending a medieval hema club so I'm not desperately in need of somewhere to get a feel for general fencing, but I was curious if there was anything olypmic sabre could offer that I wouldn't get from longsword/messer/etc.

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Anonymous No. 132982

Why are there so many FAGGOTS in HEMA communities? The amount of LGBTrash flags you'll see when trying to look for online communities/profiles is insane, I've never seen such a concentration of faggots in a sports, and at the same time HEMA will have some hardcore racists in their communities as well.
What's up with HEMA being attracting to the extremists faggots? I sincerely don't get it

Anonymous No. 132984

>I've never seen such a concentration of faggots in a sports
You haven’t seen quidditch then.

Anyways I suspect it’s a combination of factors. For one, HEMA as a sport involving swords tends to attract nerds from the LARP and roleplay crowds, and what is being a tranny if not roleplaying? Second, real sports are going to have a much higher level of competition and expected dedication. Not only that but I’ve noticed leftists in general are deathly afraid of “gymbros” bullying them (despite the fact that the fitness community is one of the most supportive I’ve ever seen. But then again, troons don’t want real support, they want validation without effort.) last, having a big fuck off longsword to show off is a good way to get attention and is especially useful for them because getting attention for “doing HEMA” doesn’t necessarily require them to compete. If you see a particularly annoying one online go and check if they have a HEMA rating. They’ll almost certainly have a losing record or no record at all since again, they’re in it to roleplay and get attention not actually be good.

Anonymous No. 132985

Oh I forgot the hardcore racists, they also are obsessed with larping and low effort validation, it’s why they’re obsessed with the accomplishments of people who aren’t them, they’re losers. Plus it’s historical and European and therefore “muh heritage”

For fucks sake though I just want to fence. I don’t get involved with online HEMA discussions anywhere except here because of this shit. Somehow 4chan has LESS extremist retards than normiebook.

Anonymous No. 133013

Athlethicism and a great feeling for distances. Also you learn to make smaller movements. But you have to look how the group is, some groups are chill and want to try hema stuff with you and others (the bad ones) distain HEMA and insult you if you try anything thats not olympic fencing.

Anonymous No. 133019

Absolutely nothing wrong with the "muh heritage" argument unless it's shoved in others faces in order to bring them down.

Anonymous No. 133041

Sure, I enjoy HEMA as it’s a part of my heritage and cultural history but the person I’m responding too specifically was asking about hardcore racist extremists. These aren’t people who casually engage in “muh heritage” they’re losers have literally nothing else going on in their lives.

Anonymous No. 133079

Are you really surprised browsing the /HEMA/ threads on this board that it's a hobby packed with freaks and chucklefucks?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 133083

I’m just glad my club is relatively normal. We have some real dweebs but you can make gay jokes without some regard screeching at you.

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Anonymous No. 133086

I’m just glad my club is relatively normal. We have some real dweebs but you can make gay jokes without some retard screeching at you.

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Anonymous No. 133190

was there a historical use of using a cloth handwrap while sticksparing?

I just had my singlestick on me and was fiddling with my scarf, and I was really suprised how comfortable tieing it aroubd my hand was for handling, and that it would definetly soften the impact of a blow. a solid stiff leather or plastic gaurd of course would probably be better, but the compression with a. degree of give made blows feel really good. Felt like indian practice stuff might have done this, and its somewhat similar to a guard liner.

Anonymous No. 133285

Yes if you wanted the most effective weapon you can carry comfortably on your hip, use in one or two hands on horseback or foot and stand a chance of reasonably defending yourself against someone/someones in or out of armor or with polearms with halfsword.

Anonymous No. 133359

They all disappear when you go into the tournaments and competitive scene. When it's not about larping the pretty pictures in an old book but actual fighting and athleticism you see normal people.

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Anonymous No. 133361

Anonymous No. 133362

Also the clubs that encourage hitting fast/hard and encourage grappling tend to have normal people. I’ve been to both kind of clubs and you can tell the trannies gravitate towards the clubs that don’t leave them tired and bruised.

Anonymous No. 133420

>can be straight or gay
Bullshit, spadroons and broadswords are straight, sabres are always super faggy gay.

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Anonymous No. 133429

Only a retarded American zoomer would call any of these fine military weapons gay.

Anonymous No. 133430

>Implying sabres can be straight
Frenchman detected.

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Anonymous No. 133433

>>Implying sabres can be straight
I mean sabers should have curves so

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Anonymous No. 133437

>thinks sabers are gay
>likes spadroons
I have bad news about your sexuality anon

Anonymous No. 133491

Spadroons are straight, sabres aren't. I don't make the rules, sorry.

Anonymous No. 133496

Scottish swords are straight and they wear skirts, not unlike you spadroon troon.

Anonymous No. 133500

Haha spadroon rhymes with troon haha

Anonymous No. 133517


Anonymous No. 133518

>no heavy cav gf
That's not soldierin'.

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Anonymous No. 133545

Sharpe was grossly underrated

Anonymous No. 133547

I hope BF make a steel HCS to match the synthetic one at some point.

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Anonymous No. 133551

No it wasnt. Its exactly correctly rated.
Hornblower (1998-) on the other hand, now THATS and underrated and excellent show.

Anonymous No. 133556

Maybe in the Uk, being American no one I know has even heard of it outside of HEMA circles.

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Anonymous No. 133558

Sabers can be straight, and I am tired of pretending otherwise, your bent british brainery makes no sense. This is obviously a saber.

Anonymous No. 133559

rated =/= popular. And I think hornblower is equally as (if not more) obscure but generally much higher quality. Sharpe has a nice cheese factor going on in it, but I think Hornblower actually deserves more recognition.

Anonymous No. 133560

Sabers can be straight but I find straight sabers disgusting as a matter of personal taste. Straight sabers are more of a backsword anyway.

Anonymous No. 133561

Are there any streaming services that have it available to watch?

Anonymous No. 133562

IDK, I remember watching it on Dailymotion (like Youtube but french and their anti-copyright bot was less smart) along with Sharpe 3 years ago in sweet 240p.
I think Most of Hornblower is unironically on youtube though (just checked, it is). THATS how under the radar that show seems to be.
You could probably find it on pirate bay or on streaming services too.

The Dynamic is very much like sharpe in set up, with a new officer and motly crew, But characters tend to be a bit more complex and Hornblower actually has to deal with Pressures from above and bellow instead of just being the always scrappy underdog. A more nuanced look in what it means to be a leader. And antagonists tend to be less one note. Great sets and stuff to, got a ship and travel to a lot of places.

Anonymous No. 133564

Noted I’ll give it a shot

Anonymous No. 133565

Backswords do not have angled grips the way sabers typically do.

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Anonymous No. 133567

I really like staighter end sabers, especially from the mid 1800s. They just seem like the perfect compromise weapon, that never gives up too much of anything.

Pretty competent cutters, straights enough for using a lot of engaging point work, robust enough to last, a generous amount of hand protection, but not enough to get in the way. Andvanced enough into industrial revolution techniques while early enough that its assumed to require actual battleproofing to be high quality. That perfect sweet spot. And you cant say this isnt sexy as all hell.

Anonymous No. 133568

thats a suplemantary aspect. sabers can have straight grips too. bent is more preference/culture.

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Anonymous No. 133590

These german guys use this intresting half step when attacking, but I can't understnad a word. What do you think about that?

see here [Embed]
and here [Embed]

Anonymous No. 133592

It looks like this is just their interpretation of a gather/predatory step. We do something similar, though not the same at my club, to prepare for abs/or draw an action. It’s relatively non-committal so you can move depending on how your opponent reacts. Moreover if you’re expecting them to cut as you enter into distance this is a good way to draw their blade towards you while setting yourself up for an explosive counter.

Anonymous No. 133593

>*preparatory step, not predatory step

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Anonymous No. 133596

Yeah, thought along the same lines. It very much looks like they adapted Fabris' footwork to the longsword. (pic related) I'll definetly try that.

Anonymous No. 133661

The bottom one is a spadroon by any other name, stick the blade on a 1796 inf hilt and it'd meet regulations.

Anonymous No. 133728

the top one is all of 1/6th of an inch off center. they are effectively the same thing in use AND in appearance. You wouldnt use the top any different then you would the bottom. And if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck....

Anonymous No. 133730

Dont know if this is the place to ask, but I have an antique sword and I commised a scabbard since it didnt have one. the dimensions where correct, but the lip is a bit too loose. Anyone know how to best tighten the lip? maybe line it with some leather (sheath is all metal)?

Anonymous No. 133741

You use a spadroon the same way you'd use a sabre or broadsword of the same era, with maybe slight variations to account for straightness/curvature of the blade, the handling, etc. Think of a spadroon as a straight sabre if you want but it doesn't make any difference.

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Oops all ducks, t....jpg

Anonymous No. 133745

It kinda looks like a sabre but it isn't because of a very specific detail. You can call a goose a duck if you want, but don't get mad if people want to call it a sodding goose.

Anonymous No. 133851

What's the best synthetic option for English Backsword? I assume it's the BF regimental basket hilt, but I'm not sure if there's more appropriate ones out there. Steels simply aren't an option where I live, unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 133904

so you are saying to call it a saber?
Then that's semantics, late 19th century sabers are effectually late 18th century spadroons in character (but tend to be more robust on the whole).

I think the french (and American) definition is just as legitimate, if not moreso, calling straight saber hilted swords as sabers as a classification term. Since for the term to have meaning it should apply to effective use rather than myopic categorization. A sword with a minimal curve is more like a straight sword than a sword with an exaggerated curve. and thus should be classified in kind. And this is probably the reason why French American and other groups used the term more broadly then the British did.

Anonymous No. 133905

>What's the best synthetic option for English Backsword
I cant say a specific, but you can probably search more broadly for synthetic 1 handed swords with knuckle gaurds. certain spadroon, saber, and likewise, if you want to expand your search. for simulations sake, a lot of them are interchangeable.

Anonymous No. 133924

Honestly I'd just do single stick in your position
Why no steels anyway?

Anonymous No. 133950

Thanks, I'll have a look.

>Why no steels anyway?
They're effectively illegal where I live, it fucking sucks.

Anonymous No. 134009

Where do you live that blunt steel is illegal?

Anonymous No. 134012

No expert, but I feel like I've seen these red dragons pretty common in sparring vids and are pretty decent for the price:
And these are more expensive, but premium:
Here is a vid on the latter:

Anonymous No. 134064

French definition is simple, single edge weapons are sabers, double edge weapons are swords. The shape of the hilt and blade has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous No. 134073

why do some people hate longsword? sword hipsters? the fuck

Anonymous No. 134125

Is it possible for two people that have a background and continue practicing kendo to pick up a manual, in our case we decided to pick the flos duellatorum and fior di battaglia, and learn the long sword without an instructor?
We will spar of course.

Anonymous No. 134166

I mean, that’s basically how HEMA started in the first place. I would also take advantage of the numerous online resources available since they may help you interpret some of the plays.

Anonymous No. 134180

I can think of a number of reasons:
>Often looks (and is) clumsy compared to other weapons, even many good fencers are kinda shit to watch
>Laden with gear problems compared to one-handed swords, you need a finely tuned setup to fence unimpeded (this is a major cause of the above issue) (fucking right Ochs)
>There are good reasons to think that the earlier German sources were essentially written by eccentrics and charlatans, while other weapons have extremely well-credentialed and historically significant authors
>Longsword is just longsword, most other weapons let you jazz it up with all sorts of accompanying items

Anonymous No. 134248

Unless it's the women's tournament which will be being dominated by trannies

Anonymous No. 134250

Fiore is great for this due to the detailed instruction accompanied with often very clear images. Go through with a partner, pay attention to which foot is in front and where the hands are etc

Especially, do not gloss over the posta section in favor of the plays. Practice the actions and tactics described in each posta, breaking/exchanging thrusts, beating attacks away etc. The mistake a lot of people make with Fiore is trying to rush to largo stretto plays, when really they're highlights of particular situations you will find yourself in following basic actions like trying sottano-fendente from boars tooth while being conscious of maintaining cover. Either you get the guy or you're now in some kind of bind and likely one of the plays has the key to win

Anonymous No. 134251

I dunno man. Lot of Fiore looks like anime shit with plenty of room for error. Not that I don't want to learn it better, just that I dunno how well it can be applied in respective tourneys.
Minus like... the blinding powder polearm. That shits great.

Anonymous No. 134254

>Lot of Fiore looks like anime shit with plenty of room for error


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Anonymous No. 134281

>be me
>25/M/no martial arts background but kinda athletic
>Started HEMA 9 months ago in a bolognese club 15mins away from home
>club is focused on Manciolino and Marozzo but no Fiore
>would've preferred german style but whatever
>club isn't full of trannies and people aren't afraid of going hard
>get praised by coaches for my improvement due to consistency and will to learn more
>I'm mainly into longsword and seem to be pretty much the only one as others are pretty much into sidewords
>Want to start competing in a couple months once I'm satisfied with my current level
>Start noticing how all competitors are always from the german style of fighting
>notice how much more efficient it seems to be
>the few good italian fencers are all focused on Fiore which we don't learn at my club
>start doubting

Will I get destroyed in competition because of this? I mean, I don't want to find excuses but if pretty much 90% of people who performs are using the german systems, it surely means it is somewhat superior to the italian one, is it not?

I'm particularly interested in Fiore as I think he synthesized the two and has a unique approach. (Also like the idea of learning techniques that were exclusively meant to kill and not show off in front of nobles)

So, I'm seeking advices in order to know if it will really be something that could prevent me from performing in tournaments - as I get taught useless shit like showing off what you can do when moving towards your opponents (dunno the english term for it if there's one) - or will it not matter and I will be able to perform if I put in the effort and dedication? Can any system be truly viable in competitions when it's easily seen to be dominated by german styles?

Also I forgot to add that I can't really study Fiore myself as there's no translation in my language and that my english level is way too weak to learn anything practical like HEMA techniques.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Anonymous No. 134283

Some of the disarms and daggerwork I've seen. Again, I don't really know Fiore, but seeing some people drill it looks like window of execution for a lot of it seems pretty small.

Anonymous No. 134286

attracts diluded newbs probably who think of it as "iconic". Probably similar to old katanafag hate.

Anonymous No. 134290

>but seeing some people drill it looks like window of execution for a lot of it seems pretty small.
Welcome to fencing, retard

Anonymous No. 134292

> Will I get destroyed in competition because of this?
Not necessarily, especially if it’s a beginners tournament since no one’s going to really know what they’re doing anyways. In any case take it as a learning experience, You’ll learn how tournaments compare to sparring and how it feels to fight against German longsword fencers.. In general, people (yourself included evidently) are familiar with how German and Italian fencers fight, bringing something a little different to the table can throw people off.

People sometimes get scared off of tournaments for fear of doing badly. I’ll paraphrase Aldo nadi and say that it doesn’t matter if you lose every match of your first five tournaments. Eventually, you will have to learn how to win. However, don’t worry so much about it your first few goes and just try to be the best fighter you can be.

Anonymous No. 134297

the qur'an doesn't say anything about armageddon. there are a few ahadith that talk about the battle(s) at the end times. you are right about the nature of the wars in the end times, though.

Anonymous No. 134305

Bear in mind his dagger section is the longest and most detailed of any in HEMA and has a lot of counters to specific actions thrown in, and also that the vast majority of it is not focused on two people having a fair fight with daggers and no armor. In the text he's pretty good at being clear which techniques are best for armored combat. Some of them, especially all of 5th master where someone has grabbed you before you stabbing you, are trying to deal with very shit situations to be in or like the dagger vs sword section it's more "this is your best shot, good luck" rather than "simply perform this technique to overcome all adversity"

As for disarms in general, don't worry about videos where the sword goes cartwheeling away (although it goes like that if you get it right), they all start from a bind and/or a big simple gross motor action like throwing your arms around the other guy's and/or shoving at their arms. There's no aikido style bullshit in there that expects you to try to finely manipulate small joints like the wrist, if you can't execute fast and violent there's likely something wrong with the interpretation. If you drop me an email address I'll happily do a correspondence on any particular part of the book or send videos or whatever

Anonymous No. 134306

You seem to have a very good mindset which will carry you very far regardless. One first point, don't think about the systems in terms of "German" and "Italian", Fiore is much closer to Leichtenauer in practice than the Bolognese systems. While some terminology remains the same inside a language the relative chronology is more important, the Bolognese texts are 150 years after Fiore's time.

A lot of the "German" fighters you will have seen will have primarily worked from Meyer, who also comes later in time and is very similar to the Bolognese sources (what Meyer calls Rapier is virtually identical to Bolognese sidesword), and his longsword is actually designed for a sporting context that better fits modern HEMA tournaments. Unlike the Bolognese his terminology and techniques more closely fit the Leichtenauer tradition that came before. I believe this is one of the reasons "German" sources are much more popular and thus visible on the tournament scene, you can cover both early longsword with a focus on self defense/earnest fighting and tournament suited sporting techniques with common terminology and blend them both together to suit your style, most "German" clubs will look at both. Don't worry that you haven't seen many Bolognese fighters winning longsword tournaments, most people getting into Bolognese are doing it for sidesword.

Like Fiore, Meyer's book also has detailed pictures to accompany the instructions instead of just lengthy paragraphs of step-by-step instruction like the Bolognese sources. I think you would do very well to look to Meyer books and videos to complement your Bolognese training.

Anonymous No. 134308


>(Also like the idea of learning techniques that were exclusively meant to kill and not show off in front of nobles)

You will struggle to reconcile this with tournament performance that are increasingly less concerned with the kind of fighting you see in the earlier sources like Leichtenauer and Fiore that want to keep you alive and kill/disable the other guy at the same time and want to see more things like scoring the first "touch" with MOF style right of way rules and linear footwork to maximise athletic efficiency (though I believe this fad will wane as the people pushing for it realise MOF already exists and they'd enjoy just doing that more). A part of the reason I recommended looking at Meyer above is because, in addition to fitting nicely with the Bolognese instruction you're receiving and setting you up with the kind of style tournament judges like to see, once you've gotten it down you can very easily go back and look at the "RDL" (Ringeck-Danzig-Lew) style Leichtenauer and see what the differences are.

Anonymous No. 134309

Also additionally:

>I'm particularly interested in Fiore as I think he synthesized the two and has a unique approach.

Fiore definitely has his own charms and your perception that he's more like Leichtenauer than the later Bolognese systems is accurate as I said above. You might also be interested to learn of the source "Vadi", which exactly what you described in terms of being a German-Italian synthesis, only between Fiore and the Leichtenauer style. He takes things which exist between the lines in Fiore like "Posta Fenestra" extended forward from a thrust and gives them explicit names, which in that example give you something exactly like the Leichtenauer/Meyer style "Ochs", his low guards share the name of Fiore's but more directly resemble "Alber". His grapples are very Fiore-like but tweaked to his preference for a longer longsword that would suit a Meyer/Bolognese practitioner better. Also in Vadi is an exception to the rule of perceived "German" tournament dominance, fighters from a Vadi school are currently doing very well in the UK HEMA scene.

But, tl;dr: being a distinctly Bolognese longsword fighter is a noble and achievable goal that will give you something distinctive, and should be possible because it's a lot like Meyer which a lot of tournament winners use primarily, look at what they're doing and you should be fine

Anonymous No. 134415

Thank you for the detailed and instructive answers, it was what I needed as suppose and it really boosted my confidence. I will definitly look into Meyer as there's quite a lot of videos available on youtube I don't think it will be so difficult to learn.
When it comes to Vadi, I had heard his name before but didn't really know much about him and after some researches it's definitely what I'm attracted to so thanks a lot for bringing him up!
Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to answer me.

I'm open to any new suggestions or answers if someone were to come by the original message later.

Anonymous No. 134422

No problem at all, and I would be happy to start an email correspondence if you'd like if you want to make a throwaway one here

Also the term in English for twirling your sword around to show off is a "flourish". They can serve a very good purpose as a way to practice general weapon handling and flowing techniques together solo I'm sure you've realised

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Anonymous No. 134459

Obviously I wouls never say certain people shouldnt do HEMA, and I really dont want to bring /pol/ into the general, but seriously why is HEMA in particular and fencing in general so grossly overpopulated with left wing people? It just seems strange because glorifying history in this way seems antithetical to their outlook.

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Anonymous No. 134465

In my experience sportfencing guys tend to be left wing (which makes sense of why sportfencing parted and continues to part with the concept of fencing like a warrior in favor of fencing as sterile touch me first tag) while hema guys tend to be more conservative. Thats europe though, in america it seems that the big influx of nerds and larpers is the reason, because those groups have a high amount of left leaning people in them.

Anonymous No. 134481

There are various dynamics at play, and it depends heavily on where you are.
As a general rule, Anglosphere clubs tend to be clearly left-wing, mainland European clubs tend to be more right wing. In addition, the more urban, the more left-wing.
My club trains in two locations, one in a city and one in a smaller town. The former is full of university boys who will turn up one day asking you to call them Sharon, while the other is has a lot more blue collar types.

Anonymous No. 134499

No problem, here's the mail : [email protected]

Anonymous No. 134549

It’s probably not as left wing as you think, leftists just make politics their entire personality and never shut the fuck up about it

Anonymous No. 134552

Equipment costs money
Urban professionals and oil riggers/skilled trades tend to have money
Both tend to bend into politics

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Anonymous No. 134568

I don’t want to blog, but since this a slow board I’m gonna just lay out a bunch of questions so that I don’t have to return to the thread over the course of a week.
If I’m minorly overweight (like 10lbs) is this a good way to get back into fitness? When I was doing sports 24/7 working out was no problem but the army honestly ruined the gym for me and I really struggle to have discipline if I have no purpose (that sounds super faggy I know).
There’s a club like 20 miles from me that does biweekly classes at a park, should I start there or start solo?
For doing solo stuff should I just read the books and practice the basic forms/cuts/footwork?
What are good exercises to do on gym days for this? Should I just go for general like core/explosive stuff or focus on something?
Yes I know I’m a massive faggot

Anonymous No. 134571

>If I’m minorly overweight (like 10lbs) is this a good way to get back into fitness?
Any exercise is better than no exercise but in my experience most HEMA clubs don’t do a lot of in class pt (not that they should, you’re there for the instruction afterall) so I wouldn’t expect to get fit to fight from HEMA unless your exercising in your off time, which you should.
> I really struggle to have discipline if I have no purpose (that sounds super faggy I know).
That’s actually super common. Personally when I stopped wrestling put on weight because I had no reason to stay lean anymore.
> There’s a club like 20 miles from me that does biweekly classes at a park, should I start there or start solo?
Take the class. Be wary though some clubs suck ass. If you were in the military you’ve probably done some kind of martial art before so I’ll leave it on you if it seems like shit or not.
>For doing solo stuff should I just read the books and practice the basic forms/cuts/footwork?
The main goal of HEMA is to revive historical martial arts so yes absolutely dive into the sources, however don’t be afraid to use online resources and videos from other HEMA practitioners to help with interpretations.
> What are good exercises to do on gym days for this? Should I just go for general like core/explosive stuff or focus on something?
No you’ve pretty much got it. Plyometrics are good for explosive stuff, squats for leg strength and planks and whatnot for core strength is all good shit for HEMA. Consider static exercises for your arms as well though. 2-3lbs doesn’t sound like much until you’re holding it straight out in front of you for an hour
> Yes I know I’m a massive faggot
You want to do HEMA. We’re all faggots here.

Anonymous No. 134572

Appreciate you

Anonymous No. 134573

Forgot to mention that static exercises are also good for your legs because you’ll need to be able to “sit” into your guard for a long time if you want to fight efficiently. Wall sits are good for this.

Anonymous No. 135024

Thinking of getting into the sport, I'll be living in a city with a club for 6 months, so that might be a good start. But in terms of swords, I am clueless. I hear the purple heart tech feder is a good beginner blade, but i live in Ireland, and importing+customs from the US will turn a €200 purchase into a €300+ one. Importing from Britain will carry the VAT charge too. Fellow euros, where do you buy swords? Helmet, glove and gambeson recommendations (within a reasonable budget) appreciated too.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 135027

Think this expired before I could get to it, you can message me [email protected]

Anonymous No. 135028

Think this expired before I could get to it, you can message me [email protected]

Anonymous No. 135341

because its possible to "do" Hema without actually treating it like a contact sport. My club is led by left leaning people that aren't quite "woke" and you know all the shit that comes with even being that much. But my biggest frustration is just how shit 99% of the club is at actually fencing or making contact. Im seriously considering switching to a much more white and male club in another town just cause I dont want to deal with the politics. These people are oblivious to the fact that people who dont talk about politics might actually disagree with them, they just dont want the argument.
The fact HEMA gets presented as both a scholarly endeavor and sparring isnt nessecary also attracts a lot of weak cunts

Anonymous No. 135342

just start by visiting the club first, you might find the atmosphere doesnt click with you at all and that'd be a lot of money to waste up front like that.
Most clubs will have some equipment for you to loan, and you wont be able to spar without any experience anyways.

Anonymous No. 135648

"scholarly endeavor and sparring"
This, literally the only good HEMA person in the longsword side of things is like 2 badasses who went around the world and won in competitions. But they don't have a youtube channel for their own victories, instead its a passion and business for them. Besides me wanting even a slight glimpse of what people did in the past to kill each other. There was 0 militant discipline and more cock sucking than any other sports even though the people in this larp had less skill. As an expensive play hobby. Because its so impractically expensive compared to modern sports to get to a higher level of armoured fighting. All that energy and time is better spent on skills like shooting and training for modern day orientations.

Anonymous No. 135650

I'm sure this is actually normal in martial arts through every era, that's why a lot of clans or groups gets humiliated or wiped out by war veterans like in some cases in japan and europe. Chinese HEMA seems a lot different. they're teaching children to fight, some of the popular Chinese longsword users have more discipline and skill than 90% of the people you see on youtube

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Anonymous No. 135947

>In quarrels of which the fair sex was the cause, or when defending his honour or avenging offence – the Italian would sneakily use his dagger, the Frenchman openly attack with a smallsword, and the Swede or the German or some other foreigner would thrust with his straight blade. The Pole, however, would use his sabre-armed hand on the head and the nose and the ears of his opponent, so that the arrogant lout would always carry a memento and a lesson on how to behave properly. This is why the Sarmatian despised the dagger, the smallsword appeared only for a while during the modern era and the reign of the Wettin dynasty, and even then only at court – and the straight blade came to us from Germany. But there was only one faithful karabela, which defended one's life and taught a lesson to all impudent men, and reminded that the face is there not just to look pretty, but to face up to the opponent with a weapon in Hand.

Anonymous No. 136149

Ask your club where they get theirs

If you have to buy international and pay import on your grear regardless you might want to look at Superior Fencing for your protective equipment. The jackets, pants, overlays and protective pieces they have are mostly good with a few exceptions and their SPES heavy knockoffs are more reliable than the originals these days. They're a pain in the ass as you have to send money to Pakistan via Western Union but it's cheap and good enough to be worth it.

Otherwise if you're starting out and don't know what to get, you want a SPES AP jacket, Sparringglove mittens and your choice of Regenyei standard if you're tall lanky cunt or Regenyei short if you're a manlet or short feder chad. No reason not to get them from the manufacturers if you're in the EU really, but Black Armoury carry stock.

Anonymous No. 136151

Also if you plan on doing tournaments ever don't buy 350N rated jackets or masks, go straight to 800N jackets and 1600N mask to save in the long run.

Anonymous No. 136158

I have never seen anyone have a problem with lower rated masks and jackets

Anonymous No. 136160

Might depend on where you live but 800N and CEN 2 masks are the standard for all big UK tournaments and I think they'll eventually become so in Europe too

UK HEMA looks for any excuse to be gay and keep out the working class though so hopefully not. To their credit I've never seen anyone at Fightcamp actually check.

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Anonymous No. 136165

The US doesn’t have those types of requirements. I’ve been competing in the same 350N jacket for 3 or 4 years now.

Anonymous No. 136253

is common in HEMA for girls to win against dudes like in this video?

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Anonymous No. 136258

Anyone have more pics of this sort to post?

I've been doing Fiore Longsword for the better part of a year now and am considered a 'senior student' at my club in Aberdeen ATM

Fiore emphasizes finishing things quickly, in his manuscripts he talks about how how a skilled swordsman should be able to finish a fight in three strikes.
What that means for you is that if you end up fighting someone who has only/mostly done Fiore you should expect them to focus a lot on parry/riposte as well as closing plays.

I imagine some of the more experienced folks on here could give better direction for you than me though...

Anonymous No. 136295

Yes, use of edged weapons weights a fight heavily towards technical training, experience and ability compared to unarmed fighting, especially with rapiers and similar weapons that negate reach advantage. I think the most equal fight a man and woman can have aside from firearms is specifically with rapier combined with parrying dagger as the latter almost guarantees the fight won't go to grappling.

Anonymous No. 136300

It’s not entirely unheard of but I will say I’ve seen a lot less girls who simply can’t keep up with men than the reverse.

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Anonymous No. 136301

>senior student
>been training less than a year

Anonymous No. 136449

Where can I get a good axe /HEMA/g?

Anonymous No. 136456

What kind of axe and for what purpose? Cutting? Sparring? Drilling? You need to be more specific.

Anonymous No. 136752

Fair point anon, for starters is there a good place I can go to learn about what kind of axes were actually used for fighting? Google is full of mallninja shit when I search fighting axes. Secondarily, were axes of old used as tools and weapons or did they carry different axes to fight and work wood with?

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polearm heads.jpg

Anonymous No. 136777

>for starters is there a good place I can go to learn about what kind of axes were actually used for fighting?
>Secondarily, were axes of old used as tools and weapons or did they carry different axes to fight and work wood with?
I don't know about any specific place or site, but I can give you a brief summary:
Plenty of different axes were used for for fighting. One-handed, two handed, on and off of horseback. You can also stretch the definition of "axe" pretty far to include a very wide variety of weapons. Generally, these are specialised weapons, not hatchets or felling axes, although people undoubtedly did use those in combat as well if needed, though because they're not made for combat, they make shitty as weapons.
HEMA is based on either the study of historical sources that explain how to use a particular weapon, or (in very rare cases), living traditions. Because the sources are from the 14th century and later, HEMA-related axes tend to be large polearms like halberds and pollaxes, with very few exceptions. This means that while there are no sources for older weapons like the Dane Axe, you can at least extrapolate from roughly similar weapons.
There's also one book that shows a weird one-handed axe-sword thing, and the Hungarian Fokos, the wielding of which either comes from a genuine living tradition or is just some shit someone made up, I'm not sure.

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Anonymous No. 136778

The aforementioned axe-sword. No idea if these things actually existed, or if the author just made them the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 136836

The post above me is correct that most fighting axes are specialized for fighting. However, I posted a source for a tool and fighting hybrid axe here >>132129. The fokos, or shepherds axe, goes by quite a few names but was a common axe in Eastern Europe used for both fighting and as camp axe/hammer/walking stick.

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Anonymous No. 136946

>mfw the only trannies in my club are ftm meaning they are just deluded tomboys
They are cute so it could be worse I guess.

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Anonymous No. 137421

>Get a new sabre and want to test it out
>never owned a sabre before, just borrowed ones from my friend
>spar with said friend to test sabre
>he uses these polish sabres from purple heart armory
>basically just a crowbar with a handle, heaviest sabre ive ever used or seen and the fucker barely bends at all
>after only a 30 minute spar its already tearing my new one up
What the fuck, bros. Are all polish sabres like this or is purpleheart armory just like that?

Anonymous No. 137640

That's just Purpleheart. Move away from Cavalry sabres to Artillery or Infantry if you want lighter.

Anonymous No. 138095

hema is based on unarmored fighting for the most part, its less for the battlefield, more for the streets, but learning one will still transfer to the other to an extent
there is also harnischfechten, i dont know what hits are and arent allowed, but i would personally only count stabs in the minor areas, such as the neck, inner arms (excluding the lower arm), back of the legs and the palms