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🧵 Standing still in a boxing match

Anonymous No. 117706

How can i improve my resistence during a boxing match? I'm usually the type of guy who cant keep fighting after throwing 4 punches because has to take a long breath to be at least half good to continue. How can i improve myself so i can avoid this manlet thing?

Anonymous No. 117715

Bro obviously you need to do cardio, c'mon man. Run, jump rope, do stairs, do a lot of heavy bag work

Anonymous No. 117717

Think nigga think. Running, jump roping, heavybag training, sparring

Anonymous No. 117725


>how do I get better at cardio?

Do more cardio. Ffs this board has gone to shit. Absolute driveling retards.

Anonymous No. 117806

Cardio and if you aren’t already try sparring light until you get good enough to not suffer excessive damage

Anonymous No. 120909

learn to breathe properly

Anonymous No. 120960

>what is cardio

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120963

Mods, please move this thread to /fit/, or delete it. There's not much more to discuss here.

Anonymous No. 120997

I'm not doing cardio. I want to make standing still my style.

Anonymous No. 121002

>Homer Simpson style
Just stand in the middle of the ring and let all your sparring partners wail on you non-stop. Repeat ad nauseum.
(you're a fuxking moron)

Anonymous No. 121009

I love this fucking board

Anonymous No. 121041

>I want to make standing still my style.
Not sure if trolling or just terribly retarded but either way if you want to box you'll still need cardio because both eating and throwing punches will tire you without any resistance training, if you plan on lasting more than one round.
Why would you be so scared of cardio, though? I'll put your anxiety to rest.

Anonymous No. 121058

Do some wing chun nigga

Anonymous No. 121089

It's boring

Anonymous No. 122073

I hope you die in the ring then

Anonymous No. 122111

If you can’t maintain your cardio you shouldn’t be boxing

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Anonymous No. 122113

In case you're a noob, or very retarded.
Even standing still takes your energy. Holding the pain and taking punches also takes energy. Do fucking cardio, you pussy
>but muh gainz
>but it's boring and le cringe
If you're this retarded, you're not made for ENDURANCE sports

Anonymous No. 122118

Is your plan to become a dragon ball a character who becomes invulnerable by yelling? That’s pretty fucking based anon don’t let your memes be dreams. I look forward to seeing you on YouTube.