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🧵 just took my first mma class

Anonymous No. 117874

>wrestling mma class
>never fought before
>get paired up with 2 year bjj guy because of my weight and height
>go a couple times drilling a move
>cunt throws me across the room
>this sort of thing continues
>he realizes i suck and starts going slow
>im still trying to get an idea of how any of this shit works
>he's visibly annoyed at me but trying to hide it
>im pretty demoralized
i dont think i want to go back guys honestly i knew i would suck but i didn't expect to get thrown about that much and really learn much at all in the first go. it doesn't seem very friendly atmosphere either kind of like i was intruding on peoples time or something

Anonymous No. 117875

just keep going and tell people that you're new. they'll either slow down and teach you or be a dickhead like that guy
everyone sucks at some point but going back will help build your confidence

Anonymous No. 117892

wrestling is very fucking hard. Go to BJJ classes at first. They're much more newb friendly

Anonymous No. 117940

The only BJJ place is the same place I went for wrestling, I think most people were there to learn wrestling to add to BJJ
Yeah I guess I'll go again but I'm not looking forward to it really, maybe I'll start with BJJ and try to find a different place

Anonymous No. 117986

Sounds like you just got unlucky with some total douch. I often felt like I was annoying/intrusive at first as well when I was new, but rest assured nobody is really thinking about you and you're just in your own head.

If it's an mma gym they probably have beginner's/fundamentals gi bjj classes and beginner kickboxing/muay thai/boxing classes. You should do those. Wrestling and no-gi classes are for people with at least 2 years under their belt and your presence there can actually be a genuine nuisance. Beginners bjj gi, don't worry if you don't have a gi yet, they'll let you train for several weeks to decide if you like it or not. At least a quarter of the class will be almost as new as you, a few months in at most. Even if it's not listed as such, bjj in gi classes are much more noob friendly and generally where you want to start. Try out some beginner striking if you can to, you might be more inclined to it than grappling. Strikers are also less elitist in general.

Anonymous No. 118040


This. My martial arts gym has beginner BJJ and beginner kickboxing classes. As well as Judo, no-Gi, Muay Thai, and FMA classes. They recommend people attend those first rather than jumping straight into our wrestling-based MMA class. At least then you'll know a submission and maybe an escape when you get taken down plus basic striking or stand-up grappling..

Anonymous No. 118175

Brazilian JuJitsu legit looks like gay rape. It was created by a jap named Mitsuyo Maeda, who learned early-phase Judo from its founder (Jigoro Kano). However, Maeda was expelled from Japan for 2,400 acts of forced public homosexuality. So, he took his manraping skills to the jungles of Brazil, hoping to rape many exotic species in the rainforest. One day, while chasing monkeys, he found the Gracie brothers. I dont have to tell you what happened next. Rather than run away, the gracies decided to become his students, becoming proficient in the arts of homosexual rape. When their training was complete, Maeda excreted a 4-foot long turd on each of their tests, telling them it was their "brown belt." All the elder gracies still have those giant Rio steamers, in glass cases on their walls, as heirlooms to be passed on to their descendants. Truly, brazilian ju jitsu has a glorious history.

Anonymous No. 118185

One thing you learn about martial arts in general is it’s a huge competition of egos; dickheads like that guy are the norm not the exception. That said not all gyms and certainly not all people are like that.

It might be that’s just the wrong gym to go to.

Having never been to an MMA gym before, you might not know that what you’re looking at is a bush-league joint with shit trainers.

Your first time “sparring” and thus faggot is throwing you, literally throwing you across the gym? This is completely unnecessary and out of scale.
And nobody, fucking nobody, should be looking annoyed for practicing with you.

I’ll say it again: not all gyms are like this.

Anonymous No. 118256

To add to this slightly, some of the dickheads don't even mean to be doing it. They're frustrated with being unable to learn/perform something, and since the environment is indeed bush league, they haven't been taught how to deal with having those frustrations. Even if it means just vocalizing that you're having a shit day. It's like dogs with a lazy owner. They're not necessarily "bad", but from an effective standpoint, they might as well be.

Anonymous No. 118289

>Strikers are also less elitist in general.

Is this true? I have literally not grappled since doing wrestling in highschool mind you lol.

Anonymous No. 118437

im looking into the bjj classes for beginners but im pretty sure the people teaching and attending it are the same people. ill still go though but i cant do any striking because i had a rhinoplasty on my nose and the nose bone is probably way too weak, unless you guys know of any ways to guard a nose?
there are not many gyms in my area aside from this one i can feasibly get too, the throwing across the room thing was quite a shock and he apologised afterwards but i think he was definitely annoyed because i kept asking him to slow down and trying to take my time with moves like the wrestling instructor was showing

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Anonymous No. 120073


Anonymous No. 120207

Not even remotely true, visit a Muay Thai gym for the best examples

Anonymous No. 120705

Study Russian grappling. Find someone who can train those techniques with you as a dummy basically. Then start owning low T single leg grapplers with chad Ruski takedowns

Anonymous No. 121355


Anonymous No. 123792

Sucks you had a bad first experience...grappling can be really fun once you do it with someone youre level and just go with the flow.

Also, i highly doubt anyone was getting annoyed with you...maybe it was just you overthinking it

Anonymous No. 124216

>cunt throws me across the room
>this sort of thing continues
>he realizes i suck and starts going slow
If it takes someone multiple tries to assess a noob's lack of skill, I don't think they're very skilled either
t. can see how much experience someone has before they even throw a punch

Anonymous No. 124217

>fagrollers act like faggots
Shocked pikachu face

Anonymous No. 124234

pussies should not do combat sports. Don't go back.

Anonymous No. 124286

It's bizarre to me, I would rather see how a new opponent wins before I make the case of "should I go HAM" it plays a lot into my humility and if they're actually good I can test how good I am at getting caught off guard

Anonymous No. 124295

Some people are just mindless pitbulls in the gym. They train the way they're coached, and they train the same way with everyone. Those are the people who make up the mid tier of fighters. Good aggression and durability, but no creativity
The top tier of fighters do what you do. They study, assess, and react. The best fighters intuitively understand why they do certain things. Creative fighters can get good really fast when they apply themselves

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Anonymous No. 124666

god bless you

Anonymous No. 124667

fucker took my trip timing

Anonymous No. 124837

My advice would be become decent at one discipline first before going full mixed cause you'll have no legs to stand on

Anonymous No. 126174

ive been doing mma for a year and i still suck shit. im having issues remebering all the moves and focusing during teaching. execution is also an issue. i think if got add, anyone else feel like this?

Anonymous No. 126254

if you wanna be good at something, you have to be willing to be very bad at that thing first

Anonymous No. 126255

try a different gym, either a bjj or a muay thai gym will do.