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🧵 Minmax a fighter

Anonymous No. 118056

Give a theoretical MMA fighter three martial arts.
Decide the martial arts to serve a single role as efficiently as possible.
Others point out the weaknesses, suggest combinations of martial arts that would be more efficient at serving the same role, and discuss what the fighters would be like practically.

Primarily grappling, the purpose is to counter and grapple the opponent rapidly and powerfully. Sitting guard and Seizo stances can be swapped between if one of the two stances is established too. I figure it'd work out like getting the opponent to the floor and delivering nasty followups that are hard to deal with.

Anonymous No. 118071

>Muay thai
>Strength and conditioning

Anonymous No. 118074

Aikido is bullshit, you can drop all martial arts and train the basics over and over again in a realistic MMA enviroment

Anonymous No. 118080

what do you think the "MA" in "MMA" stands for

Anonymous No. 118088


Anonymous No. 118120

>muay thai

Anonymous No. 118129

Kata guruma anon made this post

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Anonymous No. 118136


Why the fuck are you trying to reinvent the wheel? MMA gyms have a pretty standard curriculum now of an MMA striking class based on Muay Thai & boxing, a wrestling class for takedowns, a no-Gi/BJJ class, and a specific MMA class to tie it all together plus teach things like cage control.

This thread is stupid. You are stupid. Aikido and Judo are great for people doing BJJ in a Gi to cross-train. Waste of time for MMA.

Anonymous No. 118138

catch wrestling

fuck it, crazy wacky build

Anonymous No. 118165

Yes, let's just do this one thing for the rest of eternity. Nothing better could ever possibly be achieved, there is no point in trying anything new, ever.

Anonymous No. 118199

>Muay Boran

the goal is to just fuck you up. just kill you until you're pink goo

Anonymous No. 118238


>Muay Thai

Pretty much the perfect kicker with pretty good hands too. Some limited knowledge in clinch grappling. Probably would not compete in MMA. I see karate/tkd/muay thai cross-trained often enough in pros but I haven't seen tkd combined with sanda.

Anonymous No. 118255

What if you replaced muay thai with capoeira? wouldn't the kicks be even more prioritized?

Anonymous No. 118298

those three martial arts cover too many of the same bases. there's no submission wrestling/grappling, which is essential if the goal is to be a complete fighter.

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Anonymous No. 118301


That's completely different to having an established curriculum. New techniques automatically get discovered and weeded out via the flexibility of rules within pressure tested competition.

Those rule sets offer the most flexibility while breaking up MMA coaching into obvious manageable chunks like any other educational curriculum.

Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, BJJ. That's it. This question has been answered and tested fully. Anything else is from someone not understanding MMA.

A better question is min maxing a martial artist with 3 arts only without concern for particular ruleset or specific competitiln like MMA.

In which case something like OP's suggestion of Aikido, Judo, BJJ becomes interesting for a Gi grappler.

I would pick Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, and no-Gi BJJ for the ultimate no-Gi grappler say.

Anonymous No. 118313

nta, but muay thai and bjj aren't the only arts that include almost all the techniques it does. they don't have a monopoly and stand-up striking/grappling or submission grappling, thus they are perfectly replaceable. as far as boxing and wrestling goes: they're generic terms that cover any art/style in which they punch and throw/sweep/take down/pin/submit their opponent, respectively. they're v broad categories that don't necessarily refer to any specific sport/style/ruleset/what have u.

also, it is by no means a requirement to include boxing, muay thai, wrestling, or bjj in an mma athlete's curriculum. yes, they're solid skill-sets to have as a fighter and it covers all the bases except for ground-n-pound and cage control obv, which no single "style" accounts for rlly, and most importantly they win fights, but there's no reason literally any martial art can't be incorporated or even used as a base in an mma curriculum.

tai chi is fundamentally a grappling art w/ some strikes included, so an athlete could theoretically adapt it for mma, and learn it in a sort of 'crash course' fashion to make the otherwise lifelong learning trajectory much shorter, and train in it the way it was prob done originally (sparring, drilling takedowns, shadow wrestling by practicing the forms, proper push hands practice, etc.).

same can be said for wing chun or any other "style" under the sun.

remember, fighting isn't a combination or selection of totally different and unique, neatly organized and separate "styles". fighting is fighting. any system that includes techniques legal in the sport u compete in is fair game.

Anonymous No. 118318


Anonymous No. 118333

That's the point. If I'm going to create a complete fighter it's just going to be the same shit it's always been.

>muay thai
>boxing or wrestling

Anonymous No. 118340

The point of the thread isn't to make a complete fighter though.

Anonymous No. 118404

alright, let's say you have four guys
>7 foot tall heavy as fuck guy
>4 foot tall heavy as fuck guy
>7 foot tall light as fuck guy
>4 foot tall light as fuck guy

what different combinations of martial arts would most benefit each of these people best for their builds?

Anonymous No. 118427

jake mace is a terrible example of a tai chi practitioner. v few ppl practice good tai chi anyway. ramsey dewey is a better example, as he utilizes takedowns from tai chi in mma and sanda. also he once sparred w/ an elderly man who practiced tai chi his whole life, and ramsey kept getting taken down.

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Anonymous No. 118549


They are the most efficient arts to learn to be effective at MMA. This has been proven time and again. It's like wanting to teach some numeracy who has no concept of numbers and you teach them hexadecimal instead of base 10..

Sure in the long run they will probably be a great mathematician but for basic numeracy its horribly inefficient compared to just teaching them to count to fucking 10.

OP's request, I.e. pick 3 arts as an RPG style build is an interesting question. Stating its for MMA ruins the premise.

I'm also wondering if you actually have any experience of training MMA. As schools have not only standard curriculums like MMA striking (being a combo of boxing and Muay Thai), no Gi-BJJ, and wrestling classes they also have a general MMA tying those together and teaching cage control, GnP, etc on top of that.

Here is a pretty standard timetable of a typical MMA gym. There is a reason 99% of MMA gyms use an almost identical timetable.

Anonymous No. 118550

MT, Greco-Roman, Dirty boxing. You live in the clinch. They die there. Clinch, hit, knee, throw. Stand back, let them up, repeat. Low kicks and sweeps are nearly indistinguishable unless you're the opponent.

Anonymous No. 118599

[warning: run-on sentences ahead]

i took one class at a local mma gym in 2016, if my memory serves me right, and all they did was warm up, hit pads, and... yeah, that was p much it. most mma gyms are quite underwhelming. instead of training for mma w/ a holistic approach by taking any legal techniques that win fights from any "style", and blending them all together seamlessly to make one cohesive, coherent style that works best for the individual student/athlete, playing off their strengths and improving their weaknesses or adapting their style to work around them in case of permanent injuries, birth defects, or similar health issues that they can't help - sorta like jeet kune do but for a specific combat sport... the typical mma gym trains the usual staple mma "styles" separately and never think to practice them all at once.

that timetable sure looks cool, but let's not kid ourselves: most mma gyms' timetables look NOTHING LIKE THAT. first of all, idk what gym u train at, but shootboxing is quite rare in most of the world and u'd be hard pressed to find a gym near u that teaches it. it is an obscure japanese combat sport that hardly anyone knows, let alone practices. it's like when ppl fangirl about lethwei kek like i'm sorry, but who the hell do YOU know that practices any of those niche combat sports? prob not that many. pardon me, i had to address that one detail bc it RLLY triggered me.

here's a more accurate representation of the average mma gym's curriculum:
• no-gi bjj
•muay thai/boxing
•wrestling in some cases
•general mma class like the one u described if u're lucky
•open mat in some cases
•very likely an "mma circuit" class

THAT is what 99% of mma gyms look like. not ur ideal gym that u cherry-picked from the countless gyms around the world.

furthermore, like i said, those "staple mma styles" are perfectly replaceable. it's mostly bc of the luxurious position western boxing, bjj, muay thai, and wrestling are in that they

Anonymous No. 118601

have such a monopoly and stranglehold on the sport of mma. but if we look at these martial arts objectively, besides boxing and wrestling that are merely generic, super broad categories - umbrella terms, if u will - that can refer to any number of martial arts that fit the criteria, there's hardly anything unique that sets them apart from other arts.

it's silly to cling to a certain "style" as the end-all-be-all, bc every style throughout history was developed in a certain period in a specific area under a specific political system in a specific culture, based on their limited knowledge and resources at the time. and guess what? they more or less discovered the same techniques, bc the body can only move and be moved in so many ways, and this is true for virtually every human being on the planet. most bjj submissions ultimately come from japanese jujutsu and some from non-japanese styles of wrestling via judo, so by proxy, japanese jujutsu is quite successful in mma. the same can be said for tai chi and many other cma styles in the sport of sanda.

also, did u know that modern western boxing and catch wrestling both have their origins in circuses and fairs? crazy, right? to think they've become so essential or in the case of CACC influential in so many combat sports! how'd that happen?! centuries of constant innovation and evolution is the answer.

bjj may be the hottest submission grappling art rn, but just a few decades ago it wasn't, and it can be dethroned just as quickly as catch was. the same goes for muay thai, which was preceded by kickboxing as the cool/novel/popular striking art, and full-contact karate and taekwondo before that.

styles come and go, combat is forever.

Anonymous No. 118602

also before i forget, i'd like to point out that u, >>118549 , think purely in terms of what is whereas i'm thinking in terms of what could be. u'se a short-sighted nigga, i'm a dreama. and that's what the disconnect stems from. our worldviews are simply at odds on god frfr

Anonymous No. 118629

my build is below,
Primary function: Takedowns from the clinch into submissions.
Understanding the Muay-Thai clinch is essential for the min/max because it allows for strikes to be implemented leading to further opening up grappling options. Judo is also primarily a clinching grappling art which emphasizes chaining submissions off takedowns. the understanding of BJJ is also crucial to the min/max due to making him furthering his understanding of submissions. The BJJ as a side effect will ensure that my fighter has the knowledge to avoid danger whilst on the ground. My fighters understanding of Muay-Thai will also ensure he stay safe on the feet as a side effect of training it. My fighters complete lack of defensive wrestling is not a problem because he want to be on the ground anyway.

I haven not read it yet, but I'd be surprised it this wasn't the best fighter in this thread. I would like my imaginary 4chan MMA championship belt.

Anonymous No. 118916

krav maga

Anonymous No. 118940

Mixed arts

Anonymous No. 118948

Wrestling, taekwondo and boxing
>it's me

Anonymous No. 118969

I'd throw whatever the fuck kind of wrestling they do in Dagestan, IDK if it's sambo or judo or something. Even Ben Askren says it's great, and he has a background in Greco-Roman wrestling.

Anonymous No. 118972

7 tall guys would do well in wrestling. Height is a huge advantage. Naturally they would have a striking distance advantage too, but from being 6'1 and practicing judo with a short Vietnamese dude, being tall is such a massive advantage I was worrying I was working with too much if a crutch to properly learn much technique. Short light guy will have to rely on speed to avoid the lanklet grabbling and either strike him out or take his back, chunky manlet will have the advantage of a low and powerful center mass and might wanna try trading blows with the lanklet and rely on his steadiness to not get taken down while wanting to get close enough to brawl without the lanklet getting his reach advantage. The 7 foot tank idk what you do with. He could probably anything.

Anonymous No. 119063

Boxing, muay thai, bjj. magine giving any other answer.
>replacing Muay thai with a meme system

Anonymous No. 120394

musculature such that he has the muscles required for a right leg roundhouse kick in the dimensions of a hw, but everything else is so vestigial that he will shatter instantly if he does anything else. ideally he would fit in flyweight. ultimate glass cannon, but imagine the absolute best kick from someone of ngannou dimensions breaking midgets in half. the absolute tension of such a fight

Anonymous No. 121545

>street fighting
Minmaxed for beating the shit out of you

Anonymous No. 121604

Terrible answer

Anonymous No. 121606

Kicking is for chorus lines

Anonymous No. 121611

Not a creative answer by any means, but it'll get the job done

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Anonymous No. 121774


I like it.

Mine is:

Muay Thai

Min-maxed for fighting drunk dudes in pubs and street fighters. Most guys will be brawlers throwing lawmakers, and if you run into the odd dude who knows BJJ or Judo they can't take you down to the ground as you can out-wrestle them.

Anonymous No. 121871

Sounds like Dragunov form Tekken

Anonymous No. 121872

Capoeira is prolly the deadliest martial art out there, if they stopped spinning at half speed presenting their asses with only knowing 2 kicks and started to uncover the original martial art your bones would be broken

Anonymous No. 121873

Lol. Lmao

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Anonymous No. 121877


No. We would have seen such techniques re-emerge naturally from flexibility of MMA rules creating effective techniques via emergent behaviour. The fact we don't suggests like with other questionable styles like Kung-Fu there are no magic lost techniques no one possessing a human body has managed to not figure out since.

That being said it doesn't mean Capoeira doesn't have value especially cross trained. I would do:

- Boxing
- Muay Thai
- Capoeira

As the ultimate flashy striking build. Like a fighter light in their feet who moves around doing flashy striking moves like a vidya or movie character.

Anonymous No. 121903

Unlawful use of a Judge's weapon by a civilian. 20 years in the cubes.

Anonymous No. 121924


Based. Though I meant haymaker and Judges use law givers and law masters.

Anonymous No. 122021

I personally love no gi Judo throws. I don't think it's a waste of time at all. I have never trained in a gi or been to a Judo class but Osoto Gari and O-Goshi are probably my favorite takedowns. I also like to transition from a single leg into an O-Goshi.

Anonymous No. 122024

>Muay Thai
Muay Thai prob interchangeable with Kenshin Karate but the conditioning that comes with Muay Thai would make you a killer

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Anonymous No. 122027

>tai chi
>wing chun
Opinion completely disregarded

Anonymous No. 122156

read my replies and then come back to me w/ a well-thought-out response

Anonymous No. 122224

Absolutely no need too

Anonymous No. 122226

Tai Chi
No touch Ki fighting


That guy with the giant Log

Anonymous No. 122228

How the fuck do you shoot in such a bladed stance?

Anonymous No. 122257

so u're an illiterate retard. good to know. >>>/s4s/ and >>>/bant/ would be more suitable boards for u. u'd feel right at home.

Anonymous No. 122294

If only there was a board just for TCM so you guys go their to talk about your delusional larp styles that don't work

Anonymous No. 122300

There is absolutely no point in having debates over styles that have shown time and time again to be ineffective. There is in fact absolutely nothing to debate. Cope harder

Anonymous No. 122305

>Mixed Mixed Arts

Anonymous No. 122481

>niggas live in the year of our lord and savior 2022 and still believe in styles


Anonymous No. 122535

>only responding to people calling out fake martial arts
Sure thing bud

Anonymous No. 122538


Anonymous No. 123506

Considering these are backgrounds and my character will check leg kicks in his mma fights since he trains mma
If these martial arts mean my guy cant deal with kicks i will replace boxing with muay thai

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Anonymous No. 123510


Yeah it's only 3 arts so you have to replace boxing with Muay Thai to be able to check leg kicks.

Kyokushin Karate
Wing Chun

1980s martial arts movie hero build. Doesn't know what grappling is. Sees the ghost of Bruce Lee.

Is mine. Dutch Kickboxing/Ultimate striker/

Anonymous No. 123518

muay thai


Anonymous No. 123520

Having sambo makes having bjj useless, you could replace bjj with wrestling and he would be way better off

Anonymous No. 123600


Other way round. Sambo makes wrestling pointless. BJJ is still needed from seeing Sambo dudes get submitted on the ground by BJJ dudes.