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🧵 /DGG/ Disc Golf General #3

Anonymous No. 118367

/DGG/ Disc Golf General
My close personal friend Paul McBeth edition
Season is closing out if you live in a shit state sub edition

>What is disc golf?
Its golf but with frisbees or discs. Generally played at parks that have free courses.
>What do I need to get started?
A disc and some shoes to walk around comfortably. (You should probably also bring some water anon and maybe download UDisc for a scorecard, or print / make your own)
>I'm new what disc should I buy?
Pretty much any decent disc will get you out and playing. You don't need to buy a starter set immediately, instead buy a putter and approach disc as its a pretty easy to throw disc for a beginner and then buy more discs from there.
>Are there courses around me?
Almost certainly, check for a pretty comprehensive list of courses and recommendations as to what ones near you are good.
>I bought a starter set and cant throw these things straight or far at all!
Go onto youtube and lookup guides idiot. Also learn to throw your putter first. It's most likely the easiest disc to throw in your bag and just because it doesn't fly as fast as a fairway or driver disc, It'll probably fly farther as It WILL fly straighter.

Most people you meet out on a disc golf course are gonna be pretty chill guys who'll either help you out if u get a disc stuck in a tree, or even give u a quick tip if you're new.

Post personal course, rounds, lies, discs and stuff

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Anonymous No. 118368

Fuck leagies
why do they think this is okay bros?

Anonymous No. 118371

as a fellow cartbro i see nothing wrong with this

Anonymous No. 118378

My issue is not carts but large player groups in general. Not to mention this large player group is doing what looked to be some ace run safari instead of playing the course correctly on weekend morning when its at its busiest. Evey tee has shared baskets ie hole 2/16, 3/15, ect. These guys would chose a spot 100 ft from a basket then throw 3 discs each probably taking like 10 minutes each round. I took this pic on the tee of 2. They are standing on the tee of 3 throwing at the basket of 2. So they basically they are holding me up on my next too hiles along with the people playing hole 16. And the line for the far basket on 15 is close enough to where they could be holding them up too. There is so much crosover and shared baskets at this course 3 times i was delayed by them. If your gonna do some retarded shit do it when the course is going to be empty or during your weekly league night or why not just put a temp basket in a feild and throw at that from 100 ft repeatedly instead of hogging up a 1/6 of the course but since there dumb league faggots with nothing better going on in life besides disc golf they think they own the course and fuck eveyone else.

Anonymous No. 118414

lol no i'm kidding. their manners are plainly terrible and no one should act like that on the course. it's just funny to me, i would bet that no matter where you play it's always the same kind of guy who does this shit .

etiquette is hard to teach. it's what's expected of you but it's hard to reward someone for following, and disc golf is so much fun and so rewarding as it is that i can understand why a lot of people don't bother to learn the unwritten rules.

Anonymous No. 118446

These guys are the local club i could tell cuz all the window stickers on cars. Surely they know they know better they hust dont care cuz they think there entitled. I do suppose there the ones that raised money for the new mach VIIs put in last year but its a public park you should respect other players who are playing the course right. I used to like to get a round in thuraday nights right before league but once i hit the back 9 and theyd start to show up id have people just doing field work in fairways or putting on baskets in play just pretending to be oblivious to the fact you were on the hole. Fuck the barebones disc golf club bunch of faggots

Anonymous No. 118508

The COVID boom for disc golf was the worst thing to happen to this sport

Fuck off, we're full.

Anonymous No. 118513

>he's not taking the new guys' money

Anonymous No. 118633

Gonna go play the pro tees on the day 3/4 course vista del camino tomorrow lads will be sure to post my results.

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Anonymous No. 118634

Forgot pic

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Anonymous No. 118727

Really struggled with my footing the grass was soaked and the tee pads are already notoriously slick here to the point they make throwing off the grass a option at the memorial championship every year. Fucked 2 relativly easy inside 150 ft up shots to get par on 9 and 15 into ob otherwise so take those away and i would of been happy with my score. Also usually expect atleast 2 biridies normally on the first 7 holes and 2 more on the last 6 holes but again footing was dick, those middle 5 are pretty tough usually though. For reference the leaders usually shoot between 7-11 down each round every year here when the pros play.
How would you score on >>118634 dgg?

Anonymous No. 118747

-6 in practice +8 in the tournament like i usually do. what i remember from coverage is elevated baskets, tricky greens and lots of ob

Anonymous No. 118913

>elevated baskets, tricky greens and lots of ob
Pretty much but all the par 4s are pretty getable and most of the 3s. I think i cluld flirt with a even par round maybe 1-2 out of 10 times but would probably average 6-7 over. In good conditions anways.

Anonymous No. 119001

>ella hansen outdrives other women by 100+ feet
if it looks like guy and throws like a guy, it's a...

Anonymous No. 119157

>Literal tranny sport

Anonymous No. 119357

kat mertsch is hard to watch. just no control

Anonymous No. 119370

>card mate won’t stop talking to everyone about his game
the least fun player to play with, just relax dude no one is paying attention

Anonymous No. 119428

Quality incendiary comment.

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Anonymous No. 119436

Anonymous No. 119496

Finally had a round where I hit all of my putts, still came out over par but it was a good round and my shit-talking buddy finally shut up for 15 fucking minutes for once after I beat him. Fuck cart-using fags and fuck anyone who doesn't offer to let you play through when you're clearly going faster. And fuck water hazards

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Anonymous No. 119654

To the bro that helped me here in dgg2

tilt over my waist like eagle does? And should I be pulling through higher? I haven’t thrown yet but been trying to practice walk throughs in the living room

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Anonymous No. 119814

My understable destroyer kicked into the river, its fucking gone bros

Anonymous No. 119882

>eurogay tournament closing
Absolute stste bros

Anonymous No. 119883

idk he just pured 15

Anonymous No. 119886

> tilt over my waist like eagle does?
Yeah, you can give something like that a shot. A lot of players have a slight bend at the waist, especially for hyzer shots. Play around with it.
> And should I be pulling through higher?
Maybe try lower desu. Just below the chest feels right when I throw.

Anonymous No. 119894

Eurogays btfo theyll never win a USDGC

Anonymous No. 120190

after two months of trying forearm throwing I now realize that I am supposed to flick my wrist when I throw it, so that's good to know.

Anonymous No. 120356

any cross-over ultimate chads in here?

Anonymous No. 120362

Kek why didn't you check youtube ya goof
I played both in highschool a little bit then didnt touch a disc again until 10 years after i graduated. Neighborhood i moved too had a course id drive by so figured itd be fun to get into again and im pretty hooked. Really wish i would of picked it up before i was married with kids cuz if probably be elite but i do okay only being like a year and half into it.

Anonymous No. 120363

>Canadian disc throwing
>Eurpeeon disc putting
Lmao even
Anyone else watching this dgpt play in shit show?

Anonymous No. 120368

i learned to throw a lid a couple months before picking up disc golf in 04. it is certainly an easier tool to learn on especially fh. some friends wanted me to play ultimate with them later on during college and insisted i be a cutter since i was more athletic, but all i wanted to do was throw the disc

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Anonymous No. 120377

how much did he get? i'd hope 200k or better per year everyone throws those destroyers

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Anonymous No. 120431

I got one of these on a whim a couple days ago except it's a K3 Glow. Should I stick with it or go with a different putter that glows?

Anonymous No. 120461

How to get good bros? Play mostly forehand especially when i need distance.m. trying to figure out how to throw far backhand. 1st throw was a undertaker i lazered at 332 and second a vulture 310.

Anonymous No. 120674

>fpo math
post full speed

Anonymous No. 120789

Note how during your backswing you jam your arm out fast. Don't do that. Imagine the disc is completely locked in place in the air. Start your x step with the disc locked ahead of you. Do your x step and pass the disc still locked in place. When you have arrived at the point where you are dragging the disc forward (aka at the end of your backswing) is when you want to be pulling through and rocking the hips and bracing against the swing.

You also throw nose up so either release lower or start your backswing higher to start the process of learning nose down releases.

Anonymous No. 120964

>imploded at the end of the round today

Anonymous No. 120967

But how was the rest of your round?

Anonymous No. 120968

-7 thru 12. found at later at that point i was 2nd place in a c tier. wasn’t really feeling the pressure or anything just drifted mentally

Anonymous No. 121007

Paul McBeth is a fag
Ricky Wysocki better

Anonymous No. 121457

faggot opinion
back to r.e.d.d.i.t. with you

Anonymous No. 121863

got another c tier this weekend boys

how you all shooting?

Anonymous No. 122054

14/50 for my tag rounds. How did the c tier go?

Anonymous No. 122104

threw well enough to make final round lead card with all the 1000 rated guys. pretty happy with that. didn’t have it on sunday unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 122555

bump, does anyone have a better alternative to this?

Anonymous No. 122573

that’s more of an approach disc than it is a putter. what are you using it for?

Anonymous No. 122586

I just figured that I'd get a putter that glows in the dark, as I do have a tendency to go to one of the parks in the evening.

Anonymous No. 122815

Played random draw dubs today on jewel layout finshed 5th at -11 down probably 8 of those were solo birds for me gonna go pro bros

Anonymous No. 123200

nt winner in no time

Anonymous No. 123512

Ive re attempted a few times to get a good video and they all end up being shit gonna try again here this weekend.
Ive tried this method before and feel like it compromises form for me too much. In watching i feel like as i reach back the disc doesn't really fall too far off the line until my front foot start to hit.

I actually did a group lesson with a buddy and a middle of the road elite series touring pro. He didnt get as in depth as we were hoping just kept saying for me personally i was really smooth backhand and and could be competitive on any level since im already pretty solid sidearm. I guess he was maybe more suited for beginners lessons... he kept
more complementing me as opposed to getting more in depth on some advanced stuff and said we were both top 5 in ability of people he has given lessons too... Or maybe i really am good kek idk distance still isnt there though to compete mpo but im only a year and half in.
The one thing he did throw at me that really helped with my consistency was to not drop my front shoulder during my swing. Ive been focusing on keeping it locked up and towards the target and my accuracy is so much better and power much easier. Still sitting a bit aways of below 400ft avg but i feel like now im getting gtoid consistency the potential to get there is far more likely just need maybe a few little tweaks.

Anonymous No. 123578

>He didnt get as in depth as we were hoping
yeah idk if anyone really knows what they’re talking about. playing for cash and playing tournaments are how i figured out what i was inconsistent in. consistency > distance. distance doesn’t hurt, but most tournaments in my area don’t really put a premium on distance unless you have nearly elite accurate distance. there are open guys who i can outthrow by 100+ feet but who manage to shred on the green and can make up a lot of those strokes.

Anonymous No. 123864

How to throw 500ft bros?

Anonymous No. 123865

Throw #1
Zues 380'
Throw #2
Surge 360'
Not too bad off grass id say but definitely doesn't look as smooth as i was hoping.

Anonymous No. 123872

Watch seabass22 video on loading bow and doorframe drill. Also look at the disc during the back swing. By looking ahead you are essentially chopping off your ability to put energy in during the swing through.

Anonymous No. 123894

i think you can add more lag (i.e. take more time) between when your hips open up and when your pull happens. drive in the hips leads to your pull
t. 525+ with a decent wind

Anonymous No. 124003

I used to look back but watched some videos saying not too. Seems like a 50/50 thing with pros but mcbeast calvin dont at all. Vid related

I actually just saw a good video on adding a pump paul ulibari put out to help with timing so ginna give that a try maybe thatll help with lag. Any thing you did specifically to help lag? pumping at like 6:20 if it doesn't load right

Anonymous No. 124016

catrina allen and nate doss have the most pronounced pumps i can think of. i have been playing around with a very small back and forth that helps me keep in time like that. definitely worth a shot to get the upper body timing right. don’t be afraid to like pull harder than you think you can. they might burn over at first but you can fix fhat

Anonymous No. 124051

All pros look back. That does not mean they're facing backwards and looking behind them. Simply following the disc with your head as you reach back will permit you the ability to align your spine with the hip and torso rotation.

Anonymous No. 124838

I won my first c tier last weekend and now i have to play in MA1 because i was previously unrated and shot two 950 rounds. Are MA1 players gigantic mouthbreathing mpo failouts or will i have fun still?

Anonymous No. 124840

Congrats on the hot rounds. Last I played advanced it was like 50/50 between guys who took themselves too seriously and guys who just wanted to have fun and play against others at their skill level.

It's kind of what you make of it.

Anonymous No. 124848

>Are MA1 players gigantic mouthbreathing mpo failouts or will i have fun still?
let's unpack this

Anonymous No. 125552

I also went intermediate for my first ever rated rounds yesterday made lead card and was in a 3 way tie for third until i bogied 17 then followed up with a double on 18 ended 6th with a tourney rating 890. I also double the very first hole of the tourney too but I threw really well aside from those 2 holes... if my putting was half decent i would of ran away with second probably. The guy in first shot back to back 7 downs though so i woulda had to be on fire to touch that he probably also will have to be ma1 moving forward.

Anonymous No. 125911

>no tournaments until next year
guess i have to get better at disc golf or something

Anonymous No. 126528

>take a month off
>dont work out, mostly play videogames
>come back to play a 30 hole professional level course
>sore as shit
Hey wtf? Since when is discgolf physically demanding

Anonymous No. 126868

I got way too high and missed all the puts dead fucking last. Hit one ace though.

Anonymous No. 127119

oh yeah? well i threw away $300 cause i couldn’t get par on an island hole kek

Anonymous No. 127466

Island holes shrink after the first miss. I feel your pain lol.

Anonymous No. 128725

I've been using the DX avaiar and shark that came with my starter set, but im looking to make an upgrade as i really haven't enjoyed using them. I did upgrade my driver to a star leopard and even (stupidly) got a star corvette and have really enjoyed them. Any recommendations?

Anonymous No. 128734

valkyrie. i feel like 9/x/-2/y is a sweet spot for learning control and distance

Anonymous No. 128737

Wew lads

Anonymous No. 128739

yes, it’s all the same shit. i started playing when there were like 3 brands and that’s the understable 9 speed i know.

Anonymous No. 128800

Just throw anyway. Hope you "accidentally" hit them.

Anonymous No. 128813


if you like the leopard just throw leopards. it's pretty much the perfect disc. for raw distance drives I like the sidewinder in champion and the beast in dx. as other anon mentioned, the valkyrie is very good too.

Anonymous No. 129063

Passion is the best neutral fairway and buzz is best neutral mid if you looking to try a different brand id recommend those two

Anonymous No. 129152

What haven't you enjoyed about them? I don't think the discs you have really matter that much as long as you learn how they react to different throws.

I really like sharks. I have a bunch of them in different materials and weights for different kinds of shots. I don't think it's any better or worse than other discs, but it's one I had early on and I found they fly vastly different in different weights so it's easier for me to get used to throwing different variants of the same disc since they fit my hand the same.

Anonymous No. 129763

got 2nd in a C tier today boys let’s go

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Anonymous No. 130537

Fuck it dog I'm going deep

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Anonymous No. 130660

Nice display walmart, I bet tons of people are going to know what these are.

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Anonymous No. 131890

Got my first tourney of 23 next week a little c tier... went and shot a practice yesterday think i can take it down. Just 2 go arounds on the 9 hole loop. Only my second ever tourney so mlaying ma2 i think if i can hit -7 i should win it going off past scores at this course.

Anonymous No. 131891

Also missed ~20 ft putts on 1,3,9 but hit a 45 on 2 so this should of probably been a -7 if i didnt suck ass at putting but apartment life if a bitch for that.

Anonymous No. 131952

Nice. Do you know the guys you’re playing with?

Anonymous No. 132015

Played mpo doubles charity tournament. Missed cash. Played good had fun.

Anonymous No. 132079

A couple of names look familiar that i played on a card with my last tourney but no one i know well really

Anonymous No. 132362

let us know how it goes. i have a b tier and an a tier in february. the fields are both very competitive but i think i can fight for cash.

did a trip to northern california a couple weeks ago. got to play deleveaga in santa cruz and stafford lake up north of san francisco. both were cool. dela is almost worth playing just to say you've done it, but for west coast woods courses milo mciver is a much better course.

Anonymous No. 132415

Shot my -7 and won by a couple strokes.
Now the question is should i move up to advanced or not.
Im signed up for another c tier next month as ma2 but its a course i havent played and probably wont get a chance too until the event.
Rating was 896 coming into today with 2 career rounds and shot a 937 today so im sure ill still be well under 935 cap but i think im likely to be the highest rated by 10 pending on how much this round bumps my score and anyone else signing up.

Anonymous No. 132424

move up

Anonymous No. 132619

I just started playing with some friends about a year ago and I suck a little less than before, but I'm still pretty wonky overall and my throws are pretty unstable. What can I do bros?

Anonymous No. 132651

what do your unstable throws look like? what discs are you throwing?

Anonymous No. 132652

My throws have been pretty rough. I've gotten to where I can throw forward-ish but only with a backhand that veers right every single time (I'm a lefty technically, but with things like a football I would use my right hand?). Most my throws follow this pattern. My forehand throws are nearly nonexistent in terms of speed or power. If I try to forehand, I can sometimes keep it semi-straight, but usually it just sort of wobbles and really can't sail too high above the ground even when I get some power into it. I'm still getting used to stance and just overall how to throw and release. I tend to overshot/undershot baskets a lot. Even with putting. Ill throw right above the basket or too low even at say 5-10 feet away. My coordination is just not there. I'm thankful I have hit no one yet.

Anonymous No. 132678

well if you have fun playing and want to get better you can always play more often. if you can manage a couple times a week you’ll be glad you did. playing on your own(if that’s something you’d enjoy) is a good way to meet people and learn from them. it’s really fun to master all the shots and pretty soon you’ll be beating all your friends

Anonymous No. 132779

and did I mention?
Figure out how you "naturally" throw and then from there shape your game around that as much as physically possible. Play to your own strengths and try to make every hole "fit" the shots you can and do throw well.

Anonymous No. 132783


My friends go fairly weekly, I have a place close by so I guess I could go on my own also. I get along fine pretty well with the general crowd. People have always been friendly, which is good.

This is the tough part for me. I have cross-dominance(different tasks with different hands) so finding out my natural throw is difficult, as crazy as that sounds.

My left hand is dominant so I usually go for backhanding naturally, but I havent quite found a good grip for fore handing. I'm considering trying my right hand fore handing.

I was given a set of the Dynamicdiscs Truth, Escape and Judge discs by a friend for XMAS. I like them pretty decent. Are these decent starting discs?

Anonymous No. 132784

>I'm considering trying my right hand fore handing.
forehand and backhand have opposite spins, so they finish different directions -- right for left hand backhand left for right hand forehand. if you can learn to do both with one hand you'll get more of an advantage by adding both styles to your game. there are a lot of people who played baseball/ ball golf/hockey (any sport with a stick that you swing) who have that same thing where they throw forehand with one hand and backhand the other and they can make it work.

but yeah disc golf is like anything else you just have to do reps. best way to get good is to quit your job and play all day every day. i fucked around for an extra year in grad school cause i was at the course every day after class.

Anonymous No. 132787

I never played a consistent sport, but I shoot a basketball with my left hand, while I use my right to throw a football, it's weird but good to know It can be helpful If I can actually figure out how to use both. I'll be finishing up my grad school this spring, so I hope that my increased play time won't fuck that up too bad.

Anonymous No. 132827

made a mistake in my last post. A left-handed backhand shot will finish right and a left-handed forehand shot will finish left. Having both shots with a single hand gives you easier access to both right- and left-finishing shots. If you went lefthand backhand and righthand forehand you would have two right finishing shots. It can still be useful but having both with the same hand gives you a bigger advantage IMO.

Anonymous No. 132861

been working on visualizing the spin my disc has when it hits the chains for putting. anyone else have any putting tricks?

Anonymous No. 133039

You can get all the power you need un the circle with just using the weight shift in your legs.
Feel the weight move from the back leg to front foot as its getting to the front foot use your hand to just guide and soin the disc. Dint try to get any speed/ power on your putt through your arm. That was what helped me up my putting game alot personally.

Anonymous No. 133040

Also out of the circle too but just step putt... at the end of the weight shift just step through with the back leg. You should be good out to 50 without needing to put much arm on the put just use the hand to spin the disc really

Anonymous No. 133068

@arizonanon blink twice if you're playing shelly sharpe

Anonymous No. 133107

i don’t use much leg unless i’m jump putting. i try to get my back leg up to keep my body lined up through my stroke, but it’s not transferring into power as much as it’s putting the disc on a line. i find that fewer moving pieces improves my consistency and touch. i try to be as aggressive as i can off the tee and always draw metal with a touchy nose-down putt.

Anonymous No. 133464

My walmart doesn't even have anything disc golf, consider yourself lucky. Thank god I have a PlayItAgain sports nearby

Anonymous No. 133513

Anny good recommendations for a good discs for a starter? I was given some Dynamic Disc starters Judge, Escape, Truth. Is there something relatively cheap worth grabbing? Driver, Putter or Midrange is fine!

Anonymous No. 133525

nta but the course looked to play a bit tougher this year with some of the changes. it wasn't some gripping action with stacked cards at all but some comfy time with thediscgolfguy is always comfy

Anonymous No. 133569

I'm not picky about specific models, but just grab one from each category. Lighter weights tend to be easier for new players to get distance with and make s curves at lower speeds. I don't recommend drivers over speed 7.

Anonymous No. 133588

Based Terry. I like his channel, you get to watch players who wouldn't make a feature card at the bigger events. When I looked at the scores on Friday I just assumed it was windy.

Anonymous No. 133591

Innova Leopard / Leopard3 is probably the most universal "starter" disc. It will do anything you want it to do and will be the most consistent disc as you get more experienced. I'd recommend getting one in Star plastic (Champion if you like the smooth grip which helps with skips)[Yes plastic types make a huge difference] Welcome to disc golf hell.

Anonymous No. 133621


Awesome thanks for the recommendation. I was recommended a star, g-star or pro but was told not to go for the DX.

Can you explain the difference between the leopard and leopard 3? I have a $25 dollar card for Amazon I plan to use for a disc/discs. Are any of these the one's you are talking about? Amazon has a shit ton of leopard/leopard3 discs.

Thanks in advance for spoonfeeding me.

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Anonymous No. 133639

Terry is one of my top favorite people in all of disc golf honestly. He's an amazing communicator who can somehow be super professional yet also kind of dick around and create his own fun. Seems like a humble and thoughtful guy. Gotta love the Tear-bear.
His coverage of some of these smaller events is cool too, you're right. Luke Samson is an absolute beast, I hope he can have some solid finishes on the Pro Tour this year.

Anonymous No. 134304

I couldn't tell at first whether the pros liked him. He asks some really prying questions. Didn't he win Am Worlds or something? I think he was rated in the 980s or 90s at one point.

Anonymous No. 134429

I did not make the wait list i totally spaced on the registration time and signed up 24 hours late and was spot 9 at ma2 waitlist and ended like 5th. Not doing the memorial either but ill be in attendance one of the days at fountain.
Heading down for the all star sunday this year too so be pretty sweet to watch the ricky mcbeth battle.

Anonymous No. 135214

I'd guess you've probably ordered by now but if not, I can try to help.
First 2 links are the same thing listed by different sellers. You can choose different weights. Lighter weights are generally easier for new players to throw farther, but they're more affected by the wind. I'd recommend one around 170g.

You should get a putter as well. They generally fly straighter on shorter throws. Innova Aviar is a popular choice. I'm not as picky about plastic types on putters because I generally don't throw them hard enough for the flight path to be affected much. DX plastic is cheaper but is more prone to getting dented if it hits rocks and stuff. Star is more expensive but more durable. I don't like gstar or champion. I do recommend you getting a heavier putter because you don't want the wind carrying it.

Anonymous No. 135325

it’s a tail right-to-left wind and you want to throw a slight left-to-right shot, you need close to your maximum golf distance, what kind of disc are you throwing on what angle?

Anonymous No. 135326

>what kind
what stability, rather

Anonymous No. 135471

Anything thrown on an angle to the right is going to get pushed into the ground by the wind. Anything angled left is going to get carried way left by the wind. If you can get away with something that goes straight most of the way then I'd throw a straight flying driver like the Teebird LHBH very flat. It should finish slightly right.

Anonymous No. 135472

I was thinking like slightly nose up hyzer flip with a beat in flippy disc so that when it flips it has some height and doesn’t immediately get on a roller angle. I’m righty fwiw

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Anonymous No. 135499


Nothing yet!

I ended up going to a store with a friend with very little idea of what I was looking for. I ended up grabbing the top 3 there. Then the rest below are hand-me-downs my friend gave me + two random tournament discs. Still curious if I should look into the leopard or the Innova Aviar though, couldn't hurt getting a second putter.

Also, any good bag recommendations? I have the little discrraft fanny pack, which works fine, but as it would seem, my collection is growing at a rate that I may not be able to fit everything.

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Anonymous No. 135963

I can picture so many holes on courses in my area that are this exact shot, and it's one of my favorites to throw with my favorite disc.
Innova Xcaliber RHFH flat release. The color glow plastic makes them (relatively) 'understable' to where they get a bit of turn and minimal flare skips. That bit of turn is so freaking good for shaping fairways but I can also trust it'll push distance and won't finish too crazy. Just can't be scared, only when I don't fully commit to the shot do I mess it up, which can be scary especially if the fairway is tight or there are more trees in the flight path.

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Anonymous No. 135969

Are you throwing mostly backhand?
There is some midrange overlap
>Ascend, Archer, Mako, Buzz
Maybe out of the first three, try to throw the one with the best handfeel that gives you a clean release that goes the straightest. The Buzzz might give you a more overstable finish (I have a new TS ESP Buzzz that I think is pretty overstable) so keep that for a hyzer finish.
the River in that type of plastic would probably give you a similar flight. Maybe even the TL or Ascend. If those fly straight and have nice glide then you have that spot already covered honestly.
Really good for both putting and upshots. Grab a DX one to try. Very inexpensive and easily available. That paired with the Deputy is a pretty good putter combo. Try both for both approaches and putts into the basket and see which you like in each situation more and go with that.
>First bag
DD Paratrooper and Prodigy BP2-V3 are both pretty solid and around $70.

Anonymous No. 136086

it’s a tricky wind to try and throw a distance line and for some reason i couldn’t think of what i’ve done in the past. there aren’t many long courses around so i usually don’t have to consider these things, though i should… ended up going beat-in destroyer hyzer flip slightly grip-locked to about 460. played mostly poorly all weekend though.

Anonymous No. 136286

just got some prodiscus. never thrown anything by them before. thoughts?

Anonymous No. 136315

How is disc golf "extreme sports" lmao, is jump roping extreme too?

Anonymous No. 136571

You got plenty of discs. Just go play. I use a normal backpack. The zippers go down far enough for the discs to fall out, so I tied them higher up to hold it half-open.

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Anonymous No. 136626

Got some good distance out of it though. I can't think of many holes in my area that require that much distance, at least from the standard tees.
And got me thinking, I don't really throw any hyzer flip shots. I just mash on overstable and my wind read is stability in a headwind and don't expose the bottom of the disc.
Had some nicer weather with more mellow wind this weekend, did you get to play at all?
I know Drew Gibson throws the Jokeri but I've never heard of anyone else throwing anything from them or seen them IRL. What did you get and how is it so far?

Anonymous No. 136775


I'm a lefty backhand, which is what I've been throwing, mostly. I feel like I could do forehand also but my grip and release aren't there yet so I haven't quite tried it too much.

Those first few I really like them all so far. The Mako and Archer I have been throwing the most, but I've started using the Buzz a little and will probably bring out the ascend to try more.

I have a difficult time incorporating the fundamentals together. I get some half decent throws around 1/3rd of the time, but still have struggled with footwork, grip, keeping my arm positioned right.

The cheap bag I grabbed was a lifesaver for transportation. Disc wise and just my regular shit I don't want to get lost. I've been trying to play at least 2-3 times a week with friends.

I'll admit when I was looking to see if there was a disc golf thread, I figured it wouldn't be on /sp/ and since /asp/ is dead and the wrestlers got their own board, this was the only other place to look.

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Anonymous No. 136840

oh yeah dude i played. made a little tweak to my routine and the putter is feeling better than ever. can’t believe how big of a change it’s made and how much confidence i have with it right now.

it’s a jokeriX, it’s kind of a beat in zone and fights wind pretty well. i can’t find consistent flight numbers for prodiscus but i think it’s identical to a jokeri or maybe one speed faster and beaded. was hoping for slightly less fade but it might beat in to be perfect. i keep throwing spike hyzers hoping it’ll smack some rocks.

Anonymous No. 137123

Can KJUSA do it bros? He hasn’t been himself since Portland…

Anonymous No. 137143

disc golf is on /xs/ as its the successor board to /asp/. The original OP posted the first of the current runs of /dgg/ on the day /xs/ (was created, or soon after) and the mods clearly let the thread remain. Also my close personal friend Paul McBeth told the mods we could post threads here and as a result we do.

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UDisc Scorecard-1....jpg

Anonymous No. 137591

Played the Vista memorial layout the other day, getting better. Scored the am tees but only 2 tee pads are moved up on 450 + par 3s. Dud throw a second disc off the pro on those 2 and took bogey so +3 on pros. Overall getting better eas +17 last year.
My overall consensus is i need to learn how to throw 400 in order to shoot under

Anonymous No. 137623

Double mando on hole 5? How’s the wind? Distance just gets you so much it’s true. Hyzer lines and stable discs are the beat golf cheat codes and the more distance you have the more of them you find for sure.

Anonymous No. 137655

Yeah missed the double mando on 5 then threw a shit up shot from the dz left me with like a 25 footer i missed. Then 7 missed the island on approach despite laying up the second. 16 i botched a 100 ft up shot and left myself 40 ft to save par. Wind wasn't bad monday its crazy here today but looks like tomorrow will be calm.
Also had Jordan Castor and Andrew Presnell practicing in front of me which was pretty cool. Castro had to borrow my disc claw after dunking one of his shots on 8.

Anonymous No. 137840

>cupcake on lead card again
>terry coverage
don’t torture me like this

Anonymous No. 138184

Any recommendations for a decent disc golf shoe? Most of the courses I play go through the woods and have some minor climbing every so often.

Anonymous No. 138191

McBeth wears terrex so I wear terrex.
Nah but in all seriousness I actually have tried some terrex and they were ok but I really actually like Saucony Peregrines but go into an REI and say you need "trail runners" and get measured. A $150 pair of shoes will last you like 3 years of playing 18 every week.

Anonymous No. 138197

Cool, I actually have an REI store up the road. I've done some research, and the terrex seems decent. I've heard it falls apart quicker. Merrills seem okay, but heavy. Something waterproof Is good. I'm always a little worried about my ankle although I don't know if a mid shoe might affect my throws that much. I've been wearing old boots which are completely flat and are terrible outdoors so I'm eager to get something better.

Anonymous No. 138203

I like trail runners for courses with grass or turf tees and regular running shoes for concrete pads or anything with a lot of natural friction. For how I throw concrete pads wear out the soft rubber nubs on the bottom of a trail runner too quickly, and playing on worn out rubber is awful – the rubber flattens out in one spot on my plant foot and it fucks my timing and power up badly. On backhand shots I pivot slightly more forward on my foot than some and that may be the cause of that.

Terrex's have harder rubber on the sole than a lot of other trail runner-type shoes but they probably still wear down in the same way. Adidas shoes in general run too narrow for my feet and I'm a thin guy with size 9 feet. I ripped up the one pair of Merrell shoes I owned in 3 weeks but I did get my money back.

I've been wearing Altras for like a year and a half. I've had both their trail runners and regular running shoes. They're zero drop and pretty wide which feels good for my feet. Waterproof optional. That brand seems to be getting more popular with disc golfers. Vivo barefoot is another shoe I'd consider with zero drop and an optional waterproof exterior. That's what Eagle wears.

Anonymous No. 138204

another popular option (I haven’t tried them) is Vans. Weirdly enough they make a kind of pseudo hiking shoe that seems to work for a lot of players. The bottoms are not quite nubs like a trail running shoe and may hold up better to repeated movement while providing better friction than a regular rubber sole (that’s what I tell myself without having tried them anyway)

Anonymous No. 138208


People say the Vans seem to be decent. It's the ultra range ones? Vans seem to have decent shoes. My feet are 11.5 so tight toe box isn't as good. I play in New England, so a majority of courses are in the woods with a lot of trees, brush and some mild hiking. T pads are mixed around here. I see the Altras have some higher shoes also although idk if they are the same as the trail runners. The Vivo Barefoot are really cool looking, but I'm curious how well they would do in the woods.

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Anonymous No. 138423

I'm a poorfag so I'm always looking for budget options, plus I destroy any type of shoes no matter what due to toe drag, so Shoe Goo is an essential. I went through 3 tubes last year. Already pre-primed my shoes for this year.
I've found that instead of going all in on one 'expensive' pair, I like to have two- one a waterproof boot I can wear in mud and rain, and a more standard gym shoe for when it's dry. It's a good strat for tournaments, when the morning round can still be wet and dewey, then changing shoes and socks in between rounds and starting fresh.
Any kind of shoe works though. One of the best players at leagues last summer was a guy in thong sandals with no socks and he wrecked kids every week.

Anonymous No. 138494

>local smoke shop in my old college town is now selling innova and MVP discs.
What is it with hippies and disc golf?

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Anonymous No. 138501

I remember seeing discs at liquor stores and headshops all the time before I started playing. Always associated it with that scene.
I'd take 3 crusty ass disc golf hippies before 1 Redditard tryhard any round. Better vibes, you'll probably get free beer and weed, and might learn some history about old discs, old layouts of the course, lore from the area, legendary shots, etc.
Those random smoke shops sometimes have some hidden gems and cool color combos too though.

Anonymous No. 138952

I need new shoes for the season lads, what do you recommend?

Anonymous No. 138953

nvm someone else asked too

Anonymous No. 139026


Yep, still haven't figured it out myself. It's definitely an overthougt question but I've been playing outside in the woods with no traction chukka boots.

Anonymous No. 139070

I just bought some vans ultrarange exos in a weird color for 60 bucks on sale on the dick's online store, I have seen people recommend them and for 60 bucks they are going to be better than my worn out zero traction cheap as shit running shoes from amazon

Anonymous No. 139106


I was looking into the Salomon Ultra X 4 GTX Mid vs the Hoka Speedgoat 5s in a mid. Tried both on at REI today and they both felt fairly decent, but I don't have any experience with either. The HOKAs felt extremely cushioned and you sort of sink a little bit, but they are extremely comfortable. The Salomons feel a bit more stable and waterproof. Amazing how little agreement there are over shoes. I'll be curious to see how well you like the vans

Anonymous No. 139180

>tfw after a year and half of playing finally feel set with my bag
>tfw sudden erge to make all white or blue disc only bag
Damn my ugly ass brownish redish passion and athenas.
When does the ride end lads

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Anonymous No. 139258

Damn, both pairs look really cool aesthetically and seem to have all the features you'd want with treading, waterproofing, comfort, etc. Those are top shelf premium picks to me.
Also depends on how hardcore you guys are with playing in weird weather. After getting into leagues and tournaments, I play rain-or-shine, so my takes will be unnecessary if you usually only play when it's nice out. But still, getting that wet sock right at the start of your round blows, so I say it's better to have the right gear than having to tip toe around every fairway avoiding puddles.
I ended up going to all the discount outlet stores in my area, and found a nice pair of high-top waterproof Merrells for $45 at Nordstrom Rack.
If you like your bag you could start to buy backups for your most trusted discs, maybe in different plastics, but in the color you want too. Then you can have the same molds in different stages of wear, to give you a more precise shot with the line and disc you already are comfortable with.
The ride never ends but that's what makes the game/hobby fun, you're always unlocking new "levels" and tech to explore and grind away at. Are you guys PDGA members? Once you start to get into leagues and building your rating, it really becomes like an IRL video game, where grinding XP to level up becomes addicting in it's own right. At least to me. Really stoked for the season to start up again here in a couple weeks.

Anonymous No. 139524

Yeah joined at the end of 22 so im 235xxx number. Ive played 4 rated tourneys so far, 3 ma2 and 1 ma1, had a win at intermediate. My first rating was 894 then went to 908 and now 904.
My last tourney i fucked up round 1. I had a sore back from over practicing so i took some ibuprofen to try to take a little off the pain off and i think i got a potent batch. My hands and feet were tingling and had no feeling in my arms and legs. Needless to say i shot like 4 strokes off my usual for a 870 rated round. Second round it wore off some and I shot a 930 rated.
Im doing a Nadgt c tier april 1 in advanced. Definitely not gonna be winning at advanced but the cousre plays well to forehand so i think as long as i putt well i can challenge a top 5. Id say i have a top end forehand for advanced then just a mid level intermediate backhand. Still trying to figure out how rip backhands any time i make progress i seem to regress back to like a 330 avg distance in the next time or 2 i go out. I can throw a 9 speed that far forehand.

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Anonymous No. 139818


So a friend ended up getting the HOKAS and they broke within the first two days. I ordered some salomon boots so hopefully they will be good.

Grabbed this from a friend today

Anonymous No. 139830

me in the back

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Anonymous No. 140168

Could anyone help ID this disc. I picked it up second hand and it has no factory graphics just written flight numbers and a possible disc name of t- hawk from the previous owner saying 10 4 -2 2 its also stamped innova champion on back. This has become one of my favorite drivers to throw and id like to find another one like it for a backup but so far have had no luck finding one. Closest ive come is thinking that the original owner may have marked the numbers wrong and its actually a champion beast

Anonymous No. 140176

hard to tell. I messed with the contrast and stuff a bit and it looks like something was written around the center. Not to mention it isn’t embossed so there was definitely something there at one point

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Anonymous No. 140205

nice good shooting! In my area, divisions are really competitive so it's always good to play your rating, but I know that's not the case everywhere, but it doesn't really matter- we all can flash a good round but the rating to me kind of measures your floor, so I try to keep that in mind. I had 70+ rated rounds last year and still squarely in MA3 this year.
I throw mostly forehand and overhand too. I played a lot of baseball and tennis through HS so it comes naturally, but can't get good snap on a backhand for shit.
Do you throw a 9 speed 330 flat FH? Hyzer flip or anny flex? Super sick either way. What disc and what's your favorite FH driver?

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Anonymous No. 140208

What! How did they break?! I had to put Shoe Goo on my new boots after two rounds too but damn. Hoping you have dry feet and good rounds with the new boots.
Cool friend! Envys are so fucking sick! I bag two glow ones. Any time I have a backhand approach to the pin, from pretty much any distance, it's my go-to disc. Highly recommend giving it a fair shot out there to see if it fits into your style.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 140234

Playing my first sanctioned round of the year today :)

Anonymous No. 140255

has your part of the world been frozen?

Anonymous No. 140382

Ive been playing for about a month now probably 20 games and then a few times going to a field to just practice throwing. have calculated my "rating" average over past 10 games to be 679.7 what should i be looking for before joining some local leagues so i dont embarrass myself too bad

Anonymous No. 140403

if you want to join a league join a league. tell them you’re a new player they’ll know how to help you. fastest way to get better is to play with people better than you.

Anonymous No. 140404

also, how are you calculating your rating?

Anonymous No. 140407

To calculate ive been dividing par for the course by 1000 to get a “point per stroke” multiplying that by the number of strokes over par i am and subtracting that by 1000. Then averaging the last 10 of those together

Anonymous No. 140409

i see. the PDGA has a standardized rating system where depending on the course a stroke is usually between 6 and 12 points. there’s some offset so you get a linear function in strokes with a negative slope. the line is fitted so that “1000 rated” is what a scratch player (i.e. standard pro) would shoot. most of the time 1000 rated is below par. your way of measuring points pretty much doubles the value of a stroke. but yeah, i’d just go play pick up games with strangers who seem cool

Anonymous No. 140410

Can i look up the standard point per stroke for my main course anywhere? There was just a PDGA b tier tournament there yesterday

Anonymous No. 140413

you can look up an approximate scratch rating on discgolfcoursereview for just about any course (they call the scratch round SSE i think). since there was a b tier yesterday what may work better would be to check out the tournament results on PDGA’s website and look at the round ratings. keep in mind tournament directors will sometimes modify a layout so the ratings might not reflect exactly to the layout you’ve been playing. also conditions can play a small to significant role in ratings so if it was really windy ratings could be 50 points worse between otherwise identical rounds. players come into a round with a rating and those values are used to populate the rating for that course on that day. with similar conditions courses can play similarly rated though. a friend and i both shot 1011 rounds on the same course and layout a year and a half apart.

Anonymous No. 140414

sorry, so the SSE is what 1000 rated is (approximately) for the typical conditions on a course. exact ratings will be given on PDGAs page

Anonymous No. 140419

It appears the SSE here is 60.7 so i think around 16.45 pps?

Anonymous No. 140420

>>140419 Here is the course in question

Anonymous No. 140422

that’s probably high in the context that people talk about ratings. impossible to figure out from scratch alone what a stroke is worth. being that somewhere between 2.5-3.5 below par is scratch i’d guess by PDGA ratings every stroke is worth about 8 rating points. courses that are harder to par/higher pars usually give fewer points per stroke. did you look at the tournament page? you could check pdga d com s live and search for it

Anonymous No. 140423

This is the event card very confused on how this works lol

Anonymous No. 140428

sweet. near the top there’s a link next to a golden trophy that’ll take you to pdga live where you can see the scores, par, and at the end of each row a rating. on the link you posted you can also click “show round ratings” right below the division name and it’ll show the rating next to the total strokes. i think if you hover a mouse somewhere (maybe over the round column i’m on my phone so can’t myself) it will show you the par. looks like round 2 was a different par than rounds 1 and 3

Anonymous No. 140642

Yeah same here i played baseball growing up so forehand power was easy for me.
I throw esp nuke, esp nuke os, z raptor, 750 A2 for 95 percent of my fh throws. My beat in z glo raptor is the one i can rip 330 on a hyzer flip up line. Then max d my esp nuke i can flex out to just over 400. Id say my stable z raptor is my favorite. Love to throw on flat and will get like 280.
I actually have my nadgt tourney this weekend they put out the caddie book and 4 of the holes have mandos that are going to take away a hyzer forehand so no longer will be touching top 5 lol

>Do you throw a 9 speed 330 flat FH? Hyzer flip or anny flex? Super sick either way. What disc and what's your favorite FH driver?

Anonymous No. 140816


As an update, I ended up picking the Soloman X Ultra Mid Gortex version in wide. They are pretty comfy but nothing outrageous. Got some irritation on my ankle bone but with the right socks/breaking it in it should be good for disc golfing/hiking in the mostly inawoods courses near me. I'll get a chance tomorrow to see how they do on the T-Pads overall.


It seems as if the front part of the rubber on the toe started peeling. def fixable by shoe goo but my friend was disgusted enough to return them.

The Envy is pretty sick for sure! I'm still pretty new so choosing between discs is a little more challenging so I've mostly been using the mid range drivers here >>135499 since my throws are pretty inconsistent.

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Anonymous No. 140861

Mark your discs people. Feel bad for whoever lost it cause i know these gyros arent cheap

Anonymous No. 141180

>get message "I found your disc" (with image)
>never get a reply after I ask when he can meet up to return it

Anonymous No. 141190

shot my first decent tournament round of the year yesterday bros, just a bit better than 990 rated. started with 2 missed tap in par putts and missed a couple more from inside 20’ later in the round, but still grabbed 9 under-par strokes including a tap in eagle. it’s hard to do but i’m learning to just not care about those short misses.

Anonymous No. 141404

Whats the biggest number you ever took on a hole in a santioned tourney/dgg/?

I played b tier in advanced on Saturday and was tied in 4th through 14 rd 1 then took a 8 to drop to last place card.
>Try to hit tight forehand gap on edge of water that i usually make 8/10 times
>hit the tree and go ob water
>No way to get good lie from were last in so throw shitty upshot and be 30' left of the pin
>Run bogey saving putt and hit off the top of basket and go into water 15 long
>Dont take time to wipe off putter properly and hit the side of the cage and finshed 10 ft left of basket
>Hit low left and have chain out
>tap in for 8
Take that away and i would have shot a 960 rated tourney and finshed top 5. And the crazy thing is i left alot of strokes on ~20ft putts all day. I missed a few early then it was just in my head the rest of the day and my putting had been best its ever been going on the last month.
Oh well alwasy next one i guess.

Anonymous No. 141412

prob a triple bogey. backhand went ob into retee into bad upshot into missed putt. backhand was the play since the fh line is all over ob but i still managed to never cross in. parked for birdie the next day. i’ve seen some quadrule bogies and maybe one or two quintuples

Anonymous No. 141468

i cant throw forehand for shit.. like its embarrassingly bad ca maybe throw it 50 feet in a high arch on my best go and i look like a little girl trying to throw a baseball for her first time or something. idk how im ever gonna throw a decent forehand lol. thankfully im ambidextrous so can throw a decent back hand with my left hand when needed but i feel like ill never be a decent enough player if i cant find a decent forehand

Anonymous No. 141470

idk if this would work for everyone but i learned how to throw a frisbee before a disc. with those there’s a lot of wrist action to generate spin on a forehand. it’s not really a disc golf shot, but a really spinny flick on a putter is a similar type of throw. from there the reach back and run up cam be added and modified. the wrist is the basis for spin and your elbow is how you get forward momentum. i see some players use too much elbow without generating spin, no idea if that’s what you’re doing tho

Anonymous No. 141472

focusing more on the wrist action may help. im pretty decent at throwing what ive heard called a "scooby" basically a really flicky forehand draw but across the body and with the disc upside down like a grenade

Anonymous No. 141493

you can cock your wrist back. i use a two finger stacked grip but there’s like a fan grip version where your index finger is on the flight plate, and a grip where you curl your index finger into the rim that also work. i think the latter is the preferred grip for a lot of power throwers but i could be wrong. barela and sexton do that and maybe gossage too. i think ricky uses a standard 2 finger stack. really the wrist motion is pretty quick and will take some getting used to, but you should get some decent glide with spin alone. i learned with flippier discs (as everyone should for all shots imo) but most people seem to learn the forced-over flex first

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Anonymous No. 142216

Ok so I need your help. I'm a leftie throwing a Mamba. I know it's got massive turn so it's going to turn way to the left at the start of the row (as a LHBH) but then it should fade back to the right.

However, lately when I threw the disc today, it's been turning left, hanging a little bit then careens wildly off course to the left way out of bounds. What is causing this to happen? Is my form/throw technique just messed up or am I throwing too hard? I'm actually blown away at how incredibly far it goes when it flies like that, but unfortunately it's completely unusable being so far off course. I just want to understand what I'm doing wrong

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Anonymous No. 142224

I think this is the most helpful forehand video the number one take being "throw a ball not a frisbee". I'll let Stokely explain the details, but "throwing a ball" at a 3/4 angle, bending at the waist until the disc is flat, and starting with your wrist cocked all the way back, to fully following and snapping through, should give you a clean flat release with some good spin.
If it was just being weird today, could've been a headwind? Headwind will make your disc fly more understable, possibly flipping it all the way left like you're saying. To counter it you want to release on more hyzer angle or throw a more stable disc.

Anonymous No. 142247

Seems like you maybe put it on an Anhyzer and the wind carried it away into a turnover. See if it goes back to top pic when there's no wind out and use something Overstable to fight the wind better in those cases. Generally, avoid anything Understable in windy days

Anonymous No. 142299

>Is my form/throw technique just messed up or am I throwing too hard?
it's hard to say without knowing the wind conditions and your release angle, but also because the mamba is the flippiest disc on innova's roster. what happens when you throw a more stable disc?

Anonymous No. 142478

just picked up a glitch which everyone had been telling me was such an amazing easy to throw disc but for some reason i cant get it to do anything other than come out and turn sharp right

Anonymous No. 142539

I cannot throw a fucking aviar or putting equivalent any other way than a putting type of throw. I dont know how people use them to layup like 100ft out

Anonymous No. 142544

I seem to have the opposite problem. No but seriously the common wisdom is that slower discs are less forgiving of form issues. I learned to throw mids and putters with a three finger power grip where I just leave my index finger floating in the bottom of the rim. At the time that decreased my power so I wasn’t just turning them over. That’s not necessarily ideal, and really why I’m able to throw putters and mids consistently now is proper timing. What technique you learn on a putter will scale back up to your faster discs and make you more consistent there too.

Anonymous No. 142721

I tried out that three finger power grip and that helped a ton already. I still suck at getting a clean rotation of aviar types but its cleaner than whatever I was doing before

is the berg basically the same thing as an aviar except more forgiving?

Anonymous No. 142739

Nice. Yeah it'll take a few rounds to get it down. Your timing will almost certainly improve through the process. After some time going back a power grip will feel be easy to get accurate distance. Idk about the Berg it seems like a meme disc to me. It probably is more forgiving than an Aviar but also less versatile.

Anonymous No. 142741

ya im just trying to have an approach shot that is reliable . I'm working on my game from putting out

Anonymous No. 142763

I want to cum inside Catrina Allen

Anonymous No. 142808

you’re kidding

Anonymous No. 142866

took everyone's money all weekend feel like I'm putting in everything inside 40'

Anonymous No. 143054

whats the best disc catcher i can get that will be ok to leave out in my backyard all year round. no snow or anything here just some moderate rain around the summer. dont really want to spend the $580 or whatever for the innova 24 chain

Anonymous No. 143109

when you say disc catcher do you mean that you want a DISCatcher?

Anonymous No. 143133

I would have sex with her if you catch my drift
I dont want too cum in her but id cum on her whats wrong with cat? Shes bangable

Your form sucks... But also the glitch is a meme i have one also but would never use it for anything then a catch disc. Berg or zone is all i throw for approaches

Anonymous No. 143134

to add on i think the glitch is good for people who cant into distance putting. You can just throw it like a regualr frisbee once your past your comfortable putting distance and get it pretty close. Im comfortable putting approaches out to like 90ft so i dont have a need really have a spot for a glitch cuz it kinda gets touchy and is easy to turn over past that distance and id much rather flick a zone or throw a berg personally for those 100' approaches

Anonymous No. 143201

Stfu dude

Anonymous No. 143205

please improve the quality of your posts

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Anonymous No. 143217

please be a pedantic faggot everyone is really impressed with how smart you are! really added a lot to the thread with your *uhh acktually its a DISCatcher not a disc catcher*

Anonymous No. 143268

Innova Discatcher EZ or MVP Black Hole HD. Those are basically your two entry-level actually PDGA sized baskets. Both under 200 bucks. Had my Discatcher EZ for a year now and hasn't rusted yet, though I do cover it with a tarp for those extra heavy thunderstorms just to be safe.

Anonymous No. 143316

for me it's kat mertsch

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Anonymous No. 143670

Are there actually any advantages of the Halo line? So far they feel pretty grippy which I like. Seems to be a halfway between the Champion and Star plastic

Anonymous No. 143690

Innova is gay

Anonymous No. 143691

Dude just ask if you can play through

🗑️ Anonymous No. 143693

Get a Innova star mako3 in an easy to see color(any Store with a disc display should have one) and play the shit out of your local course for a few months. Mako3 is an incredibly straight mid that functions fine as a putter in the star plastic.

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Anonymous No. 143701

haev you tried playing catch with a friend? it really does fly like an ultimate frisbee lid. try throwing it with fan grip and nose-up angle or on a bit of hyzer with some more wrist flick and less arm. I think they're sweet it's one of the only discs I'm actually trying to buy. My buddy hit an ace with one right in front of us on a 190ft anhyzer woods trick shot so they're legit for catch and on the course IMO.
main advantages are they look really cool and make an extra $5 disappear every time you buy one. the grip is actually really nice and I think generally Halo is the most overstable plastic. the one I see the most is the Calvin Halo Destroyers, different color rims have slightly different stabilities if you truly want to get into plastic autism, but how do you like the Firebird? it looks incredible

Anonymous No. 143706

Halo is considered to be the most overstable plastic in Innova's lineup, so basically it's going to fade an extra bit harder than other plastics. But yeah it's basically the grippyness of star with the durability of champion. They can look cool too sometimes depending on the color combination, but the price hike mostly kills my interest in it. It's all PR Marketing jazz. By all means go for it, but just know there's hundreds of similar discs of the same quality for basically 1/3rd of the price. Hope you're not throwing near water or trees cause good luck if you get it lost/stuck.

Anonymous No. 143734

Goddamn, that’s like a 25$ disc if it’s a limited graphic. Looks brand new too

Anonymous No. 143744

Is star considered a low Durability plastic? My trusty star mako3 still flies basically the exact same as the day I bought it despite being thrown into a tree straight off the tee like 100 times

Anonymous No. 143790

Nah, no way. Star and Champion are all high durability plastic. Star might *maybe* get more nicks easier than Champion since Star is a tad more gummier than Champion, but the difference is minimal. Durability only becomes an issue once you get down to something like Pro, R-Pro and of course DX.

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Anonymous No. 144011

Haircut Calvin is slightly cursed but still rooting for him this weekend, if we can even freaking see what's happening on DGN.

Anonymous No. 144371

Whose form is cleaner me or lizotte?

Anonymous No. 146408


Anonymous No. 147077

>Modify my grip slightly
>add 50 feet to my drives
Holy shit i cant wait to play tomorrow. i honestly think i just solved my biggest problem.

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Anonymous No. 148660

How should you be throwing a driver differently than a normal disc?

Anonymous No. 148661

What specifically did you do?

Anonymous No. 150444

Shot my first round under par at one of the local 18s last weekend, feels breddy gud

Anonymous No. 150587

Nice. I have a similar cosmic neutron envy and it's my most reliable approach disc. Like it way more than my Conrad Electron Envy

Anonymous No. 152210

Been playing for about a year now. How do I increase distance on drives? I average 250-275.

Anonymous No. 152345

All form. Focus on the feet positions, keeping nose angle down, and bringing the disc straight.

Anonymous No. 152369

Thanks. I do tend to release slightly nose up. Gotta pour that coffee.

Anonymous No. 152426

How do we feel about speakers on the course fellas?

Anonymous No. 152429

>testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing

Anonymous No. 152744

Annoying dont do it.
I had a guy ask in a sanctioned round to play his music once and since everyone else was cool with it and im autistic i didnt say anything. He kept it mostly quite but still wish i would of told him its against the rules so no. Im pretty sure thats my lowest sanctioned round ever though thats not just because the music.
Fuck that guy

Anonymous No. 152745

*Lowest rated not lowest score still just put some head phones in no one else wants to hear your shitty music.

Anonymous No. 152747

>1 Canadian disc golfer of note
>1 openly gay faggot disc golfer of note
>It's the same person
Cant make this shit up lads

Anonymous No. 152879


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Anonymous No. 152942

When I went to my local Dicks last summer when I started playing, they had 0 disc golf discs, including just a start set. Now my dicks has a small rack setup with about 50 different innova discs. Picked up my first destroyer and a star colt I've been eyeing for awhile. Something to keep in mind if you had 20 bucks in your pocket and wanted to pick something up before you head to a course.

Anonymous No. 154676


Anonymous No. 154802

so i realize that all of my discs are over 170 grams (8 total). As a player thats about to hit one year of playing, and can only really drive at max, 250 feet, and on avg close to 200 feet, should i seriously consider throwing lighter discs? Should i go as low as possible (ie 140 ish) or start in the more 150 or 160 range?

Anonymous No. 156108


roast me

Anonymous No. 156799

Really interesting breakdown, I throw decently but still feel like a troglodyte compared to most people I watch play through ahead of me on the course.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 156932


Anonymous No. 157095

good post anon.

Anonymous No. 157860

nice choke from Barela, truly impressive

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Anonymous No. 158699

>tfw you hit the only birdie of the day when the couple ahead of you are letting you play through

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Anonymous No. 158702

Sex with Sai.

Anonymous No. 158735

Threw my first ever 1000+ rated round at league last night boys 1027. Made a little form tweek and consistency accuracy and distance side arm is certified pro level now. Went 2/2 on the 2 holes I did backhand also which was a nice bonus

Anonymous No. 159007

Birthday falls on National Disc Golf Day this year (August 5th) and a bar here is releasing a disc that day. I haven't played in like 4 months but this is a sign bros.

Anonymous No. 159738

Followed up my 1027 round last week with a 886 tonight. Hate this stupid "sport" bros

Anonymous No. 161358

When should i jump up to MPO bros?
Im 920 rated but my skill set is much higher then that of late and id rather play for some of my entry as opposed to get shitty players packs. Part of me wants to earn my way to MPO but when im on i can certainly compete in mpo.

Anonymous No. 161546

I am le epic ultimate cutter who doesn't belong on this page at all, but if I can't find a pickup group in my area, I might as well get some golf discs & practice by myself.

>born to chase, forced to putt

Anonymous No. 162136

playing in mpo is more about not being a total spaz than it is skill. that being said 75% of the mpo players in my area should have never left ma1. last tournament i played some dickhead asked me if i threw a dd3 for some like 350” hyzer…. dude
i just started playing pick up ultimate. surprised how a lot of guys don’t really have the throws

Anonymous No. 162652

>i played some dickhead asked me if i threw a dd3 for some like 350” hyzer…. dude
Whats wrong with that? I dont follow your thoughts here maybe cuz i dont throw any discmania or are you saying that youd throw a mid or something or that he shouldn't ask you your disc?
I would think even in mpo atleast on the local pro scene most would still need a distance driver to reach 350' on pure hyzer.

Anonymous No. 162664

i mean yeah it’s not really the best place to ask someone about their game if you aren’t already friends imo. i was annoyed with him anyway for taking like a minute to take his shots and marking his lie out of turn, was just totally oblivious to the rest of the card.

Anonymous No. 162685

heimburg what the fuck

Anonymous No. 163125

Ahh gotcha yeah i guess that is kinda of a am thing cuz i get asked what i threw semi regularly but i also play forehand primarily so ive always assumed thats due to intrigue since most people are ass at flicking.

Anonymous No. 163335

yeah it's usually hamrless curiosity. i ask my friends all the time in casual rounds what they're doing. but like in a tournament setting it's nice to stay in the moment/not analyze whatever you just did too much since you can't change it after the fact

Anonymous No. 164235

world’s starts tomorrow who you chuckers got?

Anonymous No. 164305

Its Kelvin Hamburger for me

Anonymous No. 164318

Portland, OR is a the gold fucking standard for disc golf courses, gentlemen. It's worth a visit.

I've lived in Colorado, California, and Washington in various major cities and NOTHING comes close to how great the courses are here. They absolutely fuck.

Anonymous No. 164353

i haven't played pier park or blue lake, but milo alone was worth the trip for me

Anonymous No. 164386

It's the only thing McBeast cares about so I wouldn't be surprised to see him hanging out on lead card all weekend, but yeah, if any year is gonna be Vinny's it's gotta be this one, dude is on fire for sure.

Anonymous No. 164387

Lmao of course Vinny hits cage first drive, ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 164391

His press conference yesterday was definitely something. Hard to tell how honest he's being about the injury. Could he be playing it up to get in the minds of his competitors? Or is he truly dealing with something that World Championship aside is a season-ending injury? I lean toward the latter. He was massaging his arm throughout the interview and it seemed like he was already managing expectations for this event by saying he's done competing for the year (we'll see if he can resist playing at USDGC).

Anonymous No. 164470

7 stroke lead for kristin with 61 holes to play. goat

Anonymous No. 164530

rick, simon, calvin, mcbeth and dickerson all coming to life

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Anonymous No. 164994

>guy on your card who talks incessantly the whole round
Just shut the fuck up and frolf in peace holy shit

Anonymous No. 165023

talker genocide when

Anonymous No. 165268

How do we stop isaac forehand bros?

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Anonymous No. 165270

Just irderd the new squatch lore lads.

Anonymous No. 165415

>only one mid
>right in the middle of a bunch of drivers
i go ascending speed, descending stability left to right.

Anonymous No. 165788

I took that off the website mine doesn't arrive until Wednesday.
I do mine by speed then stable to flippy but the very ends i put my utilities aka berg and zone os far left and roller heat nuke os far right.

Anonymous No. 165796

Who here throws 400+ ft confidently and how did you get there?
Ive been primarily side arm and can throw 420+ no problem but as of 2 months ago i decided i wanted to focus on backhand distance and if anything ive gotten worse in that time.
If i had a forced carry over ob/ water id say id only be confident in making it at about 300ft. On a good day ill touch 350 usually max at 330.
I have a athletic background and am still in good shape i really dont see any reason why i shouldn't be able to easily put a disc in the upper 300s reliably.
Ive been thinking of just ripping putters until i can regularly hit 300ft cuz all this form shadowing and youtube stuff is not working and i really think my form is good enough were i should throw alot father then i am.

Anonymous No. 165862

that’s a smash of a fh. i can get over 400 fh but i have to hit the line right with something flippy. throwing putters and mids will help your bh form, your timing especially. first disc i could throw over 400 was a dx wraith when i was first starting, what’re you throwing?

Anonymous No. 165880

Flickfags get the rope, thank god my boy Isaac is exposing you freaks.

Anonymous No. 166009

Forehand i throw a nukes
Backhand i throw the Hades, i have 2 one was super flippy for me in the past but with my distance regression i dont get nearly as much turn now.

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Anonymous No. 168381

how do you all hold your putter? just made a slight tweak to my grip. I started tucking my ring finger onto my pinky and it's nice

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Anonymous No. 170343

I beat a guy I hate on his local course in a tournament last weekend. He was so butthurt after round 1 that he dropped out. Hey Adam, if you're reading this you are a fucking loser and the reason you're not improving is because of your shit attitude. Also, you missed that 3ft putt because you suck, not because I was talking (replying to a question that you fucking asked me, you crybaby dipshit.)

Anonymous No. 171072

closed with a deep c2 jumper to shoot a cheeky 1000 bomb today bros. the putting fix worked

Anonymous No. 173664


Anonymous No. 174174


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Anonymous No. 174665

I made some ai pictures of an Asian man with stomach flu playing disc golf a few weeks back. I'm not sure why

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Anonymous No. 174717

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Anonymous No. 174719

Anonymous No. 176130

hey guys newfag here. i recently bought these discs over a few different visits at my local store:
>innova star shryke
>innova star teebird
>innova mamba
>discraft buzzz (pierce model if that matters)
>discmania shogun
did i do good?

Anonymous No. 176135

The only one I recognize is the buzz, its a gud mid range experience

Anonymous No. 176205

get yourself a p2 for putting if the shogun is your only putter. the shogun is in c-line plastic, which is fine for throwing but you’ll get a more consistent spin with a d-line p2.
>pierce model if that matters
some people will be able to tell the difference between the pierce model and a regular esp buzzz, but most won’t. things like dome, parting line height and plastic are what really determine variations between a single model of disc. do you like throwing the discs you bought?

Anonymous No. 176574

Pretty good. Teebird is probably too stable. The general rule of thumb is to avoid throwing drivers when your new cuz the way beginners start to throw them to get them to fly are generally poor form so watch for that. I would maybe grab another mid buzzz ss is what id recommend then maybe another putter or 2 whatever feels good in your hand and isnt too stable and just throw those till you get them pretty dialed in.

Anonymous No. 176839

This thing is so cool, worth it?

Anonymous No. 176854

>do you like throwing the discs you bought?
yeah. i'm not a super novice to throwing discs (i play ultimate frisbee) and although i understand flight ratings, i'm new to discs specifications etc.
what does 'stable' mean?

Anonymous No. 176870

I'm a complete novice also, all I know is that understable is going to go straight for me, but only when I don't suck it which is like 90% of the time

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Anonymous No. 177176

Yeah i like it okay. Its really good for the price but if your good with dropping more money there are better options. My one complaint was it sits up high on my back verse what im used to but im tall and i don't notice it anymore
Stable is the disc wants to go left out of your hand on rhbh (right hand back hand) throw. They can be forgiving for bad form where if you threw the same way on a understable or nuetral disc you would burn it straight into the ground. If you instead learn to throw a flippy (understable) or nuetral disc you will need to throw with more control and touch to get to fly good which will translate to you being better over time instead of just ripping a stable disc as hard as you can to try to throw farther and making bad habits.
If your that interested in getting good/ learning good habits I'd recommend watching the building a backhand series on overthrow disc golf youtube its basically a step by step on how to properly throw the backhand.
If you dont care be like the rest of us and just go have fun and figure it out on your own but if you want to get serious into ut down the line some bad habits will become tough to break.

Anonymous No. 177178

I played on the same card as AB for random draw double over the weekend bros. Unfortunately he wasn't my partner but was awesome to watch him rip bombs for 18 holes. Doesn't even make sense how hard he throws

Anonymous No. 177267

>Stable is the disc wants to go left out of your hand on rhbh
i'd call that overstable. stable to me is closer to the neutral in your diagram. to me a stable disc has minimal fade and turn on pretty much any angle. in my bag stable is around -1/1, -1/2, 0/1 and beat in -1/3, 0/2

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Anonymous No. 177278

>tfw Jonathan outthrows you

Anonymous No. 177282

>long 450

Anonymous No. 177506

Probably local pro id guess but 450 would be enough to park any 99% of par 3s out there

Anonymous No. 177507

Yeah that would be the more correct explanation

Anonymous No. 177664

Pounds bag rufus seems better but I can't spend $300

Anonymous No. 177672

Also water bladder and cooler are what I want

Anonymous No. 177874

playing dela all day tomorrow. last time i was up there it rained the whole time so i'm looking forward to maybe getting some birdies lel

Anonymous No. 178057

gonna confirm that dela is sick and you should get your ass out there and play it a couple times

Anonymous No. 181167

Playing in the first A Tier of the year in a week lads

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Anonymous No. 181491

I got the Infinite starter pack and I'm finding that I throw all of the discs about the same distance, right around 200' without a run up. Is this mostly nose angle? I find I can't tilt my wrist down too far without it feeling uncomfortable.
Love the Alpaca though.

Anonymous No. 181506

nice. let us know. just played a c tier 500 miles from home and got 2nd. feels good to take the locals’ money

Anonymous No. 181507

>Is this mostly nose angle?
there’s likely a lot of causes: grip, footwork (x-step), nose angle, timing (maybe the hardest)? it’s more complicated than it looks

Anonymous No. 182026

Day 1 complete was 2 shotguns. I shot 860s the first round. Missed a no shit 15ft early and lost all putting confidence. I followed up with the hot round of the day 990+ rated round 2. I’m 4 back headed to the final tomorrow think if I shoot like I should I could sneak a top5. It’s 43 player field so largest by far I’ve ever played in.

Anonymous No. 182047

>I followed up with the hot round of the day 990+ rated round 2
fuck yeah dude. get em tomorrow.
i shot 960 today with a bullshit card: one talker and everyone but me just constantly engaging him. and of course he shot hot on the card even though we had a 1000+ rated guy playing with us

Anonymous No. 182217

I ended up tied 5th. Shot -5 which was solo 2nd best of the day, best was a -6. It was pissing rain all round and 50 so pretty shitty conditions. Id only ever played in rain once and it was not cold so pretty damn solid for me.
They had a camera for lead and I know gatekeeper posted it last year so think it’ll get posted here soon. Everyone but the winner on lead shit the bed so it’ll probably be awful to watch.

Anonymous No. 183040

good shit. yeah i’ve seen some am coverage it can be a shitshow. a kid i know was 2nd at some big nadgt event and played good golf on coverage. i like watching comfy old ccdg from time to time

Anonymous No. 183565

>rain golf
FUCK. rather have 30 mph winds

Anonymous No. 186466

nice knowing you fags

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Anonymous No. 186712

>here's your controller bro

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Anonymous No. 187127


Anonymous No. 187146

where's that? I'd smash it like a whore

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Anonymous No. 187161

Basically every hole has a different basket.

Anonymous No. 188524

paulbros... i'm not feeling so good

Anonymous No. 190182

is paul mcmissedthecut finished?

Anonymous No. 190850

seems so
there are new kings in town

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Anonymous No. 191846

Hi /DGG/. I haven't played since 2016 and I have no memory of what disc this is. Kinda want to know the stats before throwing it again. Anyone recognize it?

Anonymous No. 191861

that’s some frosty-looking champ plastic. when’d you get that? maybe a leopard or teebird, i can’t see the wing curvature well but it’s probably a 6 or 7 speed

Anonymous No. 191865

Got it ~2014 I guess. After some googling I found a similar (though not translucent) on ebay where they named it "New Collectible Rancho Glo Roc Innova Champion Disc Golf Glow Rock Disk 177g". It being a Roc does ring a bell, though I threw a similar unmarked Buzzz way more.

Anonymous No. 191965

oh shit i thought that was the bottom. it’s not marked?

Anonymous No. 192215

My close personal friend paul mcbeth sent me this video of new discs. Those new tour discs are looking minty.

Anonymous No. 192384

>Brodie left out

Anonymous No. 194092

Faurk anons, I was looking for this thread and couldn’t find it. So I made my own.
>About to go play some disc golf and walk around the lake. Dasitmane.exe

Anonymous No. 195918

Zone vs harp?

Anonymous No. 196202

Got me a squatch lore 2.0 it's really pretty