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🧵 ITT: Times you dropped a sport immediately

Anonymous No. 118418

>be me
>try out for wrestling in school
>shits retarded but manage to beat other guy for starting weight class
>finally have meet against other school
>go against some weird figetty guy with glasses
>enter met and he begins squinting at me while breathing heavily through his nostrils
>Ref blows whistle and guy immediately shoots at me
>cow catch him and we both begin ground wrestling
>guy then suddenly jams his finger up my butthole
>freak out and punch him the face
>match ends with disqualification
>get taken off the team the next day

Anonymous No. 118459

Muay Thai, same day

>Spend an hour doing an 'orientation' and have to sign up to some faggy website to sign in for classes, skip it completely with fake information
>asks if i have any prior experience and i tell them i did 4 years of boxing and another 3 of judo
>an hour later of hitting a heavy bag the class starts
>a bundle of fat, out of shape white guys and soccer moms, a couple elderly people and some aggressive black manlet
>spend half an hour doing warm ups
>realize its a retarded circuit training class
>spend two hours doing the most rudimentary and basic circuit training like '1-2, 2-3, 3-4' level shit
>ask about sparring midway through
>tell me its for 'advanced levels' and that im some beginner
>tell him i did 4 years of boxing
>refuses to listen
>totally stop caring, when drills start i'm just going absolutely insane and punching that hand pads from my partner, doing moves like headbutts and elbows even stupid shit like backhands and hammer strikes, dont even care
>get told i cant do that, told that im being 'too aggressive'
>keep doing that
>class ends
>tell them this class isn't that great
>leave and never go back

fuck muay thai

Anonymous No. 118479

You sound like an autist and an asshole. I hope you get kicked out of everything you ever try to be a part of

Anonymous No. 118481


Anonymous No. 118484

I don’t see how you being unable to follow directions and stop hurting your training partners makes Muay Thai a bad sport.

Anonymous No. 118541

>join fighting sport
>get hurt
>angry at person in same sport for hurting you

Anonymous No. 118555

OP has the cheese touch, nobody reply to this thread

Anonymous No. 118562

It normal to get hurt fighting not doing drills you fucking retard. I hope you’re trolling. Either way genuinely hope someone breaks your jaw.

Anonymous No. 118568

>take punching class
>get punched

Anonymous No. 118569

You have major autism. You’re the one confused if you think you’re supposed to beat the guy holding pads for you.

Anonymous No. 118571

I was just going harder. I wasn't swarming the guy and hitting him the face.

Anonymous No. 118575

Hey retard, when your drilling with someone who isn’t actually fighting you it’s a dick move to hit them hard and hurt them since they’re literally not in a position to defend to themselves or return the favor. I genuinely cannot believe you are too retarded to understand this but this board is full of window lickers so maybe you are.

Anonymous No. 118578

What are you gonna cry? It's a striking sport, it hurts.

Anonymous No. 118580

Ok dude. We all think you’re real badass beating on the guy holding pads.

Anonymous No. 118586

He's just retarded, and so he cannot physically understand what he did wrong. Almost all boxers are this way. Whether they become retarded after starting boxing, or started boxing because they are already retarded, we may never know.


🗑️ Anonymous No. 118589

>be me
>be 11 years old
>get hit by a paintball on the pinky knuckle
>unbelievably painful for a split second
>still have a tiny scar to remember it by to this day
>fast forward to several years ago
>get talked into a few paintball rounds for a friend's birthday
>anxiety-inducing as fuck and painful as all hell
>promise to myself afterward that I'd never participate in this stupid fucking "sport" ever again
Paintballers, explain yourselves right fucking now. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Anonymous No. 118619

how do you tie your shoelaces together with out getting rope burn?

Anonymous No. 118649

It’s adrenaline and you can’t handle it kek

Anonymous No. 118672

No, circuit training like he described is incredibly gay and not useful at all
t. 5 years muay thai

Anonymous No. 118674

bunch of fuckin' nancys 'round here

Anonymous No. 118684

my introduction to paintball was having my dad come back from a work paintball outing and having to get his wedding ring cut off because his finger was swollen from getting shot

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Anonymous No. 118686

>be me
>12 years old, playing little league with a bunch of italian kids
>coach puts me in left field
>it's late afternoon/evening and the sun is setting right in front of me behind home plate
>no sunglasses, I can't see shit
>batter hits a hard line drive straight toward me
>i stick out my mitt, squinting to try to gauge the ball's trajectory
>the baseball skims the top of my mitt and slams straight into my chest at what must have been near 100 mph
>i'm knocked down and curled up on the ground, people are freaking out
>finally i get up, my dad takes me out of the game and drives me back home
>for the next week my chest has a baseball-shaped bruise, you can even see the ball's stitches imprinted
>mfw my dad pulls me out of the league
>fucking helicopter parents

Anonymous No. 118764

Sounds like you ended up in some kind of cardio kickboxing McDonough. My MT experience was completely different

Anonymous No. 119023


In my first boxing match my opponent's mom pulled him out after I knocked him down

Anonymous No. 119024

>be me
>try out for wrestling in high school
>realize it's uber fucking faggy
>drop it the very same day.

>be me
>try out for football in high school
>realize it's uber fucking faggy
>drop it the very same day.

>be me
>try out for track and field in high school
>realize I'm not cut out for it.

Sports in high school are pretty gay ngl

Anonymous No. 119029

Do you do sports outside of high school or are you just a puss who couldn’t hack it

Anonymous No. 119041

>My MT experience was completely different

Anonymous No. 119042

No serious gym trains this way. You sound like a massive faggot

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119044

>high school sports
Dude, you have to be over 18 to post here. And if you're actually an adult...well, that's just sad, man. >>>/v/ is that way.
>Different MT gyms have different trainers with different approaches
>If you don't like the gym/training style, then you can go out and find another one
>Maybe try calling first next time
Wow, common sense! What a radical concept.

Anonymous No. 119047


Dude you have autism. You need medication and therapy not a combat sport or martial art.

Anonymous No. 119049

No need to greentext your butthurt. No serious MT gym trains this way simple as

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Anonymous No. 119051

>serious Muay Thai gym don’t drill pads and punch combinations on bags
What the fuck am I even reading?

Anonymous No. 119056

A strawman entirely of your own making

Anonymous No. 119060

What does a “serious” Muay Thai class look like?

Anonymous No. 119067

>involves people who actually know what they're doing
>not a bunch of geriatrics and soccermoms
>technical drilling and padwork
>sometimes sparring

Anonymous No. 119069

So you joined the beginners class and were surprised low level practioners were there? Are you retarded?
>technical drilling and pad work
Sounds like they were trying to do that and you decided to throw a bunch of retard back fists and headbutts in because your autistic ass didn’t understand why an instructor wouldn’t want you to spar on day 1.

Anonymous No. 119090

>So you joined the beginners class and were surprised low level practioners were there?
You seem particularly unskilled at telling different people apart on this website. Consider lurking more.

Anonymous No. 119091

>no argument
I accept your concession

Anonymous No. 119114

people who say 'i accept your concession' are the biggest copers evers

Anonymous No. 119127

>still no argument

Anonymous No. 119183

You dumbass I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, I'm just answering your question.
A serious muay thai class would never involve beginners. And on another note, most of the times you manage to hurt a pad holder, they're the one who made a mistake

Anonymous No. 119248

>a serious Muay Thai class would never involve beginners
>we only take people who were born knowing Muay Thai
You are literally retarded and don’t train. On another note, if your training partner is a noob your don’t beat the hell out of them while they’re holding pads because they don’t know how to do it well yet. Not to mention the fact that OP literally said he was throwing random shit at the pad holder that wasn’t part of the drill.

But what do I know. I wasn’t born an elite kickboxer who could skip the basics like you apparently.

Anonymous No. 119277

A class that includes beginners is by definition not a serious class you fucking clown lmao
If someone has to drill throwing a 1-2, they don't even know whether they want to be serious about the sport yet

>But what do I know. I wasn’t born an elite kickboxer who could skip the basics like you apparently.
I actually did skip most of the basics because they're so easy to do. Started throwing tornado kicks and wheel kicks like a month into training lel. I also literally started training because I watched the UFC and said FFS I could do better than these guys

Anonymous No. 119314

>be in muay thai class
>we have event Saturday you have to come
>newbies get to do blind boxing
>expected to blindfold myself and fight
Never showed up again.

Anonymous No. 119338

>Aclass that includes beginners is by definition not a serious class you fucking clown lmao
>I don’t know what I’m talking about but if I act pedantic enough maybe they won’t notice
>muh wheel kicks
>muh tornado kicks
>I’m so cool I skipped the basics
Gay LARP or genuine retard who thinks throwing a kick is the same as having mastered it.

Anonymous No. 119465

>he believes in the 10000 times meme
I'm sorry you aren't coordinated and/or smart enough to pick up sports quickly. The roundhouses were deadly after a couple months, why would you not train to have a varied arsenal?

Anonymous No. 119472

Btw, tell me what your training experience is, so I can laugh at you thinking I'm larping

Anonymous No. 119479

Kek. This sounds madeup

Anonymous No. 119480

Well for starters I would describe any gym that compartmentalizes training into "classes" as unserious. Especially if they give you bs like "no, we don't let you do X or sparing until you get into Y class"

Anonymous No. 119482

>a bundle of fat, out of shape white guys and soccer moms, a couple elderly people and some aggressive black manlet
obvious mcdojo sign. should've walked out right there

Anonymous No. 119489

Nah I was pretty embarrassed about it at the time. Basically quit because I was too pussy to do it. Looking back I'm glad I didn't.

Anonymous No. 119491

Im not actually laughing at you im laughing at the dumb blindfold memeshit they wanted you to do

Anonymous No. 119533

>he doesn’t
Bro I turned and lifted my leg up Im about to tornado kick everyone
I’ve kickboxed and done Muay Thai on and off for a few years. I’m primarily a grappler. The place I train has produced more than one professional and semi-professional fighters.
I’ve heard that not having “classes” is the norm for boxing gyms but it’s not the norm literally anywhere else. I’ve never been to an mma gym that didn’t structure their schedule around different classes and if they were smart separating the new guys who are still trying to unfuck their jab from the guys who are getting ready for a fight.

Anonymous No. 119534

He was in a Beginners class. I know none you motherfuckers actually do martial arts for real if you think people walk into a gym for the first time and instantly become giga chad athletes the second dues are paid.

The vast majority of martial artists are club level recreational it’s. I know y’all want to pretend you’re all full time pros but you’re not.

Anonymous No. 119545

This is something I couldn't understand.
The homosexual bahavior during middle and highschool sports written off as part of the culture and just being funny, at the end of the day its just fucking gay.

Anonymous No. 119547

>I’ve kickboxed and done Muay Thai on and off for a few years. I’m primarily a grappler.
Kek that's why. You don't have to be athletic to grapple. I did muay thai/kickboxing seriously for 5 years. I started out doing almost 10hrs a week for the first 2 years. I dialed it back later because I took up lifting. I was doing construction during the day, and I alternated lifting and muay thai 6 days a week
I was better in my 1st year than a few guys that had been training for 7. I spent 3hrs a night studying and watching the best do it
>The place I train has produced more than one professional and semi-professional fighters.
Meaning what? Just because you train with better fighters doesn't mean YOU are better. Did you dedicate yourself to being better? No, because you said did it on and off

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Anonymous No. 119550

>You don't have to be athletic to grapple.
I’m not even going to bother responding except to say you’re a retard
>Meaning what?
Meaning their practices and methods worked. How they taught produced “serious” athletes. I’m not here to anonymously tell the internet how great I am (unlike you) because that’s retarded and anyone can reasonably they say they don’t believe me. I said it because I’ve been doing martial arts long enough to know raging autists like OP who just want to windmill their arms at a sparring partner then get mad because an a instructor told them “no” are unpleasant to have around the gym. I also know that doing shit outside the drill because you’re a raging autist is a dick move and I’m glad he never came back.

Anonymous No. 119554

>I’ve heard that not having “classes” is the norm for boxing gyms but it’s not the norm literally anywhere else.
Its not the norm for MT

Anonymous No. 119585

>calling someone a autist on 4chan

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Anonymous No. 119590

lol, shut it autismo

Anonymous No. 119603

>still defending grandmas cardio kickboxing class
Im going to go out on a limb here and the reason you are so invested in defending this is because you also train at some weak ass gym for overweight single mothers

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Anonymous No. 119607

not quite a sport and i got filtered by it rather than me voluntarily dropping it but
>finally fixed up old crf250r, got er runnin like a raped ape off 1-2 kicks max
>decided to go trail riding with a buddy for my first riding trip in several years even though im mostly used to motocross tracks
>we're riding through a trail, hes a solid 30 to 60 seconds ahead of me because he knows the area like the back of his hand
>try to hit turns with as good technique as possible and let speed come on its own
>suddenly am in a dark dream-like state where its all pitch black and it feels like my bike is on top of me somehow
>next thing i know im in fear for my life screeching at the top of my lungs trying to get my bike off the ground
>then some group of dudes on ATVs ask me a bunch of gibberish questions and i cant answer
>then im riding pilion on an atv realizing something went wrong
>got airlifted to hospital, spent a couple days in a trauma ward with a comminuted scapula fracture, lacerated liver + kidney, and major concussion
>just got out of the hospital last night
Apparently my buddy came back for me and found me face down pinned under my bike and I wasnt breathing, he had to give me CPR before I came to and he swore that I had become a retard when I started screeching lmfao
Still no memory of the crash, nobody actually witnessed it so its entirely possible a skinwalker popped out and shoved a stick through my front spokes
Fuck trails, mx tracks only for me

Anonymous No. 119608

Whatever you want to believe. Its not surprising headbutting the pad holder is normal at your “serious” club since you evidently already have brain damage.

Anonymous No. 119609

>scared of getting brain damage
>takes fighting class

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Anonymous No. 119615

It’s a risk not a goal, retard.

Anonymous No. 119620

>I’m not even going to bother responding except to say you’re a retard
This is objectively true you faggot in denial. Grappling is mostly technique, and when technique is paramount, athleticism comes second. Do you even think at all in your life?
>Meaning their practices and methods worked. How they taught produced “serious” athletes.
No, fighters going pro and competing has more to do with what market they're in and how many other venues of income people have access to. Its irritatingly difficult to go professional here because of extra regulations. I've seen numerous videos of "professional" fighters being complete trash. In fact I had intentions of going pro until I found out that
a) my coach wanted me to do full training camps when I don't have the time or energy (nor do I even need to)
b) the amateur competitions here said you can't go for KOs because of liability, which is incredibly gay and makes fighting pointless
c) fighting doesn't pay the bills until you get in large organizations
>I’m not here to anonymously tell the internet how great I am (unlike you) because that’s retarded and anyone can reasonably they say they don’t believe me.
You can't say you're great because you're clearly not
>I said it because I’ve been doing martial arts long enough to know raging autists like OP who just want to windmill their arms at a sparring partner then get mad because an a instructor told them “no” are unpleasant to have around the gym. I also know that doing shit outside the drill because you’re a raging autist is a dick move and I’m glad he never came back.
OP being an autist and the class being shit are two separate issues that can be simultaneously true. Just like you training but not knowing fucking shit can be simultaneously true.

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Anonymous No. 119622

>Grappling is mostly technique, and when technique is paramount, athleticism comes second. Do you even think at all in your life?
This is true for striking too you double retard. Moreover when you’re fighting guys who are also skilled being athletic gives you an edge. Go look at Olympic level wrestler and judoka and tell me that athleticism isn’t important. I can’t believe you are actually trying to condescend to me about martial arts while saying physicality isn’t important in grappling.
>bro I was totally going to go pro I was just to tired. I don’t even need a training camp bro
>hurr durr you suck
>now let me backpedal the fuck out of the original argument

Anonymous No. 119627

lmao with striking you can just fling strikes like OP and get a random ass knockout. It ain't the same thing. What, you thought "puncher's chance" is a phrase with no meaning? Fuck outta here
>hurr durr you suck
>now let me backpedal the fuck out of the original argument
Nobody is backpedaling, you still suck. I'm adding to the argument if anything. I have all the skill in the world to go pro, but it would be a pain in my ass to do it, and throws everything else I worked for out the window. Fighting is a passion for me, but following your passions is for retard arts students. You follow what makes you money and accomplished your life goals at the same time

Anonymous No. 119629

> lmao with striking you can just fling strikes like OP and get a random ass knockout. It ain't the same thing. What, you thought "puncher's chance" is a phrase with no meaning
What the fuck are you even talking about? Have you developed dementia? This has nothing to do with anything I said.
>bro, trust me, I’m pro level I just don’t want to
ok dude whatever you say.

Anonymous No. 119630

>This has nothing to do with anything I said.
>This is true for striking too you double retard.
Are you intentionally stupid, or just doing the classic midwit trope of not believing anyone is better than you on the internet?
Deontay Wilder got to the top of the boxing world while being a horrible boxer

Anonymous No. 119631

will you two bickering fags just take it to a discord channel or some shit

Anonymous No. 119632

If ever in my wrestling career some faggot stuck his finger up my ass I would fucking break his arm and beat him severely I wish someone would try that shit with me in middle school or high school. But i've never dropped any sport immediately

Anonymous No. 119633

So if I understand you correctly, you think that skill is less important than athleticism in striking because the punchers chance exists? You’re the guy claiming to be pro level?

Good luck dude. Life is hard for stupid people.

Anonymous No. 119635

It's obviously you didn't find a good school and this happens with a lot of people unfortunately but you make a a overgeneralized statement about a entire combat sport because of a single bad experience.

Anonymous No. 119637

I know this site is full of autism, but my god you are far on the spectrum. Its not one way or the other you fuck. If you REALLY need the numbers, here are my estimations for success in striking vs grappling
>60% athleticism
>40% technique

>grappling (based on your sport BJJ)
>75% technique
>25% athleticism and strength
Skill is athleticism and technique combined with timing and experience, its not synonymous with technique

Anonymous No. 119638

What does that have to do with the punchers chance? If technique isn’t what stops you from getting hit by a lucky shot athleticism sure doesn’t. You’re so all over the place with whatever you’re talking about this conversation is becoming tedious.

Anonymous No. 119641

> If technique isn’t what stops you from getting hit by a lucky shot athleticism sure doesn’t.
You really don't know how to connect different concepts do you?
>You’re so all over the place with whatever you’re talking about this conversation is becoming tedious.
You were tedious from the beginning, with your low IQ and obvious bullshitting. If you trained seriously at all, you'd know most of the martial arts mysticisms are just memes

Anonymous No. 119643

>make non-sequiter
>refuse to explain their connection just say the other person doesn’t get it
>ur tedious
>ur obviously bullshitting
>I’m pro level by the way I just chose to have zero fights
This fucking guy lmao

Anonymous No. 119644

Also I never claimed anything mystic I have no idea where this is coming from either. I suspect your head injury has induced you with schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 119645

Explaining everything has had no effect on you, as you're just determined to be fucking stupid
I'm not gonna type out a step by step tutorial on how to think

Anonymous No. 119646

Ok lol. Have fun at your pro debut.

Oh wait


Anonymous No. 119657

why don't you guys go fight each other irl and get it the fuck outta here

Anonymous No. 119658

>retard thinks everyone is the same poster

Anonymous No. 119670

Is that supposed to be a gotcha moment or something? Like I don't care whether you believe I could go pro, you're still wrong
Like you said, you're not an elite kickboxer. I'm better than you

Anonymous No. 119675

Neither of us are, I’m just honest about it. At this point I truly believe you THINK you wouldn’t need a training camp to go pro. Keep crying though.

Anonymous No. 119681

You really don't have to be athletic for martial arts or combat sports you need good fundamentals and skill rather than athleticism.

Anonymous No. 119682

Athleticism is mostly just physical capability. Athleticism is a good quality but its not everything and is a small factor.

Anonymous No. 119703

I’m not arguing that it’s not secondary to good fundamentals, but as a competitor it’s an absolute necessity
The importance of athleticism is directly correlated to how competitive you want to be. If you’re just a recreationalist it’s no big deal. If you want to compete a little it becomes a little more important. If you want to go pro you need to be a professional level athlete. I don’t know anyone who’s going to argue against this except the bizarre retard I was arguing with who thinks Olympic level wrestlers don’t need to be strong.

Anonymous No. 119741

you have a nonstandard definition of immediately

Anonymous No. 119790

To turn pro? Pfft no. Local circuits are always garbage competition
To actually compete on a televised stage and win for a career? Yes obviously.
But would I fight professionals for fun without a training camp? Yeah I'd do that too, I'm not scared of getting hurt

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Anonymous No. 119861

To be fair, high school wrestling always struck me as very gay.
>tight leotards
>literally pinning down a man on the floor
>literally having balls and butts in your face
It’a very strange.
Kinda like dance class. One time in middle school, everyone was required to take dance. You think “oh well maybe this’ll be cool! I can’t dance, so ok.”
I kid you not, the ENTIRE class was teaching square dance, and Cotton Eyed Joe was the ONLY song we danced to. If there was another, then I fail to remember it.

Anonymous No. 119867

You don't understand wrestling then. Wrestling is not just a sport. You play basketball you play football but you don't play wrestling.

Anonymous No. 119895

Lol. Lmao

Anonymous No. 119953

Hebrew Nationalist typed this post

Anonymous No. 120030

After my first cross-country race I noped tf out so fast. That shot was like a mario level. I was legit jumping over creeks

Anonymous No. 120064

What an abomination of a thread.

Anonymous No. 120161

Ya worked

Anonymous No. 120163

I hate wrasslefags so much, it’s unreal.

Anonymous No. 120540

>I'm sorry you aren't coordinated and/or smart enough to pick up sports quickly. The roundhouses were deadly after a couple months, why would you not train to have a varied arsenal?
Not him but there are a limited number of good moves you can do often. The rest are situational, or low % moves. It just makes sense to spend 95% of your time practicing the techniques that you use 95% of the time.

Anonymous No. 120550

>be fat 6 year old
>autistic retard
>never get any direct guidance from anyone, get paired with random kids for drills
>they have a competition with other gym in area like 2 weeks after I started
>be little butterball so weight class with this gangly teenager that's like 14
>get btfo
>get participation medal
I would have been such a freak wrestler today if they hadn't been complete retards what the fuck.

Anonymous No. 121357

kids used to get these shirts that had chest padding because we thought that if a ball hit you in the chest between heartbeats you'd just instantly die lol

I thought it made sense because I saw it in a terminator movie or something like that, I'm not sure

when I played baseball I'm pretty sure I broke a finger once too, I was batting and I hit a triple off my index finger, that ball went pretty far and my finger was double the width for a good couple weeks

also another time in practice a kid took a pitch to the nose and blood was all over the place (pretty cool)

didn't stop me from playing but I don't play anymore although I wore a bitch face guard on my helmet for a couple years after that

Anonymous No. 121358

wew lad you probably almost died

Anonymous No. 121377

>kids used to get these shirts that had chest padding because we thought that if a ball hit you in the chest between heartbeats you'd just instantly die lol
Honestly that's not a terrible idea. Baseball players really could use some padding, we got hit and collided with stuff all the time.

My worst fear in little league was handling ground balls, because the fields we played on were incredibly neglected and it was anyone's guess where the ball was going to bounce once it hit the ground. I'd seen ground balls lay low before only to spike up in the air and hit fielder's in the face.

All I really needed was a pair of damn sunglasses though. I had talent, I'm telling you. If not for my bitch ass dad I could have been a star.

Anonymous No. 121387

yeah I had one of those shirts for a while too, lol. but I never once got hit in the chest. I almost never got hit in the dick even though I wore a cup but I took a lot of bouncing grounders to the shins, or pitches to the shins, or someones cleats to my shins. I should have swapped the cup for shinguards, lol

I miss playing baseball man