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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 118631

>want to try kickboxing/Muay Thai
>want to learn it for fun and self defense
>only want to train and light spar
>don’t want cumulative brain damage that catches up with me in old age
Can it be done?

Anonymous No. 118632

Sure. Just do as you said. If you're extra worried, just make sure you're always very hydrated and take creatine, it has some positive effects on neuroplasticity. a dehydrated brain is a brain with more room to get knocked around

Anonymous No. 118636

cant have your cake and eat it to

Anonymous No. 118637

You would probably be best served by avoiding sparring as much as possible for a while and then only sparring people you know well. Especially among young males there will always be randoms who light sparring = 70% power to the head 100% everywhere else lol.

Anonymous No. 118638

Exactly, OP is a fucking moron. Fighting is for losers who want dementia

Anonymous No. 118641

Yeah. Just be a normal hobbyist and don't spar hard. There's no shame in being a casual.

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Anonymous No. 118653

CTE is a fucking meme, you won't get it unless you spar as much as a proffessional fighter would

Anonymous No. 118673

>don’t want cumulative brain damage that catches up with me in old age
Just focus on your defense. Watch how mayweather, canelo, loma, and pernell whitaker move. You will end up taking shots to the body way more often, but you said you want no brain damage, so choose one

Anonymous No. 118761

t. nofights.

Anonymous No. 118794

do Muay-Thai. Very light sparring but you'll still learn a fuckton.
Yes you can. You can be very explicit about only wanting to go light and have nothing but light sparring sessions. This is a dumb post.

Anonymous No. 118816

>has never sparred or rolled at half speed
no belt casual detected
be a faggot somewhere else like the pro rassling board

Anonymous No. 118819

most professional fighters rarely spar hard. they do it maybe twice or thrice a month at most, and they definitely don't do it in the weeks leading up to the fight.

Anonymous No. 118822

>Very light sparring
American gym?

Anonymous No. 118825

The gym near me does “Dutch style” kickboxing

Anonymous No. 118858

goalposting moving i know but I meant pro athlete hard sparring as well as the fights themselves, poor wording on my part.

Anonymous No. 118859

bunch of pussies

Anonymous No. 118864

You're legit a fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 118867

fair enough

Anonymous No. 118868

are there any articles or studies about this? or a term i can look up to point me in the right direction?

Anonymous No. 118897

rip knees

Anonymous No. 119371

Why I chose Kyokushin, no head punches except for specific days plus a bunch of autistic katas I can over analyze. Kicking to the head is usually light unless we're training for competition.

Anonymous No. 119588

>falling for the cte meme
>not just wearing headgear if youre really concerned about it
Any excuse to avoid real training

Anonymous No. 119593

headgear doesn't protect u from brain damage

Anonymous No. 119598

Whatever you say nofights. Really nobody wants your kind shitting up their gyms so its a win-win

Anonymous No. 119611

Enjoy dementia loser

Anonymous No. 119613

What he said is 100% true though. Headgear literally won't save you from CTE or brain damage. The head gear means fuck all when it's your brain hitting the inside of your skull that's the problem. Headgear is useful for cauliflower ear and just saving your face from scaring. That's it.

Anonymous No. 119623

Headgear can almost make getting CTE worse. When you wear headgear people will hit you harder because they're under the false assumption that headgear prevents the brain from being knocked around. It protects your skin but not your noggin.
The other thing with headgear is that fighting is a game of inches (sometimes millimeters). I dodge punches with the least movement possible, and the extra 3/4" gear adds to my head screws up my distance. I end up getting hit when I wouldn't normally get hit without gear on

Anonymous No. 119661

Im already retired from fighting and have no CTE or dementia. You don't actually want to participate in combat sports or do any kind of training so what is the actual point of you posting? Complaining about imaginary cases of CTE so you feel less like a pussy?

Anonymous No. 120634

a lot of amateur kickboxing events where I live don't require headgear anymore.

Anonymous No. 120843

CTE is a meme of which the science for practically came out all at once and seems to be involved with basically every sport. I have a feeling there is an agenda behind keeping men away from competitive sports

Anonymous No. 120938

You're not wrong

Anonymous No. 121050,performance%2C%20according%20to%20new%20research.&text=FULL%20STORY-,Routine%20sparring%20in%20boxing%20can%20cause%20short%2Dterm%20impairments%20in,performance%2C%20according%20to%20new%20research

Sparring causes brain damage and brain damage is cumulative. These are facts. You don't need to spar to train striking, even amongst pro fighters sparring makes up an infinitesimally small portion of their training, and is arguably more of a mental preparation than anything else.

Anonymous No. 121052

>is meme
>well documented with mri pics of brains turned into Swiss cheese
>cope denial on the level of tards that used to pretend shell shock/ptsd isn't real
>muh agendas
Take your meds schizo

Anonymous No. 121055

>larping this hard
Real fighters are talking about this, dealing with this. I don't know what your objective is here because denying CTE, saying it's imaginary, when there is shit tons of evidence and tons of concerned athletes speaking out about it, just makes you look like a retard.

Anonymous No. 121084

>fails reading
>calls someone else retarded

Anonymous No. 121140

>claims to be retired fighter
>calls CTE is imaginary
What was missed here? Not saying a fighter can't retire without getting CTE. Just that you're a faggot larper saying shit no fighter would say.

Anonymous No. 121151

He’s got CTE, that’s why his ELA skills are lacking.

Anonymous No. 121205

>The team found that, one hour after sparring, the participants showed impaired brain-to-muscle communications and decreased memory performance, relative to controls.
>After 24 hours, these effects returned to baseline.
The study said nothing new, it's well known that the harm caused by concussions can be reverted without any permanent damage.
Read before you post.

Anonymous No. 121326

It's also well known that the damage is cumulative and the more it happens the less you recover. Just because your brain can compensate after one session doesn't mean it can do it forever. Nice cherry picking though. The article clearly stated that doing it repetitively could have long term effects not covered by the study.

Anonymous No. 121351

>noooo you can't spar or do any kind of real martial arts training you'll get CTE
>anon thats bullshit you're just using that as an excuse not to train
>Enjoy your CTE and dementia lmao
>anon I don't have CTE or dementia. Stop making up imaginary cases of CTE
>WTF you think CTE is imaginary? Larp larp you've never done any training reeeeeeeee
>haha it must be the CTE
Both of you are fucking retards and should never post again

Anonymous No. 121364

Lmao, your so concussed you don’t even realize how concussed you’re sound. Congrats on your early onset dementia.

Anonymous No. 121365

>doubles down on being a retard
You played the only card you had

Anonymous No. 121366

Why did you throw the Jack of hearts away?
It was the only card in the deck that I had left to play

… And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend
And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend
And I'll say it again, I need a brand new friend, the end

Anonymous No. 121369

>>doubles down on being a retard
Weird statement from a man made into a downie

Anonymous No. 121373

So basically this entire thread is people that have literally never stepped inside of a gym telling people not to do combat sports

Anonymous No. 121384

You can absolutely do it like that, never let anyone force you to step in the ring if you arnt wanting to, CTE is absolutely, the former pro at my boxing gym suffers from it after taking too many hits, and he smartly retired before he turned himself Into a vegetable, there was a study done of the brains of american football players of various ages (after they had died of whatever) , from college onwards at least 95 percent of the brains autopsied had CTE, having your head punched on a regular basis, even if you dont get a concussion will give you brain damage, if your smart and take time off between hard knocks and don't spar every single session you'll probably be fine long term, it's the "she'll be right I'm a hard cunt" guys that keep going after they're hurt that really fuck themselves

Anonymous No. 121392


OP is way better off just watching a class or two of gyms in his area and seeing if they are smashing each other when sparing or if it's casual friendly.

I know plenty of old dudes that have all their marbles left because they train and spar with enough respect for each other to not dome people during sparing since no body is even learning anything doing that.
You ain't swinging for knockouts doing sparing, and most places I have been to mostly keep things light and playful during sparing, and save going super hard for pads and bags.
They are your friends and training buddies. You want to learn and teach each other.
You ain't fighting for real or actively trying to hurt your homies.

Never been to a gym where it was cool to try to knock someone's block off during training.
Most people got work the next day n shit and don't feel like a trip to the hospital.

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Anonymous No. 121399

just tell you're a pussy retard

Anonymous No. 121421

I guarantee them old dudes you talking about are dumb as shit, can't do complex mental talks or hold a steady hand and will definitely get dementia/Parkinson's/Alzheimer's before someone who didn't spend their life rattling their brain. Stfu and go get retarded.

Obviously you can be more careful about sparing, but you're acting like everyone you step into a ring with is gonna be that magical perfect partner when 90 percent of the time that aint true cause most of you faggots think it's about "you gotta know how to get hit"

This thread is full of dumbshits being trained by dumbshits. When pro fighters are looking for ways to cut down on sparring and you're sucking it off, obviously you're missing something.

Anonymous No. 121422


Anonymous No. 121423

Anonymous No. 121434

Listen baby, I know you've been hurt a lot but you gotta understand that your experience isn't universal. Don't go to shit gyms and don't spar with shitty people and you won't have any brain damage. End of discussion.

Anonymous No. 121451

>Nice cherry picking though.
Ironic you should say that, considering the article doesn't actually confirm anything you said and infact only covers a small scope, for which both of your posts are irrelevant if you want to talk about long term damage. At least what I said is relevant to the article in question.

Anonymous No. 121460

Yes, and seething while they do it

Anonymous No. 121461

You can't guarantee anything and you don't know shit. If you had every done any form of training or set foot inside of a gym you'd know that you have an oponion that has little to no basis in reality

Anonymous No. 121468

Wow you don't know shit and you are totally talking out your ass.
The fact that you presume shit about people I know personally is just insane since you are just making blind incorrect spiteful baseless assertions just to be contrary.
what a jackass.

Anonymous No. 121488

>I'm just going to keep making shit up

Anonymous No. 121550

Nobody is preventing you from hiding in the back of the library for the rest of your life

Anonymous No. 121603

Yup. What motivates this level of seething and cope is well beyond my understanding

Anonymous No. 121715

So much cope in here, the CTE is palpable.

Anonymous No. 121950

>implying you use your brain for anything since you post here

Anonymous No. 122123

If you dont want to have any brain damage or take any risk to your body just lock yourself in bunker or something and stop shitting up the thread.

Anonymous No. 122125

how about the industrial revolution

Anonymous No. 122234

If you just light spar the brain damage is 0

Anonymous No. 122290

strengthen your neck

I can neck curl 60kg for 4x10 after years of training
disclaimer: I also squat 585, bench 354 and deadlift 640

Anonymous No. 126227

You need to spar if you want to learn how to defend yourself. Period.
You don't know how you'll react to getting punched until you get punched.
So it's the price you pay. You don't need to spar or fight as much as professionals, so your risks are lower, but there is a non-zero risk of brain damage involved.

Anonymous No. 129590

right, but it doesn't need to be hard sparring. light sparring will suffice 90% of the time, and it even makes u a better fighter bc among other reasons, the refractory period is a lot shorter, meaning u can spar much more often:

Anonymous No. 129591

light sparring is for PUSSIES

its like flag football or penny poker, it's the effeminate version of a masculine thing

Anonymous No. 129595

Why do you like hard sparring so much if you don’t train? Do you just like watching real men give each other brain damage?

Anonymous No. 129600

Dutch kickboxing is based because of the expected hard sparring. Whenever we tried to do harder sparring in muay thai, my gymmates would always be pissed off between rounds that I'm hitting them hard. Like bro, this is what we've agreed on, why are you mad? I'm not even hitting 100%, I'm only going like 75% at best

Anonymous No. 129601

what unit of measurement is used for the percentage of how hard sparring goes?

Anonymous No. 129602

you know you're not the only person who takes MT

Anonymous No. 129607

Your individual effort?

Anonymous No. 129608

whats the difference between 79% and 83%? what's the forumla?

Anonymous No. 129609

>whats the difference between 79% and 83%?
Slightly more effort

Anonymous No. 129610

Where is the line between hard and light sparring?

Anonymous No. 129616

Relative to your norm. What are these autistic questions

Anonymous No. 129621

Autistic questions for autistic people.

Anonymous No. 129714

the problem is ur 75% may be someone else's 100% and vice versa. hence matching ur sparring partner's intensity is a must.

Anonymous No. 129715

I could already tell the autism by the first question, you don't need to ask more
They've all held pads for me and vice versa, so they should know exactly what 100% feels like. But I live in a first world country where everyone thinks interacting with others is incredibly stressful and anxiety inducing

Anonymous No. 129774

/xs/ is sadly full of tryhards and guys who want to look tough. The word "middleground" rarely seems to exist here

Anonymous No. 130646

yeah and that 100% could still be too much for them. not everyone is equal in strength, so it's important u know ur strength and simply meet ur sparring partner at their intensity rather than using that outdated method of going whatever percentage.

Anonymous No. 130715

I already do that, which is the amusing part. I'm the one going light because I know how hard I can hit. I match them and some of them get butthurt. What I do know about everyone I've trained with, is that I'm the only one who does true blue collar work, so only I know what it feels like to really hurt. They're a bunch of glass cannons with a low caliber

Anonymous No. 130964

You're probably just a retard who can't control himself and gets yelled at for going to hard. We have a couple guys like that at our gym and nobody wants to spar with them

Anonymous No. 130970

No they're literally just pussies that can't take what they dish out. You know, normal city people

Anonymous No. 131027

Post-2015 /pol/ replacing /b/ as the de-facto core board for 4chan entry culture has assured that nuance and shades of grey of any kind will get you labeled a weak, centrist cuck.

Anonymous No. 131032

Which is absolutely retarded

Anonymous No. 131035

>everyone else is the problem, not me
I bet you’re the kind of person who says this a lot in life.

Anonymous No. 131049

I do, because people are generally incompetent and I've learned that its usually not me in the wrong.

Anonymous No. 133186

You dont need to do competitive matches to learn Muay Thai. You can just train regular Muay Thai. Sparring isn't to the death, if the sparring is getting too serious in a Gym then your trainer is a dumbass.

You're not supposed to try and kill other people while training, you leave that for the real fights.

Anonymous No. 133188

If you’ve ever prqcticed these martial arts, usually they have different sessions for practice and sparing. practice sessions ysually are about working on technique and conditioning, maybe doing some shoulder tag (trying to loosly touch opponents shoulder with fingers and defending to get a feel) but a lot of bag/movement/shadowboxingn etc. the other sessions they ask you to bring stuff like mouthgaurds and maybe give you headgear and you do more intermediary sparing. and really, if you arent doing full on compitions, there is little risk in either, but if you are really pissy you can just do the practice sessions.

Anonymous No. 133228

Just spar lightly on the head and strong on the body you bozos

Anonymous No. 133311

Why is everyone on 4chan a retard? OP can do exactly what he wants and is in fact common. Most people arent competative because it takes a long time to get at that level. Most people do it for excercise. I fucking hate this site.

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Anonymous No. 133412

Started doing kickboxing a couple of months ago
How do I get over the inhibition of not wanting to hit your sparring partner
I have a good amount of power and my technique is decent on mitts but when it comes to live sparring, I can't bring myself to actually make contact with the partners face, even though I know I probably won't hurt or damage them with it
Is this just something beginners go through and it gets easier with time or how do I fix this shit, I keep underperforming in sparring because of it and it pisses me off to no end

Anonymous No. 133954

It got worse over the years but i consistently read retarded takes on /xs/
A lot of people here want to be ultra tough brawlers or some shit

Anonymous No. 134452

underrated post

Anonymous No. 134477

>“Dutch style” kickboxing
cmiiw isnt that style well known for doing hard spar a lot ???

Anonymous No. 134478

>a bunch of autistic katas
im a retard and hate katas so fucking much

Anonymous No. 134579

Big Amerikan bodies too stlong, must contlor stlength

Anonymous No. 134665

If you're not trying against your sparring partner, then you're not respecting them. Let them figure out if they wanna get hit in the face by you, they decided to train just like you did.

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Anonymous No. 134674

any advice for me? I want the opposite of OP: to spar hard all the time under competition-level training gym,but never actually compete except sparring matches with gym-comrades\visitors.
I might even go to different hard-spar gyms troughout the week.
>dont ask why. just dont.

Anonymous No. 134676

yeah, and the reasoning for it originally was to make up for not having trained (let alone fought) from a young age like thaiboxers typically do in thailand, by effectively having several fights a week at the gym, not realizing most thaiboxers are completely burned out by their early 20s, bc they have a fight every week or two.

since a few years we've also discovered that hard sparring produces the averse affect, in the sense that one requires more time to recover, thus having less opportunities to spar, and becoming less good a fighter as a result. there are a few more reasons that increasingly, modern/scientifically-minded/functional combat sports coaches tend to have light sparring as the default mode of sparring in their gyms these days, which icy mike from hard2hurt and shane fazen from fighttips went into in couple vids of theirs, respectively:

in life, generally speaking, trying to make up for lost time is futile. if we do, we tend to rush things and half ass them, which i've noticed is quite common in a lot of european and more broadly non-thai kickboxing gyms' training methodologies: instead of turning on the ball of one's foot when throwing a (round) kick for maximum efficiency, they drag their foot and end up having to constantly regain footing, restore balance, and return to their original stance. what i've noticed firsthand is in dutch kickboxing the emphasis is on power rather than technique, which i think is putting the cart before the horse, and this is one of the negative impacts dutch kickboxing has made on striking arts, unfortunately. it almost feels more like a cardio class than a technical class at the local (dutch) kb gym i train at.

as other anons have stated: dutch kb is excellent for serious competition (primarily in the sport of kb itself), but kind of a waste of time if u're only doing it recreationally (unless there's nothing better available nearby, like in my case).

Anonymous No. 134677

most professional fighters barely spar hard. when they do spar, it's light most of the time. they spar hard maybe twice or thrice a month.

Anonymous No. 134679

If you show up to multiple gyms with the intent to "spar hard" you're going to develop a reputation and most likely get your ass beat out of spite. Nobody wants to spar hard with somebody they don't trust, unless they don't care about hurting you.