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Anonymous No. 118762

>gives you a hernia
how do I do this throw so it doesn't fuck me up internally?

Anonymous No. 118838

3 ways.
Do it in a flowing fashion where their full weight is never on you at one time.
seconds is to strengthen yourself and improve your lifting technique so that such a thing doesn't hurt you.
third is to not do such a move on people above a certain size unless you have the technique down really well and using the flowing method mentioned above.
I can squat a person that weighs 400 pounds so unless I botch the tech alot I would be unworried about a hernia.

Take things slow and build up your strength, especially the stabilizing muscles of your core. This will proactively prevent a hell of a lot of injuries.

Anonymous No. 118863

Get stronger? Are you sparring with 100kg guys or what?
Unless you’re literally a midget, the explanation is that you’re weak

Anonymous No. 118882

There are literally a dozen different variations of Kata Garuma. Find one that puts less stress on your body.

Anonymous No. 118885

do you think people who do the firemans carry worry about getting a hernia I'm the context of rescuing someone from a fire?

Anonymous No. 118900

Ironically firemen's carry is never ever used to actually rescue someone from fire due heat and smoke rising.
Like it would no exageration cook someone to death if you carried them that way in a structure fire.

Anonymous No. 118902

Still sees a lot of use for shooting situation evac, but the name just stuck.

Anonymous No. 119019

A dude who is less than 5 feet tall hit me (6'2) with this the other day with absolute ease. Dude is 100% dwarf phenotype though and is as wide as he is tall and very lean.

Anonymous No. 119022

Dwarf=hobbit-wide and stocky
Midget = just tiny

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119082

If you've already got one, don't continue to attempt this. Seek medical attention before potentially exacerbating the injury.
If you haven't already got one, then you're simply too fat/weak/deconditioned to execute the maneuver. Address that primarily and take care not to develop a hernia in the first place.
When you've achieved a state of readiness to practice this throw, follow these instructions:
1. Set up a platform on your right side just below hip height, and set a heavy bag on top. (~50% or less of your opponent's weight.)
2. Squat down at an oblique angle and grasp the heavy bag strongly...then release and return to standing. (3 sets, 10 reps.)
3. When you have mastered the previous step, shift your starting position to the oblique squat with your hands grasping the heavy bag strongly. Stand and lift it onto your shoulders...then return it to the platform. (3 sets, 10 reps.)
4. When you have mastered the previous step, shift your starting position to have the heavy bag resting on your shoulders. Shrug your right shoulder up while dropping your left shoulder down to throw the heavy bag to the ground...then return it to your shoulders. (3 sets, 10 reps; training partner would help here for resetting the heavy bag, otherwise you'll be doing a lot of lifting.)
5. When you have mastered all of these steps, put them together. Squat at an oblique angle and grab the heavy bag, stand and lift it to your shoulders, shrug and throw it to the ground. Repeat until you achieve smooth execution, then increase the weight incrementally over time.
Voila, you've learned how to throw a heavy object without catching a hernia! Try it on your sparring partner once you get it all down, will be a funny surprise.

Anonymous No. 119113

OP here

I've done it before, I'm 6'0 and 165 lbs and was able to do it on a static 6'5 250 lbs fat jewish guy and squatted with him. I think my problem is trying to do the pull technique to get them off balance, I'm usually just shooting while they are still stable.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119139

>I've done it before,
Sheesh, kind of wish you put that tidbit of info in the OP before I went and wrote this >>119082 whole diatribe. Lol, that's my bad for assuming you've never attempted this--hope these instructions help some other noob!
Anyway, my advice in the beginning about injury prevention and not developing a hernia in the first place is still important, so please take that into consideration when performing high-exertion lifts and throws. (Get stronger, and mitigate injury risk!)
Look, I don't know you from Adam, but it seems like you are capable and have some experience. If I was your coach, I'd set you up with slightly smaller sparring partners and a foam pad (for falls). Explain to your partner the intent of your practice--shooting while they are unstable to gain leverage for the throw--and drill with them. Your sparring partner should understand that the goal is to move around normally, but that they should also expect to be caught and thrown by you. This way you're all on the same page, and you can focus on your partner's stance/movement with an eye at their base (feet, legs) for signs of instability...and that's when you strike and execute. When you get adept at throwing smaller sparring partners, then move up incrementally to a partner equal to your size, and then beyond!
Also, a hint with the "pull technique" is to get good grasps on your partner with your hands and arms, then employ less "upper extremity pulling" and more "dropping your hips down and to the side". (A mix of both, with emphasis on hip drop, in most effective.) This way you are attaching a large amount of gross body weight onto your partner and moving quickly away from their base of support, ideally causing them to falter. Good luck!

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Anonymous No. 119209

Do it like wrestlers do and there's hardly any lifting at all.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119234

>upright judo stance
>crouched wrestling stance
Idk, but I don't think this translates well between disciplines. How many judo guys have you seen get down on both knees for a kata guruma?

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Kata Guruma varia....png

Anonymous No. 119249

I'm not a student of Judo, but this Kata Guruma highlight video shows it a few times. You don't see the way it looks in the OP image even once. Most often it looks like picrel, they block one of their feet instead of shooting in deep like a wrestler would. Maybe the gi affects it, idk.

Anonymous No. 119252

Judo Competitions and IJF are verboten in the Judo world.

Anonymous No. 119259

It’s because you can’t grab the leg anymore in judo competition

Anonymous No. 119267

Do deadlifts at the gym. Dyel?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 119799

I thought you can't grab the leg?

Anonymous No. 119857

You don't. If you can't do a technique, simply ignore it. Champions only have 1 or 2 good techniques they use constantly, being good at all judo techniques only makes sense if you want to be a coach.

Anonymous No. 121118


The big secret is that the illustration is misleading. Don't lift with the hand between their legs, that's asking for an injury. Lead the weight over your shoulders with your "top" hand and then raise your "bottom" hand to change the shape of your shoulders as they go over.

Once you get the groove of it, you can even do it without using the bottom hand at all.