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๐Ÿงต How long did it took you to find the right gym?

Anonymous No. 119021

I've been into martial arts since I'm 16 and only found the actual place I decided to stay until this year (at 25), I guess I was looking for a not so common thing

-ITF Taekwon-Do (1 year)
-WTF Taekwon-Do (4 months)
-ITF Taekwon-Do (1 year)
-Choy Lee Fut Kung Fu (1 year and 2 months)
-Muay Thai (6 months)
-Judo (2 months)
-ITF Taekwon-Do/Kick-Boxing (6 months and counting)

The first two Dojangs I attended were your typical TKD places, heavy on competition but light-contact. then there was the third TKD place wich was a small recently opened Dojang run by a college friend, it was more "traditional" in wich it resembled more the Shotokan schools I saw on Youtube rather that the TKD places I had already attended, when the Dojang closed I tried a Kung Fu place were the instructor was pretty cool and so was the people there, the only problem, the man was open minded about everything exept sparring, he thought a Krav Maga approach would make Kung Fu more legit, then there was the Muay Thai gym, wich again, was your average MT/K1 experience but there was an issue, the instructor barely intructed me (I was the only dude in the gym one night and he barely supervised my training) so I changed again, the Judo place was fine exept for one small issue, lots of young people doing Judo, 11-14 year olds screaming and laughing all the time I just couldn't take it, it was sad since the Dojo was pretty heavy on randori both Tachi-waza and Ne-waza, after that I stayed lazy for months untill one day, I saw a flyer on Facebook for a "Full Contact Taekwon-Do" class wich immediatly caught my attention, what I had realise so far about myself was that I wanted the traditional martial arts experiece but I also wanted sparring (real sparring) so I said "what the hell I'll go" and it was finally what I've been looking for and I'm still amazed it took so much to find I teacher that suited my needs

Anonymous No. 119551

Idk, have not found one.
I went to this Aikido dojo completely ready to rock and roll. A traveling Sensei got me some contacts and I found the best dojo in the city I live in.

>walk in
>little kids dicking off
>sensei is some boomer after $ over crowded dojo
>stay for the advanced course
>its 3 guys and one in a wheel chair

It was fun but not worth 2 hours commute and over 100 a month, the other reputible place is notorious for the Sensei ripping off students financially.

Everything else is McDojo and random trash I am at a loss bros. Is boxing similar? Krav Maga might be but i hear they don't teach goy properly

Anonymous No. 119662

I never found a school that I was really happy with, the only one that came close was an hour away.
Thankfully I have a decent natural understanding of martial arts so I've been able to pick up a rather good set of skills from books, DVDs, internet and gym hopping over the years. Practicing with friends is the best way to train honestly, aslong as you're the type that is naturally good at mimicking and are bodily concious.

That sucks man. Unfortunately, it really doesn't matter what martial art it is nowdays they all kind of have the same problems.

You either have to put up with it or have friends and a good ability to research and problem solve.

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Anonymous No. 119699

>"karate" 5/6 months
>boxing 1 month
>i forgot about martial arts
>fastforward 10 years
>kyokushin 6 years and counting
>kudo 2 months and full stop
>okinawan karate 2 years and counting

Anonymous No. 119701

>Kenpo Karate Mcdojo 8 years
>High school wrestling 1 month
>Shaolin Kung-Fu Mcdojo 1 week
>Karate Mcdojo 1 week
>Scamdemic happens
>BJJ/boxing/MMA gym 2 years
>Muay Thai Gym 3 months(concurrent w/ MMA gym)

I started Kenpo when I was like 12, I had fun and don't regret it but it was a load of shit obviously, I sparred maybe two dozen times in almost a decade of training, and it was always point sparring. Kata practice was 90% of class, and once you got your brown belt you basically became a teacher/senpai who worked for free. Lots of kids, parents, and kickfit moms. Never had a competition team despite asking to form one. It did get me into MA and I'm more flexible than almost anyone I've trained with though. I messed around at some other places until I found an MMA place that fit my wants, and while the sparring is great, the kickboxing classes were sub-par so I started going to MT place as well. Grappling wasn't my thing but I actually have a lot of fun doing it.

Pure kickboxing places which aren't labeled "Muay Thai" tend to be fitness cardio places. So I would try to find a Muay Thai gym, an MMA gym with kickboxing classes, a Kyokushin dojo, or a boxing gym(beware of hard sparring CTE). According to everything I've read/watched, Krav Maga is complete horseshit, although some places are decent. Even at its best it's just "okay" MMA with some mcdojo shit thrown in.

>practicing with friends is the best way to train honestly
Do you genuinely believe this? That's retarded. Unless you happen to be friends with high-ranking martial artists/competitive fighters who will teach you shit for free

Anonymous No. 119786

You genuinely have no fucking reading comprehension, moron. Go the fuck back and re-read what I said before you talk shit.

Anonymous No. 119793

Uh, what? I ignored all the shit you said about how being special like you means you can learn to fight on your own. Because that's retarded. You and your buddies can roll around on the ground with each other after watching a YouTube jiu-jitsu video all you want, you're still going to learn nothing and suck afterwards, no matter how much of a "natural"(lol) you are.

Anonymous No. 119807

That's literally the dumbest thing anyone has ever said.

You realize that the Gracie's claim that all the techniques they invented were just from rolling around on the ground with eachother...

If you think every technique was handed down from the beginning of time in exactly the state that it is in and that it must be transmitted to you magically by being in the same room with some grand master who literally wont show you and 50 other people how to do it more than once a month, well you're truely sub 0 IQ.

Anonymous No. 119852

Do you realize that the gracies are notorious bullshit artists and egomaniacs? It's well known that the gracies learned judo from a Japanese guy named Mitsuyo Maeda.

When did I claim you learn by magic transmission of knowledge? Theres no "secret knowledge" taught once a month in any gym... that's not how it works. You and your buddies are not learning how to fight by horsing around with each other and the claim that you are is laughable. Terrible advice to give someone. I know you've had poor experience with gyms(or perhaps more likely have not gone to any) and thus have some weird vendetta against them, but it's the only way you're going to actually learn to fight. I think you already understand this. Go to the gym you liked that is an hour away and get your ass handed to you in sparring or rolling by their newbies if you want proof irl. Let that weird, baseless ego of yours get shattered.

Anonymous No. 119901

Hahah, dude I was state champion in an MMA comp for my weight class. I've been doing it for 12 years. You don't have the level of experience I do and it shows.

Anonymous No. 119909

"State champ in an mma comp" is not a thing, mma is not like wrestling, bjj and karate, there aren't tournaments or meets. You've exposed yourself.

Anonymous No. 119961

You can't be that stupid. No federation doesn't mean clubs don't hold statewide tournaments.

Anonymous No. 120067


Ok what state wide competitions? You don't need to say the exact comp and Fox yourself. But what club or amateur promotion? Did you have no formal training? You just sparred and rolled with friends who equally had no experience and became good enough to become state MMA champ?

Why haven't you gone pro as usually people with just a handful of years as a state wrestling champ let alone full MMA become pro MMA fighters?

Anonymous No. 120089

I am this guy
I am not this guy

You're a liar and you can't fight. Go tickle your friends balls in your backyard faggot.

Anonymous No. 120114

There was a club in Wollongong, Australia. They invited the club I was training at and the rest of the state. It was between 2010 and 2013 if I recall, at that time there was maybe 20 or less MMA clubs in the state, so when 7 turned out it was a big deal. 3 matches and I'd won my weight division.

My training was extensive prior but at the time I was still attending the MMA club regularly. I quit the club the next year as I felt I was learning more from online videos than I was in the club itself. Now I just hop between martial arts schools, read books, watch videos and practice with whoever wants to join in.

I never went pro because I never really wanted to and even if I did want to there was no real formal avenues at the time. I proved to myself that I could hold my own in a self defense situation so now it's just a hobby that I practice irregularly.

To reiterate my point, I do believe that with the right instructional materials a group of friends could very well learn to fight without signing up to a club. Proof of concept is Blackie Chan, he's not the best sure, but he learnt a lot from watching youtube and just trying it out.


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Anonymous No. 120151


Unless one of those friends is trained, they can't to a competitive level and will just train bad habits into muscle memory as no one knows the correct form. It's just going to be borderline homoerotic rolling.

It's fine to supplement proper training in a boxing or MMA gym, and I did it myself over the lockdown with 5 other lads. But 4 of us had other training with one a well-trained amateur boxer. And it's not something I would do now that gyms are open again and we can go to class with an actual coach in a proper facility.