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Spelunking No. 119308

Anyone ever tried this sport? (Not even sure if it can be called a sport). What are the skills necessary to practice it except not being fat and claustrophobic? Is there an high rate of injuries and deaths?

Anonymous No. 119356

do you have a death wish?

Anonymous No. 119385

Go to a caving club and learn how from people who've successfully not died in a cave. Many caving fatalities occur because some newbies get too big for their britches and end up attempting to tackle an extremely dangerous section of a cave entirely by accident. Or they don't study the weather patterns properly and end up in a watery, dark grave.

That said, it's inherently dangerous to cave. You should make peace with God and family before you enter any cave. And stay far the fuck away from cavediving unless you love dying.

Anonymous No. 119430

I've seen a few little entrances on walks but am terrified some poisonous snake or spiker is lurking in the dark. There's a cool YouTube channel I got into for a bit
I think you'd have to do something pretty dumb to die. Unless you stumbled into some illuminati underground kill room, probably certainly dead then.

Anonymous No. 119443

Most deaths are from shit like drowning and slip and falls since most caves aren't dry.
It's pretty rare for someone to get stuck or lost, and usually those that do are very small children or very stupid teens.
There is also the risk of animals, partial collapse, and bad air. Though honestly you shouldn't be going in cave systems deep enough for those last two to be issues as a hobbyist.
It normally takes special skills, equipment, and knowledge to go that far in most cave systems. So just don't unless you actually have that training and gear. Otherwise you might end up in a gas pocket and insta die without even knowing why.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Spelunking No. 119511

>You should make peace with God and family before you enter any cave.
Oh come on! Deaths related to cave exploration are actually very rare. John Jones died because he did everything that you should not do when doing this kind of stuff.

Spelunking No. 119512

>There is also the risk of animals
Aren't caves especially in the deeper parts scarcely populated? I heard that both reptiles and arachnids don't like to stay in an excessively dark environment.

Spelunking No. 119513

>And stay far the fuck away from cavediving unless you love dying.
I genuinely have no idea how can someone try something like this. I heard that even those few madmen that do it openly discourage possible newcomers to do it.

Anonymous No. 119520

they should just chip at it

Anonymous No. 119521

just mine it bruh