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🧵 /xs/ LARPer infection

Anonymous No. 119346

Can we get fake sports like HEMA and Buhurt removed from this board? Maybe relocated to /tg/? These threads are shitting up the place.

Anonymous No. 119348

This board moves at like one post for hours and both those threads keep to themselves.

Anonymous No. 119413

This. Fuck off OP. Delete this shit thread

Anonymous No. 119419

Good thread OP hema is for retarded man baby faggots who are afraid of actual martial arts

Anonymous No. 119435

Clearly just a troll thread.

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Anonymous No. 119440

Say that on the field, no on the tapestry. See what happens.

Anonymous No. 119452

I've done judo an actual applicable skill
most hema fags can't even deal with a leg sweep
and since I knocked you down I win your little faggot contest because the rules are stupid faggotry

Anonymous No. 119453

Lmao I’ve probably done both judo and HEMA longer than you, so good luck not getting stabbed in the process or countered in the process

I’ve been doing both since before /asp/ didn’t suck

Anonymous No. 119454

I probably would find more actual fighters on mainstream sites than this place.

Anonymous No. 119456

15 years of judo and a black belt and that's not counting other martial arts
how about you fatty?

Anonymous No. 119459

lmao who fucking cares? The oldest thread in the catalog is like 18 months old at this point. You can literally stop any thread on this board from 404ing by bumping it like once every 2 weeks

Anonymous No. 119461

Lets see, we got fighting sports where people dress in:
-speedos and swim trunks
and now trash cans

Anonymous No. 119463

We’ll you got me beat assuming you’re not lieing. I’ve been doing judo since 2014 and have cross trained in other martial arts since then. Started doing HEMA seriously in 2018 or so. I don’t believe you in general for one because you’re a cunt and also because this board is 90% white belts

Anonymous No. 119485

>seething fat white belt
lmao fuck off bitch

Anonymous No. 119529

>I've done judo an actual applicable skill
Yeah because letting people grab you by the bathrobe and hip toss you is totally applicable irl. Try an actual grappling art like wrestling or bjj and see how your low percentage throws work for you.

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Anonymous No. 119531

Lmao, now let’s see yours

Anonymous No. 119584

I've done wrestling and 10 years of no-gi
>low percentage throws
>sweeps your leg
nothing personal kiddo

judging by that heater your a euro, which means you've never been inside a real grappling gym and that's a fake mcdojo belt
nice try fatty

Anonymous No. 119592

Most people consider Judo in Europe to be high level than the US.

Anonymous No. 119594

the fascinating thing about hema is how much it upsets people who don't even know what it is

Anonymous No. 119595

It’s the same kind of people who think “just go crazy on them bro” is good advice for a fist fight. They can’t wrap their heads around fighting with weapons being anything more than a wild hack fest with no strategy or technique

Anonymous No. 119599

What I meant is that people on 4chan seem to just decide at some point that they hate HEMA, and then project something on to it.
For example, they'll mistake it for the SCA or straight LARP, saying that HEMAists wear costumes and give themselves roleplaying names, shit like that.
In an other example, I think it was on /k/, some guy was absolutely convinced that HEMAists have some sort of butthurt complex about polearms
Another time, someone claimed that historians/academics despise HEMA or consider it laughable, when in reality the HEMA scene is full of them, at least here in Europe.
The most common one is that people end up thinking that HEMA is nothing but cringy fat guys like Shadiversity, who notably doesn't do HEMA

Anonymous No. 119612

Can’t even reply to the right guy lmao

Anonymous No. 119667

no they don't
you mistake the iron grip the judo federation has for actual decent judo
a lot of schools don't even align themselves with the international federation now because they don't want them controlling/promoting their black belts
france is a great example, french judo forced athletic commisions to keep mma illegal because they were afraid of losing their athletes
it's just retarded politics
and japan has the better technical practitioners and always has since they have actual judo academies and aren't big dudes so their technique is better

>knocks you over
nice sword pencil dick, but you lost the match

who cares
be less fat, fatty

Anonymous No. 119668

>you mistake the iron grip the judo federation has for actual decent judo
just to add to this point, I've seen judo schools get pissed if you cross train or use their judo for mma, legit seen guys threatened by trainers for that
so in america where mma is huge and mma schools are bigger they have completely cannibalized the judo scene because the international federation is literally run by retarded dinosaurs obsessed about the "purity" of judo and they aren't allowed to attend judo comps because they're not pure judoka

Anonymous No. 119678

>nice sword pencil dick, but you lost the match
That’s not how any HEMA match works. Good job proving him right. You get a couple points for a takedown the same reasons you win a match by Osaekomi in judo, the assumption is if you can control them from above you can kill them.

Post your black belt now, LARPer. I don’t believe you.

Anonymous No. 119754

depends on your school because those are definitely hema rules
fat faggot

>muh points
even worse

Anonymous No. 119758

> depends on your school because those are definitely hema rules
There are no universal set of tournament rules you fucking moron but even then I’ve never seen a tournament that gave more than a couple points for a takedown.
>hurr durr points are bad
What the fuck are we supposed to do instead then? Score by blood loss?

Judo has points to by the way now show me your belt.

Anonymous No. 119810

>get knocked down
>muh points
>don't even rassle
just get mounted and have your face caved in because you're larping faggots lol

Anonymous No. 119827

>no belt
>no balls
>no coherent point
Abandon thread. OP is a faggot.

Anonymous No. 119873

>needs to validate himself on 4chins
>can't argue the point that getting points for knockdowns is pussy shit for retards because you don't even have to fight to stand back up or get mounted
be fat somewhere else

Anonymous No. 119880

>be fat somewhere else
You first

Anonymous No. 119910

So everyone should just go home with a concussion, or do you think Hema some sort of grappling where they carry a sword for no reason?

Anonymous No. 119930


I used to think this and actually started the WMA general to subtly move people away from HEMA to true WMA with actual direct historical lineages rather than recreations. E.g. boxing, wrestling, fencing and Olympic archery; instead of HEMA.

But I don't know now. HEMA is fairly legit even if it's a questionable reconstructions. HEMA and buhurt dudes seem to argue a lot and get violent towards each other but I really can't tell the difference.

Anyway its all bullshit. Light saber combat is the future of martial arts and extreme sports.

Anonymous No. 120037

lmao so mad

>can't handle a bonk on your noggin
that's why you do fake faggot sword faggotry
try going to a boxing gym fatty, see what they think about you being to precious to take some real blows

Anonymous No. 120054

Are you comparing being hit in the head by a piece of steel to being punched? A single hit would drop you, and probably dent your skull. Even with safety equipment, things like conclusions and broken fingers still happen.

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Anonymous No. 120058


Great so it's still Extreme Larping since HEMA has no real lineages to actual historic Western martial arts.

At least buhurt and actual larpers know their shit is made up & they are just austists having fun. HEMAtards seem to think it's a real martial art and not just larping with increased chance of injuries.

Anonymous No. 120097

>haha HEMA larper sport
>now kendo is pretty cool, nothing personal kid look how I teleport behind you with my katana >.<

Anonymous No. 120109

Some faggot keeps bumping these shit threads forcing the skating general down the page. I don't mind the fighting threads but these nerds need to gtfo.

Anonymous No. 120133

Stop bumping this shit thread. OP claimed to have fifteen years of judo experience but refuses to post his belt.

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Anonymous No. 120152


Kendo has an actual proper lineage to its historical form. It has a well-established curriculum and competition format for pressure testing. It's what HEMA pretends to be but isn't.

Anonymous No. 120154

The whole point of HEMA is to reconstruct lost martial systems. How could we be pretending to have a direct lineage when the point is that we don’t?

Anonymous No. 120204

It’s fucking cringe and the lineage is tokyo policemen larping. You scream like a weeaboo everytime you make a fucking telegraphed cut

Anonymous No. 120225

sounds like faggots larping

yea it's an actual sport numbnuts
let me know when there's hema in the olympics you goofy fat faggot

Anonymous No. 120226

I'm not OP
and I wouldn't post anything for a seething fatty

Anonymous No. 120227

>claim to be a judoka of 15 years
>say it’s gay that HEMA fencers can score points and end a match from a takedown
>make excuses why you can’t post a picture of your belt with time stamp
You’re a liar and a faggot

Anonymous No. 120230

>claim to be a judoka of 15 years
I am

>say it’s gay that HEMA fencers can score points and end a match from a takedown
it is

>make excuses why you can’t post a picture of your belt with time stamp
>needing to validate yourself on 4chan
lmao what a fatty

Anonymous No. 120231

Do you even know how judo matches work? What happens when you score ippon?

Anonymous No. 120232

>doesn't know there's sub only competitions
tell me you're a bitch without saying you're a faggot

Anonymous No. 120235

There is no Kendo in the olympics either and is just as a larping sport as HEMA is, except is even gayer due to the weeabooness, and also every kendoka thinks he achieved the secrets of the blade

Anonymous No. 120237

>except is even gayer due to the weeabooness
yea that's definitely gayer than having secret sword school techniques from lenny bulljitsiu that you and ted are practising in your backyard to revive le forgotten art

Anonymous No. 120239

>do a real martial art like judo
>but only the super niche competition format that has less than 100 competitors otherwise it’s gay
>also no I won’t post my belt
Nothing about HEMA is secret. You can read all the sources yourself on wiktenhauer for free.

Anonymous No. 120240

>nooo you can't practice a niche format only I can do that with my gay little sword fighting club
lmao are you so fat you never look in the mirror?

and there's a lot of sub only competitions, did you miss my post about doing no-gi fatty?

Anonymous No. 120244

>there’s lots of nogi, submission only, judo competitions out there
Lmao okay guy. I don’t give a shit if you practice some niche thing (even thought you actually don’t) you’re the one frothing at the mouth over other peoples hobbies

Anonymous No. 120246

who's mad?
are you upset that you're a fat loser?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 120247


Not who you are arguing with but you have issues dude.

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Anonymous No. 120250


Kendo is a legitimate pressure tested martial art with a living lineage to its historical war form. I would definitely pick a kendoka over a HEMA practitioner. Anyway fencing shits all over HEMA as again its a real martial art with a living lineage to its historical form.

Even Buhurt is better than HEMA, as Buhurt doesn't even pretend it is historically real. And it's ironically probably closer to actual historic pre-gunpowder European combat since the techniques naturally emerge from its ruleset and competition. Like how Muay Thai (Buhurt) is superior to and looks more like real fighting than Wing Chun (HEMA).

Anonymous No. 120251

Post your belt

Anonymous No. 120254

>fencing shits all over HEMA
My own coach was a sport fencer for 20 years before learning HEMA. I was a foilest. Many sport fencers transition to HEMA because it’s more akin to what they actually want to do which is fight with swords
>more realistic
You mean the sport that disallows thrusts, the main way to kill a guy in armor?

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Anonymous No. 120295


Ok. Pressure tested HEMA sword fighting from actual competitions wearing modern protective equipment is pretty badass I concede. I was mistaken about buhurt though I still think it replicates the chaos of medieval skirmishing.

Anonymous No. 120298

I’m so lost. Did you even know what HEMA was before making this stupid thread?

Anonymous No. 120299


I'm not OP or who you argued with mostly; I just started randomly shitposting half way thru.

Anonymous No. 120322

post your gut

Anonymous No. 120329

These posts are 100% vindicated:
HEMA's detractors don't even know what it is

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Anonymous No. 120343


I think the issue is it seems pretty dorky and made up. Even by the standards of most autistic bullshido. It's a recreation for a start rather than an actual established martial art with a living lineage, curriculum, and pressure tested competitive scene.

It seems questionable therefore why people would choose it over Kendo, Olympic fencing, of Eskrima except for the purpose of larping or self-fantasy.

As you said there is also the issue that people don't know what it is. Is it people in period accurate plate armour doing move sword fights? Is it people in modern protective equipment doing poor swordplay compared with high level Oly fencing and kendo? Is it buhurt? Or is it a true martial art as deserving of others?

People don't know and its easy to see why if you think it is one of those, experienced martial artists to get triggered.

Anonymous No. 120348

>As you said there is also the issue that people don't know what it is
The issue evidently is that you don’t know what it is and instead of googling for 5 minutes to figure it out you decided it was made up LARP in your mind.

Anonymous No. 120349

Thrusts were allowed in buhurt esrlier in the sport, then people got hurt.

Anyway some basic HEMA techniques are employed in buhurt.

Anonymous No. 120350

> Thrusts were allowed in buhurt esrlier in the sport, then people got hurt.
What were they expecting
>some basic HEMA techniques
Honestly the most valuable stuff to buhurt would probably be the ringen shit since the weapons don’t seem particularly useful anyways.

Anonymous No. 120369

>I think the issue is it seems pretty dorky and made up. Even by the standards of most autistic bullshido.
The very point of HEMA is that it isn't just made up, but reconstructed based on old literature. One can debate if the literature itself is bullshido in some cases, but generally, it's straightforward and not a bunch of weird secret techniques or whatever else people here project on the sources.
>It's a recreation for a start rather than an actual established martial art with a living lineage, curriculum, and pressure tested competitive scene.
And what's wrong with reconstruction? It's no different from what you see in many other fields, such as historical music, or cooking, or whatever.
Of course it doesn't have any established curricula - it's all still young and best practices won't be established for a long time. It's better to keep iterating and improving than that than to decide on something stupid now.
As for the supposed lack of pressure testing and competitive scene, this again shows you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and are projecting. Competition and pressure testing are vital for HEMA, as that's how interpretations of the sources are tested and validated.

>It seems questionable therefore why people would choose it over Kendo, Olympic fencing, of Eskrima except for the purpose of larping or self-fantasy.
Compared to all of those, HEMA plainly has the more exciting equipment: notably proper, full-weight swords. That's generally what attracts people, many of whom come here from Kendo, Olympic Fencing and Escrima. It's also free of a lot of the weird baggage other sports and arts have. The lack of a direct lineage is a sort of advantage here, it's very no-bullshit, free of excessive decorum and weird rules.
Of course, the reconstruction/academic side of it is extremely attractive to people as well. Some people like studying history, simply put.

Anonymous No. 120372

Finally, the specific fact that HEMA is not LARP is very important. It's solely focused on the fencing and reconstruction. If it had a bunch of LARPy decorum, I myself wouldn't be able to stand it. Buhurt is already too much cosplay for me.

>As you said there is also the issue that people don't know what it is.
>Is it people in period accurate plate armour doing move sword fights?
Period accurate plate armour? Sometimes, when people are doing Harnischfechten. Movie sword fights (if that's what you meant)? No.
>Is it people in modern protective equipment doing poor swordplay compared with high level Oly fencing and kendo?
Well, comparing the average HEMAist to high level practitioners of other things is obviously retarded. Why don't you compare high level HEMAists to high level Kendoka? Why do you ignore that Oly and Kendo have plenty of shit fencers? Why do detractors always focus on the likes of Skallagrim instead of the likes of Martin Fabian?
>Is it buhurt?
Buhurt is Buhurt
>Or is it a true martial art as deserving of others?
HEMA is a category, not a single martial art.

Anonymous No. 120378

> Why do detractors always focus on the likes of Skallagrim instead of the likes of Martin Fabian?
You already know the answer to this. It doesn’t fit the preconceived notions that swinging swords is for uncoordinated tosspots.

Anonymous No. 120392

no one cares you larping fatass

Anonymous No. 120474

Swords and polearms techniques are useful, taking a strong blunt hit in the head may stun or knock you out. Weapons are rarely as useless as a bystander might think, combo-stringing can help to waver your opponent before grappling and wrestling him into the ground. Obviously some techniques are useless due to the difficulty of executing it with plate armor or ue to the no thrust rule.

Anonymous No. 120507


I never said I thought that. I said that others don't and was explaining to you why people have issues with HEMA. I am not saying I do.

Anonymous No. 120586

I’ve seen the polearms land some serious hits but the swords and maces weighted such that they’re not going to really do much concussive force and most of those guys just hang on to them while throwing punches anyways.

Anonymous No. 120593

Swords can
>hit at midrange
>are easier to manage than a polearm
>can be used with a shield in the off-hand
>Easier to aim, since an axe or a polearm has only a small area on the tip of the blade where you want to hit, while the sword has 1/3 of it
>can cut the wood of axes and polearms in half

It is a useful weapon as long as you are using a curved sword like a Falchion. Best used by tanks on the edges of the arena to pin-point the advancing team in a chokehold.

Anonymous No. 120595

I would also like to add that when someone’s weapon is broken mid-fight, the fighter has to run back to his corner to get a replacement. This has innumerous strategic benefits like gaining ground, freeing up a fighter that was dueling the now disarmed opponent, allowing them to gank the rest of the team, diminishing the number of functional weapons the other team has. Etc

Even 2-Handed swords have their use.

Anonymous No. 120630

You can do both. Hema groups meet like once a week around where I live.

Anonymous No. 120631

First time coming here since it was /asp/ and once again its full of larpers who dont even train.

Anonymous No. 120635

Prove it. Fill in the blank. Nothing beats a ___

Anonymous No. 120766

well placed pipe bomb

Anonymous No. 120768

Phased oldfag. I really wish I could find the old copypasta but I don’t have it saved. Very sad.


Anonymous No. 120769


Anonymous No. 120801

I left when the mandrama faggots invaded the board. I'm happy to see it back. /asp/ was comfy despite all the larpers.

Anonymous No. 120805

Same here. It’s a shame so much of board culture was lost though. I tried to revive ///+/// in a previous thread but no one caught on. Plus tma is basically dead now so there’s no one to argue with. I don’t want to go after people peacefully practicing their weird ethnic dances either now since they mostly keep to themselves. Strangely the most retarded people now seem to be those that don’t train at all but insist that watching YouTube is just as good as professional instruction. I guess I’m old now. 4chan isn’t as fun as it used to be.

Anonymous No. 120858

HEMA is just a LARP! HEMA is cringe!

Anonymous No. 120859


No it is just a LARP because real Swordmasters kept the tradition of fencing up until today.

Anonymous No. 120863

>he’s still going

Anonymous No. 120867

>he's still larping about muh lost hema arts
>muh based olfags
>muh board culture
nigga mcfucking kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 120868

>using the word "swordmaster" unironically
Please go on, please keep embarrassing yourself!

Anonymous No. 120871

I live to spite you specifically

Anonymous No. 120876


There are still a few real swordmasters out there and teach fencing.
The fact that you don’t know that is clear sign that HEMA is just a stupid LARP by fat metal music dudes nothing more!

Anonymous No. 120912

They don’t call themselves swordmasters you autist.

Anonymous No. 120915


Fechtmeister .. is the term you faggot

Anonymous No. 120919

>living for others instead of yourself
yea you sound like a jelly spine beta bitch

Anonymous No. 120939

What makes fencing better than HEMA? I don't really know anything about both. HEMA seems to have an advantage in that it allows grappling and you can move more freely. As far as I understand fencing you can only move foward and backward? I guess the big advantage of fencing is that its an olympic sport so a much bigger talent pool.

Anonymous No. 120942

Which literally means “fencing master” not sword master you autist. In sport fencing I’ve only ever heard people with the title call themselves maestro.

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Anonymous No. 121265

>belt faggots
>one of them is unironically calling judo "an applicable skill"
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha *knees you in the gut and chin* hahahahahahaha hoohoohoo ooooooohhooohooohooo *grabs your faggy 'sword' and slaps you on the ass with it* wheeeeheeheeheeheeheeee

Anonymous No. 121267

>wrestling is the most successful martial art and amateur wrestlers usually beat kickboxers to a pulp because they can dictate where the fight takes place
>judo has a lot of mat wrestling and is more applicable since you work off your back while also giving you a excellent top game

lmao you'd get choked out in a minute, maybe less

Anonymous No. 121268

>wrestling is the most successful martial art
>amateur wrestlers usually beat kickboxers
>judo has a lot of mat wrestling
headcanon, headcanon and uhhhhhhh more headcanon

Also, you had to resort to using another martial art as your main argument so judo could ride its coattails. Pitiful, you're now more gay than the other guy.

Anonymous No. 121273

Anon above you is different from me who posted the feder and belt.

Good fucking luck lol if you think you’re going to outbox a guy with a longsword. Im sure that would go great and not result in your immediate death which is why only retards carried weapons historically while the smart ones just punched their enemies.

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Anonymous No. 121274

Also what the fuck do you mean judo doesn’t have mat wrestling. Do you even know how the sport works? Where do you think bjj came from?

Anonymous No. 121279

>outbox a guy with a longsword
I don't think I'm gonna outbox you, I think I'm gonna kick you in the face, grab your cringe cosplay prop, and slap you like a frail woman until you cry

>what the fuck do you mean [headcanon]
Did not and will not finish reading. Boom.

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Anonymous No. 121280

Whatever you say lol.

Anonymous No. 121304

>thread is judo vs weapons
Judoka have mental problems

Anonymous No. 121307

hema is for retarded gayfags and you can literally win hema matches by pushing the fat kids that do it over on their sides like beached whales

Anonymous No. 121309

He’s not a judoka though, the guy you’re responding to is claiming that judo doesn’t have any ground fighting.
Ok go get a medal and report back to us.

Anonymous No. 121313

>he doesn't even have a gold from a small level event like NAGA
do you even fucking grapple mate?

Anonymous No. 121331

What the fuck are you even talking about? Go get a medal in HEMA since you can push everyone over and win you fucking ESL mouthbreather.

Anonymous No. 121339

>claiming that judo doesn’t have any ground fighting
No im not you illiterate faggot, that's just the strawman you made up because apparently it wasn't pathetic enough for you to use another martial art to defend judo lmao

Anonymous No. 121340

>”judo involves a lot of mat wrestling”
>wow, what a fucking retard. Judo obviously has mat wrestling
>”heh nice straw man, idiot”
I await your response saying that “oh no I meant judo had mat wrestling but not a lot even though I all caps shouted “HEADCANON” at the prospect that judo involves ground fighting”
>because apparently it wasn’t pathetic enough for you to use another martial art to defend judo
And I’m illiterate? What are you even trying to say?

Anonymous No. 121347

>And I’m illiterate? What are you even trying to say?
>beginning a sentence with a coordinating conjunction
incomprehensible ESL babble.

>What are you even trying to say?
That you and the other guy you were arguing with are faggots. Shit talk aside, I genuinely do not understand where that was lost in translation for you.

Anonymous No. 121450

>seething due to having no medals
Damn nigga you're a bitch made pussboy

Anonymous No. 121452

>says that you can just push people over and win at HEMA
>”ok go do that then and bring us back a medal”
>somehow this translates “l have no medals in any sport”
You’re either genuinely retarded or trolling at this point.

Anonymous No. 121459

Fat and mad

Anonymous No. 121472

He’s obviously trolling, no one on this board does sports of any kind

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Anonymous No. 121775

Judo has shit ground game even Judokas admit this. In the same way modern BJJ has shit takedowns. That's why any BJJ school worth it's salt encourages cross-training of BJJ with Judo. And Judokas cross-train BJJ if they want to move towards MMA or ADCC no-Gi.

Still not decided on if HEMA is larping or not. My issues are that it's technique based rather than rules based. I.e. see kickboxing vs Wing Chun. I think rules based combat sports with emergent techniques, are superior to technique based traditional arts.

It being technique based rather than rules-based wouldn't be so much of any issue for me if it was a living lineage (like Kendo from KenJutsu). But it's a reconstruction so who is to say the techniques are even correct, like how we now the Kendo techniques are what comes from the historic war form?

Anonymous No. 121780

>Judo has shit ground game even Judokas admit this
I dont, being pressed for time forces faster movement and stronger pressure in position. The real weakness is turtling as a general practice but if they made that a shido for stalling tournament newaza would be fixed.
>In the same way modern BJJ has shit takedowns
Having trained around I think that’s more dependent on the school than anything else. If they just started penalizing pulling guard by giving takedown points to the other guy the whole sport would be fixed.
>it’s technique based rather than rules based
Anon there’s still competitions, the rules just change slightly depending on the competition which I think is a good thing rather than a bad thing. If you want to win consistently your skills have to be good across all possible rulesets instead of specializing in one specific ruleset that allows a meta to develop and by extension gaming the system.

Also instead of debating who is and isn’t a fat retard I feel it’s beneficial to look at the guys who are the best at HEMA instead of blabbering idiots with large audiences like skallagrim.

This is what the ideal of HEMA looks like. I understand when people look at only uncoordinated nerds barely attempting an athletic pursuit it makes the whole thing look like a farce. However, that’s not HEMA at its best, this is. If you think these guys are larping I don’t know what to tell you.

Anonymous No. 121824


That goes against what every Judo practitioner I know says including black belts.. They all say Judo has shit ground game and cross-train BJJ for that.

Agreed. Hence my school encourages BJJ and Judo cross training. Or BJJ and wrestling cross training. The ADCC rules fix this like you describe but only for no-Gi.

They suggests there needs to be a refinement in ruleset until there is a single set that accommodates the desired styles and pressure tests them. See the transition from various different kickboxing rulesets like MT, American, Japanese, Dutch to K1/unified kickboxing. Also different MMA rule sets like Vale Tudo, Pancrase, Shooto, Pride, UFC to the unified rules of MMA.

Hey man I'm not the person you are arguing with. That does look great. How accurate are the swords to what was used historically?

I guess the issue is when people think of HEMA they think of something like SCA dorks doing reenactments and cosplay or Buhurt. You are correct that the video shows what looks like a legitimate martial art. What is their background previous to HEMA? Oly fencing?

Anonymous No. 121825

>the ideal of HEMA looks like
>literally practising forms
jesus fucking christ you fat larpers are actual cancer
hope you and everyone in your family dies of aids, god damn

Anonymous No. 121829

>practicing techniques is bad
Lol ok judo larper

Anonymous No. 121831

>That goes against what every Judo practitioner I know says including black belts.. They all say Judo has shit ground game and cross-train BJJ for that
I have cross trained bjj. It’s a different game. I don’t think judo has “shit” ground game. Maybe this is a pedantic point but saying it’s shit, to me, implies that their theory and practices don’t work (compare wing chun which is shit because it literally doesn’t make sense whereas boxing is not shit because it does). judo newaza does work, I think being pressed for time forces an aggressive game, and whether or not your skilled at it is a matter of how much time you want to put into it. My own judo club spends about half our time between standing and groundwork. The real problem lies with turtling. We spend way to much time practicing breaking the turtle. I think the sport would benefit more from making turtling a penalty than it would from removing the leg grab ban.
> They suggests there needs to be a refinement in ruleset until there is a single set that accommodates the desired styles and pressure tests them
No offense but I genuinely don’t know what you’re trying to communicate here. I assume you’re trying to say that a single ruleset would encourage a more refined system but I disagree for two reasons. Once again, not having a singular ruleset prevents a meta from developing. Also though, HEMA is not a single martial art. There are many weapons which operate very differently as well as multiple systems for the same weapon. The Polish and Italian system for saber fighting are way different.

Anonymous No. 121832

>calling anyone a larper when your "ideal form of hema" is literally kata
Lmao what a faggot

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Anonymous No. 121833

>Hey man I'm not the person you are arguing with. That does look great. How accurate are the swords to what was used historically?
I’m aware and I’m not arguing with anyone being willfully retarded anymore (see >>121825). to answer your question, sort of. They’re fighting with what is called a federschwert, which translates literally to feather sword. This is a tool which proliferated in German areas as specifically a training sword for the longsword. Generally, they are equivalently weighted and balanced to a true longsword but are longer and thinner with the exception of the bottom of the blade which is thicker. This allows you to preform “thumbing” actions without risking injuring your thumb (assuming you do them correctly). Historically plated gloves were not as readily available as you can imagine so finger protection was more important.
>What is their background previous to HEMA? Oly fencing?
I don’t follow either well enough to answer that. I can tell you that I and many others have done sport fencing before HEMA. My coach was a sport fencer for 20 years and, in his words, was good enough to try out for the American Olympic team but not good enough to make it. (He also took some lessons from arto fama believe it or not).
If that tells you anything it should be that there are people here applying good sport pedagology and theory to the historical manuscripts which we sperg over.
They’re not ever practicing forms though it’s a sparring session. He’s willfully retarded.

Anonymous No. 121836

no one cares
they're larping
you're fat
kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 121864


Yes I was suggesting unified rulsets for each HEMA discipline is needed. This is what partly what makes modern combat sports so effective, as there is emergent behaviour arising from the rules and a combination of the most effective techniques from multiple arts due to the flexibility of the unified rule sets. If adjusted carefully as the need arises no unrealistic meta should develop.


Nice. Why not use weapons resembling actual long swords as the need for a differentiated training sword doesn't apply anymore? (I am being pedantic. It makes sense to use the historic training sword to recreate historic training).

Since from what I have now read most if not all HEMA masters have an Olympic fencing background, it seems legit and I was wrong.

It's certainly as legit as modern Bare Knuckle Boxing who's lineage to old pugilism is via modern boxing not directly. And I don't think of BKFC as larping so I can't call HEMA larping.


The video shown didn't look like kata. It was pretty alive by 2 dudes.


It seems to be people with backgrounds in Oly fencing primarily who are doing HEMA at a high level. Those dudes aren't fat or larping man.

Anonymous No. 121880

Post body fatty

Anonymous No. 121881

>as there is emergent behaviour arising from the rules and a combination of the most effective techniques from multiple arts due to the flexibility of the unified rule sets
That’s exactly the problem. That emergent behavior is both ahistorical and in general is bad for effective swordsmanship. Take right of way for example in Olympic fencing. Ostensibly it’s a rule to prevent double hits, however in practice it becomes an excuse to attack without regard for your own safety
> Why not use weapons resembling actual long swords as the need for a differentiated training sword doesn't apply anymore?
Some people do but there’s a couple of reasons not to. For one weapon accurate blunts tend not to flex as well as feders and deliver more force in a cut. You’re more likely to hurt people that way. There’s also competition to consider where people who want to win are naturally going to lean towards longer weapons.
> most if not all HEMA masters have an Olympic fencing background
Many do but I have no way of knowing if that’s an accurate statement. There’s also a lot of prominent people who had other backgrounds. Guy Windsor for example came from an iaido background if I remember correctly.

Anonymous No. 121898

Post BF percentage or neck yourself

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Anonymous No. 121921


That doesn't make sense to me the emergent techniques arise due to the combination of a few simple rules plus pressure testing. They shouldn't be ahistorical from actually used techniques in pre-gunpowder combat due to the human body and weapon being the same. See for example how effective striking (kickboxing, must Thai, sanda) or grappling (catch wrestling, bjj, kosen judo) tends to end up with the same techniques emerging due to pressure testing and simple rules generating techniques.

>Guy Windsor for example came from an iaido background

That's cool. The point is the HEMA masters aren't larpers they are experienced sword art martial artists.

Have any of the HEMA community looked at Eskrima/Arnis? Since that is meant to partly descend from historical Spanish fencing. It would be another place other than Oly fencing that historic European sword techniques stayed alive albeit mutated and could be backwards engineered from.

Anonymous No. 121925

> They shouldn't be ahistorical from actually used techniques in pre-gunpowder combat due to the human body and weapon being the same.
I generally believe anything no you can come with us probably found in a manual somewhere but once you give the go ahead to start vaguely guessing without sources you’re losing sight of the main goal of HEMA, which is to reconstruct historical systems.

As for FMA I know of exactly one guy who had FMA experience but he was more into SCA shit than HEMA (Which IS LARPing) While I know they have similar parentage if you look at Spanish fencing it’s very different from what FMA ended up being.

Anonymous No. 121956

post your gut before weeping on your burger fatty

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Anonymous No. 121967


Makes sense since its entirely valid for martial arts to have goals other than pure combat, like cultural preservation.

Nice re FMA. Interesting. One of the reasons I do Eskrima was I wanted to do something with a living WMA lineage (just a small amount tho as my main training is modern combat sports) and the nearest Oly fencing place is further away, while my regular BJJ/Kickboxing/MMA school has an Eskrima class. I didn't realise it had diverged so far from Spanish fencing tho, I thought the footwork was similar.

You've discounted every argument I had on HEMA not being a true martial art man. Still think it's something people should cross train with living blade lineages like Oly fencing, Kendo, Eskrima, Wushu sword forms maybe. But that's like just my personal opinion and bias man.

Anonymous No. 121981

You haven’t even posted your black belt yet, but I don’t think they make those for landwhales, jobber.

Anonymous No. 122049

>still seething
>still fat
I could post my golds too but you'd claim they were fake or some other cope
you haven't even posted your gut yet
what're you so afraid of larping fatlus? lmao

sage No. 122055

I'm not the dude you were replying too but you don't have golds or a black belt and this thread is a disgrace.

Anonymous No. 122057

cope and seethe

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Anonymous No. 122060

>I could post my golds too
Ok go ahead

Anonymous No. 122070

Post gut

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Anonymous No. 122072

>says he has medals to post
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 122077

>has a million images but can't post his gut
lmao what a fat coward

Anonymous No. 122122

>he’s still going

Anonymous No. 122136

You won a gold in what? Fat sad loser competition? The last male in high school to lose their virginity contest? (class graduated in 2004 and still a virgin)

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 122180

did you run out of cute reaction images already fatty?
stop crying and post your gut already

Anonymous No. 122189

I got more visible packs of abs than you have of achievements in your life

Cope, seethe and livestream your suicide ,fat judoka larper.

Anonymous No. 122193

>larping while you call someone a larper
post em coward

Anonymous No. 122203

Still waiting for you to post something valuable that you achieved. Let me guess, jerking off? Or larpong as a judoka on the internet.

Fucking fat failures on the net, I swear. Hope type II diabetes takes care of you pretty soon.

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Anonymous No. 122209

>did you run out of cute reaction images already
No, I have not. More than one person in this thread thinks you’re a retard

Anonymous No. 122244

>this fatty seething so bad he started projecting


absolute state of larping sword walruses

Anonymous No. 122256

nta, but post ur belt, any medals, trophies, ur fight record, or sth, man. even a pic of u in w/e fight gear u wear in the martial art u practice i'd accept, like a gi, dobok, (kick)boxing shorts, a singlet, leotard, spats+rash guard, those tight mma shorts, those diapers that sumo and laamb wrestlers wear, that aikido get-up - literally anything.

...if u actually train, that is.

Anonymous No. 122258

post gut hamplanet

Anonymous No. 122259

Post life achievements

Anonymous No. 122265

This is the shitposter containment thread

Anonymous No. 122293

post life results

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Anonymous No. 122614

>actually grappling art

Anonymous No. 122847

post belt with timestamp

Anonymous No. 122873

all anons ITT, post dick. If you don't, I'll be forced to assume you're a post-op tranny.