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🧵 Self-Learning

Anonymous No. 120044

Is there anything I can do to learn a martial art without having to go to a gym. Getting the basics down at least. I want to be able to defend myself.

Anonymous No. 120046

Not really, no

Anonymous No. 120049

agree with this guy unfortunately. Not a whole lot you can do.

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Anonymous No. 120057


>Can I learn to do what is by definition an activity with at least 2 people, alone?.

Are you retarded? Find an MMA or kickboxing/muay thai or boxing gym and join it. All other martial arts are a waste of time for actual fighting (except obvs wrestling and BJJ to compliment MMA).

If you can't do that don't try to learn at home. Hitting a bag with bad form from no coach correcting it will be worse than a waste of time, it will teach bad techniques into muscle memory.

You can get bigger at home which helps prevent most self defence situations occurring by making you look more intimidating by lifting heavy shit and putting in down a lot & eating big. You can do cardio to run away quicker.

The fact you need to ask this question, and can't just understand martial arts need to be trained by you working with a coach, shows you are too austistic and/or stupid to even be capable of learning to defend yourself anyway so you might as well just become a tranny and get used to getting fucked.

Anonymous No. 120059

>Are you retarded? Find an MMA or kickboxing/muay thai or boxing gym and join it
The closest gym is hours away.

Anonymous No. 120060


For any kind of combat sport or martial art? Even Taekwondo McDojos of ghetto/trailer trash boxing gyms?

In that case get big with a combination of powerlifting and bodybuilding. Even if you can't even land a punch, people assume you would be good in a fight so don't start trouble. And don't neglect cardio.

Then when you can actually train martial arts or combat sports all you need to do is practice techniques with a coach since you have done the hardest part I.e. the conditioning already too.

Anonymous No. 120080

Everybody loves to make things they know sound more complicated than they really are in a attempt to look smart.
Learning the basics of striking is EXTREMELY simple, only the lead hook is hard to master, but you should still try.
You're are, however, going to need a sparring partner if you want to have any notion of how to employ what you learned. It's also through sparring that you learn basic defense
Fags always talk about "building bad habits" but it's always little things that will take minutes to correct when someone points them out.

To put it simply:
>Stick to the basics of striking
>Work out to build strenght and stamina
>Spar a lot
"It's dangerous to spar without a coach"
No it's not. You will get hurt, but a broken nose or tore lip it's not the end of the world. If you're not willing to get a little hurt, you have no business going anywhere near martial arts.
Just remember that I'm talking about sparring, not all out fighting your friends. Go at 80% force at max, wear a mouth-piece and gloves and place common sense rules like no low blows, no clawing, no eye-gouging. Do it on the grass, not concrete.

Anonymous No. 120087

Are you underage and your parents won't let you go?

Anyway, if you don't have previous training then the only martial arts stuff you can do is fitness based.
Like cardio kickboxing and taibo style stuff.

You can no under any circumstances go from noob to being able to use martial arts to defend yourself by only training alone. No, not even getting the basics down.
Because even getting the basics down on a functional level requires educated feedback, pardner drills, and sparing.

If you goal is to be able to defend yourself using martial arts you can not do it alone.
I know that is not the answer you want. But there are literally no exceptions to this. This is the truth and there is literally nothing you can possibly do about it. No amount of mirrors, watching camera footage of yourself, training gear, books, or videos. No matter how hard you train by yourself, no matter what that training entails, there is no way you can learn this at a functional level alone.

If you had other goals, such as getting/staying fit, maintaining and refining stuff you already learned, or just having a bit of fun, then there could be a conversation of what you could realistically do. But since your goal is self defense I have to tell you the harsh truth that it can't be done solo.

Anonymous No. 120088


No. Muscle memory doesn't take a few minutes to correct. You don't train and are clueless. Go to/v/ if you want an activity that doesn't need other people.

Anonymous No. 120090


Are you the same guy in the other thread claiming that he's a "natural" who became an MMA champ by fucking around with his friends? Either way, keep your shit advice to yourself. Nobody gets better by sloppily sparring with other inexperienced people, it's just for fun. OP, don't listen to this guy. If you want to defend yourself, get big and muscular and carry a knife or gun. Give up your shit if you get held up and only retaliate if your assailant wants to hurt you or kidnap you.

Anonymous No. 120102

Not a fan of knives for self defense but otherwise I agree with you.

Anonymous No. 120117

I'm seconding this guy.

He's not that guy. Because I'm that guy who you are horrendously misquoting. Kys.

Anonymous No. 120132

You both have never competed against actual fighters. You think you can learn on your own because you don’t know how much you don’t know.

Ask yourself OP, do you want to learn from people who fight or people who LARP?

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Anonymous No. 120139

Same Q as OP but specifically what’s the best online at-home training course for the basics of boxing?

I have a black belt (1st Dan) from a McDojo Taekwondo studio when I was younger so I understand the limitations of training solo at home but TKD is a meme art and I just want to learn & practice boxing footwork drills and how to properly slip punches and keep my feet under me and keep proper posture etc when I’m waiting for my food to cook in my apartment or whatever

TKD footwork will basically land you on your ass in most real world scenarios and we didn’t learn fuck all about throwing hands cause everything was kicks so I can’t get the flow right for how you do that ducking under a rope side step into a fluid combo shit like what foot goes where and how tf do they lean sideways so fast and recover etc

Is there a recommended beginners home course for boxing that everyone approves of? Ideally a free YouTube playlist kek

Anonymous No. 120147


Ffs. You read the thread and that is your question. Your problem is autism not training martial arts.

Find a gym. Get a coach to watch you unch and correct your form. After that, you can practice at home now and then but not as a replacement for actual training with a coach.


Anonymous No. 120148

Despite what everyone is going to tell you, primarily because they're huge faggots hellbent on sucking off mma... Yes, you actually can learn a substantial amount of self defense on your own. But your implementation is going to be shit compared to anyone with even the slightest bit of sparring training.

Anonymous No. 120149

Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of training for martial arts are single person dexterity exercises and conditioning. Sparring is just where it all gets put together.

Anonymous No. 120150

>Find a gym
You don’t need a gym to learn how to shuffle step around and duck. Are you a little baby that can’t learn to do literally anything without someone holding your hand? Do you need to call Mommy to help you use a fucking can opener or can you learn “put it on the can and rotate it” on your own?

Anonymous No. 120156

This is exactly what I meant when I said you don’t know how much you don’t know. You think knowing a basic movement is the same as knowing how and when to use it. You can’t learn the latter without other people. You likely won’t even learn the former correctly without a coach.

Anonymous No. 120159

>You think knowing a basic movement is the same as knowing how and when to use it
No I don’t faggot, but I know throwing a punch or kick or stepping around isn’t some grand mystical shit you can’t learn without signing up for a fucking gym and coach. I can describe how to throw a front kick in a handful of steps that even a retarded newbie can learn to do, let alone someone that has a background in another art. You have the mindset of a helpless baby bro. Can you even reply to this post or did you have to sign up for a 4chin posting coach to teach you how to move your fingers to the right spot on the keyboard to tap all the letters?

Anonymous No. 120162

Whatever you say LARPer. One of us fights for real.

Anonymous No. 120164

You fight with your learned helplessness. Is an adult typing this for you? Does your coach approve of the exact way you pressed the keys on your keyboard? Bro you better take your computer to the gym and make sure he watches you type what if you’re doing it wrong????

Anonymous No. 120165

No amount of talking changes the fact that you’re not a fighter.

Anonymous No. 120167

I fully believe lots of people want to punch you

Anonymous No. 120169

I fully believe you want to punch people but don’t because you’re a coward.

Anonymous No. 120170

>Is there anything I can do to learn a martial art without having to go to a gym
Bro, this isn't rocket science, you just need a source for techniques and theory (books, yt videos), something to hit (only for striking, heavy bag, a bag of rice, makiwara, whatever) and some method of testing your techniques (sparring, board breaking, thai pads etc). The rest is mentality. Yeah, you can freeze up in a self defens esituation, but that can also happen if you're a sparring pro.

A bad coach is WORSE than going at it alone. Worst case: You will get a lot fitter, with much stronger techniques.

Don't make me look up the list of self-trained champions again.

Anonymous No. 120172

>TKD is a meme art
Ask the Vietnamese lol.

Anonymous No. 120173

“The man who teaches himself has a fool for a master”

Teaching yourself when you have no experience is equivalent to getting coached by a guy who has never done the thing you’re trying to learn.

Anonymous No. 120175

>equivalent to getting coached by a guy who has never done the thing you’re trying to learn.
Which is the norm nowadays.

I love how mutts are so fucking dumb they absolutely NEED someone to tell them what to do when it comes to punch and kick. Or even rough house around.

Fucking hilarious zoomer shit.

Anonymous No. 120176

>black belt magazine

Anonymous No. 120178

> Which is the norm nowadays.
Wtf? No it’s not are you actually retarded or have you never been inside of an actual combat sports gym? Both?

Anonymous No. 120179

Listen I love TKD it’s a fun workout and feels cool to do and back in the <2000s before UFC/MMA got popular and basically nobody knew how to fight, it wasn’t completely useless. As long as you have a wide open space with lots of room and that space is all a perfectly flat surface and it’s not slippery.

But now that every dude bro at the bar has learned various takedowns and basic grappling & chokes from watching UFC, you raise up on one foot or try some jumping kick shit and you’re going right to the ground and ending up in a choke with hooks or some shit. And that’s if you even have enough room to try kicking which you don’t in a bar or most situations.

Watch any high level TKD tourney and they’re falling on their asses constantly and chest-bumping with their hands down over and over because using you can’t grab and only perfect straight punches count. It’s just not practical and the training neglects anything arm related except making you do some basic cringe oldschool rigid form punches and elbows in forms that never come out in an actual dynamic fight

Anonymous No. 120180

>I love how mutts are so fucking dumb they absolutely NEED someone to tell them what to do when it comes to punch and kick. Or even rough house around.
>Fucking hilarious zoomer shit.
Bruh it’s ridiculous. No ones expecting to go beat up McGregor in the octagon from practicing some drills at home but these faggots literally can’t breathe in and out without a breathing coach and a safe space crying room to go cry in when they’re emotionally overwhelmed

They’re as bad as the mystical kung fu retards who act like no one can handle learning the secret death claw monkey shark technique. Half the guys in any given bar can do a proper sleeper choke and double leg takedown just from watching UFC on TV and casually fucking around a bit. But these guys would be like OMG NOOOOO YOU NEED A GYM AND BJJ COACH!!!!!! How can you move your arms in the way a video shows you from multiple angles without someone literally moving your arms for you????

Bruce Lee put out books with step by step photos of him teaching self defense shit, we have HD video now but no one can learn how to throw a jab without hiring a coach? Lmao

Anonymous No. 120181

You’ve literally never done what you think you know how to do from YouTube. It’s amazing how a retard like you is convinced you can totally learn the basics without training despite the fact you’ve never actually tested these skills to see if your theory is correct.

This is a board for martial artists, not martial autists who refuse to interact with people outside of the internet.

Anonymous No. 120182

Look it up, zoomer.

I could list up whom I've trained under, which includes national/international full contact champs, but you're just an idiot. The norm is idiots teaching bullshit to other idiots.

>before UFC/MMA got popular and basically nobody knew how to fight,
Ah yes, the Gracies invented fighting in the 00s. Lmao. Bro, just stop. Educated yourself, look up TKD's performance in the Vietnam war.

>But now that every dude bro at the bar has learned various takedowns and basic grappling & chokes from watching UFC, you raise up on one foot or try some jumping kick shit and you’re going right to the ground and ending up in a choke with hooks or some shit. And that’s if you even have enough room to try kicking which you don’t in a bar or most situations.
Are you literally serious? Everyone knows basic punches and grapples and always did. You zoomers are so fucking lost, shake my head man.

>Watch any high level TKD tourney and they’re falling on their asses constantly and chest-bumping with their hands down over and over because using you can’t grab and only perfect straight punches count. It’s just not practical and the training neglects anything arm related except making you do some basic cringe oldschool rigid form punches and elbows in forms that never come out in an actual dynamic fight
Uhh... and you think the sports oriented Oly TKD has anything to do with actual fighting? Those guys are specialised for one thing: The Olympics.

Don't believe me? Because this overspecialisation happens in Judo, too:
It also happens in boxing:
And in wrestling:

Now, I dunno what your goals are. If it's self defense, or actual fights, stay the fuck away from sports.

Anonymous No. 120183

>This is a board for martial artists
Nah, it's a board for braind ead UFC fanboys under 16 if this thread is any indication.

Anonymous No. 120184

> Look it up, zoomer.
I know what black belt magazine is they’re the premier source of bullshido.
>no bro I’m a champion that’s why I advocate learning on YouTube
I don’t believe you
>muh tiger squad
>muh vietnam was taught with punches and kicks
>everyone knows basic “grapples”
>bro the Olympics ruined martial arts because they didn’t make them impervious to getting stabbed or beaten by multiple people at once
The fact that you think any martial art can guarantee you safety from multiple armed assailants is really telling about your actual knowledge level. You don’t know how much you don’t know.

Anonymous No. 120185

So to be clear, you believe that someone athletic with years of experience in another martial art, is unable to learn how to rotate a few joints properly from watching a video? And that this feat is SO impossible to accomplish that they shouldn’t even think of trying it?

That’s what you actually believe?

>This is a board for martial artists
Lmao this is a board for zoomers who would have run to the local McDojo to learn how to be ninjas if this was the 80s

Anonymous No. 120186

No I’m saying you can’t do that because you’ve never been inside of a gym.

Anonymous No. 120187

>Ah yes, the Gracies invented fighting in the 00s. Lmao. Bro, just stop.
Did I say invented or got popular? It’s okay you’re ESL I understand you’re too retarded to grasp nuance. No one was doing BJJ in bar fights in the 80s and 90s
>Educated yourself, look up TKD's performance in the Vietnam war.
From fucking BLACKBELT MAGAZINE? Lmao why don’t I just look up Ninjitsu Weekly for the latest invisible ninja replication Naruto magic spells too? I guarantee you if they made TKD work it was against untrained opponents or opponents also using TKD or it just looked exactly like the same sloppy improvised version of MMA that every martial artist ends up doing once they try their kata shit in a real fight

Bro just look up how deadly wing chun is in kung fu weekly!! Lmao fucking dumbass

Anonymous No. 120188

>No I’m saying you can’t do that because you’ve never been inside of a gym.
Bro I could bench you while I rail your mom

Anonymous No. 120191


Anonymous No. 120193

I learned to use nunchucks from watching Bruce Lee movies and playing Soul Calibur. Explain that if people can’t learn from youtube

Maybe I’m just a more naturally gifted martial artist than you, that could be the difference too. I’m willing to accept that explanation if you want to concede it

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Anonymous No. 120194

>I learned to use nunchucks from watching Bruce Lee movies and playing Soul Calibur. Explain that if people can’t learn from youtube

Anonymous No. 120200

Now you're taking the piss

Anonymous No. 120209

>go to sleep for the day
>wake up and thread is flooded with insults and aggressive stupitidy of a contrarian doubling down

Not sure if it's trolling or legit mental illness. Ether way it really shit up this thread with nonsense. I think it's the same retard that keeps shitting up other martial art threads, and did something similar with the palm strike threads.

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Anonymous No. 120233


Because if you actually trained and fought full contact you would understand its not just moving a few joints. That even knowing the movement teaches you nothing useful for actual fighting at best and at worst you have bad techniques in muscle memory that can't be applied usefully in an actual fight.

There have literally been no self taught fighters in the history of human combat. At best people trained with someone even if a trained relative and then did a lot of solo practice.

You are clueless and your main problem is autism and trying to justify not interacting with other humans in an activity that is defined as being between at least 2 people. You obviously have some issues and I suggest therapy or simply not being such a pussy and interacting with other humans in real life.

Anonymous No. 120276

Hey, don't blame autism for that guy being stupid and stubborn.

Both have, trained with, and teach plenty of autist and none of us would be dumb enough to claim the shit that idiot is arguing.
Even people with autism train with other people.
I don't know what the fuck that guy's problem is.

Anonymous No. 120346

>That even knowing the movement teaches you nothing useful for actual fighting
>Practicing swinging a baseball bat from step by step guides on video by pro coaches will be completely useless in a fight against literally anyone ever in any circumstance unless you join a baseball team and get a live coach to help you
This is how you sound
>There have literally been no self taught fighters in the history of human combat.
Lmao you can learn the basics of anything solo with proper instruction and critical thinking skills. No one is expecting to beat Mike Tyson training at home lmao
>At best people trained with someone even if a trained relative and then did a lot of solo practice.
So I’ll go find a boxing class a few months from now if I decide I like the feel of it. Why are you so autistic brah lol you are unironically the exact same mystical kung fu master faggot from the 80s who was like “you must sign up for my $1000 training session to unlock the true mystical death touch grip”
> You obviously have some issues and I suggest therapy or simply not being such a pussy
You’re the one who literally can’t eat without a training coach explaining step by step how to lift a fork to your mouth lol fuckin zoomers are helpless I swear

Anonymous No. 120347

None of your babble will ever change the fact that you’re not a real fighter since you don’t fight.

Imagine trying to give others martial arts advice while being too scared of social interaction to actually even train for real. Everything you post is just pure cope.

Anonymous No. 120351

>None of your babble will ever change the fact that you’re not a real fighter since you don’t fight.
I didn’t say I was a real fighter lmao I said I wanted to learn the basics of boxing to pick up some useful skills like footwork and slipping (which people regularly do solo drills for). I couldn’t give less of a shit whether some faggot tough guys in an internet thread consider me a fighter lol is posting here your entire life?

I learned all my lifting form from watching vids and explanations on YouTube. According to you guys no one should lift unless they hire a personal trainer because the only reason anyone would want to lift is to beat Arnold at it and it’s literally impossible to get in any kind of better shape without a trainer holding your hand the entire way through

Zoomers are literally the most helpless generation ever spawned

Anonymous No. 120355

You don’t even know if you’ve learned the basics of boxing though because you’ve never actually punched anyone or slipped a punch for that matter. You’re so defensive about a skill you both don’t use and don’t wish to actually learn. Why? Regardless of whether or not you know dick about anything, why do you even want to pretend that you do?

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Anonymous No. 120366

>You don’t even know if you’ve learned the basics of boxing though because you’ve never actually punched anyone or slipped a punch for that matter
Well gee who knows maybe one day someone will invent a way to mimic the complicated motion of “a thing coming toward where your head is” without needing a second person and boxing training worldwide will be completely revolutionized

Pic unrelated

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Anonymous No. 120367

Pic also unrelated

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Anonymous No. 120370

Bro there’s no way to tell if your slip would go under a punch to your face without someone else being there!!!

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Anonymous No. 120371

There’s literally NOTHING you can do by yourself that in any way mimics anything you could ever apply to an actual fight. Even if you trained for 10,000 hours doing pic attached, it would do nothing if a drunk person in a bar threw a straight punch at you

Bro you haven’t even killed anyone yet? How do you know your stabbing with a knife technique works then huh?? You have to kill 100 people to know if it would work bro

Anonymous No. 120373

None of that unfucks your form if you’re slipping to far or moving yourself off balance. Nevermind that fact that you don’t have the timing down because again, you’ve never had someone throw a punch at you.

You also never answered my question. If you’re so into boxing why don’t you join a boxing gym. If you’re not that into boxing why are you so invested in defending how much you’ve learned by not going to the gym.

Anonymous No. 120379

>If you’re so into boxing why don’t you join a boxing gym.
Because that requires leaving my apartment and traveling and paying money? Duh
>If you’re not that into boxing why are you so invested in defending how much you’ve learned by not going to the gym.
Because I can spot bullshido. Anyone who says it’s literally impossible to learn the basics of something from vids is the same as bullshit artists in any other industry. When I had to teach beginners in our TKD class they needed a few months of just going through the motions trying to grasp the bare minimum basic motions of linear kick motions and keeping their balance and their hands up before there was any point giving them any real detailed instruction or throwing them into sparring. You literally could not teach them much more than a bunch of detailed instructional YouTube videos would for the first few months. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never trained newbies

Now if you guys said “ya you can learn a bit and get some basic footwork and do some slipping drills but if you enjoy the feel of it and want to get more into it you’ll probably wanna go sign up to a gym and get some quality coaching cause they’ll spot little things you’re doing wrong and you’ll get to spar” I’d have said “ya that’s about what I expected, I’m cool with that, I’m not trying to box Mayweather”

But you guys did the bullshido mystical arts shit of “noooooo it’s literally impossible to learn anything without joining a gym and getting coaching literally on day one (even with prior experience in another art)”. Absolute bullshido rhetoric from internet LARPers

Anonymous No. 120381

>I can spot bullshido
>refuses to leave the apartment to fight for real
>wall of cope text
lol. Lmao even.

Anonymous No. 120413

The difference is I’m fully aware that I’m getting a suboptimal experience. I’m also aware that people saying you can’t learn the basics of any system without joining a gym and hiring a coach on day 1 are full of shit

Anonymous No. 120414

taking this to a more reasonable place. I'm not op, no intention of self-learning, however, there are only mcdojos in my small town, but I am thinking of picking up a martial arts when I move out of here and get to somewhere where they actually spar and I can trust what they teach me. but I figure I can already start conditioning myself, any advice on the optimal approach to building a fighters body?

Anonymous No. 120418

You can’t, lol. You literally wouldn’t know if you did or not because you don’t train.
Cardio is more important than anything else in both striking and grappling. If you gas youre dead in the water.

Anonymous No. 120427

>but I figure I can already start conditioning myself, any advice on the optimal approach to building a fighters body?
You’re gonna need to sign up at a gym and get a skipping rope coach, and a personal trainer for lifting weights, and a marathon coach for running, don’t forget you’ll need to hire a personal dietician to tell you exactly what to eat (don’t watch a video saying to eat healthy food, there’s a lot of nuance and you’ll actually end up eating donuts if you don’t hire someone), also you’re going to need a team of 10 other people even though you’ll spend half the time doing solo workouts and eating meals by yourself, altogether it should only cost you about $10,000 to get started

Anonymous No. 120428

You’re so mad

Anonymous No. 120430

Swimming and weights. There is a saying that boxers run and runners swim. So just skip straight to the swimming

Anonymous No. 120447


No because conditioning isn't an activity that by definition needs more than one person. This isn't a difficult concept. You are just stupid and need therapy & medication for your many issues.

Anonymous No. 122563

Is this pizza guy from /fit/?

Anonymous No. 122575

Its called using a mirror you cunt. A lot of martial arts/combat sports gyms have mirrors for that exact reason, so you can watch your own form. Doing it at home is the same
The difference is that people who only train at home are not of the same mindset and seriousness as people who train at a gym. I'd be happy to do a discord/whatever youtube study seminar with newfag fighters. There is a shit ton you can learn online if you know how and why someone does a movement

Anonymous No. 122579

>Its called using a mirror you cunt.
Half the time newfags don’t recognize they’re doing shit wrong even when they’re looking right at it.

Anonymous No. 123790

Not really. All youll really do is ingrain bad habits that take longer to fix the oldet you get. You need that outside, trained perspective to guide you

Anonymous No. 123796

The best self-learnable martial art is conditioning. Do powerlifting and cardio for a few years. When you get into a fight just let your instincts take over and go wild.

Anonymous No. 123799


Anonymous No. 123800

>Learning the basics of striking is EXTREMELY simple, only the lead hook is hard to master, but you should still try.
>Fags always talk about "building bad habits" but it's always little things that will take minutes to correct when someone points them out.
Lmao, this retard has never set foot on a boxing gym

Anonymous No. 124104

throwing wild haymakers like a chimp isn't a good strategy. u rely too much on luck. it's better, in this case, to get at least a half year of training in any full-contact striking art at a gym. this way u have athleticism AND technique on ur side, rather than just athleticism w/ no technical ability.

Anonymous No. 124400


Anonymous No. 124425

for basic striking technique it just really depends on your innate athletic gifts and aptitudes

for fighting don’t even bother and join a gym

Anonymous No. 124499

Yeah maybe OP is wrong, but what about going to a Muay Thai gym only once a week, buy a punching bag, and practicing what I learned at home during the week?
I do bjj and it's already hard to go 3 times a week, I wanna start going 4 soon too. So going twice to a Muay Thai gym, without sacrificing the times I go to bjj, would not only be hard, but unrealistic too.
I don't wanna get that good at muay thai, I just want to learn punching and kicking technique, because it's fun, and because it would replace my current cardio at home, which is one of those boring stationary bikes.

Anonymous No. 124510

As long as you get some instruction when you’re doing things wrong and also some ring experience you should be fine drilling at home.

Anonymous No. 124610

You can train your body, and you can read strategy/theory/psychology. There is an infinite amount of conditioning work you can do before ever throwing a single punch.

Anyways, you’ll find that it’s impossible to learn martial arts alone from scratch. At the very least you need to learn the basic techniques before you can practice drills at home. If you can’t find anyone to even spar with you, I’d probably just do some weightlifting and wait until your situation changes.

I will say, in regards to learning something new on your own while already being experienced in martial arts, its definitely more viable. You still need a sparring partner, of course, and learning from someone who already knows what they’re doing will always be better. If you’re experienced already, you’ll probably pick up new martial arts pretty quickly, too. That sense of timing and distance (which you can develop only through sparring) sticks with you.

The other guy is being autistic about it, but he’s right. TKD is only a meme art if you have a meme instructor. 100% of tkd practitioners out there are aware of the effect that the olympic ruleset has on the art, and unless their goal is strictly competition in olympic taekwondo events, they aren’t going to be training for that.

If you aren’t at some children’s daycare mcdojo, you will train hand techniques, you will be forced to keep your hands in a proper guard while sparring, you will learn basic grappling, and you will be a competent striker. Tkd as a fighting system has many flaws, certainly, but if you’re losing to a drunk retard in a bar fight (or really, even getting into a bar fight), that’s your own fault.

t. 3rd dan in tkd, trained under and experienced, competent instructor with several national and international tournament wins under his belt

Anonymous No. 126393

there are people who learned to manufacture gun at home using only the internet.
with the right tooling yes.

Anonymous No. 126406


Manufacturing a gun isn't an activity that by definition, involves more than one person you absolute bell end. You cannot learn to fight at home alone at all since it requires at least 2 people. At least 1 who already is trained. Absolute dribblimg retard.

Anonymous No. 126452

you can practice everything on a dummy, or use stuff lile spirng to test resposes.
Complicated but can be done.
if you dont live in 1984 no reason not go to a gym, but if you do live in 1984(england/australia/leafs) you can do that

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Anonymous No. 126458


Those are great for practice and honing muscle memory but are very far removed from a resisting-reacting opponent. They should only be done as a supplement to someone who has had normal coaching with someone and done sparring.

Not to even mention your technique will just be flat-out wrong no matter how many videos you make of yourself and watch back etc, unless taught by an experienced fighter.

>Implying England/Aus/Leafs haven't produced some of the greatest fighters in combat sports history and probably more champions per capita than the U.S. or anywhere else
>Not to mention we actually need to be able to throw hands living in rural England/Aus/Leafland due to provincial drunken violence since in the U.S. people just pull guns in their local Walmart/children's schools/church/country music concerts so hand-to-hand combat is pointless anyway

Anonymous No. 126513

>hose are great for practice and honing muscle memory but are very far removed from a resisting-reacting opponent. They should only be done as a supplement to someone who has had normal coaching with someone and done sparring.
>Not to even mention your technique will just be flat-out wrong no matter how many videos you make of yourself and watch back etc, unless taught by an experienced fighter
for striking it will be easier to learn,
but for grappling having a friend you studied theory with,
it can be done.
again you re gonna have to put in more effort or time or both than someone who simply goes to the gym.
but can be done

Anonymous No. 126936

>Is there anything I can do to learn a martial art without having to go to a gym
Yes, be like the MC from Holyland.

Anonymous No. 126937


Grappling is even more complex. You can probably roll with a friend regularly and develop some stuff but all you would have learned is how to combat cuddle that one person, not the different things multiple rolling partners will give you.

Grappling is also so much more complex with so much more to learn than striking. Ground work alone needs a huge amount of non-intuitive techniques learnt let alone including takedowns and throws.

All you can do to improve striking alone is cardio especially HIIT and for grappling develop strength. Honestly other than that anyone wanting to train martial arts alone is shit outta luck as by definition these aren't single person activities.

Anonymous No. 127485

>of course i can learn to swim without ever getting in the water bro
>ive practiced moving my legs and holding my breath, dont need to actually get in water lol

>of course im a great sexer, i jerk off all the time

A sparring partner is mandatory OP, otherwise just get physically fit.

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Anonymous No. 127527

>be 27
>parents say i can stay with them as long as in im college
>discover mma/boxing gym within walking distance
>winter break coming up
>current wage slavery pays enough for -some- savings
Convince me to go through with it

Anonymous No. 128889

is the gym any good? most mma gyms kinda suck bc they don't actually practice mma, they just practice different elements of it separately.

Anonymous No. 128941

Why not? If you’re interested take an intro class. At the very least you’ll know if you actually like it or not in the future even if you end up dropping out.

Anonymous No. 128942

>most mma gyms suck because they teach of mix of different martial arts
I hate this board so much

Anonymous No. 128971


Are you retarded? It makes sense to teach the arts separately then have one MMA class that combines teaches you how to combine them. This also allows people to specialise or not as they see fit.

Anonymous No. 128988

What the hell

Anonymous No. 129582

ramsey dewey explained it p well in this vid. if there's anyone i trust to speak da troof about mma gyms it's him:

Anonymous No. 129679

Yes. I'll give you it right now. Hammer fist strike is now your best friend. Plankration front kick. Muythai round house. Soccer kick. Side kick. Straight left and right punches. Haymaker open hand hand strikes, open palm full force 'bitch slaps. Grip attacks like choking. ' the grab and punch'. As far as grappling, you have innate wrestling skills like freestyle in you already, goto moves for that are the tie up bear hug on the ground. The suplex/body slam. Leg sweep shove. Rear choke. And limb defense. It's not rocket science. But the wrestling stuff is actually better to learn in practice.

Anonymous No. 129680

I put my brother out once. Scared me, thought I brain damaged him.

Anonymous No. 129681

Looks like he's using a martial arts style on you right now...

Anonymous No. 129682

Yeah. I got an approach. Become self motivated. A coach is a handicap. Only use coaching for structure and judgement, never motivation.

Anonymous No. 131957

I agree with you about the dummy thing.

I think one of the things that live sparring helps with is learning what to do when you fuck up. it is all well and good to learn how to do super fast turns/transitions on a dummy but when you go for a move and it just doesn't click right, like they are angled a bit off, or their gi jacket is half off so you can't grab it for the hand hold you usually use, or your handwork was sloppy because you are tired and some 270lber just knee on bellied you and you feel like you are about to shit yourself, well how do you simulate that with the dummy?

good to supplement, but can never really replace. [don't know as much about striking. could maybe be better there for that kind]

Anonymous No. 132068

Ramsey Dewey has a losing mma record and sucks off the ccp.

Anonymous No. 132074

The only way to get good at something is to actually do it. If you want to get good at fighting you have to spar.

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boxing made easy.png

Anonymous No. 132084

Interesting historical thing I saw related to this topic. Old boxing manual from 1865 talking about how you can't learn alone.
It's obviously true, even if your only source for something is books or videos you'll need to practice with a partner. Having a coach teaching directly is better of course.

Anonymous No. 133105

I spent a year just messing around with a standing bag at home, but only started progressing quickly when I signed up for classes
There are things you can improve at home like footwork, syncing your hands with your feet, flexibility, strengthening muscles required for certain movements, but how well you can learn alone is directly proportional to how much prior experience you have

Anonymous No. 133245

As someone who self-learned for years in boxing and then joined a gym with open mindset willing to learn I didn't have any problems, my coach really helped to improve lots of my shit of course

Anonymous No. 134453

duck what? the hot air that's gonna get knocked outa you from anyone who has done the basics of sparring