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🧵 whats the point in martial arts aside from sport?

Anonymous No. 120475

the self defence tards on this board are fucking retarded. why spend years of your life learning about martial arts, sparing and working your ass off(most of you don't even do this anyway) and debating what works "on da streetz" when the chance of any of it happening is almost 0. Of that chance you will never know its coming if someone actually wants to do you real harm and either will get knocked on your ass, get grouped up on or stabbed in a vital spot and die anyway so your training wont even help. you all forget the reality of knives and guns as well which is a completely different game and i haven't see a single actual solution to handle this shit aside from literally running away at light speed, wearing stab proof clothing(both solutions require you to train completely different things) or having a knife yourself and training to stab the cunt faster and hope he drops before you.

it begs the question the actual use of mma for self defence and not just a sport. hell why even learn any of this just being a big cunt will scare retards off most of the time if they aren't trying to kill you and just want to fight.

ive wasted so much time trying to learn self defence and its completely useless, a knife is the ultimate equalizer for hand to hand combat and im not going to win so im just going to buy a bunch of stab proof shit and hope the retard who stabs me hits it and i can run away

pic related is what im gonna buy, any recommendations for general tactarded shit is much appreciated

Anonymous No. 120476

just throw them

Anonymous No. 120477

>just throw them
i could say that about any move, "just knock them out" or "just trip them up" or "just lock up the arm" etc etcc. the point is fighting is way more complicated and people are thinking and acting constantly and with such a huge advantage like i knife im not going to try to risk what he might do assuming i even survive the initial ambush.

Anonymous No. 120478

Tl;dr why do anything?

Men are designed to fight each other. Martial arts fill multiple roles in masculine developement. There is the obvious ones of course, being fit knowing how to fight is useful for a man even if fighting is an uncommon activity if you don’t go looking for it. More importantly though, it teaches discipline in a very direct way. You must practice diligently or get your ass kicked, it doesn’t get more Pavlovian than that. It teaches young men humility. You’re not the toughest guy in the world. It teaches young men self respect. You may not be big, but you are a man and if someone does not respect you you may demand it physically. it allows young men to become courageous. They must face and overcome one of the most frightening things a man can endure, hand to hand combat, in a relatively safe and productive environment.

Other than that, yes sport is a common and also healthy reason for engaging in martial arts.

As far as self defense goes, knowing a real martial art is useful. I know the go to for most people on the internet is to take things to extremes (hurr durr what if I just shoot you) but the reality is that most violence people encounter throughout their lives is social in nature and it is good to know how to assert dominance unarmed. Even then, knowing how to fight is still useful when your life is on the line for two reasons. For one, when you are faced with criminal violence you may not have time to draw your weapon immediately. If you are truly defending yourself you will likely be fighting out of an ambush which means they will have their weapon (or just be trying to sucker punch you) before you have yours out. You have to fight before you draw. Second, getting acclimated to the adrenaline drop of a bunch of people shouting for blood while you face another man in unarmed combat is about as good of training as you can get for preparing for the stress of a self defense situation.


Anonymous No. 120480

And finally, the best reason to do martial arts is this.

Because fighting is fun. Quit being a faggot, faggot OP.

Anonymous No. 120493

Combat sports are almost useless in a street fight - that's true. But the notion that street fights don't happen is... stupid? I've been in several, the only way to avoid them is to become a hikki.

Anonymous No. 120495

This is why ninja stars are the ultimate weapon. Try stab me with a ninja star stuck in your eye.

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Anonymous No. 120502


I live in provincial England. Contrary to popular belief people getting stabbed generally just happens between drug dealing inner city black kids. For most dudes however there is the ever present threat of unarmed violence from drunk white dudes especially at weekends in pubs and town centres.

If you are not well built from weight training and know how to fight, if you move to a part of provincial England you didn't grow up in so have no crew rolling with you, you will get drunk white dudes starting on you at weekends after 8PM in pubs or even walking down the street. Ironically the big cities are safer from this kind of casual violence you get in the provinces and the smaller the town the more likely the casual unarmed violence. Being able to at least box is essential.

Anonymous No. 120525

It's fun. OP is a faggot

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Anonymous No. 120529

>whats the point in martial arts aside from sport?
do you really need anything else?

Anonymous No. 120568

Simply because it’s a fun way to stay active. I find lifting weights and running boring, I imagine most do, and that’s why they listen to music while doing it. Instead, I like trying to find a way to “beat” my opponent by watching their actions and trying to work out the best counter, stimulating my mind and my body.

Aside from that, fighting also seems the most natural way to settle disputes. When basketball players get angry at each other they push and shove and start a fight, but you’ll never see fighters get angry and challenge each other to a game of horse. All other sports when they “escalate” seem to have the argument that “okay you beat me but I can still kick your ass” but it never really goes the other way with traditional sports.

Anonymous No. 120629

Sounds like the stories old southern US dudes would tell me about growing up in the innumerable small towns out in the county. Before the mid-80's or so, this was just something young guys did. If you ran into a guy around your age and you didn't know him, and you had a few to drink, you would try to beat his ass or some reason. It was like a natural law. That part of the culture seems to have vanished. No one's down to scrap anymore.

Anonymous No. 120640

It's useful for a lot of jobs, like law enforcement, military, security, even EMS. Also the vast majority of fights don't involve a weapon at all

Anonymous No. 120668

>aside from a sport
But that's enough of a reason already.
You don't only do cardio, but improve mentally in a lot of ways, do something fun, and feel better about yourself and what you can acomplish.

Anonymous No. 121037

Aside from most of your points being ass blasted cope, because we want to? By your logic no one should do anything unless they plan on making a career out of it.
>don't do martial arts unless you're gonna be a pro-fighter
>don't play soccer/basketball/rugby etc unless you're going to go pro
>don't fuck unless you're going to be a pornstar
It sounds like you don't have it in to learn, are disappointed in what a lazy fuck you are, and instead of making character corrections are engaging in some deep cope to legitimize your lack of drive. You don't have to do martial arts if you don't want to, but you should really stop being a huge faggot and just do something you like instead of getting mad others are doing stuff you don't.

Anonymous No. 121492

Shut up spreg

Anonymous No. 121512

Based post

Anonymous No. 121531

This post is pretty real.
I don't understand why is it that in both /fit/ and /xs/ there are so often posts of people just trying to discourage others from doing something that's at the very least rewarding and at best fun and useful. What is there to gain from making gay posts saying martial arts don't work in a (mostly) martial arts board?

Anonymous No. 121542

They want attention and ragebait clicks. Solipsistic anons just want to get a reaction, they never actually want a proper discussion. Fuck bucketcrabs, ignore em.

Anonymous No. 124544

>s preg
Keep your fetishes out of here