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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Muay Thai gym closing, time for something new

Anonymous No. 121475

My muay thai gym is closing at the end of the month :'(

I want to try something new, ive learned a bit of boxing, ive learned a bit of muay thai, now im thinking i may try a traditional martial art like kung fu or karate or even FMA. I like the idea of kyokushin sparring hard and bareknuckle but not punching the head, it seems like a good way to avoid CTE from aggressive sparring partners. There is a Jow ga kung fu school near me, i might learn a kung fu form just for the coolness factor.

Any recommendations on a new martial art to learn?

Anonymous No. 121672

self bump

Anonymous No. 122102

What is in your area?

It's pointless to recommend shit you don't have access to at all or that has a super impractical commute.

Anonymous No. 122398

You should just pick a place near you that produces top level pro fighters and start training seriously.

Anonymous No. 122484


Doing a traditional striking martial art will just teach you how to get knocked tf out lol

Anonymous No. 122504

>Doing a traditional striking martial art will just teach you how to get knocked tf out lol
Retarded take
Actually a good choice as judo and MT compliment each other quite well

Anonymous No. 122505

Is there no Judo club? You already got the stand up game for striking go for grappling.

Anonymous No. 122512

Do you honestly think a life long kung fu dork is going to survive a minute against a 6 month mauy thai/boxing/kickboxing practitioner, or just a non trained dude whos aggresive/confident who wants to hurt you?

I mean shit dude i get that its more about the user and not the art, but i thought we moved past mistaking the IP man movies for reality?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 122523

Based off the OP i thought you referring to MT when you said a traditional striking art.

Anonymous No. 122524

Based off the OP i thought you referring to boxing and MT when you said a traditional striking art.

Anonymous No. 123671

now im down to pretty much 2 choices.
The Jow Ga kung fu place, which also mixes in Sanda/Sanshou which is just chinese kickboxing with takedowns

And then theres a more traditional mma gym that does Muay Thai, BJJ, and FMA (kali and that Doug Marcaida shit)

I havent decided yet. I'll probably realistically go with the BJJ/MT/FMA gym but idk cuz the opportunity to learn Sanda is extremely rare in my country (USA) and Ive always thought sanda would be cool to learn since the stance is a little wider and lower than MT which makes it closer to my natural stance and maybe a better transitional art to MMA.

I also wanna compete in mma but its kinda annoying that 90% of mma gyms have seperate striking and grappling classes and they never really teach you how to mix and transition between the two, which Sanda does teach to an extent. I think both gyms have produced amateur fighters not sure about pros tho

Anonymous No. 124101

You were awesome, Muay Thai Gym. Definitely one of the top five gyms that closed down.
OP, why not use this chance to try a soft style, like wrestling or BJJ?