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🧵 what is the best form of fighting that requires the least footwork?

Anonymous No. 121489

>be me
>actually very good fucking shape
>i have no right calf due to 24 (yes, 24) fucking surgical procedures on my right leg
>tldr; mild cerebral palsy in right leg, i can walk, run etc. but when it comes to mobility such as footwork i’m fucking retarded
>one leg is also shorter than the other so i slightly limp

again i’m in very fucking good shape but i just want to be able to defend myself and/or heem cunts. i’m insanely uncoordinated in my legs.

help bros what is the best fighting style pls

Anonymous No. 121491


Target shooting.

In all seriousness, there's not really a good answer here for you. Even martial arts that are mostly hand techniques still use footwork to power those techniques. That may be helpful to you to be able to strengthen what muscle you do have and get you used to using it, but it's going to be a rehab activity.

Failing that, *maybe* BJJ. It's going to the ground anyway and you can get pretty good at just pulling guard. The downside (and potentially a big downside) is that depending on how your ankle is structured it might be very prone to injury. I don't know enough about your medical case to offer advice there, although someone able to actually interact with your ankle could figure out pretty quick if it's particularly fragile to any angles (or not, again I don't know what condition its in, for all I know it may be completely insensitive an indestructible.)

Regardless, good luck. If I were you I would probably look at either western boxing or Wing Chun and just treat it as a hobby that gets you exercising, stretches your mind, and helps condition that leg instead of anything else. If other things come from it, even better.

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Anonymous No. 121519


🗑️ Anonymous No. 121571

See a physical therapist.

Anonymous No. 121602

Despite your disability, boxing for some practical striking. And then bjj because being able to grapple someone is probably your best bet

Anonymous No. 121627

You don't actually need much footwork to box against randoms. Working on head movement, parries, and blocks are more than enough to fight off drunks.
Protip: the elbow is harder than the hand, so block everything with the point of your elbow

Anonymous No. 121652

Muay thai just walk em down bro

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Anonymous No. 121679

>OP has non functioning legs
>tell him to do the sport that’s famous for kicking people in the legs

Anonymous No. 121681

BJJ, most of the time you're on the ground.

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Anonymous No. 121693

>Wing Chun

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Anonymous No. 121776


BJJ for sure. It was literally invented for your situation OP.

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Anonymous No. 121801

Most striking styles require a lot of footwork, and benefit from leg strength. BJJ seems like your best bet

Anonymous No. 121922

Don't listen to everyone telling you BJJ, there is a very high chance that you will tit your ankle at some point with any grappling style.

Do boxing, footwork maybe still be more important that you want it to be but atleast there's way less risk of someone dropping their whole body weight on your ankle while you're in a bad position.

Anonymous No. 121923


He can't use his fucking leg how is he going to move around and take punches? Have you even ever done boxing ffs?

Anonymous No. 121945

He's got a fucked ankle, just ducking and sliding is way better than having the full body weight of another man crash into him on a bad angle and snapping that ankle in two.

Grow a fucking brain.

Anonymous No. 121951

OP is trying to fend off scrubs on the street. Scrubs on the street take max 2 punches and go down. All OP needs is a little bob and weave then a counter

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Anonymous No. 121966


That's not how BJJ works I can't think of a single time in BJJ where the entire weight of someone was on my ankle or ankles. In Judo or Wrestling, yes but not BJJ even with a basic BJJ takedown or pulling guard.


Agreed. Then a bit of boxing (which really anyone with a dick & balls should do a little of) and BJJ would be a solid combo imho for someone with limited ankle mobility.

Enough boxing to defend and counter your average dude throwing haymakers. A bit of BJJ if OP needs to do a standing submission or ends up on the ground with them.

Anonymous No. 122022

Is it legal to try to remove his fake leg on a competition?

Anonymous No. 122320

I'm sorry but you will never be a good fighter as a cripple. You can probably learn to heem randoms but anyone trained will whoop your ass. You just have to accept it.

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lolong fight.webm

Anonymous No. 124744

Something like this

Anonymous No. 124761

Ever heard of Taekwondo?

Anonymous No. 124762

Nick Newell is a one armed bellator fighter, 16--4.

Anonymous No. 124769

Taekwondo is like 95%+ footwork. You also need decent leg strength and control to balance and throw kicks.

Anonymous No. 124799

god, thats kinda lewd.
given that you cant use submissions on that leg, id personally allow for balance.

Anonymous No. 125551

That mathematical equation is just the lyrics to Samba da Bahia.
>Dude has severe leg problems
>Recommend martial art that's 100% kicks in competitive
I mean unless you're suggesting only ever doing pomsei/technique and even then you need to do kicks (though I've heard there is an adapted version for wheelchair users).
I have slightly fucked up legs and I can tell you it's not impossible but he's looking for quite the opposite.

Anonymous No. 125571

Tank warfare comes to mind. It certainly extreme.

Anonymous No. 125709

I'd look into what paralympics judo guys do. While even being close to one of them is probably a long shot, you might be able to get some ideas. Maybe even contact one directly since you're in a similar predicament.

Anonymous No. 128534

Funnily enough Judo. Its like a dance where you try to entangle the opponent so they fall to the ground and then there's the rolling part. You get used to it pretty fast vs say Boxing or Myau Thai or even Karate since they have fast sideway stepping or full on autismo movement.

Anonymous No. 128547

Being big and being able to get hit a lot + a striking art

Anonymous No. 128552

Have you ever done judo? What fucking world do you live in where your footwork isn’t essential to judo?

Anonymous No. 128554

Havent you realized that there is a huge judo cult in this boars full of people who never actually done judo?

Anonymous No. 128556

Yes and I hate them even more than people who shit on judo because at least they have an excuse for their ignorance. I suppose it comes with the territory of 4chan being as contrarian as possible at all times and right now (at least in the US) Judo’s popularity is dwarfed by other grappling styles.

Anonymous No. 128559

is your leg bad enough that you could justify walking with a cane and no one would question it? if so then maybe look into stuff like sabre fencing or kendo or even HEMA, and then you can make up for having one leg by having a stick to hit people with.

failing that, there's a collegiate wrestler with no legs that seems to do pretty well so maybe some grappling? although desu you're probably at more of a disadvantage than a guy who just doesn't have that leg- it's still a target for your opponent, but you can't do as much with it

Anonymous No. 128842

Probably basic boxing + kyokushin karate. A lot of kyokushin has ... Not very advanced footwork. You can see it in their fights, it's a pretty square stand and bang stance.

Anonymous No. 128843

What the fuck are you talking about? I’ve done Karate, TKD, American folk style wrestling, and Judo. Judo had the steepest learning curve and most footwork by far.

Anonymous No. 128879

no it wasnt
BJJ is still probably the best choice, but he'll still be at a real disadvantage. Everything is based on having leg muscles.