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🧵 /tsg/

Anonymous No. 121893

The Surfing General

First edition edition

>how do I learn to surf?

>How do I pick the right board?
Use a volume calculator, and find the right board type for your local break or waves you want to ride

>how do I know if the waves are good?
go check surfline or magicseaweed for reports

Anonymous No. 121974

>First edition

We had a thread for more than a year here. It probably still hasn't reached page 10.

Anonymous No. 122000

That was the pilot edition now we are officially having our first edition edition

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Anonymous No. 122183


Anonymous No. 122342

Fuck off we're full

Anonymous No. 122345

Bodyboarders welcome?

Anonymous No. 122526


Anonymous No. 122565

I’m a manlet (5’6”)
What size surf board can I get so I can stop body boarding ?

Anonymous No. 122939

no go start a dick dragger general
7ft 6 soft top or something gay like that

Anonymous No. 123025

>moving to MA soon
>read online that cape cod can be a good spot for surfing if you ignore sharks and such
>everywhere on the internet it says the best time of the year for cape surfing is starting at sept
>been checking magicseaweed all sept - oct on some cape beaches
>no star/1 (unfilled) star 99% of the time and the other 1% isn't much better with 2 full stars being the max I've ever seen EVER
>check some beach cams too so I can confirm the info is right and it always is
This feels like shit. Whoever wrote those articles about MA surfing must have been on fucking weed.

Anonymous No. 123338

Wouldn't it be cold as fuck as well? you're basically in canada up there

Anonymous No. 123755

How much better are reef and point breaks than beach breaks? I've surfed a fair amount of beach breaks but nothing else, are they actually that shitty?

Anonymous No. 123764

My scale from fun to intense goes
>Point breaks

However I'd rather any of the later 3 on a big day over a beachies. More predictable and less like to get caught with 10 on the head.

Anonymous No. 123789

A good point break can be God tier good. Like legitimately the most fun I can imagine having
>Same wave everytime
>Perfect wall
>30 second rides
>Do whatever you want
That said there are good and shit points
Reefs can be good but hitting the bottom is quite painful and you can't be as carefree as a beachy but normally you can really feel the power difference to a beachy

Anonymous No. 124109

>A good point break can be God tier good. Like legitimately the most fun I can imagine having

Agreed, plus you can paddle out around them rather than through like a beach break.
When two or more connect it's possible to ride so long your legs get tired and you'll kick out with some wave left just so you can rest.
River mouths and estuaries can also be a blast with similar consistency and often a combintion of current and bottom shape that produces deep bowls that jack up quickly, especially where a jetty is involved.
My home spot for years was like that: jump in the current to get out, wait at the takeoff spot next to the jetty for a big bowl to form around and launch you, play around across the channel then off the lip and glide ahead on the other side just in time for the sandbar to engage like a point break and if you want connect from that to the beach break on the inside.
The other cool thing with that jetty was that there was a refractive action so that a swell would come straight in and look promising but not peak until it was way inside, and way further away from the jetty....but right behind it peeling off the rocks was the refraction that was angled about 30° from the first wave and would produce that big bowl effect.
That first wave was super enticing so it would distract and draw the uninitiated and impatient away from the real takeoff spot behind it...then you had less interference and an audience as you got the best waves over and over and over and over.

Anonymous No. 124228

anyone here kitesurf?

Anonymous No. 124504

sounds fun whats the break?

What do you guys ride?

Anonymous No. 124529

I'm taking a wild guess of Moruya. But that would be random as fuck.

Anonymous No. 124646

oi cunt

Anonymous No. 124846

I do in San Francisco

Anonymous No. 124970

It's called a peak you kook faggot.

Anonymous No. 125005


Anonymous No. 125006

Galveston Texas
9'1" Senator performance LB

Anonymous No. 125381

Beachies are absolutely dogshit compared to a good point / reef. The wave always breaks over the same spot in the same way so it's very predictable and perfect for practicing your turns, you won't have to paddle like an idiot to get out and especially on big days that really is very nice

Anonymous No. 125494

Should I do windsurfing or Wing Foiling?

Anonymous No. 125539

location of your intended body of water?

Anonymous No. 125608

I live by a large river with some small islands and no beaches

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Anonymous No. 125636


it's going to depend a lot on how the wind works where you are, but I know there are some people doing absolutely batshit crazy cool wingfoil runs from the Hatchery in the columbia river.

My vague understanding is that they are basically able to foil across the wind, upstream against the current, then just come back down with the current so they get like a downwinder type scenario without having to shuttle.

You're going to want to check out and keep an eye on wind forecast websites and go scout places you think you might want to get on the water. Wings are a lot easier to get in to compact launch sites than windsurf gear.

Anonymous No. 126150

you should get a surfboard you gay homosexual wind surfing is a democrat sport for sissies

Anonymous No. 126206

It's literally impossible to surf where I live otherwise I would

Anonymous No. 127269

Can you surf the river

Anyone watching the challenger series

Anonymous No. 127515

I live near galveston. I tried surfing once but it was a short board that was too short and the time I went out it was choppy and shit breaks. Nearly died getting back to shore. What size board do I need to learn with the kind of crappy surf Galveston gets. I do know generally when good surf is supposed to be occurring so its possible I will see 5+ waves eventually.

Anonymous No. 127934

Weight height age physical fitness level? This all matters. Also, do you want a strictly beginner board or, something you'll enjoy for years?

Anonymous No. 128330

I have surfed once before and would like to spend a weeklong vacation getting half-decent: does anyone know of a camp or training program in HI, Mexico or Central America I could go to? Something kind of intense, borderline unenjoyable, from some good surfers would be ideal

Anonymous No. 128811

I haven't done one of their things but they've been around for a while now.

Anonymous No. 129731

Rise Up in Nicaragua

Anonymous No. 130147

>no star/1 (unfilled) star 99% of the time

bro, learn to read the forecast, holy shit

Anonymous No. 130148

In your last paragraph, the g's form a diagonal

Anonymous No. 130550

I have never surfed before but I body boarded, should I take lessons or just practice off youtube videos? what board qualities should I be looking for as a beginner? do I need wax? swimming in cold water (pacific ocean) if that matters

Anonymous No. 130685

Where are you from?

Anonymous No. 131226

Do you guys ever feel burned out? Like it doesn't even make sense anymore? To the point where you don't go out anymore, at all? For me personally it was going to morocco for a surf trip. I had these long clean big points over there. Barrel sections and fat makeable leg burning walls. 800m rides. Nothing will ever compare. How the fuck can i ever paddle out at my shitty local that has, at the very best, two turns on offer? Where i can be happy to not get closed out on immediately?

Anonymous No. 131231

Everyone who seriously dedicates themselves to any discipline feels this way sometimes. Some people recover from it, some don't. People who recover from it repeatedly sometimes go on to develop a strategy for recovering from it and maybe preventing it altogether, and generally those are the people that leave a lasting mark on their discipline and the world.

Anonymous No. 131245

I moved from somewhere with consistent good waves to surfing city beachies with a million friends. Took 3 years of almost no surfing to start enjoying even paddling out.
>"Just get wet"
Was my motto. I stopped caring about getting waves and just wanted to be in the water.

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Anonymous No. 131462

I have never surfed before but I want to learn
I live in the Midwest. Wisconsin specifically. Are there any places to surf around my state?
Also does anyone have some tips for a beginner?
Thanks in advance for any serious responses bros

Anonymous No. 131465

hey youre the guy from /out/!

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Anonymous No. 131476

Lol ya that was me
I didn’t know there was a surfing general up on this board and I thought /out/ would be the place for it
Were you the anon that redirected me here?
If so, thanks bro

Anonymous No. 131479

Yes. There is a surf contest or festival in Sheboygan. The water is probably really fucking cold when there are waves.

Anonymous No. 131480

Tip would be to start on a very large board in very small waves. You do not want a wave with a tube to learn on. Places like Waikiki in Hawaii, San Onofre in SoCal, or the small Lake dribble would be ideal.

Anonymous No. 131489

Ok nice ya I’m browsing around and apparently the best time for surfing in Sheboygan is during the winter which is a bit unfortunate because I hate the cold but i guess I’ll have to suck it up
Thanks for the tips
When you say large board do you mean long or wide

Anonymous No. 131619

The lakes?

Anonymous No. 131727

Get a copy of SURFING THE GREAT LAKES by Strazz. Check abebooks they have some reasonably priced copies.

Anonymous No. 132080

Surfing on the east coast is superior solely for the fact that you have to deal with less fucking faggot Californians. Unfortunately some of you moved and now this little spot in Maine I used to surf is crowded with you scumbags.

Anonymous No. 132081

Pretty sure surfing is only really good in the winter/spring/fall at the lakes. You will 100% need a wetsuit and possibly even have to get a drysuit if you end up actually enjoying it enough to go in the winter. Don’t go when waves are over 3 feet. Don’t go when it’s windy, anything over 8 mph wind is pretty shit. The best time to go is after a storm. Do NOT get a shortboard. If your average height, get something 8+ feet tall. The longer the board, the easier it is to paddle, catch a wave, and balance on. But don’t go overkill and get a 12 foot paddle board or something. You could even just get a foam board from Costco for cheap, that way you don’t end up dumping 500 dollars on a sport you may not even like.

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Anonymous No. 132088


Pic rel is me. Newport beach. None of these pokey-tips in the thread have ridden a wave half this size

Anonymous No. 132127

Dat nigguh is dead

Anonymous No. 132148

Yes and I gave in which I regret alot. I started surfing again when I saw it as my escape and way to unwind. Alot of geezers go to the pub to destress or unwind I go for surfs. Simple as

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Anonymous No. 132155

One epic day on the O.C.
Long ago.

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Anonymous No. 132158

Something a little more current .

Anonymous No. 132191

Idk i just went out and it was the usual paddling like a retard to stay in the same spot, waves breaking fucking everywhere and a million other assholes fighting over a shitty sandbar. I just rewatched some old footage of me and my buddies surfing the phillippines and i just made me fucking depressed. Hollow, crystal blue waves. Endless long rides, fat open walls, epic reefs. Makes we want to never surf here again. And i fucking idiot commited to buying a house to make the missus happy. I have two weeks of vacation a year and the missus will hate me if i don't spend them with her. Just kill me.

Anonymous No. 132223

get a fucking chart of the new england coastline. There are cobblestone reefs and points an hour or so away everywhere except the O.C.

Anonymous No. 132233

I'm burnt out by how retarded most surfers are here in socal. Every time I go out in the water there's just ridiculous amounts of tension. Went out today at a beach break, surf was fun but not amazing. Not too crowded. Got a few waves mid-beach then decided to paddle down to a better peak where there was just a couple of guys surfing. I sit out there for a while, a set comes through, the other guys take their waves. I take a smaller one that comes through mid-set. I paddle back out and end up paddling in between the two guys. Not on purpose, that's just where I ended up. One of the dudes mutters 'don't paddle on the inside of me'. I didn't even really realize that he was talking to me but he looked at me after he said it and started paddling to get closer to the other guy. I don't even get why he'd be worried, I hadn't taken any waves that he was going for or anything like that. People are just constantly on edge when they surf here.

I honestly don't even enjoy surfing any more

Anonymous No. 132236

I went through all that. Tbh never found a solution. I just surf the least crowded spots with shittier waves. I enjoy that more than hussling retards for 3ft beachies. Can you drive anywhere to less crowded spots?

Anonymous No. 132360

Secret spot edition. Cape lookout, Oregon. Hike down. High tide right hand pointbreak. Likes westerly swell. Has northerly wind blockage. Line yourself up with the rocks to your north. Don’t go to the outside, high tide inside is the break. There is a rip in front of the trail access. The spot to sit is just north of the trail. Breaks way out at a wash rock on big swells but rarely makes it all the way inside. Tillamook locals are mellow.

Anonymous No. 132364

Iktf I've been hastled by old fags in the water for a while now it definitely spoils a session. I always pick the most uncrowded spots because of it. Most people are good desu just out doing their thing but cancerous competitive surfer fags are truly the worst of any other sport

Anonymous No. 133177

People like you need to be taken out of the gene pool. Reread the post about surfing in Southern California above you and then think about if you really want to invite a bunch of 4channers to your secret spot

wedge grom No. 133323

whats your name i go to wedge too might’ve been there that day -Ebomb

Anonymous No. 133383

>Cape lookout, Oregon
is this the break?
Any other kiwi fags in here?

Anonymous No. 133634

No, that is agate. No vids of lookout. Locals only.

Anonymous No. 133635

Let’s fight. Come out to my lineup in Oregon, bruh. My name is Zander Riggs. Look me up faggot. I surf all the points and I will fuck you up. My main break is seaside.

Anonymous No. 133761

post surf porn of it or gtfo you slut

Anonymous No. 133834

Beginner here. I can managed to stand up and ride along the face of the wave on a minimal. But I have no idea how to turn. I'm like a runaway train until I jump off or the wave dies out. If I try turn I just collapse forward or backward into the water.. How do I improve actually riding the wave? Any videos or something I can watch?

Anonymous No. 134035

Poor Zander, he never hurt anybody. Why are you trying to fuck with him? Not cool anon.

Anonymous No. 134042

Did you guys ever get in a fight over waves? I was surfing in Lombok, Indonesia and this old, football player looking american tried localizing this one spot and bullied me. We went to the beach and he fucked me up. Was pretty embarassing to be honest, didn't surf there again.

Anonymous No. 134051

When I was younger a lot. Never beaten up but plenty of arguements, pushing and had some 'local' tell me to go in once but I ignored him.
Last was some guy who dropped in on me 3 times so I decided to follow him around the line up and burnt him really badly. He got all agro and I told him why I did it. He pushed me pretty softly then paddled away.

Anonymous No. 134054

Where was that? USA? I've only ever seen such cancerous behaviour by brazilians and americans.

Anonymous No. 134085

This is me, Zander. In the black hood. Come to seaside and just try to surf the point. Tell them Zander invited you.

Anonymous No. 134161

chill out. Like anyone will hike 45 minutes down a mountain to surf a point that only works on a very specific swell direction at a specific tide for 2 hours max. This is why Cali surfers are such fucking kooks. It is about the journey and the search for spots like this. I want to capture peoples imaginations on finding and surfing a point to themselves. These places exist, and they will never get packed due to their rural locations and finicky nature. You cali kooks think all surfing has is a drive into a parking lot after sitting in traffic to surf an agro, mediocre beach break. Fuck offffffff, kooooook. Leave Cali and go explore Oregon, Washington, or Vancouver island.

Anonymous No. 134231

any aussie surfers here

Anonymous No. 134243

Los Angeles here
I’m charge redondo beach shore breaks and try and die regularly with my bodyboard

Anonymous No. 134244

I* charge

This summer I got picked up by an 8 footer and smashed into the sand
Planked on my board and knocked the wind out of me , then I got rinse cycled backwards three times and hurt my back

I’ll be back at redondo when it warms up again
Hopefully learning a valuable lesson one which ones to charge and which ones are going to lay complete waste to me

Nothing puts a smile on my face though like being put through the rinse cycle after an epic fail and then popping back up alive lol

Anonymous No. 134360

Moving to Perth soon. Hoping i'll be able to get some good surfs in.

Anonymous No. 134763

I thought Perth (or "Puhth" in the local dialect) was notoriously underwaved

Anonymous No. 134767

Margaret River is sick tho.

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Anonymous No. 134768


Get off my wave kooks.

T. North LA. Zeros, Leo Carillo and Country Line are my spots. Also drive to Trestles occasionally.

Anonymous No. 134769

I went to Oz and road tripped from Sydney to Brisbane. Amazing surf. Blueys beach, Boomerang Beach, Lennox Head, Kirra, Dbah are all amazing spots. Oz rips.

Anonymous No. 134781

Is that in Western Australia?

Anonymous No. 134915

Pick up skimboarding anon, hardly anyone does it in SoCal so free waves.

Anonymous No. 134926

Yes. North and South of Perth is world class waves. Look up North Point and Gnarloo for what is on offer.
I've seen some videos of skimmers and they seem like the biggest snakes in the world. So glad they don't exist here.

Anonymous No. 134935

damn, i wanted to try surfing this year, but this thread makes me think its going to be a cringe fest. >>132233

Anonymous No. 134936

Not really, skimboarding's best waves are all shorebreaks, and if you're trying to surf that you're a moron and snaking the bodysurfers and skimboarders. The pro dudes you're watching are a whole different animal.

Anonymous No. 135070



Anonymous No. 135071

Skimkook spotted. You're not in the line up. Your not part of the pecking order. You run in from the beach and snake waves people are already on on a wooden plant with no leash. Skimboarders shouldn't be in the water near Surfers, bodysurfers, boogers, whoever.

Anonymous No. 135110

Is it true australian surfers are very competent and also very protective of their spots?

Anonymous No. 135142

Well you don't paddle out at a lot of the heavier spots unless you can surf them. Cities have lots of kooks. Then, yeh there is a pecking order or locals. Some places are heavier than others. I've surfed all over, the most localised breaks with near no trouble. Show respect and don't snake a guy who has been surfing that spot exclusively for 20+ years and you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 135234

fuck this is funny everyone here looks like a massive faggot whats the story behind it?
never had a problem with them desu brazzos and Israelis are the worst I've seen in the water. Brown people tend to be pretty aggro as well like hawaiians and what not.

Anonymous No. 135235

>Wooden plant
Seeth more jealous skimlet. I'd be mad too if I had to fight boomers for waves as the superior skimboarder has free reign catching shorebreak waves while also being able to hit on chicks. You could enjoy this too if you weren't too much of a pussy to try skimboarding.

Anonymous No. 135250

Leo "my stepfawtha" Fioravanti


some ozzy

Anonymous No. 135544

heading to Tamarindo, Costa Rica in few days. Is there anything i should be aware of?

Anonymous No. 135718

Beware of the locals, buddy of mine got stabbed

Anonymous No. 135727

absolutely fucking barreled what a chad

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Anonymous No. 136233


Anonymous No. 136708

Bald niggers shouldn't be allowed in the water surfing is for follicle chads only.
What boards are you guys riding?

I got a channel islands ultra joe and a sci Fi 2.0 the other day. The ultra joe is the best board I've ridden hands down. The sci Fi is sluggish and kind of gay

Anonymous No. 136736

Anonymous No. 137952

>be me, take a beginner surf lesson while on vacation in Hawaii
>have lots of fun, get excited about new hobby
>come home and read this thread
>realize that surfing culture is gayer than bug chasing

Maybe I'll get a foil board so I can ride circles around all of you faggots

Anonymous No. 138024

The guy in SoCal who wound up between two people.

You should be thankful. Just move to your spot and wait your turn. So many spots are complete swim meet hassle fests. That you were told not to snake/backpaddle position instead of being told to leave is hospitality.

Any beginners, find a beach, not a point or a reef. Look for unridden waves 50-200 yards off the end of the crowd.

Paddle 3-4x more strokes than you think you need, and don't push yourself up to stand. Your weight will bias rearward and you'll miss the wave.
Push the board down the face into the wave with your weight on your hands and then your front foot.

Probably best to learn standing up in whitewash, and actual duck diving and positioning on a bodyboard with swimming (flippers).

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Anonymous No. 138504

>want to learn to surf.
>screwing around on the beach/in the pools this past summer.
>never realized how shitty at swimming I was until now.
>can keep head above water some, but would definitely drown if got stuck in a rip current/got a little choppy.


guess I should really try and correct this. Not quite ready to meet my maker just quite yet.

Anonymous No. 138532

Sandman, that you?

Anonymous No. 139218

Honestly is it worth going to the west coast for a surf trip or should I just keep going to south america? It sounds like it’s pretty much impossible to surf a point or reef out there without basically waiting in line with a hundred people. Down in peru you could surf chicama with maybe 30 people on it. There were other bigger waves with even less people, suppose what I’m saying is that do the crowds outweigh the quality of surf and convenience of living on the west foast?

Anonymous No. 140261

slater told me to tell you to kill yourself

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Anonymous No. 141026

Anonymous No. 141096

fucking how do you learn to kitesurf without getting babysat by an instructor for a billion hours?

Anonymous No. 141139

You start by getting out of the surfing general and going to kitefags anonymous
That photo is so fucking embarrassing

Anonymous No. 141293

If you are not wearing a full wetsuit year-round when surfing anywhere else than Hawaii, you are not a surfer.

Anonymous No. 141296

You'll be laughed out of the water where I'm from

Anonymous No. 141301

Why, do the other posers feel they are superior to a lesser poser?

Anonymous No. 141405

the vibe is very prickish out here

i wish it was more like a surf sesh with the bros

Anonymous No. 141466

Bells contest is on this week.,

Anonymous No. 141689

Do I look like I give a fuck?

Anonymous No. 141709

just needs more time

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 141722

Lake Superior and Lake Michigan both have decent surfing seasons, but it's usually around the fall/early winter, when the winds of November come around to flip taconite ships. You'll want a wetsuit if you plan to go out during those times.
Anyway, have a pic of me MTBing on Lake Michigan ice a year ago, fellow WI-bro.

Anonymous No. 141836

rio waida getting the hard pass. Brazilniggers getting boosted ahead. Slater getting a raw deal.
Why are is WSL so globohomo

Anonymous No. 141881

Let me guess: you disobeyed Mitch Buchanon and shot the San Dimas pier.

Anonymous No. 142207

Is he the most stylish surfer on tour?

Let me open it up to you, got any good surf films?

Anonymous No. 142215

Throwing buckets, love it

Anonymous No. 142249

I learn to surf over the last couple months. I can't believe I waited so long. I think I have progressed quite well, am up and riding along the face of each wave I get. Comfortable upto 3-4 ft waves. But I am on a pretty big board. I was wondering when I should step down and what's the progression from minimal? What will I find more difficult? I still struggle to paddle onto waves. I miss a lot and my arms tire quickly, but I think a smaller board will allow me to get into position easier than the big log.

Anonymous No. 142370

Kale Brock on YouTube.

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Anonymous No. 142441

Summer's coming.

Anonymous No. 142976

Margaret River coming up. Last time I checked ventusky there was a 12 foot swell at 13seconds.

Anonymous No. 143011

A fish is a pretty good progression from beginner to intermediate your best bet is to go to a volume calculator and use that as your guide see the sticky part
>How do I pick the right board?
Use a volume calculator, and find the right board type for your local break or waves you want to ride

Fish shapes are more buoyant and forgiving so you'll find it easier

Anything else is going to be a lot looser and paddle shittier. The mobility of a standard short board will be good down the line but not so good as a first step down.
One board I loves that might be a good fit is the ultra joe by CI it was super forgiving. The RNF 96 is probably a good one as well. That said you might not really notice the design subtleties so you can probably just go a generic fish

Anonymous No. 143016

Those gstring wetsuits make having females in the line up tolerable

Anonymous No. 143110

>A fish is a pretty good progression from beginner to intermediate

Fish boards are like shorter than 6 feet

Anonymous No. 143439

A Fish for a beginner/intermediate? I guess that depends on how those terms are defined. No Fish for You.
see link:,is%20recommended%20to%20choose%20a%20longboard%20for%20beginners.

Anonymous No. 143500

read your own article you gay homo it says hybrids are good. Anyway get a hybrid fish type shape its the best for progression and use the volume calculator to figure out your size.

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Anonymous No. 143501

I like surfing but how is there a general for this? What do you fuckers talk about
>Yep, waves still coming in
Enlighten me.

Anonymous No. 143573

wasn't the guy asking for advice.

Where are waves coming? How? Are you going to surf them? With what?

Anonymous No. 143614

I tell everyone about the latest barrel I didn't come out of

Anonymous No. 143684

>ooh look at me, I'm catching barrels

Anonymous No. 143696

Tell him to hop on this Oedipus.

Anonymous No. 143899

because r/surfing is gay and we need a place to discuss whose hottest on the female CT.
>sally fitz literal S tier

Anonymous No. 144006

Margaret River is on tonight. Decent size, but a bit sloppy. WSL changed the rules so Sl8ter is back in the mix.

Anonymous No. 144085

>WSL changed the rules so Sl8ter is back in the mix.


Also, what is your worst fear, if any, when surfing?

Anonymous No. 144162

My board hitting me in the head and ko-ing me
Also kek at Slaters wildcard. WSL is so shit.

Anonymous No. 144208

Fin cuts. Saw this happen. The only thing holding the guy's guts in was his wetsuit.

Anonymous No. 144402

Smashing out my teeth by getting hit in the mouth by my board. Seen it happen, dude lost all his incisors. I already have some fake front teeth and they're expensive as fuck to get.

Als r/surfing fucking sucks

Anonymous No. 144501

For me it's Eweleiula Wong

Anonymous No. 144918

Who here watches Zeke?

Anonymous No. 145024

Unfortunately he popped up in my feed. What a kook. Don't even want to waste energy rating on him.

Anonymous No. 145246

Saw him on the beach in Margaret River about to paddle out, didn't look at me on purpose

Anonymous No. 145984

That says something about you

Anonymous No. 145997

getting shown up by a tranny, sharks, blue bottles, niggers that have learnt to swim

slater getting let back in is pretty typical he is WSL's biggest cash cow

Anonymous No. 146007

sl8ter had to throw last year's teahuopu contest finals. it was sponsored by his company, outerknown. can't win a contest your company sponsored; bad press.

Anonymous No. 146129

Anybody done any river stuff, theres a nice standing wave by my place and I've been thinking about trying to hit it this summer.

Anonymous No. 146142

Waiting for WSL to redeem itself with a tranny division. Mens' Womens' and trannies.

Anonymous No. 146156

Watching the finals at Snapper. Why do the finals always seem to be run off in crap surf. It's like 2 foot drool there today; it always seems to turn out like this.

Anonymous No. 146228

You have to pay premium for the good waves

Anonymous No. 147031

WSL has been enjoyable. I surf narra a bit, although further south. Can be a pretty crunchy wave.

Anonymous No. 147204

Noob question, but is it harder to catch waves when they’re really small, think 2’ 8s? I live in south Florida and I’ve been practicing with a foamie but I *feel* like I can’t catch anything sub 2ft. I guess my question is, is it worthwhile to practice when the water is that calm or is it better to have a longer day when waves are 3ft+?

Anonymous No. 147362

Depends on the size of your foamie. Smaller waves you need more volume but they are easier to ride. You should get out in all conditions and get your paddle strength up, that will help with catching waves with less power. And then bigger days you'll survive.
Regardless of conditions, more time in the water = improving

Anonymous No. 147747

total kook death

Anonymous No. 147977

the waves around where I live always look tiny, with the occasional 2 footer or so. should I look into something like kitesurfing instead, or can you surf on any sized wave?

Anonymous No. 148460

Since I last asked what board to step down from a minimal and have used a 6'9 shortboard (?) I borrowed from a friend. It's fat and thick, lots of volume and I didn't really notice much difference paddling or catching waves. A bit more squirrelly than the minimal but I quite like it. I want to buy a board similar, but perhaps a little smaller so I can duck dive a bit more comfy. Last time guys suggested like 5' fishes. I'm still too kooky for that and want to gradually step down.. I'm thinking finding some 6'7 with similar wide and thick attributes. Does this sound sensible? Anything else to consider?

Anonymous No. 148614

Why does every skimboarder I've ever seen wear a rash vest with below knee board shorts

Anonymous No. 148948

Post a picture of the average waves you go out in.

Anonymous No. 148949

Anyone here watch the Surf Ranch Contest

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Anonymous No. 148955

Just a random google image but I'd feel quite comfortable riding on a wave like this I think. Maybe a bit bigger, often a bit smaller. So far only beach breaks.

Anonymous No. 148956

Actually looking again I think I have ridden bigger. 4ft surf I get a bit unsure.

Anonymous No. 148981


Yep, but I'm a filthy dick dragger. No issues where I live though, have been going for almost 30 years now, and where I usually surf, everyone knows each other, and the stand ups and us boogers get along pretty well.

Spot is actually quite famous. Don't really wanna say much more, would prefer not to dox myself.

Anonymous No. 149066

Noosa, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 149067

This wave is overhead, probably twice overhead when the lip peaks. It looks small from the shore, but would feel humungus if you were out there.
Have you seen yourself on film surfing yet?

Anonymous No. 149135

Newfag here, east coast QLD near brizzy. Any reason to buy a new board or should I just buy a shitter off gumtree with roughly the right volume to beat up while I learn before i decide whether to drop eight hundo on a flash board?

Anonymous No. 149140

I wouldn't call that larger than 3ft

Anonymous No. 149281

Just surfed peaky 6ft A-frames with 4 guys out. Goddamn i love my country. Americans would kill for this.

Anonymous No. 149372

What should I consider if wind surfing will work for me? It always seems windy but idk that much about it. I like the idea of not relying on an engine and being able to do it alone. Should I just buy the equipment and fuckin do it or take lessons?
>launch from beach that I can park at
>it's sort of sheltered by an island but usually still windy

I ruled out
>wings and hydro foils - gay
>powered surf boards and foils - expensive and also gay
>kiteboarding - would probably piss people off and get rekt trying it at my beach
>regular surfing - I'd rather do it near my house than drive hours

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🗑️ Luna No. 149384

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 149385

Those are sports in their own right that whilst somewhat crossing over don't really have anything in common when it comes to giving advice. I wouldn't have a clue where to start sorry and I doubt many others here would either.

Anonymous No. 149408

>Should I just buy the equipment and fuckin do it or take lessons?

take intro lessons to find out if it's something you even want to do and because the early learning stages are best done on a fuckhuge school board. also you don't seem very bright and probably can't learn windsurfing on your own/may get yourself ded, gear lost, or at least a walk of shame or ten.

Anonymous No. 149464

Ok nigger

Anonymous No. 149493

That wave in the picture is barelling anon

Anonymous No. 149539

Just started surfing 2 months ago

I've been acting as if i've been surfing for 10+ years. Telling people i'll slash their tires if they dont leave my waves. It's awesome being 6'5. No one can do shit to me and I get all the waves to myself

Anonymous No. 149547

After all the considerate advice, I found a 6'5, 22", 2 7/8 almost brand new custom board for $150 from some noob who quit, complete with a funny wax job. Hopefully I'll get some shakkas brahs.

Anonymous No. 149870

shitter off gum tree go for big prolly 8ftish is what you want

Anonymous No. 150151


Anonymous No. 150475

Day one report, spent about two hours down at Caloundra, almost got swept out to sea by a sketchy rip current, caught about six waves, failed to stand up every time. I will improve.

Anonymous No. 150476

Also need to get a swim top, thought surfers were just pussies afraid of sun and cold water but oh fuck it feels like someone ran sandpaper over my nipples.

Anonymous No. 150733

its for the sun, the rugburn feeling you become immune to it after a few sessions

Anonymous No. 151034

Go with a long sleeve rashie or even just a short tee shirt for summer around there, get a 1mm top for autumn/spring, and maybe look for a 2/2 short arm full suit or a spring suit for winter.

Your man tits are gonna hurt until you develop the necessary callouses for 6 hour sessions

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151229

>mfw I live in Hawaii and its always summer, the lowest water temp I've ever seen it is 71 Fahrenheit and if one break is dead theres always some spot just a couple of miles away thats ripping
I grew up surfing in San Diego, and I always hated the low viz is in the water, and how fucking cold it gets, also theres all that nasty ass seaweed that just sits on the beach rotting with flies all around it. I love San Diego, and there are a ton of great breaks along the coast, especially in north county where I lived. The best I remember was Black's Beach, which was a nude beach when I was growing up, we'd always see old naked gay duded watching us as we floated on outside in between sets

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Anonymous No. 151230

>mfw I live in Hawaii and its always summer, the lowest water temp I've ever seen it is 71 Fahrenheit and if one break is dead theres always some spot just a couple of miles away thats ripping
I grew up surfing in San Diego, and I always hated the low viz is in the water, and how fucking cold it gets, also theres all that nasty ass seaweed that just sits on the beach rotting with flies all around it. I love San Diego, and there are a ton of great breaks along the coast, especially in north county where I lived. The best I remember was Black's Beach, which was a nude beach when I was growing up, we'd always see old naked gay duded watching us as we floated on outside in between sets

Anonymous No. 151422

Surfed clean 1-2fters by myself today, felt like I made the most progress ive made in a while. Got more waves than I can count and only kooked a handful. Taking off was comfy and could pump down the line on a couple. Gave the arms a good workout. Happy day anons.

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Anonymous No. 151783

Newfag here, was Surf's Up an accurate portrayal of surfing culture anons?
I mean are Cody, Chicken Joe and Big Z how surfers act in real life?

Anonymous No. 151784

no not at all. but I've dated two girls who say I remind them of the shia laboof penguin

🗑️ 4chan mod is faggot permanban No. 151786
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283
Foxy Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 152376

We will find you and we will blow up all your favorite spots on social media.

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Anonymous No. 152699

This thread is so fucking dead...
Anons, why are you not shaping your own boards?

Anonymous No. 152751


1. sanding is labor that is beneath human dignity
2. I get OCD about surface quality and if I tried sanding a shaped board blank I'd end up with a skimboard at best

Anonymous No. 152752

What is the set up cost? I'm pretty kooky but bodyboarded a long time. I want to try a whole range of boards but can't afford them.

Anonymous No. 152770

Behead stand up paddleboarders

Anonymous No. 152898

Big Wednesday is a great movie about surfers

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Anonymous No. 152953

Anyone have experience with Deadkooks boards? Thinking about getting a custom made ying yang

Anonymous No. 153439

No need mate. Western Australia. Around one million spots like this one around. Most never surfed.

Anonymous No. 154411

>Aversion to work
Sad. Many such cases.
Depends whether you want to make a shortboard/groveler or a log.
Foam, fiberglass, resin, a couple more polimer components, sand paper, cutting blades, making tape... From 250 bucks total for something small, like your size. Three feet longer and the price will double up. You need more material than what it looks for those cases.
You can make some tools from scrap wood like a caliper or sanding blocks but of course will need a grinder and a planer.

Anonymous No. 154618

Any surfers or skimfags here live on the gulf side of Florida? The beach I live nearest to is mostly calm but sometimes has great surfing conditions on days when storms are hanging around. I have two skim boards right now so I can ride regardless of condition but if I wanna start surfing will I make it where I am?

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Anonymous No. 155081

Has anyone ever suffered from picrel?
They're equally annoying both inland and offshore. Can anyone confirm?

Anonymous No. 155093

Can confirm, the rare Deepwater Jew made me wipe out and then charged me 6 million sand dollars.

Anonymous No. 155125

I would surf if I lives near the ocean but I live in a shithole (Ohio) instead

Anonymous No. 155134

Newfag surfer here. Been enjoying my new board, I only fell on one take off today but I tried going pretty late. I can cruise down the line forehand and do some pathetic turn. Backhand is hard, I bog my bottom turns then just lose all momentum going up the face and fall off the back of the wave. Should I be trying to trim like on forehand or dig the rail in more and try straighten out more to go down the line?

Anonymous No. 155671

It ain't the same but the river can scratch the itch.

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Anonymous No. 155849


Anonymous No. 156709

Angle your takeoff

Anonymous No. 157723

sorry if this is a stupid question, but what speed would you guys describe as "terrifyingly fast" on a surfboard? something like the equivalent of 100mph on a motorcycle

Anonymous No. 158739

Pretty new to the sport trying to get out there as much as possible. How do I deal with chafing everywhere. Does my body just callous over time?

Anonymous No. 158757

Try a surf shirt or a wetsuit, if you are using one of those make sure its the correct fit and is good quality. Trust me I have learned the hard way not to get cheap shit

Anonymous No. 158809

seconding this, a bad rash guard or a normal shirt can make chafing worse. Look at reviews online to find the right shirt

Anonymous No. 159071

I honestly tried a jujitsu rash guard recently and things went okay. I also got a rash guard from rip curl gonna try it tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 159160

New England surfing isn't anything like the famous areas except for extremely rare circumstances, and it's only going to be halfway decent in the fall/winter like people said. We're just happy to take what we can get.
Wetsuits, gloves, boots, and hoods exist for a reason. In NH I'll surf into December, but there are people who continue into January/February.

Anonymous No. 159279

Damn you were raw dogging that wax? I hope you don't have chest hair.

Anonymous No. 159579

Is that why it sucked extra?

I started surfing this year after a few classes I’ve been trying to put in as much time as I can. Yesterday I felt like I was either too far back and couldn’t actually paddle onto the wave and today I feel like I was too far forward and the steepness of the wave caused me to nose dive. Am I looking for like a sweet spot of where I need to be positioned to catch an unbroken wave? Does it need to get to like some stage? Or is my paddle technique probably just shit?

Anonymous No. 159761

I live in holland, the waves dont get all that big here. Is it still worth bothering learning how to surf?

Anonymous No. 159765

Probably. My top ribs get sore and my nips sometimes but I always wear a shirt at least.
And probably your paddling. By positioning I guess you mean your actual position on the board? There is a bit of a sweet spot you can find, your instincts are correct and you just need to find it. If you're positioned (for the wave) well you should be able to get onto a wave with minimal effort desu.
Post waves. And sure why not? Wetsuits are handy.

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Anonymous No. 159766

I donno, maybe about this size at average

Anonymous No. 159864

Looks fun if you don't have to deal with crowds

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Anonymous No. 159877

if your nips are getting sore your form is wrong
in like a season you'll be completely immune to stomach rub ouchies you'll have just like an immunity trust but also as your balance improves you'll wiggle around less and get alot less turbulence on top of the water and instead cut through the water by placing your weight tucked right onto the stringer no dragging toes

Anonymous No. 159929

Yes, but the water is polluted I hear.

Anonymous No. 160156

What isn't anymore in this country

Anonymous No. 160528

Looks good

I know there were surf camps in Holland.

Anonymous No. 161129

thats part of the reason why i can't bring myself to get fully committed to surfing and stick to dropknee bodyboarding.

What's it like at your local break? Do good bodyboarders tend to get treated better than poor surfers or the other way round?

Anonymous No. 161208

Why can't we all just enjoy the water dude?

Anonymous No. 161239

You're a surfer from Wisconsin and don't know about sheboygan?

Anonymous No. 161243

You've obviously never been to Australia then

Anonymous No. 161245

I'm a good bodyboarder and a poor surfer. I get treated better on the surfboard wherever I go. It's quite rediculous and usually the shit vibe comes from other kook surfers. But when the good slabs near me light up it's all peace and harmony between whoever can surf it (the kooks don't paddle out)

Anonymous No. 161248

Yea surfers there hate tourists

Anonymous No. 161438

Im australian

Anonymous No. 161621

Looking for anyone who lives in Japan and surfs, don't have a car so if you drive a bonus. I got a fish I usually use but haven't gone in a few months so wouldn't mind getting back into it.

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Anonymous No. 161806

How do I get fit enough to be good at surfing? I tried surfing once and it fucking obliterated me after like 30 minutes or less.

My end goal is to move somewhere where you can surf, but that will likely not happen for 4-5 years minimum. How can I prepare myself in the meantime? My parents have a pool but I can only use it when I’m home, and I am going back to college for my last year in a week.
Any ideas?

Anonymous No. 161895

I guess work on your core/balance and shoulders. Will make it easier to pick up. But you won't git gud without time in the water.

Anonymous No. 161907

Got it, thanks for the video
>But you won't git gud without time in the water.
Of course, but I dont want my fitness to be the limiting factor when I can finally move somewhere that isn’t landlocked.

Anonymous No. 162091

It's my arms that go first and end my sessions. Endurance is the key more than strength imo.

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Anonymous No. 163245

>stupid gaijin tries to snake me
>instantly assassinated by the ninja surfers hiding in the water
Rocar onry, dumb piggu

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Anonymous No. 163489

I can't find Under the Boardwalk (1989) for the life of me, no streaming sites have it. American anons, where do you get this movie?

Anonymous No. 163539

have you tried not being a pussy?

Anonymous No. 163611

not fair he's naturally buoyant

Anonymous No. 165059

How am i supposed to ride a wave that breaks and feels like It’s throwing me off a cliff? Today the waves were decent size but the entire wave broke at the same time so whenever I tries to pop up it felt like there was just a massive drop

Anonymous No. 165067

Paddle hard and get in early before. Well I think I suck too and my arms turn to rubber after 45 mins and I can't catch shit.
Do you guys take any supplements pre surf? I think I'm way too unfit right now.

Anonymous No. 165139

good stoke is the only PED you need brother

Anonymous No. 165292

Swim, bitch

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Anonymous No. 166123

Don't come here.

Anonymous No. 166128

No one's travelling across the world to surf your wave that can't barrel

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Anonymous No. 166296

I know these are for stand-up paddleboards, but would this type of fin connector be all that horrible for surfing?

Anonymous No. 166311

Hey bro I knew dudes surfing Lake Superior in Michigan. You take what you can get.

Anonymous No. 166539

depends on how much lateral pressure the mounting base can take.

Anonymous No. 166603

my plan is to glass it so that the bottom flat plate part is underneath the fiberglass, and the rest comes up. all the real fins are retardedly expensive where i live, and require a router which i dont have

Anonymous No. 166763

>paddle for wave
>get on late
>vertical drop
>go over falls tangled with board
>fin hits my elbow
>cuts me through wetty
Being a kook is pretty painful

Anonymous No. 167043

I know this is discussed ad infinitum over the internet but I trust this place over reddit. I just moved to Jacksonville FL looking to get into surfing with my gf. We've surfed a few times already on some water logged soft tops just fine. I'm 6ft 190lbs she's 5ft 90lbs we're both athletic but busy so probably can only go on average every other weekend for now. I was gonna buy two boards and should one of them be a big soft top both for learning the basics and make it easier to catch waves on flatter days or just get two beginner friendly hard tops more fitted for each of us?

Anonymous No. 167072

you’re not going to improve if you surf so little. Anyways get a soft top, no
point in going whole hog unless maybe a pvc board.

Just a warning to avoid really crowded locations, jax is not super welcoming.

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Anonymous No. 167107

What do you guys use for sunscreen? I have a bottle of pic rel I've been using but apparently it's discontinued.

Anonymous No. 167156

I don't know what kind of abomination is that...
I see it is mounted with some sort of screw.
I don't think it's a good idea to laminate that fin. Looks too "bendy".
But if you ought to do it, take out that ugly plug first.
Just superglue the fin first.

Anonymous No. 167166

Jax and most of the gulf is flat as fuck.

>We've surfed a few times already on some water logged soft tops just fine

>I was gonna buy two boards and should one of them be a big soft top both for learning the basics and make it easier to catch waves on flatter days or just get two beginner friendly hard tops more fitted for each of us?

Secondhand boards don't have a fifth of the markup of surf shops or buying retail, it's foam in epoxy don't delude yourself about it's value. There are an abundance of people selling their boards, find the right one. Buy it.

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Anonymous No. 167376

I do a nice base layer of something thick, there's a really good Shiseido one that's like SPF 50. After that I put something even thicker on my nose/lips/ears, usually Zinka. I used to not be so good with it and never wore any at all, don't be like me bros I just had to get more shit cut off of my face by a doctor. Realistically anything over SPF 35 is a marketing gimmick with diminishing returns.

Anonymous No. 167377

Also forgot to mention Vertra; it's kinda pricey but it works since like the Shiseido one you're pretty much just blocking the sun completely from your face

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Anonymous No. 168746

saw this in a local shop today. Internet leakage makes me want to vomit

Anonymous No. 168924

lol not a basedjak.. they are so far behind. even normies moved onto basedjaks by now

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Anonymous No. 168935

This thread is like surfing on asphalt.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 168936

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1293
Ready to Serve Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 169339

Thoughts on surf schools?

I'm thinking about doing one in Sri Lanka; it's a 2 week affair

Anonymous No. 169435

skaters are nice people pretending to be assholes, surfers are assholes pretending to be nice people.

Anonymous No. 169486

kook surfers are like scooter kids
you need to understand just by being in the line up you are a hazard to everyone else.

Anonymous No. 171871

>waves in my area max out around 1.4 meters
is it a terrible idea to buy a used shortboard as my first surfboard? im decent at snowboarding and used to skate, i've taken some surf lessons and can balance on the rental foamie just fine, but i would ideally like to have my own board that is something i can "grow in to" and that is also suitable for mushy waves

Anonymous No. 171914

just get a decent bodyboard and fins, you'll have more fun on smaller waves and won't spend hours checking magicseaweed only to end up floating around in the slop for hours waiting for surfable waves.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171946

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1295
Sweater Puppies Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 172383

fucking true, hahaha

Anonymous No. 172391

whatever youre planning on getting, go bigger. i would not recommend a shortboard to any beginner of any skate/snowboard background. at best i'd suggest a 6'5 - 7' eggy thruster. something that has potential to rip, but allows you to get the most time possible actually standing up riding the wave

Anonymous No. 172798

Another thread hits one year

Anonymous No. 172829

Is this regardless of being able to surf every day?

Anonymous No. 172961

Need a cheap wetsuit so I dont die this winter. What should I get?

Anonymous No. 172963

Yeh, I'd agree with him

Anonymous No. 173080

had my second lesson last weekend and felt like i was doing a lot better than the first time and on my own, but a few things I dont get:
-as a goofy rider, should i only go for waves that are breaking from right to left, so that i'm facing the wave and away from the beach?
-how do you see a wave and how do you know if its a good one and how the fuck do you know when to start paddling for it? my instructor goes "heres one" and I see nothing

Anonymous No. 173088

You can go either way. It's easier the way you described.
Learning the ocean takes time and every break is different. Sitting up on your board gives you a little better view.

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Anonymous No. 173140

I looked around and the only available egg was still pretty low volume. But I did find this guy, which at 7' is still 60L (I'm 75kg) or 51L at 6'8". Desu tempted by the fact it had a lot of volume but still a similar shape to the "coolguy" boards

Anonymous No. 173182

I think 60L will be good.
The main thing isn't so much the difficulty to stand up on it. It will be a bit easier for that. But you will catch WAY more waves because you can paddle it much easier than a smaller board and riding lots of waves is what will improve your surfing quickest.

Anonymous No. 173558

>noo surfing is so hard to learn as an adult!
why do so many people say this? are they just uncoordinated fatsos, or are they talking about being wagecucks?

Anonymous No. 173771

they're talking about the scarcity of waves and limited opportunities to get those waves

Anonymous No. 173984

>how do you see a wave

With your eyes

>how do you know if its a good one

Have you noticed any pattern in the breaking of the waves that day, on that beach you are at?

Anonymous No. 174211

>can't get through the line to the good waves
>paddling is still shit
>either stand up and sink or get hit so hard that i can only hang on for dear life
>get impatient and paddle for sub-optimal waves, all the good ones arrive when im going back out
a somewhat frustrating day today. I thought I had the basics down, but theres still a long way to go to get out of absolute beginnerdom

Anonymous No. 174644

Got a foam board over the summer and had a good time learning on small waves however when waves got to an actual decent size I literally would spend 30 minutes paddling out because I kept getting pushed back. I tried copying what other people were doing and ducking the waves but the foam was to buoyant. Should I get a fiberglass board ?

Anonymous No. 174917

It’s funny to me that 4chan has a surfing thread going on

Anonymous No. 175258

These things happen, unless you’re out every day progressing can take many months. even if you are out every day, conditions aren’t always or even often in your favor. Get enough time in the water and that won’t be a factor.

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Anonymous No. 175321

This will work. You'll learn how to standup and all that but you're going to have trouble turning/pumping. If you want my real suggestion (I'm OP for the board advice), go on craiglist/offerup./marketplace and find a board there.

Get something that is used. Inspect it for water tightness-- aka make sure the fiberglass doesn't have any holes or cracks. In general, if you're nail can get caught on the crack it isn't water tight.

I'm sure it makes you feel more confident being on a "cool guy" shape, but any real surfer will spot the kookiness in you just by the way you paddle. No reason to try and hide that with a style of board.

I'd suggest you get something like this (it's 7'6". It's the absolute perfect beginner board. Me personally, I'd start you on a singlefin same shape/size. It enforces good habits and style and takes away the necessity to learn how to pump which will just prolong your kook phase (unless you have experience vert skating or something). I'd focus less on volume, more on length/width/shape and rocker. You want alot of nose rocker-- it will help you from pearling. something close to 22" in width. More thickness is your friend for the most part. 50L is probably your sweetspot if your concerned about volume, so that 6'8" could work. If you're motivated to get out there a few times a week and really work at it you could make that board you posted work.

Oh, and the type of waves you're going to be learning on will dictate what board you get. Are you surfing in tiny Florida slop or are you in the West Coast with plenty of wave options.

Anonymous No. 175481

I'm hoping there are more surfers here. I got banned from the Reddit surfing because they're fucking gay so we can be a refuge from their tyranny

Anonymous No. 176447

Thanks anon. Lately I've been on a slightly smaller foamie (7'8" maybe) and going 3 times a week but when the weather is better ill be able to go every day. The waves here are mostly slop, although sometimes there are some nicer 5 ft waves. The shop I rent from recommended a minimal or fish for down the line, but since I still pearl on anything except whitewash, I was tempted by something not quite so long. I'll check out bigger rocker for sure, I'm sure it's also my bad technique

Anonymous No. 176869

Any UK surfers here? How do you find it

Anonymous No. 176877

Some nice beaches in Cornwall but not the most consistent swell and very weather dependent, best option unless you've got a full winter wetsuit and are happy trying the North Sea

Anonymous No. 176878

I'm in Norfolk and there seems to be a lot of surf schools and shit here so I'll get a winter suit and give it a go

Anonymous No. 176887

Schools are a good idea.

I'd recommend renting a wetsuit first if it's not something you know you're going to stick with, I've never done winter surfing myself but even late spring can be too cold for long outings.

Anonymous No. 177313

Focus on good paddle technique and reading the line up. When you git gud you'll suddenly use alot less energy and be able to catch more waves.
Once you are comfy getting to feet its time to go catch some unbroken waves imo

Anonymous No. 177485

im thinking about moving to the UK currently living in NZ and want to surf. Is there a place around the surf you can get a job as a software engineer? is it easy to get waves if you live in London

Anonymous No. 179253

>software engineer

stay where you are.

Anonymous No. 180456

plz sir let me in just one more engineer bro plz

Anonymous No. 180483


Anonymous No. 180913

You have top waves in oceania.

Anonymous No. 180924

no I am a white man who is dreaming of retvrning. Someone just answer my fucking question are there waves in the UK or not

Anonymous No. 180935

There aren't. Stay in NZ.

Anonymous No. 181132

Bro, sorry, I was only kidding. Do what your heart wills. Just respect right of way, we're all only trying to get ra-di-col here.

Anonymous No. 181137

had some off days and was bummed but the last week was awesome. i took a hardboard out and even though it was longer than my foamie it was insane how much easier it was to manouver. paddling is a lot easier now, i caught my first unbroken waves, and am 99% sure i made eye contact with a fish that was floating in a wave as i paddlied over it. just wanted to share about being stoked in the water again. thanks for reading my blog

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Anonymous No. 181259

Waimea bay was really cool, huge waves in the morning though it died down by the afternoon

Anonymous No. 181330

Did you surf it?

Anonymous No. 181338

>thought I couldn't pup up because too much of a weakling
>today i learned I'm popping up too late when the wave is falling on top of me and getting pinned
So is the optimal stand up place for unbroken waves right at that "looking over the edge of a cliff" moment? I think I've been trying to surf them thr same as whitewash this whole time

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Anonymous No. 181385

There is a moment the wave starts pushing you, it is then you want to stand up. In picrel you can see he is at the peak of the wave. You can pause here a little and make sure you are on the wave, but basically you want to pop up in this window. I am a kook too but this is what I figured.
The harder you paddle the earlier you get on and the more time you have to pop up.

Anonymous No. 181407

match the speed of the wave, but this guy is right, pic rel

Anonymous No. 181602


Anonymous No. 181617

Anyone ever catch a wave with their dick out? I was on a perfect wave but it ripped down my shorts and i didnt want to pop up and ride all the way back to the beach with my dick out

Anonymous No. 181672

you should go, there’s loads of great surf around london.

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Anonymous No. 181691

I don’t know how to surf (yet) but maybe one day…

Anonymous No. 181692

Lucky you got to see such raw power, nature can be pretty cool

Anonymous No. 181728

"pacific" my ass

Anonymous No. 181782

I caught a set wave over head high and didn't fall from the top to the flats but stayed on my feet and zoomed down it :) :) :)

Anonymous No. 181946

I've skinny surfed before pretty cool but fear of the fin is very real.

Anonymous No. 182762

>trying to improve paddling
>"paddle shallow, your forearms are just drag"
>"paddle deep, your forearms are like oars"
>"spread your fingers, the turbulent water is like webbed hands"
>"cup your hands, the fingers thing is a myth"
>"flex your core"
>"relax your core"
Is everyone just making shit up?

Anonymous No. 182853

imagine listening to any of that shit and consider it valid for a second instead of just try it by yourself and come to your own conclusions. ngmi kid.

Anonymous No. 182855

Pfft, I'm totally making it. See you in the water, fag

Anonymous No. 182857

can you actually learn to surf on a river wave or is it totally different than real surfing?

Anonymous No. 182883

There is no paddling involved in river surfing. That's like asking whether being good at Street Fighter II would help you prepare for actual fighting. If you river surf, you learn how to river surf.

Anonymous No. 183348

>Best waves in the morning
>sunrise is after I start work
Winter is so gay

Anonymous No. 183351

You'd be ahead of beginners who haven't river surfed. I've never done it but seems some skills would translate to riding the wave. You'd be back to beginner status when it comes to catching and popping up but that comes quick enough.

Anonymous No. 183532

if my local waves are usually not higher than 6 feet, is it even worth trying to jump into shortboarding?

Anonymous No. 183629

How are you measuring the 6ft?

Anonymous No. 183683

From the water surface to the peak of the wave, I guess. Isn't that the normal way?

Anonymous No. 183740

Rulse of thumb is half the face = wave size, so 6ft face = 3ft wave. You can have fun in those waves ona short board for sure.

Anonymous No. 185130

what is a face?

Anonymous No. 185191

The face of the wave, the visible part of the wave that is still sea and hasn't broken in whitewash, on which you ride, the surface water between the lip and the flats.

Anonymous No. 185277

Imagine following a sport where the world champ is to scared to paddle for a wave.

Anonymous No. 185325

What do you mean? Also, surfing is not a sport.

Anonymous No. 185407

Little pip squeak to scared to charge pipe and your right it shouldn't be a pro sport

Anonymous No. 185434

is it retarded to try to ride at night? im a socially anxious autist and cant really deal with people or crowds at all

Anonymous No. 185463

Who, man? Whom are you talking about???

Anonymous No. 185763

New bake bitches